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is intentionally on the anterior thalamic

The anterior thalamic nuclei: core nuclei in order to redress the balance of
coverage given to each of the key elements

components of a tripartite episodic of the model. Indeed, the hippocampal

formation and its cortical interactions have

memory system been discussed in numerous reviews and

models, to which the reader is referred4,5,15,16.

John P. Aggleton and Shane M. O’Mara A brief history

One of the first formal descriptions of a
Abstract | Standard models of episodic memory focus on hippocampal– persistent amnesic syndrome was published
parahippocampal interactions, with the neocortex supplying sensory information by Lawson23 in 1878. Summarizing his
observations of a series of patients with
and providing a final repository of mnemonic representations. However,
amnesia driven by alcohol abuse, Lawson
recent advances have shown that other regions make distinct and equally wrote that the “feature of such cases which
critical contributions to memory. In particular, there is growing evidence that the is sufficiently striking to give character to
anterior thalamic nuclei have a number of key cognitive functions that support them is the almost absolute loss of memory
episodic memory. In this article, we describe these findings and argue for a core, for recent events.” Almost a decade later,
tripartite memory system, comprising a ‘temporal lobe’ stream (centred on the the same alcohol-​related amnesic syndrome
was more famously described by Korsakoff24,
hippocampus) and a ‘medial diencephalic’ stream (centred on the anterior thalamic who noted that “especially characteristic
nuclei) that together act on shared cortical areas. We demonstrate how these is a derangement of memory and of the
distributed brain regions form complementary and necessary partnerships in association of ideas.” Shortly thereafter,
episodic memory formation. based on post-​mortem studies, Gudden6
reported that “atrophy of the mammillary
bodies appears to be a frequent finding in
Many theoretical and computational models the hippocampus) a requirement for the cases of alcohol neuritis with amnesia (and
of episodic memory ignore the influence of contextual processing and binding that perhaps generally in chronic alcoholism).”
medial diencephalic sites, while emphasizing are integral to the encoding and retrieval By the early twentieth century, further
hippocampal interactions with the cortex1–5. of episodic information5,13–16, thereby post-​mortem studies7 confirmed consistent
However, there is growing evidence that, allowing the representation of experiences mammillary body involvement in what had
by failing to account for the necessary in cognitive space4,5. come to be known as Korsakoff syndrome,
and substantial contributions of medial The anterior thalamic nuclei often alongside apparently more variable thalamic
diencephalic brain regions (most notably function in partnership with the hippo­ pathology (reviewed in ref.8). The latter
the anterior thalamic nuclei), such models campus, with the two structures acting in included changes in the anterior thalamic
are imbalanced and misleading. parallel to effect plasticity in widespread nuclei8,25 (which comprise the anterodorsal,
The likely importance of the anterior areas of the medial prefrontal cortex and anteromedial and anteroventral nuclei;
thalamic nuclei for memory first emerged cortical midline17. In addition, some of the Fig. 1). It is most likely that these diencephalic
more than a century ago, when descriptions spatial functions of the hippocampus rely pathologies are linked because the anterior
appeared6–8 of devastating amnesia following on its inputs from the anterior thalamic thalamic nuclei form the principal target
medial diencephalic damage. The consistent nuclei18–21. However, there is also evidence of mammillary body neurons26,27. It might
pattern of pathology adjacent to the third for memory-​related functions of the ante- therefore be supposed that the contributions
ventricle in these individuals helped to rior thalamic nuclei that are independent of these two diencephalic sites (the anterior
highlight the potential importance of the of the hippocampus9,10,22. Consequently, thalamic nuclei and the mammillary bodies)
anterior thalamic nuclei for human episodic the cognitive roles of these thalamic nuclei to episodic memory would have been
memory — one’s memory for day-​to-​day are not simply framed by the hippocampus intensively scrutinized, but that is not what
events. Subsequent animal studies have despite many overlapping areas of function. happened; instead, the hippocampus took
shown that the anterior thalamic nuclei have In this article, we outline a model centre stage.
multiple, vital roles in aspects of cognition that realigns the hippocampal formation, In 1900, von Bekhterev28 reported a
for which their influence has frequently anterior thalamic nuclei and cortex as possible link between hippocampal dam-
been underestimated, including spatial necessary and co-​equal partners within age and memory loss in humans. However,
processing, memory and attention9–12. Here, a tripartite mnemonic system, thereby it still took decades for this idea to become
we propose that the contributions of the highlighting vital but relatively neglected established (reviewed in ref.29), with the
anterior thalamic nuclei to the processing thalamic components of the brain’s landmark case of amnesic patient H.M.30
of spatial information are (like those of memory systems. The focus of the article playing a central role. Meanwhile, research

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a b Axial into diencephalic amnesia remained severely

