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Martin Parr is a British photographer born 23rd May 1952, his style is created by using a

macro lens, and either film or a ring flash to keep the image saturated. Some claim his
photography leaves viewers with an ambiguous emotional reaction. He is best known being
a documentary photographer, a photojournalist, and using his works to “take an intimate
satirical and anthropological look at modern life”, usually the western wealthier class.
In my opinion, Martin Parr is overrated. His book, “Death By Selfie” is simply an observation
of a global phenomenon, I do not see the appeal. While some of his photography is
intriguing (to me at least) a lot of his other works are average at best. I was a bit surprised by
how novice a lot of them appeared. The descriptions others have given on Parrs works are
very pretentious compared to what they really are. I was able to find some photos that I

Sebastião Salgado born 8th February 1944, is a Brazilian social documentary photographer.
His style is distinct, greyscale composition with dramatic lighting. His main subjects are
those in less-developed nations, showcasing those who still live by their ancestors’
Sebastiãos’ works are what I love to see in photography, thought provoking imagery,
cohesive style, and a clear preference for his subjects. The context he adds for each photo
makes the experience more vivid

“During the burial “A community above “Refugees from the Bihac

ceremony of a child” Chimborazo Ecuador” pocket living in Batnoga”

An Aboriginal Tasmanian, Ricky Maynard is a self-taught photographer, choosing to
photograph the scenery of Tasmania and Elders, all in black-and-white. By photographing
the histories of Indigenous communities, Ricky hopes to build a level of empathy and
understanding for those who are not Indigenous.
As a Tasmanian myself, I was unaware that there was any Indigenous peoples in Tassie.
Thanks to Ricky Maynard’s inspiring work, I aim to educate myself on Tasmania’s Indigenous

“Vansittart Island, Bass Strait, “Traitor” “Wik Elder Gladys”


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