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Relation between CBR and Modulus of Strength

Relation Expérimentale entre le CBR et le Module de Résistance

by LJ. N a s c i m e n t o , Research Engineer, and A. S i m ô e s , Assistant Research Engineer, Laboratôrio Nacional de Engen-
haria Civil, Lisbon, Portugal

Summary Sommaire
This paper présents the results of tests carried out at the Laboratôrio On présente dans cette communication les résultats d’essais
Nacional de Engenharia Civil, in order to relate the CBR with the effectués au Laboratôrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil afin de
modulus of strength (product of the modulus of subgrade réaction déceler une corrélation entre le CBR et le module de résistance (pro­
K s and the diameter of the loading plate, then independent of the duit du module de réaction K s par le diamètre de la plaque de charge­
diameter) the purpose being to apply these results to the design of ment, donc indépendant du diamètre), le but étant d’en faire
rigid and flexible pavements. l’application au dimensionnement des revêtements rigides et flexibles.
CBR and load tests have been carried out (in the mould and with On a fait des essais CBR et des essais de charge (dans le moule et
the CBR plunger) on three types of soils (silt, fluvial outwash and avec le piston CBR) sur trois types de sols (silt, alluvion et sable
argillaceous sand) on crushed stone and on mixtures of basaltic and argileux) sur des gravillons et sur des mélanges de gravillons basal­
calcareous crushed stone with argillaceous sand. tiques et calcaires avec du sable argileux.
The conclusion is drawn that the modulus of strength is 10 to 20 On a conclu que le module de résistance varie de 10 à 20 fois le
times the CBR for soft materials and 10 to 30 for hard materials, and CBR pour les matériaux mous et de 10 à 30 fois pour les matériaux
that the modulus of subgrade reaction, K s, is £ to i CBR and i to ^ durs, et que le module de réaction, K s, varie, respectivement de
CBR for soft and hard materials respectively. i à i CBR et de 1 à i CBR.

The m ost widely know n m ethods o f pavem ent design are wards subject to the CBR tests, and with the CBR plunger itself
those th a t m ake use o f the CBR test for flexible pavements w ith loading steps o f ab o u t 0-5 kg/cm -2 for the soils and o f
and a loading test on large plates for rigid pavements. ab o u t 5 kg/cm -2 for the other m aterials ; each value o f the load
The CBR test is carried out according to a standard m ethod was kept constant for 1 m inute. The CBR plunger was used
(R oad Research Laboratory, 1952). In the loading test a
<T k g /c m 2
circular plate is used with a diam eter d subject to a load Q ; the
2 4 * 1C
settlem ent 8 corresponding to Q is determined and then the
m odulus o f strength E is com puted. Its value is approxim ately

£= — . . . . (1)
£ S
th a t can be w ritten as w .
E = .... (2) ®
where 13
S ‘O
. . . . (3) «J
The m odulus of strength E is an intrinsic characteristic o f the 30
soil as is proved by Fig. 1, th a t was plotted from data gathered © = 12“ 305 rr m
from researches carried out by M c L e o d (1947) and N a s c i ­ © = 16“ 457 rr m

