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1. Define Biodiversity.

Define biological wealth and apply the concept to human use of

that wealth.
2. How does the Endangered Species Act (ESA) preserve threaten and endangered
species in the United States? What are the shortcomings of, and controversies
surrounding, the act? How does habitat conversion, fragmentation, and simplification
affect biodiversity?
3. Describe ways in which our wisdom and values are reflected through our actions as
stewards of biodiversity.
4. How do population, pollution, exotic species, and overuse affect biodiversity?
5. Choose an endangered or threatened animal or plant species, and research what is
currently being done to preserve it. What dangers is it subject to? Write a protection
plan for the species?
6. Is it right to use animals for teaching and research? Justify your answers.

1. Biodiversity refers to the wide range of life forms and species on earth, encompassing
their diversity, genetic makeup and ecosystem in which they live to survive (Miller &
Spoolman, 2010). Biological wealth refers to the inherited value and potential benefits
derived from the diversity of life forms and is considered an all-inclusive cohesive
network of organisms, ecosystems and biological processes to help sustain life on earth
(Write & Boorse, 2017). The survival of humans is dependent on biological wealth. This
is due to the nutritional and survival benefits that is contained in the food we eat such as
fiber, vitamins, and protein, as well as shelter and clothing that the earth’s ecosystem
provides. However, if misused or mismanaged practices persist, it could cause an
adverse effect on human and animal life on the planet (Write & Boorse, 2017).

2. The endangered species act (ESA) is a piece of legislation in the United States that is
aimed to preserve and protect threatened endangered species and their habitats that was
signed in the law in 1973 through Richard Nixon with bipartisan support
(WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). Currently the ESA protects approximately 1,400 US species
and 600 foreign species by providing a safeguard for wild life and plants to help prevent
extinction (WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). Some of these methods consist of listing species,
critical habitat designation, recovery planning, and prohibition and conservation
measures. The ESA monitors different populations over time to help determine the rate of
recovery though identification and listings. The ESA designates critical habitat areas for
the purpose of preserving species that are in threat. The ESA has development
implemented a thorough recovery plan for species that are endangered. Lastly,
regulations are imposed to help maintain the life and preservation of species such as
seasonal hunting, trapping, and habitat destruction (Write & Boorse, 2017). Some of the
controversies that surround the ESA are that critics believe it causes a regulatory burden
and limits the rights of land use and development though strict restrictions and guidelines.
Industries such as logging, and housing and development are greatly affected (Write &
Boorse, 2017). Habitat conversion, fragmentation and simplification can cause a threat to
biodiversity. Due to the rapidly growing human population, resources such as food,
water, shelter and fuel is accelerating the conversion of natural habitats to urban or
industrial communities resulting in the loss of biodiversity (Write & Boorse, 2017).
Habitat fragmentation occurs when large habitats are divided into smaller patches that
can support a small number of specie populations, therefore subjecting them towards
extinction (Write & Boorse, 2017). Species that require large habitats will be the first to
go followed by a domino effect towards smaller species (Write & Boorse, 2017). Human
activities such as agriculture, forestry practices and urbanization are a catalyst to
simplifying natural habitats by reducing the diversity of species. Eliminating dead trees
or areas of dense moss and bushes can negatively impact microhabitats where smaller
animals inhabit (Write & Boorse, 2017).

3. Our wisdom and values are reflected through our actions as stewards of biodiversity in
multiple ways such as meeting conservation efforts such as taking shorter showers and
limiting water usage because biodiversity depends on the abundance of local fresh water
can positively affect biodiversity. Respecting local habitats in your neighborhood park,
hiking trail or fields will help preserve the local ecosystem by walking within the
designated pathways to prevent disruption of vulnerable plants. Joining a local gardening
group or learning how to grow your own crops can help with self-sufficiently while
gaining a better understanding of the values of biodiversity. Understanding the ethical
values of treatment toward animals such as humane practices toward livestock and pet
ownership I believe can help our attitudes on biodiversity.

4. With rapid human population growth comes an increased demand for resources such as
food, water, shelter, clothing and land. The more expansion of human population, the
more natural habitats are converted into agriculture fields, urban areas and housing and
development sites resulting in loss of biodiversity and displacement of species. Pollution
can come in many different types and all are equally harmful to the environment.
Pollution has the ability to contaminate the air, the food we eat and water we drink. This
can cause a disruption in the ecosystem and have an impactful influence harming
wildlife. Toxic pesticides can have a profound effect on the balance of the ecosystem and
biodiversity as well as harmful health effects on humans. Exotic species can be hunted
for sport or sold in some countries which can further accelerate the rate of extinction.
These types of practices can have a negative impact on the ecosystem by reducing animal
diversity. The overuse of natural resources such as overhunting, overfishing,
deforestation and the dependence of fossil fuels can lead to habitat destruction,
threatening the sustainability of a healthy ecosystem and communities and cultures that
depend on them.

5. The African Savanna Elephant is considered the largest species of elephants and the
biggest terrestrial animal on earth (WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). Although endangered, they
are found in 23 different countries and live in a diverse habitat. The significance of the
African Savanna Elephant is due to the maintenance they provide on the savannas and
open woodlands by reducing tree densities. Without this process, many plants and
animals would not survive in the woodlands (WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). To help reduce
the illegal poaching and selling of animal products, the World Wild Life (WWF)
organization is working toward implementing new protected areas to provide safe living
conditions for these animals. This is done through a partnership with TRAFFIC, the
worlds largest wild life monitoring network to help ensure safety and prevent the trade of
illegal elephant products (WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). The Elephant Trade Information
Systems (ETIS) is also part of the comprehensive efforts to prevent illegal poaching by
monitoring and tracking elephant ivory seizures (WorldWildLife.Org, n.d.). By
implementing a protection plan that addresses poaching, habitat loss and the human
wildlife conflict though collaborations between governments, conservation organizations
and local communities, can help ensure long term survival of the African Savanna
Elephant and the ecosystem they inhabit.

6. This has always been a conflicting question when asked because it depends on your
ethical values. However, I tend to lean toward the benefits of animal experimentation and
research. Animal research and experimentation has led scientist breakthroughs with
modern medicine and treatment plans such as the development of vaccines, surgical
techniques and treatments for disease. The use of a carcass can help provide students with
a more detailed hands-on approach to an animal’s anatomy. Science related careers such
as a biologist, doctor, or veterinarian can find this extremely effective. This can allow a
better understanding on the animal’s physical attributes and function.

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