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Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 107(2), 2022, pp.

Copyright © 2022 The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Molecular Detection of Rickettsia felis in Fleas of Companion Animals in East Texas

Lixin Wang,1 Ammie Rupani,2 Luis A. Grado,1 Luis M. Lopez Salazara,1 LaReyna A. Trinidad,1 Jerry L. Cook,1
and Jeremy Bechelli1*
Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engineering Technology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas;
College of Osteopathic Medicine, Sam Houston State University, Conroe, Texas

Abstract. Flea-borne spotted fever is an emerging insect-borne rickettsial infection caused by Rickettsia felis and
has been identified worldwide. This study sought to explore the prevalence of rickettsiae associated with fleas on com-
panion dogs and cats from Walker and Montgomery Counties in East Texas. Fleas were collected from animals entering
local veterinary clinics for routine checkups. Collected fleas were identified as Ctenocephalides felis or Pulex irritans and
analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of rickettsiae and subsequent sequencing. An estimation of the
bcMLE (bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimation) of pooled samples was calculated. Four hundred eighty-eight
fleas (comprising C. felis and P. irritans) were collected from 16 cats and 77 dogs. Our results demonstrate R. felis in 21
pools of fleas from dogs (bcMLE 15.28%) and a bcMLE of 7.25% from flea samples collected from cats. Sequence anal-
ysis revealed R. felis as the only Rickettsia that could be amplified in our samples using the rickettsial citrate synthase
gene and subsequent sequencing. In this study, the presence of R. felis in fleas from companion cats and dogs suggests
a potential risk of flea-borne spotted fever in humans who encounter flea-infested animals.

INTRODUCTION spotted fever,7 as well as other infections with clinical mani-

festations of fever, fatigue, headache, and rash.17
Arthropod-transmitted diseases represent 17% of infec- The objective of this study is to explore the role of compan-
tious diseases worldwide (WHO, 2014). Ectoparasite-borne ion animals (dogs and cats) as a vehicle for rickettsiae-infected
infections are emerging or reemerging worldwide, likely due
fleas in a small region of East Texas. We hypothesized that
to changes in geographic and host ranges of disease vectors
both cats and dogs play a role in the transmission of R. felis by
and the pathogens they transmit.1 Although tick-borne infec-
harboring infected fleas. To investigate this hypothesis, we
tions of rickettsiae are common throughout the world,
determined the prevalence of rickettsiae within fleas collected
insect-borne rickettsiae are serious zoonotic pathogens that
from healthy dogs and cats in the East Texas counties of Mont-
should not be ignored. Louse-borne epidemic typhus caused
gomery and Walker Counties using molecular amplification of
by Rickettsia prowazekii, flea-borne (murine) endemic typhus
the gltA gene and sequencing of sca5 genes.
caused by R. typhi, and the more recent flea-borne spotted
fever caused by R. felis have become serious health risks.2
Specifically, flea-borne spotted fever is an emergent global MATERIALS AND METHODS
threat to human health.2,3 Symptoms of R. felis infection
Specimen collection. Fleas were collected from clinically
include flulike illness characterized by fever, myalgia, and
healthy dogs and cats entering local veterinary clinics in
headache that may progress to more severe illness, including
Walker or Montgomery County, Texas, for routine checkup
fever, rash, and neurological symptoms.4,5
appointments including vaccinations and sterilization. The
Rickettsia felis was first described in 1990 in the midgut epi-
thelium of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis)6 and subsequently Sam Houston State University Institutional Animal Care and
confirmed as a human pathogen in 1991.7 Rickettsia felis has Use Committee deemed the study exempt and did not
been found in several arthropods, including ticks, mites, mos- require committee approval. The location of collection of
quitoes, and booklice, but is most frequently associated with each veterinary clinic was recorded, along with companion
cat fleas (C. felis).8,9 Both serological and molecular analyses animal type (dog or cat). Fleas were collected with a flea
have implicated cat fleas and Virginia opossums (Didelphis vir- comb as part of the regular physical examination; all col-
ginians) as primary vectors and hosts of R. felis in Califor- lected fleas from one animal were placed in 70% ethanol for
nia10,11 and Texas.12–14 However, dogs are also considered storage and transport.
mammalian reservoir hosts for R. felis.15,16 Flea identification and museum preparation. Fleas were
Because of the nonselective feeding habits of cat fleas identified using morphological characters before sequenc-
and the persistent low-level exposure of these parasites to ing. Taxonomic identifications were determined using keys
humans and companion animals, rickettsiosis by R. felis is provided by Fox.18 Further verification between cat fleas,
likely an underreported flea-borne spotted fever across the Ctenocephalides felis, and dog fleas, Ctenocephalides canis,
globe, especially in regions where pest management pro- used the methods of Me nier and Beaucournu19 and Linardi
grams for ectoparasites are not heavily used. Additionally, and Santos. Voucher specimens were deposited in the
the misdiagnosis of R. felis is likely common as the disease Sam Houston State Natural History Collections.
can be confused with murine typhus and Mediterranean DNA extraction and amplification. To eliminate exoge-
nous DNA on the outside of the fleas, they were surface
decontaminated by washing them in 5% bleach solution for
5 minutes, then in 70% ethanol for 5 minutes, and finally
* Address correspondence to Jeremy Bechelli, Department of
Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engineering Technology,
washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline. The
Sam Houston State University, 2000 Ave I, Life Sciences Building, washed fleas were pooled by host animal and flea species.
Huntsville, TX 77341-2116. E-mail: Flea pools were placed in microcentrifuge tubes with 100 mL


