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1) According to the Marxist - Leninist theory, is the state an immutable phenomenon

in society?
=> NO, it’s not an unchangeable phenomenon in society.
- The state: a tool of the ruling class, serving to maintain class distinctions and protect the
interests of the dominant class
- Transient and evolving entity

2) Does the existence of power depend on the presence of class struggle and class
conflict in society?
=> YES, according to Marxist theory, closely tied
- different classes in society have conflicting interests
- power dynamics arise from the struggle between these classes

3) Does the fundamental reason for the emergence of a state result from the division of
social classes and class struggle within a society?
=> Yes, indeed linked
- The state arises as a tool of the ruling class to maintain and perpetuate its dominance over
the working class.
- The state serves to protect the interests of the ruling class and uphold the existing social
order, which is characterized by class distinctions

4) In the administrative system of Vietnam, is the People's Council the local

government agency elected by local constituents?
=> YES,
- The People's Council plays a role in local governance, making decisions on various
matters and representing the interests of the local population.

5) Is the sole purpose of a court in VN to perform the function of adjudication?

=> NO, their role extends beyond that.
- In addition to settling disputes, Vietnamese courts also interpret laws, ensure legal
compliance, and contribute to the development and interpretation of legal principles.

6) Does only the National Assembly have the authority to exercise the highest level of
oversight over the implementation of the constitution and laws?
=> Depending on the country's legal and constitutional framework.
- In many parliamentary systems, including Vietnam, the National Assembly typically
holds the highest level of …
- However, other bodies, such as specialized committees or the judiciary, may also play
roles in overseeing the implementation of laws, but the National Assembly usually holds
the primary authority in this regard.

7) Does the prime minister of the government have limitless authority in a

parliamentary system?
=> NO, does not have limitless authority.
- The authority of the Prime Minister is constrained by the principles of parliamentary
- The Prime Minister's powers are subject to checks and balances, and their ability to
govern effectively depends on political support within the parliamentary context.
- Other constitutional provisions, legal frameworks, and the role of the head of state
contribute to limiting the authority of the Prime Minister.

8) Is the role of a judicial panel with a director and a reviewer a special level of
adjudication in VN’s legal process?
=> NO, not a special level.
- Instead, it likely represents a typical structure for reviewing and adjudicating legal cases
within the judicial system.
- This kind of panel arrangement is a common feature in legal proceedings, a standard
procedure within the legal process.

9) Is the People’s Council the highest authority in local government in VN?

=> YES,
- It is an elected body representing the local constituents and holds the highest
decision-making power at the local level.
- The People's Council is responsible for making key decisions on local policies,
development plans, and budgetary matters.

10) Did the idea of drafting a constitution in VN appear before the August Revolution?
=> NO, it’s AFTER
- The August Revolution of 1945 marked a crucial period in Vietnamese history when the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam was established, leading to the drafting of the first
constitution in 1946.

11) According to the 2013 Constitution, the People’s Court and People’s Procuracy are
2 bodies that exercise judicial authority in Vietnam, correct?
=> Yes, correct.
- They play distinct but complementary roles in the legal and judicial system.
12) Does the National Assembly Standing Committee also serve as the executive body of
state management?
=> NO,
- The executive body of state management in Vietnam is the government, led by the Prime
Minister, which is responsible for implementing laws and policies

13) Is the Communist Party of VN an organization within the system of the Socialist
Republic of VN?
=> Yes, CPV is the leading and sole ruling party in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- The CPV directs the state, and its leadership is crucial in shaping policies and decisions
in Vietnam.

14) The highest legal normative document in the legal system of VN is the Legal Code.
=> No, it’s the Constitution
- The Constitution holds the highest authority: establishes the fundamental principles and
framework for the legal order in Vietnam.
- The Legal Code is an important component of the legal system

15) Are all social relations considered legal relations when the state is involved?
=> No, NOT ALL .. just bc the state is involved
- Legal relations specifically refer to those interactions or connections between individuals
or entities that are recognized, regulated, and protected by the legal system.
- Only certain relationships, actions, or transactions are legally defined and subject to the
rules and regulations of the legal system.

16) Participating in legal relations requires that the parties express their intent freely.
=> Yes,
- Free and voluntary consent (agreement) is a fundamental principle in contract and legal

17) Legal relations arise based on the will of the ruling class. (3.1)
=> No,
- Agreements between individuals, entities, and the state.

