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Gayatri Sidhu

Thesis in Counselling Psychology
Weekly Response
Weekly Response

Question: Describe how psychoanalysis has influenced the field of counselling.

Psychoanalysis involves both a theory of mental functioning and a therapeutic approach.

While research-driven methods have gained importance recently, psychoanalysis remains a dy-

namic field that uniquely addresses subjective experiences that other therapies may overlook

(Psychology Today). According to the American Psychoanalytic Association (APA), psycho-

analysis can help people understand themselves by exploring unrecognized impulses hidden in

the unconscious. Psychoanalysis is based on Freud’s theory that people can experience catharsis

and gain insight into their state of mind by bringing the content of the unconscious into con-

scious awareness (Cherry, K).

Psychoanalysis was developed by Sigmund Freud, who faced a lot of criticism over his

work and theories. However, psychoanalysis was incredibly influential in modern-day therapy.

Freud’s approach to therapy and the belief that mental illness was treatable were groundbreaking

concepts. The idea that discussing issues could lead to relief, significantly influenced the con-

temporary approach to treating mental illness. Psychoanalysis represents a distinct field within

psychology, distinguished by its unique knowledge base and intensive treatment methods. It aims

to change and modify the foundational components of emotional thought process and personality


A psychoanalyst uses various techniques to prompt reflection on the motives behind

one’s actions and behaviours. They also encourage understanding and exploring the symptoms

while analyzing what led to their current behaviour. In Freudian psychoanalysis, patients inter-

pret inkblots, participate in free association exercises, analyze dreams, and explore resistance and

transference patterns (Khatri, M).

Gayatri Sidhu
Thesis in Counselling Psychology
Weekly Response
It is imperative to understand that psychoanalysis and psychotherapy were both proposed

by Freud, but they are different means of understanding human behaviour. Psychoanalysis takes

place over a longer period and is more intense than psychotherapy because it aims to change the

deepest layers of the psyche, which are the sources of harmful beliefs and behaviours. Usually, a

full psychoanalysis involves sessions with a psychoanalyst at least three times per week. The in-

vestment is considerable, but it can provide significant benefits regarding the ability to communi-

cate and work, as Freud phrased it. Psychotherapy, in contrast, is generally a short-term treat-

ment than psychoanalysis. Beginning with psychotherapy is sensible, at least initially, for those

requiring immediate assistance with conditions that significantly interfere with daily routines,

such as continually checking objects, consistently washing hands, or other similar habits. It is ad-

visable for a patient suffering from a serious mental health issue such as schizophrenia or obses-

sive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to consider joining psychoanalysis (What Is The Difference Be-

tween Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy?). As counselling has evolved, it has integrated ele-

ments of psychoanalysis alongside various other therapeutic approaches. By combining insights

from psychoanalysis with evidence-based practices and other therapeutic modalities, conselors

can offer tailored and effective interventions to clients.

Works Cited:

Psychology Today. Psychoanalysis. Retrieved on May 30th, 2024 from

Cherry, K. How Psychoanalysis Influenced the Field of Psychology. Retrieved on May 30th,

2024 from

Gayatri Sidhu
Thesis in Counselling Psychology
Weekly Response
Khatri, M. Psychoanalysis. Retrieved on May 30th, 2024 from

What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis?. Retrieved on May 30th,

2024 from



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