VA hampered by the lack of a similar landmark
AD case with confirmed, discrete pathology.
VL Indeed, identifying such patients has
LD remained problematic, mainly because of
LP LGN the twin difficulty of distinguishing indivi­
PuL dual diencephalic nuclei and determining
potential disruption to fibres of passage
Coronal when relying on non-​invasive imaging.
By contrast, studies linking hippo­campal
c pathology and memory were able to take
Cingulum bundle
advantage of the sensitivity of this struc-
RSP VPL VA ture to conditions such as anoxia31–33,
Fornix PuL AM
while its size and location enabled imag-
LGN MGN ing studies. Perhaps just as detrimental
mPFC Ant
Med Thalamus for diencephalic amnesia research has
been the pervasive view that the mammil-
MTT Sagittal
MB lary bodies and anterior thalamic nuclei
VL function as downstream enablers for
AD the hippocampus34–37 and are thereby of
Amygdala Hippocampus AV
AM MD PuM secondary importance. This perspective
Pv Hb was first popularized in accounts of the
CeM Pf ‘Papez circuit’, a loop of extended hippo­
campal connections that was previously
ATN thought to maintain emotions34.
Hippocampal research was further
galvanized by the parallel discoveries,
in animal experiments, of place cells38
(which fire selectively when an animal
is at certain locations in its environment),
synaptic plasticity in the form of long-term
Coronal section Sagittal section
potentiation39, and confirmation that
damage to the hippocampus severely
disrupts performance in tests of spatial
AD sm 3V
AD LD memory40. More recent studies have
st demonstrated a key role of hippocampal
AV PVA oscillations (rhythmic patterns of neuronal
PC firing) for the optimization of plasticity41,42,
VA while findings from intracranial recordings
MTT AMV in the medial temporal lobe of patients with
sm VL
ic RT epilepsy have shown that theta oscillations
RT VM are associated with navigation43 and episodic
recall44–46. Inevitably, therefore, investigations
Fig. 1 | Location of the anterior thalamic nuclei. a | Drawing showing midline sagittal view of the into the mechanism of episodic memory
human brain, with a box highlighting the area centred around the medial diencephalon. b | Visualization gravitated towards the hippocampus
of the anterodorsal (AD, red), anteromedial (AM, yellow) and anteroventral (AV, green) nuclei, along with and were later refined by considering
adjacent thalamic nuclei from MRI images213. The left column shows axial (upper), coronal (mid) and hippocampal–cortical interactions15,41,47–49.
sagittal (lower) sections overlaid on the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) brain template. The right This hippocampal-​centred approach further
column shows corresponding 3D rendered views of the selected nuclei overlaid on a thalamic template. reinforced the notion that the anterior
c | Simplified schematic showing a midline sagittal view of the human medial temporal lobe and medial
thalamic nuclei merely serve as relays or
diencephalon. Key connections considered in the text are indicated with arrows. d | Schematic showing
the location and arrangement of thalamic nuclei in the rat brain, with the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) have ill-​specified roles in modulating
highlighted in colour14. 3V, third ventricle; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AMV, anteromedial nucleus, or activating temporal lobe structures
ventral subdivision; Ant, anterior thalamic nuclei; CeM, central medial nucleus; CL, centrolateral supporting memory35–37,50.
nucleus; IAM, interoanteromedial nucleus; ic, internal capsule; LD, laterodorsal nucleus; LGN, lateral
geniculate nucleus; LP, lateral posterior nucleus; Hb, habenula; MB, mammillary bodies; MD, medio­ Revisiting the anterior thalamic nuclei
dorsal nucleus; Med, medial thalamus; MGN, medial geniculate nucleus; mPFC, medial prefrontal To rebalance the situation outlined above,
cortex; MTT, mammillothalamic tract; PC, paracentral nucleus; Pf, parafascicular nucleus; PT, paratenial there is a pressing need to appreciate the
nucleus; PuI, inferior pulvinar; PuL, pulvinar; PuM, medial pulvinar; Pv, parvocellular; PVA, paraventri­
distinct contributions of medial diencephalic
cular nucleus; RE, nucleus reuniens; RSP, retrosplenial cortex; RT, reticular thalamic nucleus; sm, stria
medullaris; st, stria terminalis; VA, ventral anterior nucleus; VL, ventrolateral nucleus; VM, ventromedial sites to memory. Chief among these sites are
nucleus; VPL, ventral posterior nucleus, pars lateralis. Panel b is reprinted from ref.213, CC BY 4.0 the anterior thalamic nuclei. Over recent
(; panel c is adapted from refs14,221; panel d is adapted years, there has been a growing awareness
from ref.222, CC BY 4.0 ( that these nuclei can contribute to the

506 | August 2022 | volume 23


cognitive changes associated with ageing51, influences on the anterior thalamus27,64. respective importance for linking prefrontal
mild cognitive impairment52,53, various The anterior thalamic nuclei also have (reuniens) and cingulate/retrosplenial
dementias53–55 and, potentially, an array extensive reciprocal connections with regions (anterior thalamic nuclei) to the
of other neurological and psychiatric retrosplenial and anterior cingulate hippocampus62,78. In association with its
disorders56–58. Meanwhile, the discovery of cortices64. Consequently, the anterior prefrontal connections, the rodent nucleus
neurons within the rodent anterior thalamic thalamic nuclei interlink multiple cortical reuniens assists spatial working memory79,
nuclei that signal different types of spatial and subcortical areas strongly associated gating information to the hippocampus80.
information (Table 1) has forced a further with memory, amnesia and spatial Meanwhile, the mediodorsal thalamic
rethink regarding the significance of these processing35,37,50,64,67. nucleus, which lacks direct hippocampal
nuclei in cognition59. connections81, is far less important for
Comparisons with other thalamic nuclei. rodent spatial learning than the anterior
Anterior thalamic connectivity. The Other medial diencephalic sites contribute thalamic nuclei69,70,82. Instead, through
anterior thalamic nuclei stand out among to cognition68. Foremost among these are its dense, reciprocal connections with
medial diencephalic structures as they the thalamic nucleus reuniens and the the prefrontal cortex, the mediodorsal
receive dense, direct hippocampal and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (reviewed nucleus supports a range of functions
parahippocampal projections (Fig. 2; Table 1) in refs69–71). While both nucleus reuniens that rely upon the prefrontal cortex,
from the subiculum, presubiculum and and the anterior thalamic nuclei support including executive actions (reviewed
postsubiculum as well as providing direct spatial learning and memory, anterior in refs70,81). The complementary actions
return projections to the same sites60–63. thalamic lesions have a wider impact in rats of these adjacent thalamic nuclei (anterior,
Importantly, comparable sets of connections and are the more disruptive71–75. Although mediodorsal, reuniens) mean that typical
are present in rodents and non-​human nucleus reuniens is also reciprocally con­ pathologies, which affect more than one
primates64. In addition, rodent anterior nected with the hippocampus, including thalamic nuclei, both increase the severity
thalamic nuclei receive sparse inputs from direct inputs to CA1, it only receives sparse and breadth of cognitive impairments
hippocampal area CA1 (ref.65), while sparse inputs from the mammillary bodies76,77 and while adding to the difficulty of discerning
inhibitory projections from CA3 (ref.66) retrosplenial cortex62 in rats. Furthermore, the roles of individual regions70,83.
target the anterodorsal nucleus. Meanwhile, although the anterior thalamic nuclei and
almost every mammillary body neuron is nucleus reuniens appear to be connected Hippocampal comparisons. To understand
thought to innervate the anterior thalamic to overlapping cortical sites, the respective why the anterior thalamic nuclei deserve
nuclei through the mammillothalamic inputs from these regions are largely more attention it is helpful to make com­
tract26,27. Via this monosynaptic mammillary separated by topography and lamina62, parisons with the hippocampus. Numerous
route, the subiculum, presubiculum and indicative of complementary functions. parallels emerge. Just as hippocampal tissue
postsubiculum provide additional, indirect This difference can be seen in their loss is principally responsible for temporal

