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Biologia 72/5: 475—485, 2017

Section Cellular and Molecular Biology

DOI: 10.1515/biolog-2017-0064

Why we age – a new evolutionary view

Igor Peregrim*
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Physiology, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Trieda SNP 1, SK-04011,
Košice, Slovakia; e-mail:

Abstract: This article introduces a new evolutionary theory of aging, which suggests that aging is the result of imperfections
in cell turnover in organisms. Some of the simplest animals demonstrate the strongest ability of cell renewal and therefore,
according to this theory, their aging often seems to be negligible. Evolutionarily related organisms (e.g. mammals) share
similar abilities in tissue cell turnover but they differ in the rates at which the process is performed. These rate differences
are more or less forced by the speed of irreversible damage (e.g. lipofuscin) increase in their cells. This speed is the result of
an evolutionary trade-off of “function vs. resistance to irreversible damage” in their cell molecules. The article also offers an
explanation of the differences in basal metabolic rate between different species. Put simply, while a trade-off in irreversible
damage plays a role in aging, the trade-off in reversible damage plays a role in basal metabolic rate.
Key words: aging; evolution; cell turnover; basal metabolic rate.
Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BM, body mass; BMR, basal metabolic rate; CR, calorie restriction; DMD,
Duchenne muscular dystrophy; GH, growth hormone; Gpx1, glutathione peroxidase 1; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1;
MLS, maximum lifespan; MOSTA, mitochondrial oxidative stress theory of aging; PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; Sod1, superoxide dismutase 1; SSA, senile systemic amyloidosis; TTR, transthyretin.

Why we age – a new evolutionary view aging. The discussion section then contrasts the theory
with the current state of research into the aging process.
A wide range of research over the last decade has cast
serious doubts over the veracity of the mitochondrial The theory
oxidative stress theory of aging (MOSTA), the theory
which argues that the aging process is a result of reac- The constant origin of irreversible damage (or irrepara-
tive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, a consequence ble changes) can be seen in every cell, both in DNA
of mitochondrial activity in particular (Andziak et al. structures and also in other cell masses (e.g. lipofuscin,
2005; Vermulst et al. 2007; Pérez et al. 2009; Cabreiro the irreversible lipid-protein changes stored as “cellular
et al. 2011; Brown & Borutaite 2012; Edrey & Salmon waste”). Multicellular organisms attempt to overcome
2014). Moreover, this theory seems to be flawed from the effects of this continual increase in damage through
the perspective of evolutionary theory. For example, the creation of cells, basically stem cells, with two main
proponents of MOSTA have suggested an evolution- tasks: (i) the maximum protection of DNA integrity;
ary trade-off between expending energy on reproduc- and (ii) the production of new cells to replace old ones.
tion and expending energy on the inhibition of ROS This would imply three to four aspects as follows:
(Speakman & Garratt 2014); in reality, no such trade- 1. Organisms with the potential to recover per-
off is necessary in times of food surpluses, and labora- fectly from their stem cells (if we disregard occasional
tory studies have shown that calorie restriction can, in mutations in their DNA) would theoretically be im-
fact, lead to prolonged lifespans in some species (Ma- mortal. Higher vertebrates (or more generally “evo-
soro 2005). Those, who wish to deny the occurrence lutionarily higher organisms”) are more complex and
of occasional food surpluses in nature, should at least have had less time to improve their recovery ability
explain why satiety is also the result of evolution. than lower vertebrates (or “evolutionarily lower or-
This article proposes a new theory of aging, which ganisms”); therefore, at the same rate of tissue cell
is based on the well-known phenomenon of continual turnover, they typically demonstrate higher tissue dis-
irreversible damage accumulation in cells (Nowotny et organization rate, i.e. faster aging.
al. 2014). In the following section, the novel aspects of 2. When we compare evolutionarily related organ-
the theory are presented in relation to earlier theories of isms (i.e. those placed close to each other in a phy-

