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Question 1:

The average height of females, in metres, can be estimated by the formula

H ( t )=2 . 1−
t +5 , where 5≤t ≤20 years.

(a) Find the average height of a 10 year old girl.

(1 mark)

(b) At what age would the average height of females be 1.3 metres?

(2 marks)

dH 10
(c) Show that
dt ( t +5 )2 and hence, find the rate of change of the average 17 year old

(3 marks)
Question 2:

Differentiate each of the following with respect to x .

(a) y=sin3 x

[1 mark]
(b) y=x tan x

[2 marks]
Question 3:

The point P() lies on the graph of the curve of y=sin(2 x – 1).
Find the gradient of the tangent to the curve at P.

[3 marks]
Question 4

Let f (x)=3 cos 2 x +sin 2 x .

(a) Show that f ' (x)=−5 sin 2 x , given that sin 2 x=2 sinx cosx

[3 marks]

π 3π
(b) In the interval ≤x ≤ , one normal to the graph of f (x) has equation x=k .
4 4
Find the value of k .

[1 mark]

Question 5

The number (in hundreds) of brumbies in the outback of the Northern Territory
3 e −2
is given by N ( t )= t
, t ≥ 0 where t is the number of years after 1 January
e +2

(a) Find how many brumbies were in the locality on 1 January 2000. [1]
(b) In which month and year would there be 200 brumbies?

' 8e
(c) (i) Using calculus, show that N ( t )= t 2.
( e +2 )

(ii) Find the exact value of the rate of change of brumbies at t=ln 6 years. [3]
(d) Determine algebraically the behaviour of N (t ) as t →+ ∞ and interpret your answer.

'' 8 e t ( 2−e t )
(e) (i) Given that N ( t )= 3
, for what value of t is N ' ' ( t ) equal to zero?
( e +2 )


(ii) Interpret your answer to (e) (i) in the context of this question.

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