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Forensic Pathologist

Everybody dies, but what happens when your death isn’t cut and dry? Was it foul play? Is there a
mystery to uncover, or will it remain unsolved?”

I will be romanticizing the role a little bit by likening it to popular mystery/thriller shows and films
like, Buzzfeed Unsolved (a popular YouTube channel) or the classic teen detective Nancy Drew. It
will be presented as more of a Medical Detectives.
Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and a qualified medical professional. With a suggestion to
take biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, anthropology, and advanced maths and science classes.
Altogether, 12-13 years of schooling is needed. Written
You’d work for the city/country’s coroners’ offices or a private practice. Written
The work environment for a forensic pathologist consists of about four workspaces. The hospital,
mortuary, crime scene/where the body was found and court.
The actual autopsy usually only lasts 1-2 hours, and while in some cases the determination can be
made during this time, other times it can take days or weeks to close a case. Spoken
An average workday is 10-12 hours, depending on whether the pathologist must review other
evidence. Written
A novice forensic pathologist will earn around $96K a year while someone with experience will earn
$100K. Written
Writing and communication skills, critical/ analytical thinking, active listening are good skills to have.
It’s also necessary that you can stay calm under pressure, detailed reports and profiles and practical
hand skills. Personality traits needed would be detail oriented, integrity, self-control, empathy and
dependability. Written
It would be beneficial for you to have an interest in science and not be squeamish. Spoken
Forensic Pathologists preform autopsies, note the presence or absence of disease, injury or poisoning,
collect medical evidence/history and document it all in order to determine cause/manner of death.
Written section detailing difference between coroners and forensic pathologists.
Key information on autopsies.
The need for forensic pathologists has been increasing nationwide over the years and is predicted to
become even more prominent in the future.

The more experienced you are in the field, the more money you make and the more respectable you
are, however there are no promotions or advancements in this career. Spoken
With technological advancements, the process of conducting an autopsy will become faster and much
more precise. Spoken
Such advancements like the X-Ray, DNA testing and genealogy has already proved invaluable.
It is necessary to have a basic understanding of computer software for this career, other than that most
work is hands on. Spoken
When a deceased person is left unidentified, without a cause/manner of death, bringing closure to that
individual and their family is very rewarding. Written
Being able to give peace of mind to a grieving family, giving victims a name and bringing whoever (if
anyone) responsible to justice is what this job is about. Spoken
I will be filming this on my living room couch, in front of a plain white wall, facing a window for
natural light. Audio will be clear, minimal background disruptions and you will be able to my
shoulders (and face).
I will be very engaging, delivering rib-cracking (ha) puns with graphic imagery that you soon shan’t
forget. Featuring eerie background music, setting the scene and keeping the audience at the edge of
their seat.

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