* Corresponding author

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476 I. Peregrim

logenetic tree, e.g. mammals), we find similar levels tive of the absence of this type of evolutionary adapta-
of stem-cell ability/inability to recover tissues. In this tion.
case, animals with higher rates of tissue cell turnover Generally, age-related diseases are only due to a
(i.e. shorter cell lifespans) show quicker tissue disorga- lack of selection at high age, which means that, unlike
nization, i.e. faster aging. aging per se, they can be explained with Medawar’s
3. There is an evolutionarily trade-off in some cell theory.
molecules (typically proteins and lipids; see below) be-
tween their function and their resistance to irreversible The novelty of the theory
damage. Organisms, which prefer molecules with better
functional properties, accumulate higher levels of irre- The exhaustion of stem cells is not a cause of aging
versible damage, which lead in turn to a more urgent There is a widespread view that the exhaustion of stem
need for cell turnover from stem cells. This third point is cells is largerly responsible for the aging process (López-
the molecular foundation of the antagonistic pleiotropy Otín et al. 2013; Oh et al. 2014; Ahmed et al. 2017).
theory of aging. However, this appears to be contradicted by observa-
Another possible trade-off is in the speed of tissue tions. Elderly individuals have not been known to die
cell turnover, i.e. present lower level of irreversible dam- due to the exhaustion of hematopoietic or intestinal
age in cells (positive effect of higher speed) vs. quicker stem cells (i.e. anaemia or inability to digest food), and
increase of tissue disorganization due to stem cell im- these are classic examples of rapidly dividing cells. Also,
perfection (negative effect of higher speed). I know of no study, which would suggest that blood do-
These first three points offer a clear summation of nation speeds up the aging process. Taking this into ac-
how the theory understands the concept of aging: it is count, the problem with the exhaustion of other adult
an increase of irreversible damage in cells and also an stem cells should be largely negligible. Furthermore, we
increase in tissue disorganization due to adult stem cell may ask why adult stem cells should be expected to fail
imperfections. given that embryonic stem cells can divide indefinitely.
Lipofuscin, which is composed mainly of proteins The previously proposed trade-off between cancer and
and lipids, is probably the most important component adult stem cell exhaustion (Beausejour & Campisi 2006;
of irreversible damage in cells. On the other hand, the Sharpless & DePinho 2007) is critically discussed in the
functioning of cells is mainly contained in the reactions section “Special discussion to point 4B”.
of proteins, which very often take place in the lipid bi- There are also some other theories, which do not
layers. Therefore, the trade-off in the cell molecules be- consider stem cell exhaustion to be involved in the ag-
tween their function and their resistance to irreversible ing process. However, to the best of my knowledge, they
damage can be simplified into the following relation: do not offer any explanation of why organisms would
function of cellular proteins and lipids vs. resistance to thereby lack the ability to renew themselves perma-
lipofuscin increase in cells. The choice of investment in nently. As an example of this, we can mention the the-
some particular animal species is determined by its spe- ory of Khokhlov et al. (2013), which simply states that
cific population turnover in nature, and this is in turn cell turnover is limited in higher organisms and aging
determined by its specific traits, such as ability to fly is a consequence of the gradual accumulation of genetic
or move in trees, etc. (for more details, see the section mutations in these non-renewing cells, especially neu-
“Specific species traits vs. lifespan”). rons and cardiomyocytes. However, if this were the case,
4. A further point, which is more concerned with then we would expect all mammal species, from mice
age-related diseases rather than aging per se, could to whales, to have similar maximum lifespans (MLSs).
also be considered. Death in nature is a result of a According to the presented theory, the difference
combination of aging and a wide range of external between the stem cells of young and old individuals is
factors. Organisms in protected environments can live negligible. As was mentioned in point “1” above, ag-
longer. However, two problems arise: (A) due to the ing is a consequence of the deficiency of stem cells to
fact that the DNA, during its evolution in one species, recover tissues. Muscle tissue can be offered as an ex-
has rarely or possibly never occurred in such differ- ample of this. The presented theory states that satellite
ent organism’s internal environment (i.e. excessive lev- cells are roughly the same in both young and old indi-
els of irreversible damage in cells plus excessive tis- viduals; however, due to their inherent imperfection,
sue disorganization), it would suggest that the DNA the amount of fibrous and fat tissue and overall disor-
has not been able to adapt to these circumstances; ganization increases in muscles with gradually increas-
age-related diseases, such as amyloidosis, osteoporo- ing cell turnover (Evans & Lexell 1995; Gallagher et al.
sis, macular degeneration or cataract are indicative 2005; Boettcher et al. 2009). Consequently, it follows
of the absence of this type of evolutionary adapta- that individuals of the same species with a faster cell
tion; and (B) due to the fact that the DNA, dur- turnover in muscles, such as those with Duchenne mus-
ing its evolution in one species, has rarely or possi- cular dystrophy (DMD), display a faster aging process
bly never occurred in such long-lived organism (longer in their muscles (see also below “Special discussion to
time means a higher probability of mutations), it would point 2”).
again suggest that the DNA has been unable to adapt As mentioned in points “1” and “2”, individual
to these circumstances; the process of cancer is indica- species differ in their ability to recover tissues from stem

