Presentation 16

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Docente: Daniel Esau Garcia Torres

Andrea Tamara Segura Herrera - 2171512

Dania Monserrat Romo Salazar - 2220924
Melissa Nohemi Ruiz Hernandez -2190587
Roque Said Rojas Camarillo - 2191305
Marcos Omar Ruiz Rangel - 2190689
Andrea Tamara Segura Herrera - 2171512

Once upon a time, there was a goddess, name Elyan, she was the daughter of Aphrodite and the sea god,
Poseidon. She grew up in a beautiful castle close to the sea, in her castle was full of jewelry, pearls,
golden mirrors, flowers and seahorse statues. Her favorite moment of the day was the dinner, when
her father came to visit her, and she was so happy around him, her mother, didn’t do that often, and that
made her sad. She always served to her father a beautiful dinner to her father, with salads, fruit, meat,
cheese, wine and seeds. And every night she always begged to her father to let her out of her castle,
since she always desired to travel the world. Poseidon was always mad when his daughter talked about
visiting the world, since he always avoided that topic to her, she was his precious jewel, his only daughter,
he couldn’t let her go. And after a fight between them, the goddess got so mad that she run out of her
castle and go to the beach, begging on her knees, she was imploring to a god, wishing that he could give
her freedom. A god, a terrible god, came from the underworld, his name was Eros, he told to the goddess
that he could give her freedom. The goddess accept without questioning, The god smiled at her, and wrap
her body around him and take her to the underworld while she screamed for help. Her father came out
too late... his daughter was nowhere to be found, only her pearl necklace… That day, Poseidon cried and
raged, wishing that his daughter should have listened. And since that day, at the same hour that his
daughter left, a dangerous and chaotic storm came to drag all her abandoned castle.
Roque Said Rojas Camarillo - 2191305

Once upon a time, in a town called Saboretto known for its delicious foods, there lived a young cook
named Lucía, famous for her chocolate cake. She received a letter from her grandmother, who had taught
her to cook, saying she would come to the town's annual festival. Lucía felt a surge of emotion and

She worked hard in her kitchen, and the aroma of her dishes sparked excitement throughout the town.
On the day of the festival, Lucía presented her cake, receiving applause from everyone. Her grandmother
arrived, hugged her, and said she was proud of her.

"Next year, we'll make the cake together," said her grandmother. Lucía nodded enthusiastically. The
celebration continued with laughter and fireworks. From that day on, they started planning new recipes
together, strengthening their bond and enriching the town's celebrations.

Saboretto remained a place where food, feelings, and celebrations intertwined in a dance of happiness
and love
Melissa - Bambi

Once upon a time there was a forest where many animals lived and where everyone was very
friendly. One morning a bunny named thumper went to wake up the owl to go see a fawn
that had just been born. All the animals in the forest gathered together and went to meet
Bambi, wich was the name of the new faw. They all became good friends with him and
taught him everything there was in the forest: the flowers, the rivers and the names of the
different animals because of Bambii everything was unknow
Monserrat- Pinocchio

Pinocchio with the help of the little criket, went to sea to rescue the poor old man. When
Pinocchio was in front of the whale opened its mouth very wide and swallowed him too.
Inside the whale´s belly , Geppetto and Pinocchio were reunited . And they started thingking
about how to get out for there. And thanks to Jiminy Cricket found a way out. They made a
bonfire. They fire made the enormous whale sneeze, and the raft felw away with its three
crew members. Everyone was saved.
Marcos- Blanca Nieves

Once upon time there was a beautiful queen ho desired Ardently the arrival of a girl. One day
that lead on gives sitting by the window in her ebony hoop, she stung her finger with the
needle, and little drops of blood fell on the snow accumulated on the window sill. The queen
looked at the white snow and sighed. How i wish i had a daugther who had skin as white as
snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. Shortly after , his wish came true when he
white skin, red lipds and black hair, whom he gave the name Snow White

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