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As a teacher, I always believe in Learner-Centered Philosophy of Education.

Teaching and learning must be fun and enjoyable by our learners. That is why, from the
lesson plan downloaded I make sure to revise some activities that would fit to the needs
of my Grade I pupils. I used games and some hands-on activity for them to enjoy at the
same time to learn. I prepared the devises that is attractive to them or that would catch
their attention since children at lower grades are more fond of colorful objects that would
focus their interest on the lesson. It would be easy for teachers to digest the lesson to
our learners, if we already motivate them and makes them feel that they are important.

From the first Quarter, the learners behave the way they are, some of them are
shy, that couldn’t speak their minds and express their selves. In order for them to feel
that they are safe and cared, I always told them to relax and lets enjoy the lesson. I let
them feel that they can say whatever they want to say as long as its part of the lesson
and I want them to feel free to speak their minds even they are mistaken.
Second Quarter to the Last Quarter, they show that they have freedom and
everyone of them loves to participates in our daily discussion because they know,even
they got mistakes they are still corrected and appreciated and from that they will learn
from their mistakes. And that would help them to improve and develop their thinking
skills. As a teacher I want to put it on their minds and hearts that education is important
included with hardwork and prayers. I always involve them in doing task that they can
feel its importance and they can learn more.
The consistency of involving my pupils in the teaching and learning process has
always been my priority in planning for my lesson. I always make sure that my learners
are the center of the whole process.

Prepared by:

Grade 1 -Adviser

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