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Why we age 477

cells. The evolution of ontogenesis always precedes the ical mechanism explaining Williams’s theory. It is de-
evolution of tissue recovery from stem cells. Therefore, scribed by Kirkwood’s theory (Gavrilov & Gavrilova
as an example, the evolution of brain recovery in hu- 2002). This theory assumes the existence of a trade-off
mans takes a shorter time than the evolution of nerve between energy put into reproduction and to tissue re-
system recovery in hydras. In addition to this, hydras covery or generally anti-aging processes. Although this
are able to reproduce faster (which results in an ac- mechanism can be used beneficially in simple organisms
celerated rate of evolution) and their nerve system is (see below in the section “Special discussion to point
also simpler. It is therefore not surprising that the re- 1”), in more complex organisms it appears to be useful
covery ability of the Hydra nerve system is better than only very exceptionally, such as in the case of salmon.
that of humans (David 2012). Similar differences, al- In nature, situations may occur where food supplies ex-
beit to a lesser extent, seem to be between higher and ist in such profusion that organisms could theoretically
lower vertebrates. Many studies support superior tis- eat and digest even more, but they could no longer
sue recovery abilities in fish and amphibians compared use it in a reasonable way. In these specific situations,
to birds or mammals (although these are mainly in- Kirkwood’s trade-off would not apply and anti-aging
direct data regarding the ability to regenerate tissues processes would be able to run fully. Under laboratory
and organs after injuries) (Kishi et al. 2003; Raya et al. conditions, surpluses of food can be maintained indefi-
2004; Godwin & Rosenthal 2014; Shi et al. 2015). Yet nitely, however, no extension of life has been observed
despite the general tendency for better recovery abili- in this way. On the contrary, life can easily be pro-
ties in lower organisms, many exceptions probably exist longed by calorie restriction in some animals (Masoro
in the cases of simple organisms, such as Caenorhabdi- 2005). Kirkwood’s theory is thus inapplicable for higher
tis elegans, which do not contain any adult stem cells animals, such as mammals.
and therefore do not show any tissue cell turnover (see As mentioned in the point “3”, the presented the-
“Special discussion to point 1”). ory proposes a trade-off between the function of cell
Species, which have especially both higher stem cell molecules (typically proteins and lipids) and their re-
abilities to recover tissues and also lower stem cell stim- sistance to irreversible damage (especially lipofuscin)
ulus to tissue recovery (i.e. to tissue cell turnover), show as the real molecular foundation of Williams’s theory
slower rates of increase in tissue disorganization, which of aging. Lipofuscin makes up a large portion of non-
means slower aging. In simplified terms, we can com- dividing cells (e.g. in neurons) in elderly individuals,
pare this to copying a paper document, then copying even in short-lived species such as rats; for example,
the copy, then copying the copy again, etc. The qual- in the cerebral cortex neurons of lamina Vb it occu-
ity of the copier symbolizes the ability of stem cells pies 23% of the soma volume in rats with ages of 630–
to renew tissue, the number of copies reflects the cell 700 days (Samorajski et al. 1968; Brizzee & Johnson
turnover in the tissue, and new sheets of paper mean tis- 1970). If it grows at the same rate in humans, it would
sue without irreversible damage, especially tissue with- soon fill the entire neuron soma volume. The presented
out lipofuscin, the age pigment (similar to brown stains, theory assumes that rapid lipofuscin increases in mice
or foxing, on books). are a consequence of the specific structure of proteins
and lipids, and that their negative aspects are compen-
Identification of the real molecular foundation of Wil- sated for (i.e. the trade-off) by their improved func-
liams’s antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging: the tion in the body. Mice, due to their species traits, have
trade-off between function and resistance to irreversible a rapid population turnover (see more below in “Spe-
damage of cell molecules (typically proteins and lipids) cific species traits vs. lifespan”), which means that they
There are two major evolutionary theories of aging. are unlikely to reach a higher age (e.g. more than 3-4
Medawar’s theory considers the absence of selection as years) in nature. Therefore, for example, in compari-
the cause of aging, namely in the sense that organisms son with humans, they prefer the improved function of
in nature do not live to an advanced age (due to the ex- their molecules more than resistance against irreversible
ternal environment, e.g. predators); therefore the genes damage.
responsible for signs of aging cannot be selected out The section “Special discussion to point 3” offers a
(Gavrilov & Gavrilova 2002). Williams’s antagonistic more detailed description of the trade-off of both pro-
pleiotropy theory assumes the existence of some trade- teins and lipids in short- and long-lived animals. Here, I
off mechanism. It proposes the existence of genes with will just briefly mention that according to several stud-
pleiotropic effects: one effect of their effects offers some ies, long-lived species differ in their body composition
type of functional advantage at a young age, while, in from short-lived ones. For example, those short-lived
contrast, a second effect results in some kind of func- show higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PU-
tional disadvantage (i.e. aging) at a later age (Gavrilov FAs) in their lipid bilayers and also higher amounts of
& Gavrilova 2002). Various individual examples of ben- some amino acids (e.g. cysteine and methionine) in their
eficial genes, which are known to cause harm among mitochondrial proteins. Why is that so? According to
the elderly [for example Alzheimer’s disease (AD)] are the presented theory, these mentioned substances have
offered as examples in support of this theory (Wick some functional benefits but, on the other hand, they
et al. 2003). However, to the best of my knowledge increase the probability of irreversible damage in cells.
there is only one general and widely accepted biochem- The greater the increase of irreversible damage in

