Lab 13

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Difference Between Summary Abstract and Paraphrasing

Summary give the brief overview of text. In this the main idea is highlighted in a condensed
The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated a global shift to online learning. While researchers have
examined the impact of remote learning on elementary students' academic performance, less is
known about elementary teacher’s perceptions of teaching online during the pandemic. This
qualitative inquiry used interviews to better understand how elementary teachers experienced
remote instruction. The results suggest that teachers need more guidance from administration
and resources to manage stress. These findings can inform the development of future distance
learning plans that better address teacher’s needs.
The global transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 is highlights the lack of research
on elementary teacher’s experiences with remote instruction. Through qualitative interviews,
the study explores teacher’s perspectives, indicating a need for more support and resources to
manage stress. The findings emphasize the importance of addressing teachers needs in
developing future distance learning plans.

Paraphrasing is writing someone’s idea in your own word and retaining the original meaning
of text.
Original Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Paraphrasing: The swift brown fox leaps over the lethargic canine.

A brief summary of report, research paper or article that provides an overview in 150-300
words that give all the detail about your project and highlighting the key facts and tells about
the recommendation of your future plans.
The Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Tropical Rainforests: A Case Study of the
Amazon Basin.

This study examines the impacts of climate change on biodiversity within tropical rainforests,
focusing specifically on the Amazon Basin. Through a comprehensive review of existing
literature and field research, the research highlights the various ways in which rising
temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and deforestation are affecting species diversity,
population dynamics, and ecosystem functioning in this critical region. The findings
underscore the urgent need for targeted conservation efforts and adaptive management
strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on tropical rainforest biodiversity.

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