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Staad keyboard shortcut

Shift + N : display node number

Shift + K : display node point
Shift + S : display support
Shift + D : display dimension
Shift + J : display references
Shift + X : display sections
Shift + I : display axis at origin
Shift +M : display material
Shift + G : display diagram information
Shift + B : display beam no.
Shift + O : display beam orientation
Shift + A : display beam specification
Shift + R : display releases
Shift + E : display beam ends
Shift + V : display load values
Shift + F : display floor loading
Shift + Y : display floor load distribution
Shift + H : display wind load contributory area
Shift + W : display wind load
Shift + P : display plate no.
Shift + T : display plate orientation
Shift + C : display solid no.
Ctrl + Shift + P : display surface no.
Ctrl + Shift + T : display surface orientation
Ctrl + Shift +A : display axis window
Ctrl + Shift + M : display member no.
Ctrl + Shift + G : display design group
Shift + L : display master slave
Ctrl + shift + E : display design envelope
Ctrl + shift + B : display design brief
Ctrl + 1 : Section Outline
Ctrl + 2 : Full Outline
Ctrl + 4 : 3D Rendering
Ctrl + 0 : No Outline
F9/Ctrl + F5 : Run Analysis
Ctrl + N : Run Structural Wizard
Ctrl + O : Open File
F4 : To Change Orientation
F2 : Move
F12 : View animation in full screen.
F5 : To check the syntax in staad editor
Alt + F4 : To close the staad analysis
Ctrl + Mouse middle button : To scale results.

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