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478 I. Peregrim

cells, the stronger the adult stem cell stimulus for tis- old ones within the body to mitigate the aging pro-
sue cell turnover. The measure of the real response of cess or diseases related to it (Oh et al. 2014; Turner
adult stem cells may be regarded as another aspect of & Knoepfler 2016; Ahmed et al. 2017; Kuriyan et al.
Williams’s theory, i.e. a faster tissue cell turnover means 2017). Similarly, the concept of antioxidant system de-
momentarily less lipofuscin within cells; on the other ficiency supports the research into various external an-
hand, from a long-term perspective, tissue disorganiza- tioxidants. It is theoretically true that levels of ROS in
tion gradually increases. cells even lower than those found under physiological
circumstances could have some pronounced anti-aging
Medawar’s theory of aging offers an adequate explana- benefits. For example, it is possible to consider the ex-
tion of age-related diseases (point “4”) istence of some trade-off for different levels of ROS; just
In fact, it is possible to state that Medawar’s theory hypothetically, the higher the level of ROS, the higher
“implicitly” assumes that some aging has already oc- the body resistance to different pathogens (similar to
curred. Indeed, for what reason should the deleterious higher core body temperature, which also accelerates
gene effects be activated in advanced age if no biochem- the aging process). In this case, each animal species
ical changes (i.e. a lack of aging) have ever occurred in would maintain its own (i.e. specifically preferred) level
the life of the body to date? As age-related diseases typ- of ROS in the body. Independently, however, it has no
ically begin at advanced ages when the effects of the ag- positive effect to flood the organism with high amounts
ing process are already obvious (see “Special discussion of antioxidants, which is supported by several studies
to point 4A and 4B”), Medawar’s theory is adequate for (Selman et al. 2006; Bjelakovic et al. 2014).
their explanation. The same applies if we attempt to ex-
plain age-related diseases, such as AD, using Williams’s Discussion
theory. It is simply as follows: a gene with some nega-
tive effect at advanced age (Medawar’s theory) is addi- Special discussion to point 1
tionally associated with some positive function in the The phyla of Porifera and Cnidaria contain some of the
body (Williams’s theory). According to the presented simplest animals on Earth, and some of these species are
theory, if a gene manifests negatively at advanced ages, known to have lifespans of thousands of years (Roark
e.g. after 80 in humans, it is always Medawar’s theory of et al. 2009; Jochum et al. 2012). Moreover, some Hydra
aging, which appears to be valid, regardless of whether species seem to undergo no aging (Martínez & Bridge
the gene has any positive function in youth, because 2012). Surprisingly, some of them, e.g. Hydra oligactis,
its negative effect at later ages is already exempt from show increased mortality and physiological deteriora-
the influence of selective pressure and therefore, from tion resembling aging after the stimulation of sexual
an evolutionary point of view, we cannot talk about reproduction (Martínez & Bridge 2012). Nonetheless,
the presence of a trade-off mechanism. From a practi- it is possible to offer an explanation of this by using
cal point of view this means, for example, that genes Kirkwood’s theory. If the aging process applies gener-
of age-related diseases do not differ from other genes ally to all Hydra oligactis individuals, two claims would
in terms of the importance of their positive function in seem to be true: (i) all food, which can be consumed
the body (if there is, in fact, any), because there is no and digested, can also be metabolized by the body (typ-
trade-off and their negative effect at advanced age is ically, other organisms including humans would be able
purely accidental from an evolutionary point of view, to eat and digest much more than they can actually
e.g. their selection from human genomes would have no use); and (ii) gamete production is preferred to tissue
special negatives compared to other genes. cell turnover. Interestingly, the model organism C. ele-
Point 4B is a special case involving only cancer, gans does not contain any adult stem cells (Coffman
the cause of which, unlike other age-related diseases, is et al. 2016). Hypothetically, a rapid species popula-
predominantly independent of aging. Its appearance is a tion turnover (see “Specific species traits vs. lifespan”)
consequence of the gradual accumulation of mutations, means that the investment into them would not provide
which is a function of time. any return – they require a certain amount of energy,
The main contribution of the presented theory is they also represent a kind of cellular mass, which the
likely in its general connection of evolutionary and bio- organism must carry for life, and on the other hand, fail
chemical views of aging. The theory does not see any to offer any substantial advantages.
evolutionary reason for “adult stem cell exhaustion” The lifespan of zebrafish is approximately as long
(see above) or “insufficiency of antioxidant system” (the as that of rats, yet the cell turnover of zebrafish my-
function of antioxidant enzymes is to suppress the ag- ocytes is so rapid that it is impossible to observe lipo-
ing process, which means there can be no trade-off in fuscin granules in them over the entire lifetime of a ze-
the sense of faster aging process, but on the other hand brafish (Kishi et al. 2003). In addition to higher recov-
an improved enzyme function). A wider acceptance of ery abilities in lower vertebrates (point “1”), this also
the presented theory would therefore seem to influence supports a trade-off in the speed of tissue cell turnover
the further direction of biological research. For exam- (point “3”).
ple, the persistence of ideas about stem cell exhaustion
allows the continued belief that it is sufficient merely Special discussion to point 2
to administer young stem cells to the body or to renew Several studies have suggested that tissue cell turnover

