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DLP Partner Solution Kit –

How-To Guide

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Partner Solution Kits contain customizable demand generation materials to launch Forcepoint
created campaigns, as well as sales enablement tools to better equip you for a customer or
prospect conversation.

• Designed to support field demand generation efforts

• Basic kit of sales and marketing materials that can be customizable and co-branded to fit your needs
• Support Race/Blitz Days, Channel initiatives, other organized activity OR just manager or rep led
initiatives to fill pipe gaps
• Bundled for easy access

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Where to find the kits?

Partner Portal
All kits are located on the homepage of the
Partner Portal.
* If you do not have a portal login or have forgotten
your login, email

Monthly Partner Alert Newsletter

All new and revised kits will be showcased on the
monthly newsletter
* If you would like to opt-in to the newsletter, email

Ask your Channel Account Manager

You can always ask your Channel Account
Manager and they can send you any kit you would
like to access

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Forcepoint DLP – Solution Guide Why Forcepoint DLP?
Ease of Policy Management & Enforcement:
Policy enforcement without impacting ability of
employees to do their jobs including unified policy
deployment across network, cloud apps and
endpoint channels
Solution Positioning
Data security is a never-ending challenge. On one hand, IT organizations are required to keep up with regulations and Improved Organizational Efficiency:
protect intellectual property from targeted attacks and accidental exposure. On the other, they must adapt to macro IT User-based analytics for increased productivity
movements, such as the adoption of cloud applications, hybrid cloud environments and BYOD trends, all of which increase (less time dealing with high volume alerts),
the ways data can leave your organization. proactive security approach (user risk levels focus
attention on priority risks), and shortened response
This expanding attack surface poses the most significant challenge to protecting critical data. Data security teams take time when incidents occur (full context to enable
the seemingly logical approach to chase data: find it, catalogue it and control it. Yet this traditional approach to data loss actionable decisions)
prevention is no longer effective because it ignores the biggest variable in data security — your people.
Instead of focusing solely on data, security should begin and end with people. The key is to gain visibility into user Advanced Detection & Control:
interactions with data and applications. Once this is achieved, you can apply a level of control based on the specific user’s Machine learning enables detection of slow leaks
risk and the sensitivity or value of the data. over time (Drip DLP), including fingerprinting of
structured & unstructured data. OCR enables
An organization’s data protection program must consider the human point — the intersection of users, data and networks. In detection of images embedded in documents
addition, the enterprise must remain vigilant of data as it moves across the enterprise and highlight the people who create, (including Office documents).
touch and move data.
Visibility & Control Everywhere Data Resides:
Extend analytics and DLP policies to critical cloud
Audience and Roles Customer Needs/Pain Points applications for increased visibility to data
movement throughout your organization. Single
• Regulated industries “Alert fatigue” overwhelmed admins unable to see through seat control to manage and enforce policies
• Customers using cloud applications the noise to focus on incidents that pose the greatest risks across channels for unified policy management.
• Compliance officers, Gartner, Legal and Audit, Industry Peers
Lack of visibility to where & how sensitive data is moving
and HR Human Point System:
around the organization (structured and unstructured data on
Only one in the industry to take a human-centric
the network, endpoints & cloud)
Target Persona: CISO/VP of Security, Data Protection Officer, approach, focused on understanding user
Data Governance Officer Complicated environment – data is now everywhere, having behavior.
to protect data in places they don’t own/manage
Adoption / use of cloud platforms (ie. Box, Salesforce,
MSFT) driving need to properly identify, manage and enforce
Copyright © 2017 Forcepoint. | 4
Forcepoint DLP Solution Guide
Marketing Folder

Marketing Campaign Folder

The Marketing folder is composed of different email
campaigns to launch. Choose from three different
1. First touch email
2. Second touch email
3. Third touch email

Each email folder includes the following: First Touch Email Second Touch Email Third Touch Email
• HTML email template
• Raw email text Word document
• Asset file (datasheet, white paper, report, brochure,
• Supporting social & digital assets

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Forcepoint DLP Solution Guide
Marketing Folder

Raw asset
HTML email file

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Forcepoint DLP Solution Guide
Sales Enablement Folder

Sales Enablement Folder

The Sales folder is composed of a variety of different
sales tools that will better equip you for a customer
and/or prospect conversation.
• Customer/prospect presentation
• Pitch cards
• Battle cards
• Customer personas
• Call scripts
• Sales aide one pager

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What assets are missing?

What materials should we improve?
What other solutions should we cover?

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