• 0 =24" 610 rr m

E- 010 = 400

m e n t o (1953). It can be seen that tests carried out on the same


40 =30“ 762 nr k g /c m 2
soil with bearing plates whose diameters ranged from 30 cm to ® 0 = 36“ 912 m m
1 -00 m yielded the same curve connecting stresses with strains. e û =42"1062 rnm
I t is believed to be o f great interest to determine the relation-
ships between the param eters CBR and E with a view to estab-
lishing a général design m ethod for rigid and flexible pavements.
F o r th a t purpose, researches are under way at the L aboratôrio Fig. 1 Load curve obtained from loading tests on plates of différent
diameters. From data gathered in McLeod’s papers
N acional de Engenharia Civil and their present status is pre-
Courbe de charge obtenue au cours des essais de charge sur
sented in this paper. des plateaux de différents diamètres. Tracée à partir
The materials m ade use o f in these tests were a silt, a fluvial d’éléments des travaux de McLeod
outwash, an argillaceous sand, a basaltic crushed stone, a mix­
ture o f basaltic crushed stone with argillaceous sand and a for the loading tests because the value o f E , as stated above
mixture o f calcareous crushed stone with argillaceous sand. (Fig. 1), does n ot depend on the diam eter o f the bearing plate.
The particle-size distributions and the A tterberg limits o f the Samples were prepared according to the C B R standards ; but
materials used are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. in the case o f crushed stone and the mixtures o f crushed stone
The CBR tests were perform ed according to the usual pro­ w ith argillaceous sand a circular base 9-8 cm in diam eter (area
cédure, w ithout soaking and on both ends o f the sample. The 75 cm 2) was adapted to the com paction ram m er for the ten
load tests were carried out on the same samples th at were after- first and the ten last blows o n each layer.
The test results are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and in the dia-
grams of Figs. 4 and 5 ; the first of these has natural scale and
the second a logarithmic diagram.
Table 1
Results of the tests on soils
Résultats des essais sur trois sols

Wet Moisture Relative

Material density content CBR E com-
(g cm-3 (%) (kg cm-2 paction
œ (%)
1-69 16 1 3-0 31 89
1-73 17-0 2-2 59 90
Silt 1-76 17-4 3-7 28 91
Maximum density: 1-76 17-4 9-2 55 91
y0 = 1-65 g cm-3 1-88 13-7 10-9 125 100
1-90 14-0 9-1 140 101 Fig. 2 Particle-size distribution curve and Atterberg limits of:
Optimum moisture 1-92 13-7 5-9 50 102 (a) silt; (b) fluvial outwash; and (c) argillaceous sand
content: 1-97 16-5 3-7 25 103 Courbe granulométrique et limites d’Atterberg: (a) du silt;


16-5 1-5 31 103 (b) de l’alluvion; et (c) du sable argileux


1-99 15-0 12-7 44 105

201 22-4 11-8 156 103
2-01 22-4 11-8 150 103
1-95 22 0 11-0 133 100
1-95 22-0 11-0 156 100
Fluvial outwash 1-91 23-0 9-2 115 98
70 = l'60 g cm-3 1 91 23-0 9-6 115 98
fV0 = 22% 1-92 22-0 10-3 137 98
1-92 22-0 10-3 137 98
1-77 23-0 8-9 119 90
1-77 23-0 6-6 116 90
1-77 23 0 7-7 100 90
1-77 23-0 7-0 114 90
1 96 10-9 6-6 83 90
1-96 10-9 5-9 72 90
1-96 10-8 7-4 125 90
1 96 10-8 5-2 90 90
2-24 10-1 3-7 40 103
2-16 9-6 12-9 167 100
Argillaceous sand 2-16 9-6 13-3 125 100
yo = 1-98 g cm-3 2-19 8-9 16-4 190 102 Fig. 3 Particle-size distribution curves of the basaltic crushed stone
W 0 = 11% 2-19 8-9 16-4 187 102 and of the calcareous crushed stone
2-20 10-4 11-2 78 100
2-20 10-4 13-3 163 100 Courbes granulométriques des gravillons basaltiques et cal­
206 10-8 9-6 104 94 caires
2 06 10-8 9-6 133 94
1-95 9-8 10-0 133 90
1-95 9-8 81 125 90

Table 2
Results of the tests on crushed stone and on crushed stone with
argillaceous sand
Résultats des essais sur pierre concassée et sur pierre concassée
et sable argileux

(%) CBR E
Material (kg cm-2)
Stone Sand
Basaltic crushed — — 52 560
Basaltic crushed 80 20 92 1670
stone with 80 20 70 1670
argillaceous sand 75 25 52 500
75 25 103 3200
75 25 100 2500
75 25 111 3200
Calcareous crushed 75 25 92 3200
stone with 70 30 148 1400
argillaceous sand 70 30 136 1560 CBR
70 30 136 2040
80 20 74 2080 Fig. 4 Relationship between CBR and E natural scales
80 20 148 2500 Relation entre CBR et E échelles 1:1