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Why we age 479

is faster in short-lived mammals than in long-lived ones. in cell membranes is an important strategy in Aves to
According to Rigamonti et al. (2011), 0.7% of human achieve high longevity (Galván et al. 2015). There also
cells and 4.8% of mice cells in adipose tissue show pos- appear to be differences in the ways, in which some
itive results for both Ki67 (marker of cell proliferation) of the amino acids (e.g. methionine, cysteine, threo-
and C/EBPα (marker of preadipocytes) at any time. nine) are contained in mitochondrial proteins in short-
The turnover period for thyroid follicular cells is 8.5– and long-lived animals (Aledo et al. 2011; Kitazoe et
14.4 years in humans, 1.75–2.5 years in dogs and about al. 2011; Seim et al. 2013; Mariadassou & Pellay 2014).
0.5 year in rats, according to 3 H thymidine labelling These findings of different particle composition in short-
(Coclet et al. 1989). Studies by Dayer et al. (2005) and and long-lived animals support the existence of some
Gould et al. (2001) have shown that cells in the neocor- lipid/protein trade-off between function and resistance
tex (with the exception of neurons) are 70 times more to irreversible damage. In the study by Jobson et al.
labelled by the proliferation marker bromodeoxyuridine (2010), genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and
in rats than in macaques (Cameron & Dayer 2008). collagen composition showed a higher level of variabil-
Individuals with premature aging syndromes seem ity in group of short-lived species than long-living ones;
to exhibit reduced cell lifespans in their tissues and/or this finding is in accordance with the presented the-
(compare with point “1”) a reduced ability to recover ory because organisms with long lifespans are expected
their tissues from stem cells (De Boer et al. 2002; Tyner to avoid molecule structures, which contribute to irre-
et al. 2002; Espada et al. 2008; Hiona et al. 2010; Zhang versible damage.
et al. 2011; Brunauer & Kennedy 2015; see also Bern-
erd & Asselineau 1998; Gregg et al. 2012; Weidemann Basal metabolic rate (BMR) vs. lifespan
et al. 2013). In DMD, a genetic disorder characterized The introduction of the concept “reversible damage (i.e.
by a reduced myocyte lifespan, the premature aging is adverse changes in the cell, but reversible if energy is
restricted solely to the muscles; increases in fibrous tis- used)” allows us to explain the relationship between
sue and fat infiltration also occur as in normally aging MLS and BMR. Put simply, while irreversible damage
muscles but this takes place at a faster rate (Mora 1989; contributes to aging, reversible damage contributes to
Jennekens et al. 1991; Evans & Lexell 1995; Gallagher BMR; as an example of this relationship, Saimiri sci-
et al. 2005; Boettcher et al. 2009). According to Boldrin ureus (MLS = 30.2 years, BMR = 5.3 mW/g; all data
et al. (2015), the ability of satellite cells (muscle stem of MLS and BMR in this article are from the AnAge
cells) to regenerate muscles is similar in both the DMD- database;
