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Adha Fauzi Hendrawan


Qualitative Data Collection

Research question
“What are perspectives of women from Yogyakarta on nutritional needs during [the third
trimester of] pregnancy and on nutrition for children [under 3 years of age]”

Sub Questions
1. What barriers do pregnant women perceive when it comes to implementing a healthy
diet during pregnancy and for their children?
2. What changes in diet and lifestyle do women make to ensure that they do not develop
nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy and/or to ensure to deliver a healthy baby?
3. What do women perceive to be healthy food for their child?

Alternative Subquestions
1) How do socioeconomic factors influence women's awareness and understanding of the
importance of nutrition during pregnancy?
2) What are the key barriers or obstacles pregnant women mention when it comes to
seeking information about nutrition during pregnancy?
3) How do women perceive the consequences of malnourishment during pregnancy for
both themselves and their unborn children
4) What forms of malnutrition and deficiencies do children and neonates in Yogyakarta
suffer from?
5) What is the knowledge regarding the selection of food items for pregnant women?
6) What are the potential consequences of inadequate knowledge about malnutrition during
pregnancy on maternal and fetal health?
7) How is the knowledge about preparing nutritious meals for pregnant women?
8) Is there a difference in nutritional knowledge between women of different ages?
9) What source of information do women in Yogyakarta use often for seeking information
about nutrition during their pregnancy?
10) Do pregnant women in Yogyakarta use alternative nutrition for their babies such as using
herbs and self made medicines?
11) What is the knowledge of women about malnourishment during pregnancy?
12) Are women more focused on nutritional challenges or nutritional needs for their
unborn baby?
13) What are the main nutritional deficiencies in Indonesia in pregnant women?
14) What cultural beliefs and myths influence nutritional status during pregnancy?
15) Do women adapt their dietary intake during pregnancy?
Interview Guidelines

1. Could you provide us with a brief explanation of your educational background and what
you do for a living?

2. What dietary challenges have you personally encountered during your pregnancy
journey? Can you describe some of the obstacles you've faced in maintaining a healthy
diet for yourself and your child?

3. Could you share any specific instances or experiences that made it difficult for you to
follow a nutritious diet during pregnancy?

4. Do you know how important nutrition is during pregnancy? What do you know about the
importance of nutrition during pregnancy?

5. Have you noticed any societal or cultural influences that affect the way you approach
nutrition during pregnancy? Can you describe how these factors have played a role in
your dietary decisions?

6. What changes did you make in your diet and lifestyle to ensure that you didn't develop
nutritional deficiencies while pregnant? Can you explain the reasons behind these

7. Could you discuss the sources of information and support you relied on to make
informed dietary decisions during your pregnancy? How effective were these resources
in helping you achieve a healthy diet?

8. What kind of support or guidance did you receive from healthcare professionals
regarding nutrition during pregnancy? Did you find this advice helpful, or did it pose any

9. What foods do you consider to be healthy and essential for the growth and development
of your child? Why do you have these perceptions of healthy food for your child?

10. In your opinion, what are the key factors or changes that could be implemented to better
support pregnant women in achieving a healthy diet during pregnancy and making sure
their children receive the right nutrition?
Transcript in Indonesian
Speaker 1
Apakah ibu boleh ceritakan secara singkat mengenai latar belakang pendidikan ibu dan
pekerjaan sehari hari

Speaker 2
Pendidikan saya terakhir sma, dan bekerja di salah satu cv

Speaker 1
Berapa lama ibu udah bekerja di cv itu

Speaker 2
Kurang lebih 3 tahunan

Speaker 1
Apakah ada tantangan yang ibu alami untuk menerapkan pola makan sehat selama kehamilan

Speaker 2

Speaker 1
Dapatkan ibu jelaskan tantangan yang dihadapi untuk memenuhi gizi saat masa kehamilan

Speaker 2
Saya kurang ini, sayurnya kurang kurang nafsu

Speaker 1
Kalau dari segi lain misalnya beli makanan ada hambatan engga

Speaker 2
Kalau ekonomi pasti ada

Speaker 1
Biasanya makanan sehari hari apa pas hamil

Speaker 2
Itu ya kan, kalau hamil cepet besar pagi kadang lauk tanpa sayur, ntar siang sayur ama lauk
dari protein tumbuhan tempe tahu gitu, saya kan juga sibuk engga sempet masak