of PBS and homogenized using sterile disposable pellet pes- TABLE 1

tles for microcentrifuge tubes (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg, Molecular evidence of Rickettsia felis infecting fleas collected
PA). DNA was extracted from homogenates using the from dogs with single species infestation
E.Z.N.A. Tissue DNA Kit (Omega Bio-tek, Norcross, GA) fol- No. of pools (total fleas) No. of positive pools bcMLE % (95% CI)

lowing the manufacturer’s guidelines. 12 (12) 2 16.67 (3.12–44.33)

Initial screening to detect rickettsial DNA in flea samples was 4 (8) 0 0
completed using CS-5 and CS-6 primers to amplify a con- 2 (6) 1 16.22 (1.10–68.06)
7 (28) 3 12.18 (3.41–31.14)
served region of the rickettsial citrate synthase gene by quanti- 6 (36) 6 16.66*
tative real-time PCR (qPCR) and fluorogenic probe [5' 6-FAM 2 (14) 1 6.66 (0.47–38.68)
d(CATTGTGCCATCCAGCCTACGGT) BHQ-1 3'] (Integrated 5 (40) 3 9.36 (2.67–26.94)
DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA).21 qPCR-positive samples 3 (27) 3 11.11*
3 (33) 2 7.01 (1.48–29.69)
were subsequently screened using conventional PCR to Total: 44 (204) 21 15.28 (9.91–22.82)
amplify a portion of the outer membrane protein B gene (sca5) bcMLE 5 bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimation (of the infection rate); CI 5
using primers 120.2788 and 120.3599.22 Positive controls con- confidence interval.
* When all pools are positive, the likelihood methods for the bcMLE fail. In this case, the
sisted of genomic DNA of R. parkeri, R. montanensis, and calculation was performed assuming one infected flea per positive pool.
R. typhi. DNA from uninfected Vero cells and sterile molecular
grade water was used as a negative control in all PCRs. The
collected a total of 66 P. irritans fleas from these 16 dogs,
resulting amplicons for all flea samples and positive controls
with a median of five fleas collected per animal five (min–
were sequenced by Eurofins Genomics (Louisville, KY). The
max: one–eight). The number of positive pools is 0, and the
sca5 sequences were assembled using Geneious Prime (Auck-
calculated infection rate is 0%.
land, New Zealand) and searched in the GenBank database.
Dogs with both C. felis and P. irritans. Of the 77 dogs
The resulting sequences were submitted to the GenBank
sampled in our study, 17 (22.08%) were infested with both
C. felis and P. irritans (Table 2). We collected a total of 131
Data analysis. An estimation of the bias-corrected maxi-
mum likelihood estimation (bcMLE) of the infection rate of fleas with a median number of six (min–max: 4–17).
pooled flea samples was performed using the Excel Poole- Sixty-seven fleas were identified as C. felis (bcMLE 14.68%).
dInfRate add-in developed and described by Brad Bigger- The median number of C. felis collected from these dogs was
staff.23 The downloadable software is freely available for three (min–max: 1–7). Sixty-four fleas were identified as P. irri-
Microsoft Excel 2010 (Redmond, WA) (CDC, 2015). tans (bcMLE 6.62%). The median number of P. irritans col-
lected from these dogs was three (min–max: 1–12). Thirty-three
(33) pools (35.11%) were qPCR positive for rickettsial DNA by