Table 1 | Contrasting properties of the three principal anterior thalamic nuclei

Property Anterodorsal nucleus Anteromedial nucleus Anteroventral nucleus
Gene expression Unique expression profile 138
Expression profile corresponds to a cluster Expression profile corresponds to
of eight thalamic nuclei138 a cluster of five thalamic nuclei138
Electrophysiology Head-​direction cells predominate105; Place cells59,115 and perimeter cells114 Head-​direction cells (modest
activity associated with hippocampal identified numbers)116; theta oscillations116,137
sharp wave ripples143
Cortical and Presubiculum64,216; postsubiculum64,216; Dorsal subiculum (proximal)61,64,216; CA1 Dorsal subiculum (distal)61,64,216;
hippocampal inputsa,b hippocampal area CA3 (sparse)66; (sparse)65; retrosplenial area 30 (refs64,218); retrosplenial area 29 (ref.64);
retrosplenial area 29 (refs64,217)c anterior cingulate cortex60,146; prelimbic anterior cingulate cortex60,146;
cortex60,146 prelimbic cortex60,146
Subcortical inputsa,b Lateral mammillary nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus
(bilateral)27,219; dorsal-​most rostral (ipsilateral)27,60,219; upper half of the (ipsilateral)27,60,219; dorsal rostral
reticular thalamic nucleus220 rostral reticular thalamic nucleus220 reticular thalamic nucleus220
Projection targetsa Presubiculum64; postsubiculum64; Subiculum (ventral)63; area 29 (refs117,144,217) Subiculum (dorsal)63; area 29
retrosplenial area 29 (refs64,117,217) (layers I and V; sparse input); area 30 (refs17,117,217) (layers I and IV);
(layers I, III and IV) (refs117,144,220) (layers I, V and VI); prelimbic area 30 (refs117,218) (layer IV, sparse)
cortex144 (layers I, III, IV and V); anterior
cingulate cortex144 (layers I and V)
Transient lesion effects No effect109 Deficit in consolidation109 Deficits in consolidation and
— passive avoidance retrieval109
Transient lesion effects Deficit in retrieval109 Deficit in retrieval109 Deficits in encoding, consolidation
on spatial memory and retrieval109
(Morris water maze)
Permanent lesion Deficit141 (but included lateral dorsal Modest deficit112,139,140 Modest deficit112,139,140
effects — spatial nucleus damage)
working memory
The information in the table is derived from rodent data. aSome very sparse connections are not included. bNote that few individual neurons innervate more than
one anterior thalamic nucleus52. cNote that retrosplenial cortex comprises areas 29 and 30.

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Hippocampal formation Not just head direction. With hindsight, the