Speaker 1
Untuk siang baru makan tempe gitu ya

Speaker 2

Speaker 1
Kalau sayu gimana bu

Speaker 2
Sayur beli, biasanya dua sampe tiga

Speaker 1
Untuk empat anaknya ibu ada pola makan yang berubah engga

Speaker 2
Sama aja

Speaker 1
Bisa mungkin diceritain spesifik yang bikin ibu susah ngikutin pola makan sehat selama

Speaker 2
Kalau pagi saya sibuk jadi engga bisa masak, mempersiapkan anak sekolah, kan anak saya dia
sekolahnya satu sd satu smp satu kerja, jadi enaknya beli di warung, soalnya suami saya
membantu, dalam membantunya agak kurang karena cacat dari lahir kena polio

Speaker 1
Apakah ibu merasa ada faktor sosial budaya yang mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan selama
kehamilan, misal tetangga jangan makan ini itu

Speaker 2
Ada jangan makan buah kepel, katanya bikin malang

Speaker 1
Yang bilang siapa ibu

Speaker 2
Banyak, Tetangga, ga tau mitos atau engga

Speaker 1
Ada lagi ibu mungkin

Speaker 2
Cuma itu aja

Speaker 1
Ibu percaya engga sama itu
Speaker 2
Engga, karena kan itu buah

Speaker 1
Tapi ibu makan buahnya engga

Speaker 2

Speaker 1
Mungkin ibu bisa cerita mengenai sumber informasi dan dukungan yang mempengaruhi
keputusan selama hamil, jadi info tentang gizi selama kehamilan dapet dari mana, aps denger
sayur bagus dapet info dari mana

Speaker 2
Dari mbaca buku, gugel, terus ada salah satu anggota mbak mbak pendamping yang
menceritakan gizi tentang stunting dari PKH

Speaker 1
Menurut ibu sumber informasi efektif engga untuk menerapkan pola makan sehari hari

Speaker 2
menurut saya sudah cukup

Speaker 1
Informasi untuk kehamilan ini aja , atau sebelumnya sama gitu

Speaker 2
Yang dulu dulu engga, baru yang sekarang sekarang ini

Speaker 1
Berapa umur anak pertama

Speaker 2
22, lahiran 2000

Speaker 1
Anak kedua

Speaker 2
2010, yang ketiga 2011 akhir

Speaker 1
Menurut ibu setelah dapet info itu masih mikir yang diberikan pada ibu cukup atau masih kurang

Speaker 2
Masih kurang

Speaker 1
Selama masa kehamilan dukungan atay saran seperit ibu dari tenaga kesehatan tentan gizi
untuk ibu hamil

Speaker 2
Dukungannya moral, ibu hamil harus happy, engga boleh yang sedih sedih

Speaker 1
Dari siapa ibu

Speaker 2
Dari tenaga kesehatan

Speaker 1
Bermanfaat engga ibu

Speaker 2

Speaker 1
Disini engga ibu

Speaker 2
Iya disini, dari bidan

Speaker 1
Kalau bidan ada yang dateng keruma engga

Speaker 2

Speaker 1
Apakah ibu merasa kedatangan ibu bermanfaat

Speaker 2
Sangat bermanfaat

Speaker 1
Seharusnya ada tambahan lagi engga dari pemerintah untuk ibu hamil
Speaker 2
Saya ingin suatu saat ibu hamil dijadikan satuan ada wawancara tanya jawab, ada undangan,
ada keluhan bisa diutarakan

Speaker 1
Jadi sebelumnya ibu ibu yang digabung terlalu besar engga pesertanya

Speaker 2
Iya nanti kan bisa liat keluhannya apa, jadi bisa kami tangkap gitu

Speaker 1
Kekika bebricara tenatang pola makan anak, makanan apa yang ibu anggap penting untuk
tumbuh kembang

