LP Dionysus Ortiz

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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Evaluate the cultural significance of festivals in the Philippines like its significance
in ancient Greece.
b. Relate Dionysus' character to their own lives
c. Design a festive poster for a celebration in honor of Dionysus.

Subject matter
Topic: The Great God of Earth, Dionysus
Reference: Mythology book, googlebooks.com
Materials: laptop and projector
II. Procedure

Teacher’s activity
A. Preliminary Activity
-Opening prayer

May I please ask you to stand up for prayer, Miss Barsaga please lead the prayer.


Good afternoon class. How is your day?

-Checking of attendance

Who is absent today?

B. Developmental Activities

Now before we proceed to our discussion, Let's play a game! Are you familiar with “4
pics 1 word” ? I hope you are because we're going to play it today. The screen will
present four pictures that connect to one word and you're going to guess the word
using the boxes of letters below. Be mindful because not all letters are included.
Alright class, let's begin!

Are you familiar with the story of god Dionysus? Do you know who he is? Did you
know that he is one of the two great gods of earth? Do you want to know why he is
considered one? Let me tell you his story.

God Dionysus

Dionysus was the son of Zeus and the mortal Semele, making Dionysus semi-device
or a hero. He was also referred to as Bacchus. Dionysus and Demeter, the Goddess
of the Corn, were the supreme deities of the earth. Unlike the immortal gods, who
were often hostile toward human beings, Dionysus and Demeter were benevolent
toward mankind.
Dionysus was the younger of the two, and little is known about how he came to take
his place beside Demeter to be worshipped. Dionysus and Demeter were worshipped
at Eleusis, a little town near Athens. He was a happy god during the harvest, but
during the winter he languished along with the rest of the Earth.
Dionysus was the last god to enter Olympus.
He was born in Thebes. He was born of fire and nursed by rain. His birth corresponds
to the development of grapes: heat ripens the fruit and water keeps it alive.

Let's reflect on Dionysus’ character, he isn't good nor bad all the time, he is imperfect.
Now looking at this side of him, do you think that you and Dionysus are alike? Why or
Why not?


Now let's get artistic! I am going to group you into four and each group will design a
festive poster in honor of Dionysus. You are free to be artistic and creative in your own
designs. I will provide each of the group an oslo paper and a set of crayons. Let's get
started! Please count.


Let’s have a quiz. Get a one-half sheet of paper.

We've discussed how Dionysus influenced the festive culture of ancient Greece and
how important it is to honor and value its culture. .
For 10 points, make an essay about the significance of festivals in the Philippines in
defining our culture?

You will be graded based on the criteria below;


Content 70%
Organization & Clarity 20%
Grammar & Punctuation 10%

Total: 100%


In the story of Dionysus, what do you think is his greatest contribution to mankind?

Prepared by:
BSED English 2

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