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- Generica Mercandaue is NOT an emerging market global corporation.

- NAFTA stands for North American Free Trade Agreement.
- Globalization buys and sells to each other in lands at great distances.
- GATT stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
- Cultural reflect the dominant values and beliefs of consumerism.
- Political involve an essential subset of issues on the principle of state
sovereignty, the growing impact of intergovernmental organizations, and the
prospects for global governance.
- Economic convey the notion that the essence of the phenomenon involves the
increasing linkage of national economies through trade, financial flows, and
foreign direct investment by multinational firms.
- The gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper
money has a value directly linked to gold. With the gold standard, countries
agreed to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold.
- Globaloney refers to the general observations often amount to little more.
- Unoversalism is the positive norm that most people assert their beliefs.

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE? Study and search.
- Rejectionists argue that nationalism and its corollary terms have proved
notoriously hard concepts to define. 1
- Rejectionists consider globalization a prime example of such a vacuous term,
suggesting that it has been used in academic discourse to refer to 'anything from
the Internet to a hamburger'.2
- Milton Friedman's stated that neoliberal theory is a product packaged for export
to underdeveloped nations.1
- His colorful language essentially claims that states have lost an important
element of economic sovereignty and that neo-liberalism is beyond
- In 1970s-1990s, many analysts considered the emergence of a transnational
financial system the secondary economic feature of our time.1
- Most scholars of economic globalization trace the accelerating integrationist
tendencies of the global economy.2
- Most of the growth occurred in the purely debt-dealing currency and securities
markets that trade claims to draw profits from present production.1
- Aided by new communication technologies, global rentiers and speculators
earned spectacular incomes by taking advantage of strong financial and banking
regulations in the emerging markets of developing countries.2
- Scholars emphasize advances in data processing and information technology
that contributed to the explosive growth of tradable financial value.1
- New satellite systems and fiberoptic cables provided the nervous system of
Internet-based technologies that further accelerated the liberalization of financial
- Racism, sexism, and other anti universalistic norms perform equally important
tasks in allocating work, power, and privilege within the modern world-system.1
- They seem to imply exclusions from the social arena.2
- Japanese accepted American ideas and advices about specializing only in what
they do best and trading for the rest.1
- Americans invaded Japan for this.2
- There is no single definition of globalization.1
- There is no consensus on its origin.2
- There are generally accepted definition of globalization which emerged from few
- Various scholars have approached the concept of globalization by analyzing and
describing a variety of changing economic, political, and cultural processes that
are alleged to have accelerated.2

Answer number 1 & 4 ONLY – TOPIC - GLOBALIZATION

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