English Rec

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To Whom It May Concern,

I am pleased to write this recommendation letter for Orozakunova Dilbara, a

student at the Economics Faculty of Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University. I am
fortunate to have had the opportunity to instruct Dilbara in an English course
during her enrollment in my online English program.

Dilbara has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, determination,

and eagerness to learn throughout her academic journey. Despite the challenges
she may have encountered, she has always remained dedicated to her studies and
shown a genuine passion for improvement.

In the English courses that I have taught, Dilbara has exhibited excellent
language skills and a willingness to actively participate in class discussions and
activities. She consistently engaged with the course material, asked insightful
questions, and demonstrated a keen understanding of the content.

Furthermore, Dilbara's commitment to her education is evident in her

academic achievements and her decision to pursue further studies despite any
setbacks she may have faced. Her perseverance and resilience are admirable
qualities that will undoubtedly serve her well in her future endeavors.

I have no doubt that Dilbara has the potential to excel in any path she
chooses to pursue. Her dedication, determination, and positive attitude make her a
standout student, and I am confident that she will continue to thrive both
academically and professionally.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact


Venera Abyshkaeva M.

English Senior Teacher, IUK

Tel: +996555099113, e-mail: 110docha@gmail.com

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