model and wild-type mice, but it remains insufficient in consists of more unstable molecules than Elephas max-
the former because of the pathological muscle environ- imus (MLS = 65.5 years, BMR = 0.6 mW/g), but the fi-
ment. This is in accordance with the theory presented nal damage is predominantly reversible. In contrast, Re-
in this article, which does not involve stem cell impair- ithrodon auritus (MLS = 5.5 years, BMR = 5.4 mW/g)
ment. The imperfection of stem cells results only in the also consists of many unstable molecules, however, their
progressive deterioration of the tissue environment; nat- damage is often irreversible. It is worth mentioning that
urally, this altered environment also backwardly influ- the half-life of rat skin collagen is 74 days, while the
ences stem cells and their tissue regeneration ability, half-life of human skin collagen is 14.8 years (BMR of
which forms a circulus vitiosus in the aging process. rats = 6.8 mW/g, BMR of humans = 1.2 mW/g) (Ruck-
lidge et al. 1992; Verzijl et al. 2000). Reversible damage
Special discussion to point 3 could also explain different BMR values between en-
Point “3” is in accordance with the membrane pace- dothermic and ectothermic organisms.
maker theory of aging, which proposes that the fatty
acid composition of cell membranes, via its influence Specific species traits vs. lifespan
on peroxidation of lipids, is an important determinant It is known that species with higher body mass or which
of lifespan (Hulbert et al. 2007, 2014); this is especially possess some specific skills (for example the ability to
the case if we take into account that lipid peroxidation fly or to move in trees, eusociality or higher forms of
is thought to be one of the major contributors to lipo- sociality typical especially for humans) exhibit longer
fuscin accumulation in cells (Chowdhury et al. 2004). MLSs (Healy et al. 2014; Healy 2015; Williams & Shat-
As PUFAs, the main contributors to lipid peroxida- tuck 2015). This is generally explained by their higher
tion in cell membranes, are also known to enhance and resistance to predation or even to unfavourable condi-
speed up many membrane processes (Pinot et al. 2014; tions, which they can endure, e.g. protection against
Vásquez et al. 2014; Randall et al. 2015), it is possible cold in eusocial animals (Buffenstein & Edrey 2009;
to hypothesize a specific trade-off for these PUFAs, i.e. Healy et al. 2014; Williams & Shattuck 2015). How-
“enhancing and speeding up of many membrane pro- ever, it is also known that long-lived species produce
cesses resulting in some higher abilities (e.g. greater fewer progeny per year and also exhibit slower post-
agility) of organism vs. higher susceptibility of mem- natal growth rate (Wilkinson & South 2002; De Ma-
branes to peroxidation damage resulting in speeding galhăes et al. 2007). This means that long-lived ani-
up of irreversible damage (e.g. lipofuscin) accumula- mals are also exposed to lower pressure from young in-
tion”. One recent study also suggests that, irrespective dividuals of the same species. Moreover, it seems that
of unsaturation effects, having long-chain fatty acids the level of this intra-species “young-adult” competi-