Speaker 2
Sayur buah protein hewani , tumbuhan

Speaker 1
Ibu juga konsumsi vitamin engga kayak pil tablet

Speaker 2
Vitamin c vitamin darah, yang putih kalek

Speaker 1
Bisa dijelaskan kenapa makanan tersebut masuk makanan sehat

Speaker 2
Karena dari bahan bahan alami

Speaker 1
Selama kehamilan apa ibu makannya lebih banyak atau sama aja sbeelum hamil

Speaker 2
Lebih banyak

Speaker 1
Lebih sehat juga engga dibanding sebelumnya

Speaker 2
Iya lebih sehat

Speaker 1
Selama ini apa ada faktor sosial budaya ketika ibu memilih makanan untuk anak ibu, misal
tetangga atau orang tua, ada engga

Speaker 2
Iya ada, misalkan sering makan mie instan, kopi kopian mengandung banyak bahan

Speaker 1
setelah denger dari tetangga ibu sempet melakukan hal yang disuruh atau gimana

Speaker 2
Ya saya ngikutin kata tetangga, brati dia memberi info baik, baik buat saya juga

Speaker 1
Ibu nyaring info yang dikasi atau langusng diterima

Speaker 2
Langsung didengerin, karena kalau anak kan beli beli aja

Speaker 1
Anaknya cowo apa cewe ibu

Speaker 2
Satu cowo , dua cewek

Speaker 1
Yang pertama?

Speaker 2
Yang pertama cowo, terus cewek cewek

Speaker 1
Kalau menurut ibu lebih percaya diri engga terkait gizi anak anka dibanding pas awal awal,

Speaker 2
Iya tapi anak saya walau udah masak kok malah beli yang lain

Speaker 1
Ada perbedaan pemilihan bahan makanan engga selama masa kehamilan , kan dulu awal awal
belum tau informasi kalau sekarang bedanya apa

Speaker 2
Kalau dulu saya ikut orang tua, ekonomi juga engga sebanyak sekarang ini, jadi saya ngikut
masakan orang tua jadi sekarang saya punya penghasilan sendiri yang saya inginkan bisa saya

Speaker 1
Menurut pendapat ibu perubhahan apa yang bisa dilkakuka pemerintah untuk lebih baik
mdalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selama kehamilan, dan membuat anak ibu mendapatka gizi
yang cukup

Speaker 2
Kalau menurut saya, itu setiap bulannya berat badan HB HB tidak harus berapa bulan sekali,
kan kemarin bagus sekarang tidak bagus HB nya kalau dicek berapa bulan sekali kan engga
tau to mbak, biar stabil

Speaker 1
Kenapa ibu berharap itu dilakukan,

Speaker 2
karena kalau kurang HB darahnya bisa rendah kekurangan, untuk kelahirannya bisa terganggu

Speaker 1
Kalau terkait makanan hubungan gizi, apa yang sebaiknya diperbiki dari pemerintah

Speaker 2
Naikkan lauk pauk

Speaker 1
Maksudnya saran program hamil membantu apa dalam hal gizi, kayak bantuan bahan makanan

Speaker 2
Alhamdulillah sekarang saya dapet bantuan tiap bulannya, itu bisa membantu

Speaker 1
Itu programnya seindonesia?

Speaker 2
Iya indonesia, saya berharap bisa terus programnya, bagus untuk anak anak buat beli telur ,
cerdas, sehat
Transcript in English

Speaker 1: Can you briefly tell us about your educational background and your daily job?

Speaker 2: My education ended at high school (SMA), and I work at one of the CVs (Company).

Speaker 1: How long have you been working at that company?

Speaker 2: Approximately around three years.

Speaker 1: Have you faced any challenges in maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy?

Speaker 2: No.

Speaker 1: Could you explain the challenges you faced in meeting nutritional needs during

Speaker 2: I have a lack of appetite, especially for vegetables.

Speaker 1: How about other challenges, like purchasing food?

Speaker 2: Economically, there are challenges.

Speaker 1: What is your daily food like during pregnancy?

Speaker 2: In the morning, I quickly become full; sometimes, I skip vegetables. For lunch, I have
vegetables and plant-based protein like tempeh or tofu. I'm busy and don't have time to cook.