failure of the severe spatial memory deficits
RSP (areas 29 Subiculum seen after anterior thalamic lesions to spark
and 30) Distal Proximal wider interest probably stems from the
misguided sense that the contribution of
this region was already known. Within the
anterior thalamic nuclei, the anterodorsal
AD nucleus has long been recognized as a
ACC key component of the ‘head direction
system’18,105,106, which provides compass-​like
directional signals to assist navigation18.
AV Indeed, lesions involving the rat anterodorsal
nucleus abolish parahippocampal head
direction signals19 and disrupt the activity of
Presubiculum ‘grid’ cells20, which normally fire at regular,
AM and postsubiculum discrete locations forming hexagonally
spaced fields that create a metric for local
MMB space107. In contrast, anterodorsal nucleus
mPFC head direction signals do not require the
integrity of the hippocampus108. However,
more recent work reveals that, while the
loss of head direction signals undoubtedly
Fig. 2 | Principal connections of the anterior thalamic nuclei. The diagram depicts the connectivity contributes to the spatial deficits observed
of the rodent anteromedial thalamic nucleus (AM), anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV) and antero­ following anterior thalamic lesions20, the loss
dorsal thalamic nucleus (AD)26,27,60–64,144–146,217,218. The thickness of the arrows reflects the approximate of other anterior thalamic functions plays
relative density of the various connections. Dashed arrows indicate connections that do not directly its part12,109. Arguably, the clearest evidence
target the anterior thalamic nuclei but are potentially important for their contribution to episodic of this comes from the demonstration
memory. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; LMB, lateral mammillary nucleus; mPFC, medial prefrontal
in rats that disconnecting the ascending
cortex; MMB, medial mammillary nucleus; RSP, retrosplenial cortex.
head direction pathway (from the lateral
mammillary nucleus to the anterodorsal
lobe amnesia31–33, so the anterior thalamic lesions only partially replicate hippocampal thalamic nucleus) only induces mild,
nuclei are at the core of diencephalic damage92,93. transient spatial learning deficits110,111.
amnesia. The relevant clinical evidence for While the effects of fornix lesions These mild impairments are in marked
the latter statement largely derives from two and anterior thalamic lesions on spatial contrast to the severe, persistent, mnemonic
sources: studies of Korsakoff syndrome8,25,84 memory tasks are sometimes similar11,94–98, deficits seen after lesions involving all
and systematic analyses of diencephalic anterior thalamic damage can be more three anterior thalamic nuclei11,12,89,112. One
strokes8,85,86. The second approach disruptive73,99. For example, a geometric important conclusion is that head direction
repeatedly shows that mammillothalamic deficit in the framing of space99 is seen information is not a proxy for episodic
tract involvement is the best predictor of after hippocampal and anterior thalamic memory processing111.
memory loss following thalamic infarcts85,86, (but not fornix) lesions99,100. Other relevant It remains interesting to consider
highlighting the importance of the anterior findings show that lesions of the fornix, why attention was so firmly fixed on the
thalamic nuclei, the principal target of the hippocampal formation and anterior hippocampus at the expense of the anterior
mammillothalamic tract (Figs 1c,2). thalamic nuclei all cause comparable thalamic nuclei given their demonstrable
Meanwhile, behavioural studies in deficits on tests of automated, delayed, importance for spatial processing and
rodents repeatedly show that anterior non-​matching-​to-​sample in rats when memory. It seems most probable that
thalamic lesions cause spatial memory using identical methodologies98,101. This the landmark discoveries of place cells
deficits that parallel those following hippo­ equivalence is notable as the same spatial and forms of synaptic plasticity, such
campal lesions11,72,87–89. These deficits are paradigm has advanced our appreciation as long-​term potentiation, within the
striking with respect to their range and of hippocampal memory functions102. At the hippocampus38,39 opened the way for a
severity11. Indeed, the consequences of same time, complete hippocampal formation myriad of investigations into memory
anterior thalamic lesions on spatial memory lesions (which include the subiculum) at the neuronal level at a time when no
tasks are often greater than those of lesions appear more disruptive than anterior counterparts existed for the thalamus113.
to other sites beyond the hippocampal thalamic lesions for reinforced spatial These investigations were aided by the
formation11,71,72,89–91. A resulting question alternation11. However, interpretations of regularity of hippocampal structure and
is therefore whether anterior thalamic this difference should be made with care anatomy113.
lesions can be as disruptive as hippo­ as ‘hippocampus proper’ lesions — that
campal damage. Unfortunately, almost all is, surgeries that spare the subiculum — Spatial signalling and plasticity. The
evidence relating to this question is indirect, are associated with more limited spatial discovery of spatial cell types beyond head
coming from comparisons of anterior deficits103,104. These findings raise the direction cells in the rat anterior and midline
thalamic lesions with lesions to the fornix, possibility that hippocampus proper lesions thalamus has more recently encouraged
the principal tract containing extrinsic and anterior thalamic lesions could have a broader conception of thalamic spatial
hippocampal fibres. Therefore, fornix equivalent disruptive effects. signalling59,114–116. These anterior and midline

