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Employee welfare


“Employee welfare work is work for

improving the health, safety and general
well being and industrial efficiency of the
workers beyond the minimum standard
laid down by labor legislation”
Types of Welfare Services
Intramural Extra-mural
• Drinking water • Housing
• Toilets • Education
• Crèches • Maternity benefits
• Rest shelters • Transportation
• Protective clothing • Leave travel
• Canteens • Fairprice shops
• Medical aid • insurance
Statutory Provisions Concerning
Employee Welfare
1. The Factories Act, 1948
• Washing facilities to male and female workers
• Facilities for storing and drying clothes
• Sitting facilities
• First aid box- one for every 150, ambulance-
500 workers
• Canteens- 250 workers
• Shelters, lunch rooms- 150 workers
• Crèche, 30 women workers
• Welfare officer, 500
Employee Safety & Security
It includes

1. Medical care
2. Sickness benefit
3. Old age benefit
4. Employment injury benefit
5. Maternity benefit

• Social insurances
– Workers and employers make periodic
– E.g. PF
• Social assistance
– Cost of benefits provided is financed fully by
the gov
– E.g. pension
Laws and Acts

• The employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948

• The Employee’s Provident Fund Act, 1952
• The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
• The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
• The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Social Security in India- labor laws

The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923

• Objective- impose obligation on
employers to pay compensation to
workers for accidents
• Coverage
– factories, mines, plantations, transport,
railways, ships.
– NOT- armed forces, casual workers, workers
under Employees state insurance act, 1948
• Administration- state gov has appointed
• Benefits
– Compensation for injuries which disable him
for more than 3 days
– Amount depends on wages, age, injury
– Duration one month
– Faulty payment- arrears with interest
• Employers Liability- not pay in
following cases
– Injury does not result in disability for more
than 3 days
– When the injury is due to
• Workmen drunk or drugs
• Disobedience of safety rule
• Removal of safety guard
– Death- compensation is compulsory
The Employees's State Insurance
Act, 1948
• Provides medical facilities and
unemployment insurance to industrial
workers during illness
• Coverage- all factories employing 20 or
• Administration- by ESI corporation-
representatives from central, state gov,
employers, employees, medical
• Medical benefit
– Restricted medical care- providing medicines
– Expanded medical care- x-ray, lab tests
– Full medical care- hospitalization
• Sickness benefit- payment for max 91
days to a sick worker
• Maternity benefit- cash benefit
• Disablement benefit
• Dependent’s benefit- death in accident
• Funeral benefit- within 3 months
The employee's Provident Funds
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
• Provides for retirement benefits in the
form of PF, pension and deposit linked
• Coverage- factories 20 or more workers
• Administration- tripartite board-
employers, employees, gov
• Benefits-
– PF scheme- can be withdrawn after 15 yrs
– Employees family pension scheme, 1971
– Employees deposit linked insurance scheme,
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

• Aim
– To regulate employment of women
– To provide payment of maternity benefits
– To provide benefits- miscarriage, illness
• Coverage- all establishments not
covered in ESI
• Benefits
– Leave upto 12 weeks
– Full salary
– Additional medical benefits
– Must have worked for 100 days
Health and Safety
By- Pragya Sharma
Statutory provisions

Factories Act, 1948

1. Cleanliness
a. Every factory to be kept clean
b. Walls, ceilings shall be painted
2. Disposal of wastes and Effluents
3. Ventilation and Temperature
a. As per comfort
4. Dust and Fumes
a. Exhaust appliances
5. Artificial humidification
– Water shall be effectively purified
6. Over Crowding
a. At least 9.9 cubic meters
b. 14.2 for factories built after this act
7. Lighting
– Sufficient and suitable
8. Drinking water
a. Suitable arrangements
b. Should be marked
c. Cool water for 250 or more workers

9. Basic Urinal facilities

10. Spittoons
a. In sufficient nos.
b. Penalty should be displayed at suitable position

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