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A structure is an assemblage of different elements by means of Connections. The connections

areof three types,.

1. Bolted Connections
2. Rivetted Connections
3. Bolted connections
Design of Bolted Connections | Concept and Formulas with Example
Bolted connections are a type of structural joint used to join two or more structural
components in a steel structure using bolts. Bolts are a form of threaded fasteners which has
a male thread and preformed matching female thread, such as nuts. Concepts of bolt value,
the strength of bolted joints are important to design a bolted connection, and the same are
discussed further.
Types of Joints in Bolted Connections
There are two predominant types of joints in a bolted connection namely, lap joint and butt
joint. There are sub-types within these two types i.e., eccentric connections, pure moment
connections etc. but are beyond the scope of this blog. The nature of the joints and sub-types
within these joints are explained as follows.
1. Lap Joint
In a lap joint, the main members to be connected are placed over one another to form an
overlap between the members, and then the bolting is done on the overlapped portion.
Because of the very nature of the connection, an eccentricity is produced.

Lap joint

2. Butt Joint
In this type of joint, a cover plate is used to join two members. Based on the number of cover
plates there are two types of butt joint namely, single cover butt joint and double cover butt

Butt joint types

Most Preferred Joint in a Bolted Connection

Out of all the above-mentioned joints, the double cover butt joint is the most preferred for
the following reasons.
• The shear capacity of the bolt is more than in a lap joint

• No eccentricity is present in the connection

Types of Failure in Bolted Connections
In a bolted connection either the connecting plate might fail or the bolt might fail. Therefore,
it becomes important to consider the "Limit States" or failure modes of both bolt and the
plate. Possible limit states by which a bolted connection might fail are mentioned below.
Failure Modes of Bolts in a Bolted Connection
• Shear Failure of Bolts

• Bearing Failure of Bolts

• Tensile Failure of Bolts
Failure Modes of Plate in a Bolted Connection
• Shear Failure of Plate
• Bearing Failure of Plate
• Tensile Failure of Plate

1. Shear Failure of Bolts

As the name suggests, this failure occurs due to shear force at the interface of surfaces in a
joint. Depending on the number of shear surfaces there are two types of shear failure that
could occur in a bolted connection, namely, the single shear failure and double shear failure.
Single Shear Failure
Here, the bolt is subjected to a single shear force which could cause the failure of the bolt.
This type of failure occurs in single cover butt joint and lap joint.

Single shear failure of bolt in a lap joint

Double Shear Failure

Here, the bolt is subjected to two shear forces at two separate shear planes. This type of
failure occurs in the double cover butt joint.

Double shear failure of bolt in double cover butt joint

2. Bearing Failure of Bolts
In this failure, the bolt fails in bearing due to contact with the plates. This type of failure occurs
in cases where a low-strength bolt is used with a plate of very high grade, which usually
doesn't occur in practice.

Bearing failure of bolt

3. Tensile Failure of Bolts

The tensile strength of the bolt is the amount of pull the bolt can withstand in the
perpendicular direction to the plane of loading. If the pull on this perpendicular axis exceeds
the tensile strength of the bolt, then the bolt will fail in tension.

Tensile failure of bolt

4. Shear Failure of Plate

Shear failure of plate

5. Bearing Failure of Plate


Both shear and bearing failure of the plate can be avoided by providing sufficient centre to
centre distances between the bolts as mentioned in section 10 of IS 800: 2007.
6. Tension Failure of Plate
Due to a reduction in the net area (i.e., due to bolt holes) of the plate along the bolt line, the
tensile strength of the plate will be lesser than the actual value at this section. Because of
this, the plate might fail under tension. Therefore, it becomes important to calculate the least
net area among different bolt lines to find the least tensile strength of the plate and check it
for safety for the applied load.

Tensile failure of plate

Assumptions in Designing a Bolted Connection

• All bolts in a connection are stressed equally
• Friction between the plates in a connection is neglected
• The shear stress distribution is uniform for the bolt
• The bearing stress distribution is uniform for the bolt
• The bending of the bolt is neglected in case of smaller grip length, in case of
larger grip lengths reduction factors must be considered for bending of the bolt
Basic Terminologies in Designing a Bolted Connection
• Pitch distance (p) - centre to centre distance between two adjacent bolt holes
in the direction of the applied load
• Gauge distance (g) - centre to centre distance between two adjacent bolt holes
in the perpendicular direction of the applied load

• Edge distance (e) - the distance between the edge of the plate to the nearest
centerline of a bolt hole in the perpendicular direction to the applied load
• End distance (e') - the distance between the end of the plate to the nearest
centerline of the bolt hole in the direction of the applied load

Terminologies used in a bolted connection

For detailed specifications regarding all the above-mentioned terms refer to IS 800: 2007,
Section 10 Connections.
Patterns of Rivetted and Bolted Joints :
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