508 | August 2022 | volume 23


thalamic spatial cells resemble the grid episodic memory consolidation, perhaps gene expression profiles138. Extending these
cells, place cells and border cells (which by offering complementary pathways to differences, the anatomical inputs to each
signal the perimeter of an environment) stabilize memory, allowing mnemonic individual nucleus60,64 is distinct (Fig. 2).
found in the medial temporal lobe114,115. streams that function in parallel and are Meanwhile, lesion studies in rats repeatedly
In addition, head direction cells have been partially independent of each other. reveal that, while each nucleus contributes
found more extensively across the anterior Deep-​brain thalamic recordings in to spatial learning and memory, their com-
thalamic nuclei59,116 — that is, beyond the patients with epilepsy have added to our bined impact is far greater than a lesion
anterodorsal nucleus. One feature of all knowledge, as anterior thalamic activity within any single nucleus21,66,109,112,139–141.
of these thalamic spatial cells is the high has, for example, been linked to memory The differences between the three
fidelity of the spatial information that retrieval121. Meanwhile, a series of related principal anterior thalamic nuclei are
they encode, undermining one previous studies describes how oscillatory activity most apparent for the anterodorsal
suggestion that these nuclei merely enable in the anterior thalamic and dorsomedial nucleus, which — in addition to being
some form of diffuse cortical arousal117,118. thalamic nuclei correlates with memory the only nucleus to contain large numbers
These discoveries are particularly signifi­ performance122–124. For example, the of head direction cells — has distinct
cant because spatial processing provides a presence of theta oscillation synchrony cytoarchitectural and connectomic
frame­work not only for navigation but also across neocortical and anterior thalamic properties (Table 1). The concentration
for an array of other cognitive processes. areas as well as cross-​coupling with gamma of head direction cells in this nucleus
More precisely, contextual information oscillations predicted subsequent memory points to a principal role in navigation,
plays an integral role in episodic memory for complex photographic scenes122. These allied to the growing appreciation that
encoding and retrieval, while being parti­ findings have been incorporated into the head direction information can impact on
cularly important for the visualization of hypothesis that the anterior thalamic nuclei other classes of spatial cells20,142. In addition,
information4,14–16,47,119. promote the selection and coordination of the firing of mouse anterodorsal nucleus
The hippocampus understandably task-​relevant information during human neurons immediately before hippocampal
remains a favoured target for studies of memory formation124. A further implication sharp-​wave ripples during non-​REM
neuronal plasticity, although we are also is that the role of the anterior thalamic nuclei sleep may signal previously experienced
beginning to appreciate the plasticity in memory encoding involves accessing directions of movement143, potentially
that takes place within medial thalamic information from widespread neocortical contributing to consolidation. The finding
nuclei. A feature of this plasticity is that its sources, including frontal areas124. that ~60% of rat anterodorsal nucleus units
underlying mechanisms may depend on the Imaging studies, using both func- can be classified as head direction cells105
fibres of origin. One set of experiments120 tional MRI (fMRI) and structural MRI, does, however, raise questions about the
examined the plastic responses of rat have repeatedly highlighted hippocampal functional properties of the remaining cells.
anterior thalamic synapses to different types associations with spatial125,126 and epi- It is therefore of interest that optogenetic
(high and low frequency) of stimulation. sodic127–129 memory. Comparable imag- silencing of the inhibitory projection from
These investigations revealed that basal ing information concerning the anterior hippocampal area CA3 to the anterodorsal
synaptic transmission mediated by the thalamic nuclei had been largely lacking nucleus disrupts contextual fear memory
mammillothalamic tract undergoes partly due to the difficulty of localizing retrieval after extended delays66,
stimulation-dependent, BDNF-​mediated these nuclei in the human brain. Evidence again pointing to a role in mnemonic
potentiation120. This potentiation resulted in of progress comes from the relatively consolidation.
long-​term potentiation of the thalamic field few but growing number of MRI-​based Functional differences between the
response, which was induced predominantly studies of cognition that have reported anteromedial and anteroventral nuclei
via high-​frequency stimulation. By contrast, activity-​related signals in anterior thalamic are, at present, often speculative because
anterior thalamic long-​term depression of regions22,130–133. fMRI studies of associative few behavioural studies have sought
the field response could only be induced recognition130 as well as comparisons of to isolate these nuclei (Table 1). Of the
after low-​frequency stimulation of the familiarity with recollection-​based recog- anterior thalamic nuclei, in both rodent
direct subiculum (hippocampal) projections nition132, implicate anterior thalamic nuclei and primates, the anteromedial nucleus has
to the anterior thalamic nuclei120, which activity in the encoding130 and recall130,133 of the most links with the medial prefrontal
largely rely on the fornix. Hence, the two episodic information. Moreover, advances in and anterior cingulate cortices, alongside
major tracts that mediate direct routes to both structural MRI and fMRI134–136 make it further connections with perirhinal cortex,
the anterior thalamic nuclei (fornix versus increasingly feasible to interrogate individual dysgranular retrosplenial (area 30)
mammillothalamic tract) exhibit opposing anterior thalamic nuclei (Fig. 1). cortex and related visual areas60,64,144–146.
plasticity characteristics. This suggests The anteromedial nucleus also contains
that the integration of hippocampal and Separating the anterior thalamic nuclei place cells and border cells but has few head
mammillary body inputs depends on the Evidence that distinct functional contri­ direction cells59,114,115. Targeted lesions of
pattern of prior activity in the fornix and butions are made by the three anterior thala­ this nucleus give modest deficits on spatial
mammillothalamic tract components of mic nuclei has come from multiple levels working memory tasks139,140, with further
the circuit. Furthermore, evidence of the of animal research (Table 1). For example, evidence of a selective contribution to the
balancing effects of these parallel pathways electrophysiological recordings in rats show retrieval of spatial information109. Largely
upon anterior thalamic activity reinforces different distributions of both spatial59,114–116 based on its frontal connectivity, it might
the notion that the anterior thalamic and theta-​modulated137 cells across the three be supposed that the anteromedial nucleus
nuclei do not merely duplicate hippocampal nuclei, while gene-​transcription analyses assists in the retrieval of high-​interference
functions, helping us to appreciate how they show that each nucleus belongs to a different information–that is, the separation of related
may make independent contributions to cluster of brain sites, each with individual target information147,148. Other potential