18) All organizations and individuals can become subjects of legal relations. (3.1)
=> No,
- Legal relations involve interactions, rights, and obligations recognized and governed by
the legal system, and they apply to a wide range of entities, including individuals,
businesses, organizations, and the state.
19) The state is the subject of every legal relations.
=> No,
- Legal relations involve interactions between various entities, including individuals,
businesses, organizations, and the state.
- The state is one of the subjects within the legal framework but not the exclusive subject
in all instances of legal relations.

20) Legal precedents are an outdated form of law, reflecting a low level of legal
=> No,
- The assessment of legal precedents as outdated or reflective of a low level of legal
development is subjective and depends on the legal system in question.

21) Legal norms are the only standard for evaluating human behavior.
=> No, they are not the only standard.
- Ethical, moral, cultural, and social norms also play crucial roles in shaping and evaluating
human behavior.

22) Legal norms only represent the will of the state when the state is involved in the
=> Yes,
- Legal norms are laws and regulations enacted by the state to govern various aspects of
societal interactions, and they come into play when the state has a role in overseeing or
regulating specific relationships or behaviors.

23) Legal relations arise, change, and cease when a legal event occurs.
=> Yes,
- Legal systems recognize and regulate these events, determining the rights and obligations
of the parties involved in the legal relationships.

24) A foreigner is someone who holds the citizenship of another country.

=> Yes in general,
- However, it is important to note that the specific legal definition of "foreigner" may vary
by jurisdiction, and in some contexts, residency status rather than citizenship may be the
determining factor.

25) VNese law recognizes customary law and legal precedents as the primary sources of
=> False,
- The legal system in Vietnam is primarily based on a civil law tradition

26) VNese law only recognizes legal documents as the source of law.
=> False,
- The legal system also considers other sources: practices, customs, and traditions may be
taken into account, even though they are not the primary sources of law.
- While legal documents are crucial, Vietnam's legal system does not exclusively rely on
them as the sole source of law.

27) All social relations are legal relations.

=> False, not ALL
- Many social relations exist outside the scope of legal regulation and do not involve legal
rights, duties, or obligations.

28) Every legal norm must possess all 3 constituent elements.

=> False, not EVERY
- Some legal norms may focus more on defining prohibited behavior and associated
sanctions, while others may emphasize the conditions triggering the norm.

29) Legal norms only take effect positively on the economy, promoting economic
=> False, both positive and negative

30) Parties in civil relations must independently seek information related to those
=> True,
- civil law systems often place a greater burden on the parties themselves to gather and
present relevant information.
- This principle emphasizes the proactive role of the parties in civil relations in obtaining
the necessary information to support their claims or defenses.

31) When providing non-compulsory information, the provider is not required to ensure
the accuracy of the information. (3.3,
=> False,
- Misleading or false information, whether compulsory or not, can have legal
consequences, particularly in contexts where accuracy and truthfulness are essential, such
as in contractual agreements or consumer transactions.

32) Future assets are assets that do not exist at the time of the transaction.
=> True,
- Future assets are assets that do not exist at the time of the transaction but are expected to
come into existence in the future.

33) Real estate consists of houses and other constructed works.

=> True,
- Real estate, also known as real property, encompasses physical structures and land, along
with the rights associated with them.

34) All equipment affixed to the walls of a building that is inseparable from the land is
considered real estate
=> True,
- When an item is affixed in such a way that it becomes an integral part of the real property
or building and cannot be easily removed without damaging the property, it is considered
a fixture.
- Fixtures are typically treated as part of the real estate and are conveyed with the land and
building when the property is sold or transferred.

35) An immovable assets that consists of equipment affixed to the walls is considered
real estate
=> True,
- In legal terms, if the equipment is permanently attached in a way that it becomes an
integral part of the real property, it is treated as a fixture and is part of the real estate.
- Real estate, also known as real property, includes land and all improvements permanently
attached to the land, such as buildings and fixtures.

36) Every individual has the same legal capacity for civil conduct.
=> False,
- Legal capacity for civil conduct can vary among individuals based on factors such as age,
mental competence, and legal status.
- Different jurisdictions have laws that set age limits for certain legal activities, such as
entering into contracts, voting, or marrying.
- Additionally, individuals with mental incapacities or certain legal restrictions may have
limitations on their legal capacity.