In order to interpret the results o f these tests, a standard and for large deform ations, near to the CBR
CBR test curve (CBR = 100) was traced in Fig. 6, stresses (a)
being plotted as a function o f strain (e) ( N a s c im e n to et al., E = ^ CBR = 10 CBR . . . . (9)
1955). To the norm al CBR seulem ent 8 = 0-25 cm a strain
e = 0-05 corresponds for diam eter d = 5 cm ; a load corre- In Figs. 4 and 5 the results corresponding to materials with
sponding to CBR = 100 a stress cr = 70 kg/cm -2 corresponds. a low CBR, comply with expression E = 10 to 20 CBR. The
The m odulus of strength o f the standard curve is given by m aterials w ith a higher strength so far tested show a tendency
to higher values o f E , ranging from 10 to 30 CBR. The reason
F -
- £ ft —
~~Â (4) for this increase lies in the shape o f the load curves for hard
m aterials, which differ from those o f soft m aterials. R upture
for small deform ations far enough from rupture its value is is m ore conspicuous in the form er as can be seen schematically
(Fig. 6) in Fig. 6, in which the curve similar to the standard CBR curve
is represented by the dotted line and the actual curve by the full
E0 = = 2000 kg/cm -2 . . . . (5) line. F ro m here, although the m odulus o f strength o f both
curves is the same, the effective CB R is shown to be lower for
the dotted curve, hence the ratio E /C B K is higher.
10,000 / / F ro m équations 8 an d 9 we can obtain the relationships
/ /
/ between the m odulus o f subgrade réaction, K „ and the CBR.
/ / As K s is given by
lo q E = l-4 8 + \o q C B R J / JS _ ?
Ks - 3 .... ( 10)
E ;3 0 C B R - , /
log£W -3log C B R s
1000 t ;2 0 C BR ^, / kg/cm^
Qj / / log E-7+loq C B R
/ / E = 10 C B R
V) / /
100 / % Y
o / / oc 0
Lu o
/ /
A />> y
10 r9 Hat ■eotJS s a n
lu v ia l o u tw e s h Fig. 6 Diagram presenting the standard loading curve for the CBR
B a s .c r u s h e d s to n e w ith s a n d test, compared with two materials, one soft, the other hard
sut Diagramme où l’on présente la courbe-type de charge de
a ilt ii Cl"US h e d S l(one l’essai CBR, comparée avec deux matériaux, l’un mou,
l’autre dur

10 100 '000 w e c a n P ut (ecJu a t' o n i)

C B R Hog s c a le ) K, = (11)
Fig. 5 Relationship between CBR and E logarithmic scales
Relation entre CBR et E échelles logarithmiques for d = 75 cm (30 in.), is from équation 8
v _ 20 CBR = CBR
and for the deform ations corresponding to the CBR (Fig. 6) 75
70-60 and from équation 9
En =
= 1000 kg/cm -2 (6) 10 CBR CBR
K, =
If the load curve obtained in a CBR test on any m aterial is 75
sim ilar to the standard curve, i.e. if the ratio o f abscissae is
constant, th a t same ratio is the C B R and the m odulus of References
strength of the m aterial is given by the expression M cL eod, N . W . (1947). A Canadian investigation of load testing
applied to pavement design, Symposium on Load Tests o f Bearing
Acr0 x CBR £o x CBR Capacity o f Soils, p. 83
E = (7) N a s c im e n to , Ü . (1953). Alguns problemas de Mecânica dos solos
A e x 100 100
If the m odulus o f strength is determined for small deform a­
relativos à pavimentaçâo de estradas, Mem. Ord. Engenheiros, 1 1 ,
— dos S a n t o s , P., d ’O r e y , W ., Sim ôes, A., B r a n c o , F ., d a C o s t a , E .,
tions, the expression above becomes d e C a r v a l h o , K. and M a r t i n s , R. (1955). X e Congrès de la
Route, l . re section, 2me question. Rapport du Portugal
E =
CBR = 20 CBR (8) Road Research Laboratory (1952). Soil Mechanics for Road Engi-
neers. H.M.S.O., London, 382


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