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roles for this region include the integration The proposed functions of the dif- to isolate hippocampal–anterior thalamic
of item and contextual information in ferent anterior thalamic nuclei provide a interactions to investigate their functions.
parahippocampal areas, while its anterior working framework with which to generate One experimental solution was to
cingulate connections suggest that it may testable hypotheses, with the caveat that combine unilateral lesions in the anterior
support aspects of attention149 (Fig. 3). The the distinctions are heavily based on rodent thalamic nuclei with unilateral lesions in the
combination of functions implies dynamic studies. Other considerations include the hippocampus of the opposite hemisphere.
relations between differing cognitive degree of communication between these While this disconnection method helped
processes; spatial processing and attention different nuclei and whether this might to confirm the importance of anterior
are deployed during episodic memory diminish their individual differences. thalamic–hippocampal interactions for
encoding and consolidation (as they are While there is no evidence for local path­ rat spatial learning158,159, it could not
contributory processes to memory) but ways between the three thalamic nuclei, determine the direction of effect. More
might function independently of memory Golgi stains show that dendritic fields targeted chemogenetic methods in rats
during other tasks. may extend across the nuclei155, potentially have disrupted only those hippocampal
Meanwhile, the anteroventral nucleus blurring distinctions. Likewise, while the projections that arise in the dorsal subiculum
is well connected with dorsal hippocampal, connectivity of the three nuclei clearly and terminate in the anteromedial and
presubicular and postsubicular sites, along differs, this is often by degree rather than anteroventral nuclei21. This was sufficient
with the granular retrosplenial cortex absolute differences60. For example, the to impair performance of a spatial working
(area 29)60,64. Its concentration of inputs from anteroventral nucleus may also contribute memory task (T-​maze alternation) but only
the rat distal subiculum53 further underline to attentional functions with the anterior after maze rotation to further tax allocentric
its links with spatial processing150,151. The cingulate cortex146. Similarly, while the processing21. While this procedure, which
anteroventral nucleus also contains most anterodorsal nucleus is the principal site for spares anterodorsal nucleus function,
of the theta-​modulated neurons within head direction cells, they are also present in further highlights the significance of anterior
the anterior thalamic nuclei116,137, which are the anteroventral nucleus116. Therefore, it is thalamic contributions to memory beyond
jointly influenced by fibres in the fornix152 likely that the functional differences between head direction information, the resulting
and the mammillothalamic tract153. These the three nuclei will prove to be nuanced. deficit was not as severe as that seen after
activation patterns contribute to cortical complete anterior thalamic lesions11,21,
(retrosplenial) and hippocampal oscilla­tions, Models of function again pointing to additive roles of the three
affecting plasticity124,153. In animal studies, Interactions with the hippocampal nuclei139,140. Meanwhile, optogenetic studies
reversible lesions implicate the anteroventral formation. Historically, researchers have in rats have isolated subiculum cells with
nucleus in the encoding, consolidation, and often conceptualized anterior thalamic different targets, revealing that place-related
retrieval of spatial information109. These function within the context of its dense firing is a feature of those subiculum
widespread effects are consistent with this hippocampal and parahippocampal neurons that innervate the anteroventral
region having the role of a hub nucleus with inputs34–37, reinforced by evidence that thalamus as well as the medial mammillary
access to multiple sources of spatial codes, damage to the fornix can cause anterograde bodies, retrosplenial cortex and nucleus
suggesting a potential role in online location amnesia in humans156,157. However, the fornix accumbens160.
monitoring as well as gating and updating makes numerous connections outside the A complementary approach to the study
spatial information12,109,154. medial diencephalon, highlighting the need of hippocampal–diencephalic connections
in humans involves diffusion MRI, which
has shown that changes in fornix proper­
ties are closely associated with levels of
episo­dic memory161–163, with further links
Perirhinal cortex Anterior cingulate cortex
to recollection-​based recognition161 and
navigation164. A valuable refinement has
Spatial processing
• RetrospleniaI cortex • AnteroventraI nucleus allowed the isolation of the postcommissural
• Subiculum • Anteromedial nucleus
• CA1 • Prefrontal cortex
• Anterodorsal nucleus fornix (Supplementary Box 1), which princi­
• Lateral mammillary
• CA3 nucleus pally contains hippocampal projections to
• Dentate gyrus • Presubiculum the anterior thalamic nuclei and mammillary
• Entorhinal cortex
• Medial mammillary nucleus
• Parasubiculum bodies. Such studies have found correlations
• Gudden’s tegmental nucleus between the properties of this pathway and
aspects of memory, including visual recall165
and types of spatial learning166, suggesting
Fig. 3 | Proposed anterior thalamic participation in cognition. Hypothesized mapping of three that the functions of the postcommissural
interleaving, interconnected, ‘cognitive zones’ of anterior thalamic nuclear influence. Each zone fornix differ from those of the precommis-
maps cognitive functions — spatial processing18–21,37,50,59,87–89,94,105,109,124,154, attention9,10,59,124,130,149 and sural fornix (which links the hippocampus
memory8,9,17,35,37,50,59,83–86,109,149 — to particular anterior nuclei (as confirmed by lesion, recording, with septal, striatal and frontal sites).
anatomical tracing or other evidence) illustrating their extensive contributions to multiple aspects The reverse challenge is to understand
of cognition. The other regions help highlight the many interactions between medial temporal
the importance of anterior thalamic inputs
lobe sites and the anterior thalamic nuclei. This mapping of functions implies fast-​acting, dynamic
relations between spatial processing and attentional and mnemonic processes; spatial processing to the hippocampal formation (Table 1).
and attention are deployed during episodic memory encoding and consolidation (as they are As described above, past analyses largely
contributory processes to memory) but, equally, they may well be independent of memory during focused on head direction signals19,20. More
other tasks. Thus, this figure illustrates that individual anterior thalamic nuclei participate in recently, however, the wider significance of
multiple but particular cognitive functions (namely, spatial processing, attention and memory). anterior thalamic influences on the dorsal

