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Single Answer Type Questions

1. TlI 3 is an ionic compound which furnishes any of the following ions
(A) Tl  & I3 (B) Tl 3 & I3 (C) Tl 3 & I  (D) Tl  & I 

2. A coloured salt of cobalt is subjected to borax bead test. The transparent borax bead turns blue. From the given
reaction, identify the one which does not take place during the process
(A) 4NaBO2 + CO2→Na2BO7 + Na2CO3
(B) Na2B4O7 → 2NaBO2 + B2O3
(C) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O→Na2B4O7 + 10H2O
(D) CoO + B2O3 → Co(BO2)2
3. Aluminum chloride exists as a dimer Al2Cl6 in solid state as well as in solution of non-polar solvents such as
benzene. When dissolved in acidified aqueous solution, it gives:
(A) Al3+ + 3Cl− (B) [Al(H2O)6]3+ + 3Cl−
(C) [Al(OH)6] + 3HCl (D) Al2O3 + 6HCl
4. Which among the following is a Pseudo alum
(A) ( NH 4 ) 2 SO4 .Fe2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O (B) MgSO4 . Al2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O
(C) K 2 SO4 .Cr2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O (D) Na2 SO4 . Al2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O

In the reaction, 2X  B2 H6   BH 2 X 2   BH 4  , the amines X is/are

5.  

(A) NH 2 (B) CH 3 NH 2 (C)  CH 3 2 NH (D)  CH 3 3 N

6. 
Ca2 B6O11  Na2CO3   X   CaCO3  NaBO2 (unbalanced equation)
Correct choice(s) for [X] is/are
(A) X with NaOH (aq.) gives a compound which on reaction with H 2 O2 in alkaline medium yields a compound
used as brightener in soaps
(B) Structure of anion of crystalline [X] has one boron atom sp 3 hybridized and other three boron
atoms sp 2 hybridized
(C) Hydrolysis of (X) with HCl or H 2 SO4 yields a compound which on reaction with HFHF gives fluoroboric
(D) [X] on heating with cobalt salt in oxidizing flame gives blue coloured bead
7. Why is a solution of aluminium chloride acidic?
(A) Chloride ions react with water to from hydrochloric acid
(B) Aluminium ions have a large charge/surface area ratio
(C) The H – O bonds are weaker in  Al  H 2O 6  than in H 2O
(D) The H – O bonds are weaker in  Al  H 2O 6  than in H 2O

Comprehension Type Questions

Passage – 1

Ca2 B6O11  Na2CO3 

  A   B   CaCO3
 A  CO2    B   Na2CO3
 B   ConcHCl   NaCl  Acid  C 

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

 C  
 D
 D   CuSO4 
 Blue colured (E) Compound

8. Compound (A) is
(A) NaBO2 (B) Na2 B4O7 (C) Na3 NO3 (D) NaOH

9. Compound (B) is
(A) NaBO2 (B) Na2 B4O7 (C) Na3 NO3 (D) NaOH

10. Compound (E) is

(A) Cu2O (B) CuS (C) CuSO3 (D) Cu  BO2 2

Passage – 2
A white crystalline compound (X) reacts with water to produce an alkaline solution. On heating it produce a transparent
bead which on heating with CuSO4 form a blue colour bead Y. Compound X on heating with ethanol and H2SO4 give
green edged flame. Compound X dissolved in NaOH but when conc. H2SO4 is added white crystals of an acid (Z) separate
11. The compound X is
(A) Na2  B4O5  OH 4  .8H 2O (B) NaBO2

(C) Na2  B4O7  OH 8  (D) H 3 BO3

12. The green edged flame is because of

(A) vapours of ethanol (B) vapours of sulphuric acid
(C) vapour of trithyl borate (D) vapours of boron trisulphate
13. The compound Z is
(A) HBO2 (B) H 3 BO3 (C) Na2 SO4 (D) NaB  SO4 2

