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Level 1

Review 2

Part 1 Warm-up; children listen, look at the picture, and point to the items they hear.
Key: none (This part is not scored; it is to help children focus on the picture and get settled.)
Parts 2 and 3 Listening only; children should follow instructions, but do not have to speak.
Key: ¸= correct answer; ˚ = incorrect answer; — = no answer
Part 4 Speaking; no audio: Note the words each child says and his or her speaking ability.
For 4B, allow plenty of time. If children don’t respond, give the answer. Then point to the same
object and ask the question again.
Key: 3 = yes (child responded correctly on the first try); 2 = sometimes, with support (child
responded upon repetition); 1 = not yet (child didn’t respond when asked twice.)
PART 2: Listen and circle. Find and circle.
Ask the children to listen and circle each vocabulary
item they hear at the bottom of the page. Then have
them find and circle the same item in the big picture.
1 book
2 hat
3 frog
4 slide
5 grapes
6 flower
PART 3. Receptive check:
Listen and follow the directions.
Ask the children to listen to the directions and point
to the vocabulary items they hear.
1 Go to the boy.
2 Go to the boat.
3 Go to the big duck.
4 Go to the swing.
5 Go to the red flower.
6 Go to the banana.
PART 4. Speaking check: Listen and answer.
4A. Open question: What do you see?
Model a response by pointing to the boat. Say
Look! A boat. I see a boat. What do you see?
(Point to the scene.) Have the children point to and
name one or more objects. Jot down their answers.
4B. Closed question: What’s this?
Point to an object in the picture scene. Ask What’s
this? Repeat with a second item. Write the words
each child says on this chart.
4C. Personal question: Do you like (frogs)?
Point to an object in the picture and ask Do you like
(frogs, boats, ducks, bikes, books, sunglasses,
swings)? (accept Yes./Yes, I do.; No./No, I don’t.)

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