510 | August 2022 | volume 23


hippocampal formation was revealed by the hippocampus153 has been interpreted as close links with multiple components of
the discovery that, in rats, both permanent indicating a suppression of learning- the default mode network187. Furthermore,
and transient anterior thalamic lesions induced plasticity, set alongside changes damage to the anterior thalamic nuclei
cause a cessation of spatial-​responsive firing in retrosplenial theta and immediate early disrupts activity in the default mode
(place, head direction, border and grid gene expression153,172. The latter findings network189, while deep-​brain stimulation of
cells) within the subiculum154, combined add to the discovery that anterior thalamic the anterior thalamic nuclei in epileptics can
with impaired spatial alternation memory. lesions cause persistent retrosplenial modulate the same network190. Meanwhile,
In the same study, permanent anterior hypoactivity as measured by immediate functional connectivity studies place the
thalamic lesions spared hippocampal CA1 early genes, alongside a wider de-​regulation retrosplenial cortex as a key gateway between
place cell fields (but see also ref.106). This of retrosplenial gene transcription173,174. the medial temporal lobe and frontal default
is important because the very dense, plastic Additional attention has focused on the mode subsystems that support episodic
projections from CA1 to the subiculum167 ascending tegmental inputs from Gudden's memory191, suggesting that anterior thalamic
might otherwise have been assumed to be nuclei to the mammillary bodies, which damage may impact on landmark and scene
sufficient to ensure the effective function contribute to spatial navigation and construction via its disruptive effects on
of spatial cells in the subiculum. It remains learning172,175 but do not innervate the retrosplenial cortex68,173,174,192. Interestingly,
to be determined whether the observed hippocampus. It is presumed that these diffusion imaging suggests a relationship
subiculum silencing arises from the loss of same tegmental inputs have their principal between precommissural fornix status
direct or indirect inputs from the anterior actions via the anterior thalamic nuclei175. and the episodic richness of past and future
thalamus. However, a recent chemogenetic events, while a similar association was not
study showed the importance of the direct Widening our horizons. By moving from found for the postcommissural fornix193.
anterior thalamic projections to the rat a hippocampus-​centred view, a broader One interpretation of this finding is that
dorsal hippocampal formation for spatial perspective emerges that is illustrated by anterior thalamic–retrosplenial rather than
working memory21. Other insights have the many convergent efferent projections hippocampal–anterior thalamic interactions
come from evidence that stimulation of from the anterior thalamic nuclei and have particular significance for scene
the anterior thalamic nuclei in patients hippocampal formation to cortical construction.
with epilepsy can modulate hippocampal sites. Projections from both structures Arguably more striking evidence of
gamma activity168. terminate in the retrosplenial cortex the independence of the anterior thalamic
and parahippocampal region as well nuclei from the hippocampus is seen in
Communications beyond the hippocampus. as the anterior cingulate and prelimbic their contributions to specific aspects
To substantiate the case that the anterior cortices17,63,64,176–178. The need to look beyond of attention10,22,149. Selective lesions of the
thalamic nuclei are independently critical reciprocal anterior thalamic–hippocampal anterior thalamic nuclei impair the ability of
for memory, it is necessary to highlight interactions also stems from fMRI analyses rats to accelerate their learning over a series
their connections and potential functions of the human ‘default mode network’179,180. of closely related discriminations in which
that are not part of traditional hippocampal This network, which was initially closely normal animals narrow their attention to
circuitry. Sites such as the prelimbic, anterior linked with self-​related (introspective) the same reinforced stimulus dimension10,
cingulate and retrosplenial cortices project tasks178, is also activated during spatial, while ignoring other cue types. Remarkably,
to the anterior thalamic nuclei but largely mnemonic and social cognitive tasks181–184. the same anterior thalamic lesions facilitate
fail to directly innervate the hippocampal The default mode network is typically performance when the discriminations
formation64,169–171; trans-​synaptic tracing in regarded as comprising several subsystems, require a dimension switch10. This profile
rats further confirms that anterior thalamic including those in the medial prefrontal of altered performance, not associated with
nuclei form a major monosynaptic route cortex, posteromedial parietal cortex and hippocampal dysfunction194,195, points to an
from these cortical regions to the dorsal medial temporal regions, with partial independent role for the anterior thalamic
hippocampal formation78. Consequently, separation between different areas of nuclei in cognition that contributes to
along with the nucleus reuniens62,78, anterior cognitive engagement181–183. One focus has learning and memory.
thalamic nuclei provide a potentially been the apparent overlap between medial Subsequent chemogenetic studies have
important (but rarely recognized) sub­ temporal and midline components of the found that disrupting anterior cingulate–
cortical route, allowing frontal sites default mode network and those areas anteromedial thalamic nucleus interactions
to influence hippocampal activity. that are active when remembering the cause the same profile of learning
When comparing respective subcortical past182,184,185, including constructing mental deficits and facilitation on the same test
afferents to the anterior thalamic nuclei and scenes from memory as well as imagining of attention-​assisted learning149. One
the hippocampal formation, the mamillary the future184,185. This overlap extends to the interpretation is that the anterior thalamic
bodies provide the most striking difference. distributed network of brain sites associated nuclei, along with the anterior cingulate
The lateral mammillary nucleus projects with anterograde amnesia61. Such findings cortex, normally help to maintain attention
to the anterodorsal nucleus, whereas the have strongly influenced models of memory to previously rewarded stimulus categories,
medial mammillary nucleus projects to such as the ‘constructive episodic simulation a role extending beyond spatial processing149.
the anteromedial and anteroventral nuclei64. hypothesis’185,186. Rather than memory being The paradoxical, facilitated switching occurs
In contrast, the mammillary bodies do a replay of the past, such models emphasize because the lesioned rats fail to initially
not innervate the hippocampal formation. the predictive construction of relevant scene disengage from a stimulus dimension
The finding that mammillothalamic information15,186. that subsequently becomes the rewarded
tract lesions in rats, which disconnect the Connectivity analyses show that the dimension. Support for this interpretation
anterior thalamic nuclei, affect oscillatory human anterior thalamic nuclei, along comes from functional imaging and
activity and neuronal microstructure in with some other thalamic nuclei187,188, have from evidence from patients with rostral