Speaker 1: So, you only eat tempeh for lunch?

Speaker 2: Yes.

Speaker 1: How about dinner?

Speaker 2: I buy vegetables, usually two to three kinds.

Speaker 1: Have there been any changes in the eating patterns for your four children?

Speaker 2: It's the same.

Speaker 1: Can you specify any difficulties in following a healthy eating pattern during
Speaker 2: In the morning, I'm busy, so I can't cook. I have to prepare for my children going to
school. My children go to different schools—one in elementary, one in junior high, and one is
working. My husband helps, but he has a disability due to polio, so his help is limited.

Speaker 1: Do you feel there are socio-cultural factors influencing food choices during
pregnancy, like neighbors saying not to eat certain things?

Speaker 2: Yes, for example, they say not to eat kepel fruit as it's considered unlucky.

Speaker 1: Who says that?

Speaker 2: Many people, neighbors. I don't know if it's a myth or not.

Speaker 1: Is there anything else?

Speaker 2: That's the only one.

Speaker 1: Do you believe it?

Speaker 2: No, because it's just fruit.

Speaker 1: But have you eaten it?

Speaker 2: Not yet.

Speaker 1: Can you share the sources of information and support that influenced your decisions
during pregnancy, like information on nutrition or the benefits of vegetables?

Speaker 2: From reading books, Google, and one member of a support group who talked about
nutrition and stunting from the Family Hope Program (PKH).

Speaker 1: According to you, is the information source effective in implementing a daily eating

Speaker 2: In my opinion, it's sufficient.

Speaker 1: Is the information specifically for this pregnancy, or was it the same for previous

Speaker 2: In the past, it wasn't like this. It's only now.

Speaker 1: How old is your first child?

Speaker 2: 22, born in 2000.

Speaker 1: The second child?

Speaker 2: 2010, and the third in late 2011.

Speaker 1: According to you, after receiving this information, do you still think what is provided
to you is sufficient or inadequate?

Speaker 2: It's still inadequate.

Speaker 1: During pregnancy, what kind of support or advice do you receive from healthcare
professionals regarding nutrition for pregnant women?

Speaker 2: The support is moral. Pregnant women should be happy and not be sad.

Speaker 1: From whom?

Speaker 2: From healthcare professionals.

Speaker 1: Is it beneficial for you?

Speaker 2: Yes, it's beneficial.

Speaker 1: How about here?

Speaker 2: Yes, here, from the midwife.

Speaker 1: Does the midwife come to your house?

Speaker 2: Yes.

Speaker 1: Do you feel the midwife's visits are beneficial?

Speaker 2: Very beneficial.

Speaker 1: Should there be additional support from the government for pregnant women?

Speaker 2: I wish that someday pregnant women could be organized into a unit with interviews,
Q&A sessions, invitations, and the ability to express complaints.

Speaker 1: So, previously, the group of mothers was too large, weren't the participants?

Speaker 2: Yes, later we can see what the complaints are, so we can capture them.
Speaker 1: When talking about children's eating habits, what foods do you consider important
for their growth?

Speaker 2: Vegetables, fruits, animal and plant proteins.

Speaker 1: Do you also take vitamins, like pill tablets?

Speaker 2: Vitamin C and blood vitamins, the white ones.

Speaker 1: Can you explain why these foods are considered healthy?

Speaker 2: Because they are made from natural ingredients.

Speaker 1: During pregnancy, did you eat more or the same as before?

Speaker 2: More.

Speaker 1: Is it healthier than before?

Speaker 2: Yes, it's healthier.

Speaker 1: Have there been any socio-cultural factors when you choose food for your child, like
neighbors or parents? Is there any?

Speaker 2: Yes, there is. For example, frequent consumption of instant noodles, and coffee
contains many preservatives.

Speaker 1: After hearing from neighbors, did you ever do what they suggested or how?

Speaker 2: Yes, I followed what the neighbors said, so if they provide good information, it's good
for me too.

Speaker 1: Do you filter the information given, or do you accept it directly?

Speaker 2: I listen directly because when it comes to children, you just buy what you need.

Speaker 1: Is your child a boy or a girl?

