Extra Practice Passive Voice Ex

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Name: Santiago Chicaiza

Exercise: complete the grids by writing down the missing voice: the active
voice, if the passive is given and the passive voice, if the active is missing.
Present Simple
Active Passive
They make those cars in Germany. In Germany made they cars.
In China they grow rice. ________ Rice is grown in China.
Many enjoy the Soft drinks. _____ Soft drinks are enjoyed by many.
They buy gold in Oman. In Oman they bought the gold.
The British drink a lot of tea. A lot of tea is drunk by the British. __
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Belgium imports a lot of beef from Argentina. A lot of beef from Argentina is imported by Belgium.
The Greeks export a lot of olives. A lot of olives are exported by the Greeks.

Past Simple
Active Passive
France and Britain developed Concorde. Concorde were developed in France and Britain.
They gave him 1.2 million € as a reward. He was given 1.2 million € as a reward by them.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
An American chemist invented the Nylon in Nylon was invented by an American chemist in the
the early 1930s. early 1930s.
Thieves stole two pictures from the museum the museum had stolen two pictures last night by
last night. thieves.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Merlin, an old Celtic magician, brought up King Arthur was brought up by Merlin, an old Celtic
King Arthur. magician.

Present perfect
Active Passive
We have published the story. The story has been published by us.
They have sold that house several times. That house has been sold by several times them.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
They have found the bacteria in many meat The bacteria have been found in many
products. meat products.
My great aunt has left me 4,000 £. I have been left 4,000 £ by my great aunt.
Future Simple
Active Passive
We’ll send the package by email. The package will send by email.
The factory will produce 9,000 cars next year. 9,000 cars will be produced by the factory
_____________________________________ next year.
They’ll soon find a cure for aids. A cure for AIDS will soon be found by them.
People will feel the shock wave in the north The shock wave will be felt by people in the
of Italy. north of Italy.
He will be sacked again if he is always late. He will be sacked again, if he’s always late.

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