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Cortex: sites of cortico-cortical memory consolidation in some existing models35,37,50, the roles of
the anterior thalamic nuclei remain poorly
Hippocampus–cortex- ATN– ATN–cortex- specified.
dependent memory hippocampus- dependent memory In the model we present here, it is
(long-term memory) dependent (long-term memory)
memory suggested that there is a hippocampal–
cortical memory stream and a medial
diencephalic–cortical memory stream
(with the anterior thalamic nuclei at its
Subcortical interactions core). The hippocampal memory stream
involving ATN and courses from the entorhinal cortex to
hippocampal formation the hippocampus proper (the dentate
Hippocampal ATN gyrus, CA3 and CA1), thence to the
Temporal formation Medial
lobe diencephalic subiculum and onwards to cortical sites
memory memory
stream (such as parahippocampal, prefrontal
Parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortical sites), along with
region parallel CA1 projections to parahippo­
campal and prefrontal areas177. Meanwhile,
tegmental the anterior thalamic nuclei project to the
cortex nucleus hippocampal formation (subiculum) and
the parahippocampal and retrosplenial
Fig. 4 | A core, tripartite episodic memory system. An anatomically simplified schematic of the cortices, while receiving return inputs from
parallel, interacting circuits supporting our model of a core, tripartite episodic memory system. the hippocampal formation (many via the
According to the model, this system comprises a ‘temporal lobe’ stream (hippocampal centred) and a mammillary bodies) and retrosplenial,
‘medial diencephalic’ stream (anterior thalamic centred) that, together, act on independent and anterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortices.
shared cortical areas (including parahippocampal, prefrontal and retrosplenial cortices; note that Both memory streams project to several
more detailed connections are presented in Fig. 2). These mnemonic streams function in parallel and cortical sites, including parahippocampal,
are partially independent of each other. There are cortical zones of anatomical overlap where projec­ prefrontal and retrosplenial cortices,
tions from both streams converge; anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN)–hippocampus-​dependent memory where synaptic plasticity supports memory
depends on these anatomical zones of interaction, where synchronous activity is required for
consolidation (Fig. 4). These mnemonic
mnemonic consolidation. The rules governing plasticity at many of the synapses in this circuit remain
to be comprehensively investigated. streams are envisaged to operate in parallel,
with activity in each stream being partially
independent of the other stream. Critically,
thalamic damage22,130 though these human the importance of delayed anterior thalamic there are cortical zones where anatomical
studies lack the anatomical precision of interactions with the retrosplenial cortex influences from both streams converge.
the rodent analyses. If correct, these rodent that emerged after initial learning of Anterior thalamic nuclei-​dependent
and human findings reveal an anterior these non-​spatial associative tasks was and hippocampus-​dependent memory
thalamic attentional system that opposes196 established9,205. These thalamo-​cortical depends on these zones of interaction,
the well-​established actions of those interactions, along with others involving where synchronous activity is required
prefrontal areas that normally enable flexible the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, were for mnemonic consolidation.
responding197–199. Indeed, a prefrontal-​like interpreted as supporting the associative This tripartite model predicts that
pattern of lesion effects was observed on attention to reward-​related cues that emerges separate lesions to the hippocampal–cortical
these same attentional tasks in rats with during different stages of discrimination circuit or to the medial diencephalic–
hippocampal damage200, thereby contrasting learning9,205. Consequently, these findings cortical circuit will cause approximately
with anterior thalamic lesion effects. These again point to the significance of the equivalent deficits in episodic memory
anterior thalamic actions on attention and anterior thalamic nuclei for attention given the significance of synchronous
memory may then facilitate a wide variety based on experience, contributions that cortical activity at the temporal lobe and
of learning tasks9,201–205. may influence a variety of learning tasks, medial diencephalic sites of convergence.
These same findings prompt renewed including those involving episodic memory. Furthermore, damage to the specific
interest in earlier evidence that lesions to cortical sites of convergence between
the anterior thalamic lead to a range of A new tripartite memory model these two streams will also cause memory
non-​spatial problems9,147,148,201,202. Some, As outlined above, the anterior thalamic impairment67, providing further insights
such as deficits in recency memory147,148, nuclei make independent, wider contri­ into memory consolidation15,48,49.
may align with alterations in hippocampal butions to cognitive function beyond those While details of the respective
function203. Others, such as changes in framed by their hippocampal connections68 synaptic actions of these two streams are
anxiety and increased motor activity, might (Fig. 3). Through these contributions, the beyond the scope of this Review, recent
again be linked to disrupted hippocampal multiple actions of the anterior thalamic reviews206 describe how cortical layer 1
function but could also reflect changes nuclei together affect episodic memory. might be critical for long-​term plasticity,
in anterior cingulate action204. Meanwhile, Thus, we suggest there is a need to develop reflecting the convergence of thalamic
studies of classical conditioning and broader models of episodic memory that inputs with those from sites such as the
discrimination learning in rabbits, incorporate medial diencephalic contri- hippocampal formation (either directly
which employed both electrophysiological butions to encoding and consolidation. or via parahippocampal structures)17,176,207.
recordings and lesion analyses, highlighted While this more inclusive approach appears The retrosplenial cortex is a likely candidate

512 | August 2022 | volume 23


as it receives convergent projections the anterior thalamic nuclei for memory avoidance learning9,204,205,214, offering a
from the anterior thalamic nuclei, retrieval109 and whether their roles are variety of clinical opportunities for cognitive
hippocampal area CA1 and the dorsal facilitated by their frontal connections41,78,169. investigations. One example arises from
subiculum17,176. Within retrosplenial cortex Additional challenges involve making how deep brain stimulation of the anterior
layer 1, opposing excitatory anteroventral further comparisons with other components thalamic nuclei in patients with epilepsy
nucleus and inhibitory CA1 actions of the cognitive thalamus. For example, can improve a colour-​matching working
have contrasting, vital effects on mouse nucleus reuniens appears to be the principal memory task168. Meanwhile optogenetic
contextual fear conditioning17. Furthermore, thalamic relay to the rodent hippocampal theta-​burst stimulation of the rat anterior
superficial vesicular glutamate transporter formation from more rostral and ventral thalamic nuclei can rescue the spatial
1-​expressing (VGLUT1+) projections prefrontal cortical sites, while the anterior working memory deficit following
from the subiculum to retrosplenial cortex thalamic nuclei increasingly replace that role mammillothalamic tract lesions215 —
may be involved in processing recent for cingulate and retrosplenial projections findings that yet again underline the
context memories, whereas corresponding indirectly reaching the hippocampus62,78. importance of these thalamic nuclei
VGLUT2+ projections to retrosplenial The functional consequences of these for cognition.
cortex contribute to their long-​lasting differences require added examination. John P. Aggleton 1 ✉ and Shane M. O’Mara 2 ✉
storage176. Such findings reinforce the value Other issues stem from growing evidence 1
School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff,
of exploring joint hippocampal and anterior that the anterior thalamic nuclei contribute United Kingdom.
thalamic influences on cortical sites, while to specific aspects of attention22,149,201, 2
School of Psychology and Trinity College Institute of
underlining how the anterior thalamic a function that is potentially independent Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, The University
nuclei make independent contributions. of the hippocampus but can still affect of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Intriguingly, the anterior thalamic and learning and memory. This impact on ✉e-​mail:;

dorsal subiculum projections strongly learning can be seen in how animals
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