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Functional Health Pattern Health Perception/ Health Management Before Hospitalization She feels healthy. When she gets normal cough, colds and fever she just takes medicines and takes a rest to recover from that condition. She cleans the house and washes the dishes as her form of exercise. She usually eats fish and sometimes meat. She doesnt like to eat vegetables but she really likes to eat fruits. She eats 3 times a day and she has fair appetite. She usually defecates 3 times a week with no discomfort. She voids 5-7 times a day with no discomfort. During Hospitalization During her hospitalization, the patient said that she now doesnt feel healthy as she was before because of all the medicines that shes taking and the contraptions attached to her she cant do any activities that she usually does before she was admitted. The patient said that she still eats 3x a day but her appetite has lessen during her current admission unlike before because of her uncomfortable feeling. The patient said that she now only defecate once or twice a week sometimes with presence of difficulty in passage of hard stool. She voids 3-5 times a day without any discomfort. The patient just spends most of her time resting on her bed because of her illness and sometimes she walks with an assistant because of her weakness. Interpretation Because of the patients current admission the patient doesnt feel healthy anymore because based on her verbalizations her perception of healthiness is when she can do her activities of daily living. Analysis Based from Gordon the clients perception of health and well-being changes from how they manage their health.


The patients nutritional and metabolic status has been changed due to her confinement and her medical health condition. Her preconfinement status is totally affected. The patients defecation schedule has changed and there has been presence of difficulty.

An individuals health status greatly affects eating habits and nutritional status (Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier p. 1178) Insufficient physical activity may result to a decrease in normal frequency of defecation accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool or hard stool. (NANDA 11th edition, p. 194) Due to the patients illness there has been activity intolerance due to the imbalance between oxygen supply and demand.


Activity Exercise

She is the one who cleans the house and wash the dishes in her free time. She usually sleeps, if not, she watches the tv and play with her friends and siblings. Sometimes she just sat and read her

During patients confinement in the hospital, there is limitation in her activities of daily living and a disruption in her leisure.



Self-Perception/ Self Concept


books. She is a grade 6 student. She can read and write and can understand words and sentences. She said that when she experiences other illnesses like coughs and colds or any pain, she knows what to do about it. The patient has a good quality of sleep in the afternoon and evening. When she wakes up in the morning she feels energized. She usually sleeps at 10 pm and wakes up a 7am. She doesnt feel any discomfort when she tries to sleep at night. She thinks that she is healthy and doesnt feel any problems before her experience of symptoms because of her illness. She is the second eldest among her siblings. She is the one who takes care of house cleaning and dish washing. Shes happy with her family members but sometimes she has some bad moods because of her siblings. Her relationship with her parents is ok

The patient still reads her books and writes. She can still understand words and sentences clearly. Her cognition and perception of pain still hasnt changed.

The patients cognition and perceptual hasnt changed during her current admission.

The patient said that now, she cant sleep properly unlike before. Her sleep has now been short because shes experiencing distractions regarding the daily routines in the hospital and the other patients noises. The patient said that now, she feels powerlessness because of her illness that she cant do all the activities that she can before. The patients relationship with her siblings hasnt change during her admission. And her relationship with her parents has been much okay because her parents have been taking good care of her during her current admission.

The patients sleep pattern has been altered during her current admission because of the daily routines in the hospital and the other patients.

Illness that causes pain or physical distress can result in sleep problems. People who are ill require more sleep than normal and the normal rhythm and wakefulness is often disturbed. (Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th ed by Barbara Kozier, et al, p. 1117). Because of the patients illness, she percepts that she cant do or have a lack of control over a current situation. (NANDA 11th edition, p. 540) There is a family functioning that is sufficient to support the well-being of family members and can be strengthened. (NANDA 11th edition, p. 304)

The patients selfperception has been change because of her illness.

The patients relationship with her family has been more okay because of her current admission.


Coping / Stress Tolerance

because she doesnt have any problem about that. She is a 14 year old female. She started having menstruation at the age of 13. She has a regular menstruation with duration of 3 days. She didnt experience having a boyfriend yet. She likes to hang out more with her female friends than male friends. When she feels stressed she usually sleeps and sometimes if shes not sleeping she watches the tv to relieve the stress she feels.

The patient said she had her last monthly period last April.

The patients menstruation period has been altered.

There is an ineffective sexuality pattern related to the altered body function of the patient due to her illness. (NANDA 11th edition, p. 615)

Value - Belief

She is a catholic and she believes in God. She seldom attends the mass but she always prays at night. She doesnt have any special religious practices. She perceives that her family is important in her life.

The patient said that now she feels like always stressed because of her illness, and their financial problems regarding her admission. She said that she cant rest much because of her distracted sleeps and rest periods. The patient has been more prayful and faithful to God because of her current admission. Shes more thankful for her family now for their support.

The patients current admission made her weaker because of her inability to cope with her stress.

Stress overload may result from inadequate resources such as financial, social, education/knowledge level, and environmental threats/demands, physical threats. (NANDA 11th edition, p. 658)

The patients faithfulness to God has become tighter because of her current admission. And her family has become more important for her for their support for her.

To be developed or to get well the patient shows readiness for enhanced religiosity or the ability to increase reliance on religious beliefs.

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