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480 I. Peregrim

tion is also influenced by the body mass and the above- and to prolong lifespan (Conti et al. 2006). Interest-
mentioned specific skills. The long-lived and eusocially ingly, naked mole rats likely exhibit both the longest
living naked mole rats (MLS = at least 31.0 years) rep- lifespan and the lowest body temperature (32.1 ◦C;
resent an interesting example of this; although these among ro-
individuals can reproduce quickly, typically only one dents (Keil et al. 2015). Since low body temperature has
female within the group of the average size of 75 mem- also many negative effects (Kluger et al. 1998; Frazier
bers is fertile at any one time (Buffenstein & Edrey et al. 2006; James 2013), it is possible to assume that
2009), and therefore new competition for adult indi- some trade-off between longevity and body tempera-
viduals develops slowly. Smaller herbivores usually ex- ture exists. However, under conditions of methionine
hibit increased litter sizes due to the fact that they restriction, in which the organism has enough energy to
can hide their poorly-developed young deep within their maintain body temperature, no sign of decreased body
burrows. Small animals can also grow quickly, e.g. fe- temperature was found (Hasek et al. 2010); therefore,
male mice and rats reach sexual maturity on 42nd and reductions in body temperature during CR is likely to
90th day (Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus), respec- be a passive process. According to the presented theory,
tively ( On changes in membrane fatty acids (probably a result of
the other hand, maturity can be delayed by the need trade-off) and body temperature decline (probably a re-
to acquire specific skills. We can conclude that some sult of a passive process) together suppress an increase
species traits influence adult resistance/exposure to in irreversible damage during CR; this process inhibits
young individuals as well as to predators and various apoptosis in tissues and consequently also restricts cell
ambient conditions, such as cold or dry, and that this turnover from stem cells. Several studies have found
results in species specific population turnover rates. Ac- suppressed apoptosis in different tissues (neurons, kid-
cording to the theory presented here, this phenomenon neys, liver, somatic muscles) under caloric restriction
has a direct impact on trade-offs: “function vs. resis- in rodents (Sinclair 2005; Marzetti et al. 2009), while
tance to irreversible damage” of molecules; organisms other research has reported enhanced apoptosis, which
whose lifespan is more limited by their species traits is thought to be a mechanism for the suppression of
tend to focus more into function of their molecules and cancer (Dunn et al. 1997; Sinclair 2005).
vice versa. Similarly, the trade-off of “function vs. re-
sistance to reversible damage” of molecules differs in Decreased PUFA levels vs. lifespan
animals with high and low body mass because those Interestingly, life-long treatment with atenolol de-
with high body mass must avoid high BMR due to the creased membrane fatty acid unsaturation in mice,
accumulation of heat in their body. but this was not matched by any change in longevity
(Gómez et al. 2014). Apoptosis inhibition was probably
Caloric restriction vs. lifespan also not achieved as the level of apoptosis-inducing fac-
Caloric, protein or some amino acid (methionine, tryp- tor had not changed (Gómez et al. 2014). It seems that
tophan) restriction is known to extend lifespans in ro- the mice had maintained their cell turnover at the level
dent models (Mirzaei et al. 2014). The sub-nutrition of the assumed population turnover and that this had
caused by these diets inhibits or even disables repro- occurred in spite of the low level of irreversible damage
duction, which indicates that it may be evolutionar- in cells. As it also seems to be the case for zebrafish (see
ily advantageous for organisms to activate some trade- “Special discussion to point 1” above), it is likely that
off in order to achieve a longer lifespan; this suggests there was a preference for a lower present level of irre-
the influence of reproductive rate on the aging process versible damage in cells over slower aging. It should be
not only in different species (as mentioned above in mentioned here that under optimal husbandry condi-
“Specific species traits vs. lifespan”) but also in one tions, wild-type mice and some of those with an im-
individual species. As the variability of “food abun- paired antioxidant defence system (e.g. Sod2+/− or
dance vs. deficiency” in the external environment is Gpx1−/− mice) share the same lifespan (Pérez et al.
greater between 2-year cycles than between 20-year 2009), a finding which suggests a similarity with the
cycles, it even suggests that some trade-off involved relationship between recipients and non-recipients of
in longevity is more likely to have evolved in rodents atenolol. This is especially true when we consider that
than in, for example, monkeys. In the study of Jové the combination of optimal husbandry conditions and
et al. (2014), calorie restriction (CR) significantly de- impaired antioxidant defence system may better reflect
creased the total number of fatty acid double bonds the conditions, which occur in nature; life-long optimal
in mouse livers through decreasing PUFA levels and levels of vitamins and micronutrients or pathogen-free
increasing monounsaturated fatty acid levels. Reduc- conditions are, of course, non-typical in the natural en-
tions in body temperature have also been found in con- vironment.
nection to CR (Keil et al. 2015). As it is well known,
higher temperatures generally speed up chemical re- Special discussion to point 4A
actions, and this is, of course, also true for those in- Amyloidoses such as AD and senile systemic amyloido-
volved in increase of irreversible damage. Reductions sis (SSA) are a good example of age-related diseases.
in body temperature are also known to inhibit lipo- Some controversy exists over the cause of AD (Herrup
fuscin formation (Sheehy 2002; Valenzano et al. 2006) 2015; Kumar et al. 2016) but it is important to note