Passage – 3
Boron forms a number of hydrides having general formulae Bn H n  4 and Bn H n  6 . These hydrides called boranes. The
simplest hydride of boron is diborane. Boranes contains special types of bonds known as multi centre bonds. Boranes have
high heat of combustion
14. In diborane, B2 H 6 type of overlapping of orbitals involved in banana bond formation
(A) sp3  s (B) sp3  s  sp2
(C) sp3  s  sp3 (D) sp  s  sp

15. Which hydride does not exist

(A) BH 3 (B) H 2 F2 (C) SbH 3 (D) NH 3

16. Diborane liberates H2 gas when it is treated with

(A) HCl in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 (B) H 2O
(C) KOH (aq) (D) All are correct

Passage – 4
Colemanite + G(compounds) → A  B  C

C   D  E  gas  
Baryta water

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

E  H 2O
milky  milkiness disappears
B  E  gas   A  G

A  F  B
F  CuO  Blue bead
17. When 1 mole of ‘C’ and 2 moles of ‘G’ are heated the number of moles of ‘E’ formed is/are ‘x’. The number of
hybrid orbitals in ‘E’ is/are ‘y’. Then x  y 
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
18. F with 3 moles of water gives 2 moles of compound ‘H’. ‘H’ on heating to 100°C gives ‘I’. ‘I’ is”:
(A) B2O3 (B) CaCO3 (C) H 2 B4 O7 (D) HBO2

19. Compound ‘A’ is:

(A) Na2CO3 (B) Na2 B4O7 (C) NaBO2 (D) CaCO3

Passage – 5

Orthoboric acid, B  OH 3 , is the normal end product of hydrolysis of most boron compounds. It forms flaky, white,
transparent crystals in which a planar array of BO3 units is joined by unsymmetrical H- bonds. In contrast to the short O-
H---O distance of 272 pm within the plane, the crystal is 318 pm, thus accounting for the pronounced based cleavage of
the waxy, plate-like crystals and their low density (1.48 g cm 3 )

20. Which of the following reaction produce boric acid?

I) Hydrolysis of BCI 3 .
II) Reaction of H 2 SO4 with aqueous solution of borax
III) Reaction of water with B2 H 6 .
(A) I, II, III (B) I, II (C) I, III (D) II, III
21. Select incorrect statement.
(A) Boric acid acts as hydroxyl donor in water rather than proton donor
(B) Its acidity is considerably enhanced by cis 1, 2- diols
(C) H 3 BO3 on heating at high temperature produce B2O3
(D) H 3 BO3 when reacts with aqueous NaOH , produces Na  B  OH 4 

Passage – 6

22. The compound Y is

(A) BCl3 (B) BF3 (C) B2 H 6 (D) B2O3

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

23. The compound X is:

(A) B2 H 6 (B)  B  OH 4  (C) B2O3 (D) H 2 B4 O7

24. Match the following:

Column I Column II
Metal ion Colour in the Borax bead test (oxidising flame in cold)
(A) Co 2 (p) Red

(B) Mn 2 (q) Blue

(C) Cr 3 (r) Green

(D) Ni 2 (s) Brown

25. Match the following:

Column I Column II

(A) Borax   (p) BN

(B) B2 H 6  H 2O  (q) B2 H 6

(C) B2 H 6  NH 3 excess  (r) H 3 BO3


(D) BCl3  LiAlH 4  (s) NaBO2

(t) B2O3

26. Match the following:

Column I (Molecule) Column II (Characteristics Feature)
(A) Boric acid (p) sp 2 hybridised boron

(B) Diborane (q) Ring having 6 electrons delocalised

(C) Borazine (r) Bond having partial double bond character
(D) Boron nitride (graphite like) (s) sp 3 hybridised boron

27. Match the following:

Column I (Molecule) Column II (Characteristics Feature)
(A) B2 H 6 (p) 3c-4e bond

(B) Be2 H 4 (q) 3c-2e bond

(C) Be2Cl4 (r) Vacant orbital part in hybridisation

(D) Al2 Cl6 (s) sp 3 hybridisation

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

Answer Key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
A C C A-q A-s,t A-p A-q,r,s
B-p B-r B-s B-q,r,t
C-r C-p C-p,q,r C-p,r,t
D-s D-q D-p,q,r D-p,r,s

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

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