37) All legal entities have the same legal capacity for civil conduct.
=> False,
- Different types of legal entities, such as corporations, partnerships, and nonprofit
organizations, may have distinct legal capacities and limitations.

38) The legal capacity for civil conduct of a subject depends on the laws of each country.
=> True,
- Legal systems establish rules and criteria that determine when and to what extent
individuals or entities have the capacity to engage in legal activities.

39) Legal capacity for civil conduct arises from the moment of an individual’s birth.
=> False,
- It usually develops over time and is subject to legal regulations within a specific
- Various legal systems define the age at which individuals attain certain rights and
responsibilities, such as the capacity to enter into contracts, vote, or marry.

40) When an individual’s legal capacity for civil conduct is restricted, their legal
capacity for civil action is also limited.
=> True,
- Depending on the nature of the restriction, it may impact the individual's ability to enter
into contracts, make certain decisions, or engage in specific legal transactions.

41) The legal capacity for civil action of an individual increases with age.
=> True
- the legal capacity for civil action of an individual often increases with age.
- For example, individuals may gain the capacity to enter into contracts, vote, or marry at
specific ages defined by the laws of the jurisdiction.

42) Those sentenced to imprisonment with a fixed term are limited in legal capacity for
civil action.
=> True,
- In many legal systems, individuals sentenced to imprisonment with a fixed term may
experience limitations on their legal capacity for civil action during the period of
- The nature and extent of these limitations can vary based on the laws of the jurisdiction.

43) Intoxicated individuals have limited legal capacity for civil action.
=> True,
- When a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their ability to understand and
make informed decisions may be impaired.

44) Individuals who have reached 18 years of age are subjects of all legal relationships.
=> False,
- Legal capacity and the ability to be subjects of all legal relationships involve more factors
than just age.
- Even after reaching the age of 18, individuals may have restrictions on certain legal
relationships based on other factors such as mental capacity, legal competence, and
specific legal regulations.

45) The legal capacity for civil action of individuals who have reached the age of
majority is broader than that of minors.
=> True.
- Individuals who have reached the age of majority (typically 18 in most jurisdictions)
have significantly greater legal capacity for civil action than minors

46) The legal capacity for civil action and the legal capacity for civil conduct of an
individual arise at the same time.
=> False, might not be same time
- Legal capacity for civil action generally refers to the ability to take legal steps such as
entering contracts, suing, or being sued.
- This capacity can be influenced by various factors including age, mental competence, and
legal status..

47) The legal capacity for civil action and the legal capacity for civil conduct of an
individual arise simultaneously.
=> False.
- Legal capacity for civil action refers to an individual's ability to take legal actions, such
as entering into contracts, suing, or being sued. This capacity can be influenced by
various factors like age, mental competence, and legal status.
- On the other hand, legal capacity for civil conduct refers to the ability to engage in civil
acts, transactions, and legal relationships. While age might be a factor in both capacities,
they might not always arise simultaneously.

48) Legal capacity for civil action is determined by the age of the individual.
=> True
- Legal capacity for civil action is often tied to age
- However, legal capacity can also be influenced by other factors beyond age, such as
mental capacity, competency, or legal status, which may affect an individual's ability to
engage in civil actions.

49) Individuals with limited legal capacity for civil action are those who have not yet
reached the age of majority
=> True.
- The age of majority, which varies by jurisdiction but is commonly 18 years old,
represents the point at which a person is legally recognized as an adult and gains full
legal capacity to enter into contracts, make legal decisions, and engage in civil actions
without parental or guardian consent.
- Until reaching the age of majority, individuals often have limited legal capacity for
certain actions and transactions.

50) The legal representative of a legal entity is the person who leads the legal entity.
=> False
- The legal representative of a legal entity is not always the person who leads it. The
representative is typically an individual who has been authorized or appointed to act on
behalf of the entity in legal matters.

51) The activities of a legal entity are carried out through the person leading the legal
=> True
- The activities of a legal entity can be conducted through various individuals within the
entity, not solely through the person leading it. While the leader or a designated
representative might oversee and make decisions for the entity, the day-to-day operations
and specific actions can involve multiple individuals, departments, or agents within the

52) All legal entities have the same legal capacity for civil conduct.
=> False
- The legal capacity of an entity is often defined by the laws and regulations governing that
specific type of entity, outlining what it can or cannot do within the scope of civil

53) When the authorizing individual dies while the authorization is still in effect, the
representative relationship only ends when the authorization expires.
=> False
- However, this can vary based on specific legal provisions or agreements that might allow
for the continuation of the representation even after the individual's death.