amplifying a portion of the citrate synthase gene. Conventional
Fleas were collected from 16 cats and 77 dogs. The ani- PCR for sca5 successfully amplified 27 pools (28.72%).
mals came from Walker County (13 cats and 63 dogs) and Sequences for the sca5 products demonstrated Rickettsia felis
Montgomery County (3 cats and 14 dogs). A total of 488 (Accession: MW928537.1, MW934367.1, MW960295.1, and
fleas were collected from these animals. The median number MW960296.1), and the presence of only one rickettsial agent in
of fleas collected per animal was 5 (min–max: 1–17). The the pools. Ctenocephalides felis positive for R. felis was identi-
fleas were identified as Ctenocephalides felis and Pulex irri- fied on 29 dogs (47.54%) and five cats (31.25%), whereas
tans. Infestations with a single species of flea (Ctenocepha- P. irritans fleas positive for R. felis was identified on four dogs
lides felis) was identified on 44 dogs (57.14%) and 15 cats (12.12%) and zero cats (0%).
(93.75%), and single-species infestations of P. irritans was
identified on 16 dogs (20.78%) and 0 cats (0%). A mixed DISCUSSION
infestation of C. felis and P. irritans was identified on 17
dogs (22.08%) and 1 cat (6.25%). R. felis, an intracellular Gram-negative bacterium of the
Cats. The one cat with a mixed species infestation had 0 spotted fever group, was first identified 3 decades ago in the
Rickettsia-positive pools in either species of flea. Eighty-four cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis.6 Four years later, R. felis was
C. felis fleas were collected from the other 15 cats with the first found in Texas as a misdiagnosed case of murine typhus,
median number of 4 (min–max: 1–12). Sequencing the sca5 caused by Rickettsia typhi. Flea-borne spotted fever caused
products demonstrated R. felis as the only rickettsial agent by R. felis has become a global challenge due to similarities in
in all samples (estimated bcMLE 7.25%; 95% confidence the manifestation of symptoms to other illnesses leading to
interval: 2.81–15.95%). misdiagnoses and lack of diagnostic testing. Murine typhus
Dogs. Of the 77 dog samples in our study, C. felis was can be challenging to distinguish from the disease caused by
identified on 44 dogs (57.14%), P. irritans was identified on
16 dogs (20.78%), and a mixed infestation of C. felis and TABLE 2
P. irritans was identified on 17 dogs (22.08%). A total of 204 Molecular evidence of Rickettsia felis infecting both fleas collected
fleas were collected from dogs infested with C. felis or P. irri- from dogs with mixed flea infestation
tans and then grouped into 44 pools (Table 1). The median No. of No. of positive
Species pools pools bcMLE % (95% CI)
number of fleas collected per animal was 4 (min–max: 1–11).
The result shows C. felis in 21 pools (bcMLE 15.28%) Ctenocephalides felis 17 8 14.68 (7.40–26.43)
(Table 1). Pulex irritans 17 4 6.62 (2.29–15.11)
bcMLE 5 bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimation (of the infection rate); CI 5
Dogs with P. irritans only. Of the 77 dogs sampled in our confidence interval.
study, 16 (20.78%) were infested with P. irritans. We * When all pools are positive, the likelihood methods for the bcMLE fail.

