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FORM 1 ……….




1 Which of the following is not an applied science ?

A. Biology B. Medicine. C. Engineering. D. Agriculture

2 Which of the following statements best describe the misuse of the knowledge of science?

A. Making of atomic bombs B. Invention of farm machinery like tractors for farming C. Invention of
communication satellites D. Construction of canals and dams for irrigation

3 One disadvantage about science is that…. A. it has given us the knowledge to create things that have
disastrous effects on the environment B. it has promoted good health C. it has made us to be using less
energy in working D. it has made man have control over all things

4. All the following involves scientific experimentation except

A. Observation D. Conclusion C. Creation of results B. Analyzing

5 Which of the following area of study is applied science? A. Medicine B. Chemistry C. Biology D. Physics

6. A submarine at a depth in the sea will re-surface when A. the pressure on it is decreased B. water is
pumped out of it C. the speed is reduced D. air is pumped out of it

7. The newton is the unit for measuring A. volume B. mass C. weight D. area

8. What is the difference between mass and weight? The A. mass of a body is twice the weight B. weight
of a body is constant but its mass varies C. mass of a body varies but its weight does not D. weight of a
body varies but its mass does not

9. The instrument used to measure current in an electric circuit is the A. voltmeter B. ammeter C.
thermometer D. potentiometer

10. Which of the following is equal to a metre ? A. 10 cm B. 1 cm C. 100 cm D. 1000 cm

11. Which of the following is a derived quantity? A. Length B. Mass C. Time D. Velocity

12. Which of the following substances has the highest density? A. Ice B. Mercury C. Water D. Gold

13. The equivalent of 46°C on the Kelvin scale is. A. 319 K B. 227 K C. 300 K D. 54 K

14. A metal displaces 5.0 cm3 of water when completely immersed in water. If the mass of the metal is
35.0 g, calculate its density A.7.0 g/cm3 B. 30.0 g/cm3 C. 40.0 g/cm3 D. 175.0 g/cm3
15. Which of the following sets consists of fundamental units only? A. N,K and s B. J, kg and s
C. Pa, kg and m D. A, mol and kg

16. The S. I unit of time is the..... A. Hour B. Day C. Year D. Second

17. All the following can be used to measure length except A. tape measure B. metre rule C. vernier
callipers D. pipette

18. Mass is defined as the… A. amount of space occupied by matter. B. ability of an object to move.
C. amount of energy in matter. D. amount of matter a substance contains.

19. Science can be defined as a method of obtaining knowledge through A. guesses. B. prayers.
C. libation and ablution. D. observation and experimentation.

20. If a piece of an unknown solid is found floating in water, the most appropriate reason could be that
the A. upthrust is less than the weight of water displaced B. mass of the solid is less than that of the
water. C. density of the solid is less than that of water D. mass of the solid is more than that of the water



1. (a) (i) What is a physical quantity? (2 marks)

(ii) Give three examples of physical quantities and state their Sl units. (3 marks)

(b) (i) What is technology? (2 marks)

(ii) State two differences between science and technology. (2 marks)

(c) Name the instrument you will use to measure:

(i) mass of an object

(ii) length of the classroom

(ii) speed of a car. (3 marks)

2. Three insoluble liquids A, B and C are shaken together in a bottle and allowed to settle. The densities
of the liquids are as follows: A=1.3 g/cm3 B=1.8g/cm3 C=1.08 g/cm3

(i) In which of the three liquids will an object with density of 1.5 g/cm 3 float? (2 marks)

(ii) Draw a sketch to show the various layers into which the liquids settle. (3 marks)

3. A lump of metal weighs 54 g. When it was put into a measuring cylinder containing water, the water
level rose from the 45cm3 mark to the 75cm3 mark. What is the density of the metal? (6 marks)

4. (a) Give two reasons why measurement should be accurate. (2 marks)

(b) Explain why ice floats in water. (3 marks)

(c) State one way by which a sinking object may be made to float. (2 marks)


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