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Why we age 481

here that although the incidence of AD increases with the highest ages (in contrast to the general gradual in-
age from about 1.5–2.0 per 1,000 persons at age 65–69 crease in aging such as lipofuscin in cells, fibrous tissue
to about 50 per 1,000 persons at age 90 and over (Di in muscles or presbyopia); and (ii) the removal of these
Carlo et al. 2002; Bermejo-Pareja et al. 2008), some diseases from the population would have no negative
individuals do not develop Aβ pathology no matter (or only negligible) effects at young ages.
how long they live (Mizutani & Shimada 1992). There Interestingly, some species traits are able to bal-
is one case report of a 115-year-old woman, who was ance the negative impact of aging on the mortality
not clinically demented during life and whose brain, on rate in nature. The life-long growth of the organism
autopsy, showed almost no Aβ plaques (den Dunnen seems to have a particularly strong effect in this re-
et al. 2008). Similarly, diseases such as osteoporosis or spect. Some species with this trait, such as the turtle
cataract are very common (44% and 88%, respectively) Gopherus agassizii, even show an age-related deceler-
in supercentenarians, i.e. humans who are older than ation in mortality rate (Jones et al. 2014). Mammals
110, but these illnesses are not found in all supercente- do not display lifelong body growth, but in eusocially
narians (Schoenhofen et al. 2006). Limited data indi- living naked mole rats, breeders can gradually increase
cates that SSA is the most typical cause of death in their colony of workers (i.e. induce the growth of the
supercentenarians; the disease is characterized by grad- colony), the turnover of which has, in addition, the same
ual transthyretin (TTR) amyloid deposition in blood effect as if they had not aged (the lifespan of workers
vessels resulting in heart failure (Leslie 2008). Interest- in nature is around 4 times shorter than that of breed-
ingly, TTR null mice display no obvious phenotypic ab- ers). Under laboratory conditions, naked mole rats do
normalities postnatally and their longevity and fertility not show the typical age-related acceleration in mor-
do not differ from that of wild-type mice (Episkopou et tality risk that characterizes every other known mam-
al. 1993). This suggests that the elimination of genes, malian species. They can therefore be seen as a species,
which predispose for SSA in humans would have no in which the mechanism described by Medawar’s the-
negative (or only negligible) effects at young ages. ory is strongly inhibited. The aging process is clear, e.g.
signs of heart fibrosis as well as increases of lipofuscin in
Special discussion to point 4B various organs are obvious, but it remains problematic
If we take into account MLS and body mass (BM) of to determine the precise cause of death. In laboratory
both whales (Balaena mysticetus, MLS = 211 years, rodents, such as mice or rats, the typical cause of death
BM = 100 tons) and mice (Mus musculus, MLS = 4 is cancer or renal failure. In aged naked mole rats, very
years, BM = 20.5 g; little pathology has been observed in the kidneys and
species/), they suggests that whales are a quarter bil- spontaneous neoplasia seems to be extremely rare. Fur-
lion times more resistant to cancer than mice. Moreover, thermore, clinical manifestations of heart disease have
some rodents have been found to exhibit two different not yet been observed (Edrey et al. 2011; Grimes et al.
levels of cancer resistance; the first level is active with 2012; Taylor et al. 2017).
sufficient food, whereas the second one is activated in
tandem with the above-mentioned aging inhibiting pro- Treatments for aging
cesses under conditions of CR (Herranz et al. 2010; Lv As follows from the section “Caloric restriction vs. lifes-
et al. 2014). This indicates that the cancer resistance pan”, it will be harder to prolong life in humans than in
of a species is stabilized by selective pressure on the short-lived species, such as rats or mice. In both of these
level, which is just enough for a typical lifespan in na- cases three factors seem to be required: (i) a change in
ture due to aging and external factors. Returning to the lipid composition in cell membranes (e.g. through
point “2” of the presented theory, this would also sug- the effect of atenolol; see Gómez et al. 2014) or the in-
gest that there is no such thing as a “limit of stem hibition of irreversible damage accumulation in cells by
cell proliferation resulting in stem cell exhaustion and some other way (e.g. by lowering the core body tem-
subsequent tissue aging, all of which is due to cancer perature; see Sheehy 2002; Conti et al. 2006; Valenzano
suppression” (Beausejour & Campisi 2006; Sharpless & et al. 2006); (ii) an increase in resistance against can-
DePinho 2007). If this was so, rodents, for example, cer; and especially (iii) an inhibition of cell turnover in
could theoretically increase the proliferation limit of tissues. However, in rodents special genes have already
their stem cells by several 100 times and exchange it for been prepared for all of these effects – the genes, which
a different kind of resistance to cancer. As it has been are activated in times of starvation.
shown previously, this is an area, which shows great po- Interestingly, there is some evidence that CR re-
tential for such a development. For example, one simple duces the incidence of cancer in macaques (Mattison
possibility would be to multiply the p53 genes in DNA et al. 2012; Colman et al. 2014), i.e. in long-lived an-
(García-Cao et al. 2002). imals. This could be explained as a defence against
The special discussion to point “4” (4A and 4B) mutagenic substances, such as some mycotoxins (De
shows characteristic signs of Medawar’s theory (i.e. the Ruyck et al. 2015), the intake of which is more likely,
lack of selection at high age) in age-related diseases, i.e. more expected by animals, in times of shortage. It
i.e. (i) their negligible occurrence at young ages and is useful here to compare Laron mice with Laron syn-
a strong increase in old age; nonetheless 100% repre- drome in humans. In both cases, the growth hormone
sentation in human population is not even reached at (GH) / insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) pathway is

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