R. felis.24 The symptoms may vary in severity and are nonspe- study that fed R. felis–containing cat fleas R. typhi–infected
cific to either disease.25 Furthermore, the differentiation is blood, but infection rates were lower overall.8
difficult due to cross-reactivity to R. felis and R. typhi with It is essential to note the study’s limitations, which may bias
serological testing.26 our findings. We focused our analysis on two counties in East
The flea-borne spotted fever disease has become wide- Texas, Montgomery County, and Walker County. This limited
spread in sub-Saharan Africa, with 3% to 15% of patients geographic region likely does not represent the entire state of
with nonmalarial fever diagnosed with R. felis flea-borne Texas. Although the animals came from veterinarian offices
spotted fever.2 Fatality has been rarely linked to R. felis in and animal shelters, we only collected fleas from healthy ani-
sub-Saharan Africa, but recent cases in Indonesia, Laos, mals. Future studies would benefit from blood collection and
Sweden, and Mexico show patients dying of progressive serology for rickettsial diseases and flea collection from ani-
meningoencephalitis with R. felis present in their cerebrospi- mals showing apparent signs of illness relating to infection.
nal fluid.27 These reports call into question the mortality of Our study discusses the presence of R. felis in fleas found
R. felis infections. R. felis.27 The prevalence of the bacteria in on domesticated animals in Texas with proximity to humans.
sub-Saharan Africa is a warning sign to areas such as Texas R. felis infection has become endemic in many areas within
and California, which have the potential to become the next the 3 decades since it was discovered. This infection should
location of widespread disease from R. felis. be approached with the one world, one health lens. “One
Texas reports the highest numbers of flea-borne typhus world, one health” is a call for an interdisciplinary approach
cases per year.28 Cases were located mainly in the lower Rio to science due to the interconnected nature of human
Grande Valley and the Coastal Bend area from the 1940s to actions, animals, and ecological health.31 Using the One
the 2000s but have become more prevalent in Bexar, Travis, Health approach, we can reframe the rise of new pathogens
and Harris Counties.28 In a study conducted in Galveston, causing human disease as a product of ecological changes
TX, on a total of 314 C. felis fleas found on feral cats, 17 of (i.e., deforestation) and animal behavior changes, leading to
the 87 pools had rickettsial DNA with R. typhi present in one a more complete picture of the human–animal–pathogen
pool and R. felis present in four pools.14 The same group in relationship.32 Questions remain unanswered about the role
Galveston County also analyzed rickettsial species in 250 of P. irritans in R. felis spread across the United States. The
C. felis fleas found on 13 opossums. Of the positive pools, widespread prevalence of R. felis and R. typhi indicates a
13 had R. typhi, 11 had R. felis, and three pools were coin- greater need for research into these pathogens concerning
fected with both species.13 In Corpus Christi, TX, a study of pathogenicity, identification, and epidemiology to differenti-
fleas from opossums and cats found R. typhi and R. felis.12 ate the two flea-borne bacteria.
Due to their similar disease processes and difficulty distin-
guishing, it is prudent to study R. typhi and R. felis together, Received July 12, 2021. Accepted for publication March 7, 2022.
especially in the geographic location of Texas. Published online July 5, 2022.
Our current study collected C. felis and P. irritans from Acknowledgments: We thank the Sam Houston State University new
healthy household cats and dogs in Walker and Montgomery faculty startup funds for funding this study and Dr. Rong Fang at the
County in Texas during routine checkup visits. Rickettsia felis University of Texas Medical Branch for R. typhi DNA. We also appre-
was not detected in dogs only infested with P. irritans but ciate the veterinary clinics and the Rita B. Huff Humane Society of
Walker County that assisted with sample collection.
was detected with the presence of both fleas on the dog,
suggesting the transmission of R. felis from C. felis to P. irri- Authors’ addresses: Lixin Wang, Luis A. Grado, Luis. M. Lopez Sala-
tans. In Columbia, a study found P. irritans to have a higher zara, LaReyna A. Trinidad, Jerry L. Cook, and Jeremy Bechelli,
Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engi-
minimum infection rate of R. felis than C. felis fleas.29 Infec- neering Technology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX,
tion rate (IR) estimates calculated using the Mosquito Surveil- E-mails:,,,
lance Software developed by Dr. Brad Biggarstaff,23 have,, and Ammie
been used in recent papers studying rickettsial species prev- Rupani, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Sam Houston State
University, Conroe, TX, E-mail:
alence amongst fleas.13,14 Bias-corrected maximum likeli-
hood estimation (bcMLE) is calculated as the estimate of IR.
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