54) The legal representative of a legal entity is the person leading the legal entity.
=> False
- This person may not always be the same as the leader or the person in charge of running
the day-to-day operations of the entity.
- The legal representative could be a lawyer, an appointed officer, or someone specifically
authorized to represent the entity in legal affairs.

55) A husband can be the legal representative of his wife according to the wife’s law.
=> Depend

56) The scope of representation is defined by the law.

=> True

57) The period of representation is always defined by law.

=> False.
- However, it's not universally regulated or defined by law in every situation.
- The period of representation can be determined by various factors such as contractual
agreements, the specific terms of authorization, the type of representation (e.g., power of
attorney), or the conditions set by the authorizing individual or entity.

58) The legal time limit is a period defined by the law.

=> True.

59) The legal time limit is set by the law.

=> True.
- For instance, statutes of limitations can apply to filing lawsuits, bringing criminal
charges, enforcing contracts, or making claims for damages. These time limits are
established to ensure that legal actions are pursued within a reasonable timeframe,
preserving the integrity of evidence, and preventing indefinite delays in legal

60) The time limit is a period of time determined by the law

=> True.

61) The legal time limit is defined by agreement.

=> True.

62) The legal time limit for filing a lawsuit is determined by the law.
=> True.

63) A person who buys stolen property is a person who possesses property without a
legal basis and without good faith. (167)
=> True.
- The buyer is often aware or should reasonably be aware that the property was obtained
unlawfully, which means they lack the legal right to possess or claim ownership of such
64) Possessing property without a legal basis is considered possession without public
=> False
- It doesn't necessarily imply whether the possession is known publicly or not.
- Whether or not the possession is publicly known is a separate consideration from its

65) A written contract takes effect from the time the parties both sign the document.
=> True
- In most cases, a written contract becomes legally binding and takes effect at the moment
when all parties involved sign the document. This act signifies their agreement and
acceptance of the terms laid out in the contract.

66) If a contract is not executed in accordance with the legal from, it is void
=> True
- In most legal systems, a contract that is not executed in accordance with the legal form is
generally considered void.

67) When the proposing party to a contract dies, the proposal to contract is no longer
=> True
- Contract law usually requires that for a contract to be formed, there needs to be an offer
by one party and an acceptance by the other, creating a meeting of minds or mutual
- there might be exceptions or specific legal provisions that could come into play
depending on the circumstances and local laws.

68) Penalties for breaching a contract are only applied when the parties agree or the
law specified.
=> True
- parties often have the freedom to negotiate and agree upon the terms, including the
penalties for breach, as long as they comply with legal principles and regulations.

69) Actions contrary to the law that cause harm result in claims for damages outside of
the contract.
=> True.
- Actions that are contrary to the law and cause harm can indeed result in claims for
damages outside of any contractual obligations. These claims often fall under the realm
of tort law, which deals with civil wrongs that cause harm or injury to someone else.
70) A pledge contract only becomes when the pledgee delivers the pledged property to
the pledgee.
=> False
- In a pledge contract, the contract itself becomes effective once both parties (the pledgor
and the pledgee) agree to the terms and conditions of the pledge.
- The delivery of the pledged property to the pledgee is a crucial step in finalizing the
pledge contract, but it doesn't determine the contract's existence or effectiveness.

71) During the effective period of a security transaction, the secured property belongs
to the ownership of the security recipient.
=> False
- In a security transaction, the ownership of the secured property typically remains with the
original owner (the pledgor or the borrower) even during the effective period of the
security arrangement.
- However, they do not assume ownership of the property unless the borrower defaults and
the terms of the agreement allow for the transfer of ownership due to that default.

72) A single asset can only be used to secure multiple obligations if the value of that
asset is greater than the total value of the obligations it secures.
=> False
- A single asset can often be used to secure multiple obligations without the requirement
that its value exceeds the total value of the obligations it secures. This is known as
collateral or security pooling.

73) The handling of secured property is only carried out when the obligation being
secured comes due, and the obligor fails to perform or improperly performs the
=> True
- However, it's important to note that the handling of secured property might also involve
actions before the obligation comes due if there are concerns or indications that the
obligor might default.

74) The effectiveness against 3rd parties only arises when the security measure is
=> True

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