Term 1

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ICT Textbox Percentage Textbox Div W6 Exercise Week 6 Work

VAP Work on artworks + check in Work on artworks

TT Working Towards Assessment Task A Part A

ENG Examine cultural assumptions, values and attitudes. Examine ways to engage and persuade audience responses. Explore text structures and language
features required for spoken transcript. Begin Task 1.3: Transcript draft


ICT Flexbox Semantic Elements Flexbox 1 Flexbox 1 W7 Exercise Week 7 Work

VAP How does photography relate to “self” Introduce documentary photography Research artists Formative Making Task 1

TT Assessment Task A Part A Working Towards Assessment Task A Part A Complete Part A Assessment Task A1 Investigation Part A (Q & A)

ENG Examine elements required for Task 1.3. Deconstruct model response/ Review persuasive language devices required for speech. Review cultural
assumptions, values and attitudes used in speeches. Complete Task 1.3
Task 1.3 - Draft of spoken transcript

ITC Grid W3 Schools Grid 1 Grid 2 Working on Assessment Task Assessment Task Draft Due

VAP Take photos Technicalities of photography check in Go take photos

TT Assessment Task A Part B Working Towards Assessment Task A Part B Complete Part B Assessment Task A1 Investigation Part B (Q & A)

ENG Examine different modes and media used in presentations and ways to integrate them. Examine presentation expectations. Begin creating FIA1 final


ICT Working on Assessment Task Assessment Task Final Due

VAP Take photos How to analyse and evaluate artworks check in Go take photos

TT Review and Reflect Unit A Unit A Reflection

ENG Review criteria for Formative Internal Assessment 1 (FIA1) Discuss file size of presentation and submission requirements for FIA1. Continue creating
final presentation. Review course materials to compete task. Complete and submit FIA1 DUE: Final presentation


ICT Community Engagement

VAP Edit images Photoshop/LRC basics Edit images + check in Edit images Formative Making Task 2 Edited Images

TT Community Engagement

ENG Review 'Writing effective paragraphs' Reflect and Review Unit 1 - Topic 1 learnings. Revisit websites and explore ways to write a resume and letters of

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