Speaker 2: One boy, two girls.

Speaker 1: The first one?

Speaker 2: The first one is a boy, and then the girls.

Speaker 1: According to you, are you more confident about your child's nutrition now compared
to the early days?

Speaker 2: Yes, but even though I cook, my child still buys other things.

Speaker 1: Has there been a difference in food choices during pregnancy? In the beginning, you
didn't have much information, but now, what's the difference?

Speaker 2: In the past, I followed my parents, and the economy wasn't as good as it is now, so I
followed my parents' cooking. Now, I have my own income, and I can buy what I want.

Speaker 1: In your opinion, what changes can the government make to better meet nutritional
needs during pregnancy and ensure that the child receives enough nutrition?

Speaker 2: According to me, checking weight and hemoglobin every month doesn't have to be
every few months. Last time it was good, but now the hemoglobin isn't good. If it's checked
every few months, we won't know, so it should be checked more often to stabilize it.

Speaker 1: Why do you hope for that?

Speaker 2: Because if the hemoglobin is low, there could be a deficiency, and it could affect the

Speaker 1: Regarding the relationship between nutrition and food, what should be improved by
the government?

Speaker 2: Increase the variety of side dishes.

Speaker 1: Do you mean advice for pregnancy programs, like assistance with food supplies?

Speaker 2: Thank God, now I receive assistance every month, and it helps.

Speaker 1: Is this program nationwide?

Speaker 2: Yes, it's in Indonesia. I hope the program continues. It's good for children to buy
eggs, be intelligent, and be healthy.
Coding using thematic analysis method

Theme 1: Educational Background and Work

- Code 1: Education and Occupation
- Sub-code 1.1: High school education
- Sub-code 1.2: Work in a CV for about 3 years

Theme 2: Challenges in Maintaining a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

- Code 2: Challenges during Pregnancy
- Sub-code 2.1: Lack of appetite, especially for vegetables

Theme 3: Economic Challenges in Purchasing Food

- Code 3: Economic Challenges

Theme 4: Eating Patterns During Pregnancy

- Code 4: Daily Food during Pregnancy
- Sub-code 4.1: Quick breakfast, sometimes skipping vegetables
- Sub-code 4.2: Lunch with plant-based protein (tempeh or tofu)
- Sub-code 4.3: Dinner with purchased vegetables

Theme 5: Eating Patterns for Children

- Code 5: Eating Patterns for Children
- Sub-code 5.1: No significant changes

Theme 6: Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Food Choices

- Code 6: Socio-cultural Influences
- Sub-code 6.1: Neighbor advice, e.g., not eating kepel fruit, no frequent consumption of
instant noodles, and coffee contains many preservatives

Theme 7: Sources of Information and Support during Pregnancy

- Code 7: Information and Support
- Sub-code 7.1: Sources like books, Google, and support group members

Theme 8: Effectiveness of Information Sources

- Code 8: Effectiveness of Information
- Sub-code 8.1: Information is considered sufficient

Theme 9: Support and Advice from Healthcare Professionals

- Code 9: Moral Support from Healthcare Professionals

Theme 10: Additional Support from the Government

- Code 10: Suggestions for Additional Government Support
- Sub-code 10.1: Organizing pregnant women into units for interviews and support
Theme 11: Important Foods for Children's Growth
- Code 11: Important Foods for Growth
- Sub-code 11.1: Vegetables, fruits, animal and plant proteins

Theme 12: Confidence in Child's Nutrition

- Code 12: Confidence in Child's Nutrition
- Sub-code 12.1: Increased confidence

Theme 13: Changes in Food Choices Over Time

- Code 13: Changes in Food Choices
- Sub-code 13.1: Shift from parental influence to personal choice

Theme 14: Suggestions for Government Improvement

- Code 14: Suggestions for Government
- Sub-code 14.1: More frequent health check-ups during pregnancy (e.g checking hemoglobin
level and weight)
- Sub-code 14.2: Increase the variety of side dishes

Theme 15: Assistance from Government Programs

- Code 15: Assistance from Government Programs
- Sub-code 15.1: Positive impact of monthly assistance
- Sub-code 15.2: Hope for the continuation of the program

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