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Compliance Status Report of Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) & Monitoring Programme

for Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II
of Municipal Corporation of Vellore - Package -I
Covering Zone 3, 4 and 5


Vellore City Corporation



September 2020

Life Shell Labs India Private Ltd

NABL Accredited; ISO 9001:2015;
OSHAS 18001:2007 Certified Company
No. 20, Nehru Street, Maruthi Nagar Phase 1, Iyyappanthangal,
Chennai - 600077, Tamil Nadu. Phone: +91 44 48634849.
Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -I Covering Zone 3, 4 and 5.

Compliance Status Report of Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) & Monitoring Programme for Providing
Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal
Corporation of Vellore - Package -I
Covering Zone 3, 4 and 5.

September 2020

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -I Covering Zone 3, 4 and 5.


S. No Title Page No

1. Background 1

2. Compliance Status of Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) 2

2.1 Objectives of the Project 3

2.2 EMP for Construction Phase 4

3. Environmental Monitoring Programme 31

3.1. Meteorology 32

3.2. Ambient Air Quality 32

3.3. Noise Environment 36

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -I Covering Zone 3, 4 and 5.

List of Tables
Table 1. Schedule of environmental monitoring programme
Table 2. Techniques & Instruments used for monitoring of ambient air quality
Table 3. The Ambient Air Monitoring Stations
Table 4. Summary of Ambient Air Quality (µg/m3)
Table 5. Ground water sampling locations
Table 6. Standard Procedure for water and wastewater sampling
Table 7: Methodology for sampling and analysis of water
Table 8. Water Quality: Ground Water samples
Table 9. Details of sampling locations of Ambient noise level measurement
Table 10. Ambient noise level measurement

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

Vellore is located in the north part of Tamil Nadu and it is a prominent educational and
healthcare hub in the Country. City is also an industrial hub, and is a top exporter of
leather goods. Existing underground sewerage system cover the core (old) city area of
Vellore. At present sewerage system is provided only in the core area of the city, which is
covers 5.95 km2 area, about 6.5% of the total municipal area and about 11% of total
population. It is proposed provide sewerage system in the remaining areas of the city in
two phases (phase II and phase III). Phase II covers the area immediately surrounding
the core city, on the southern side of Palar River. Rest of the areas in the southern and
northern outskirts will be taken up for sewerage in phase III. Under the ADB funded
TNUFIP, it is proposed develop UGSS in phase II area, covering 26% area and 41%

Project area comprises Alamelumangapuram, Sathuvachari, Shenpakkam, Konavattam,

Vasanthapuram, Velapadi covering 32 municipal wards (17 fully and 15 partly, out of
total 60 wards) in the southern part of Palar River in Vellore City, in Vellore District in the
northern part of Tamil Nadu State (Figure 1). Total population of subproject area is
261,881 (design base population of 2020) and has a geographical area of 23.04
square kilometer (km2).

At present, underground sewerage system is provided in core town area of Vellore Town
covering 24 wards out of the 48 wards of the erstwhile Vellore Municipality. This system
covers only about 6-7% of area and about 10-11% of population of the present
municipal corporation area consisting of total 60 wards. Sewage is collected via
underground sewers, conveyed to sewage treatment plant (STP) near Muthumandapam
at Old Parar Bridge. The STP process is based on activated sludge process (ASP), and
the capacity is 10.28 MLD. After treatment the treated wastewater is disposed into
Velavadi Eri (lake/pond) in Alamelumangapuram, which is used for agricultural purpose.

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

Rest of the households depend on septic tanks and soak pits, and few households also
let the sewage directly into open drains. Existing open drains carry both sullage and
storm water. The sullage from the northern part of the town is collected from the main
drains along Arni road and Katpadi road which is then taken to sewage pumping station
site near the existing Palar water supply Head works by gravity and then taken across
Palar River to its northern bank by means of pumping and finally let into the sewage
farm of about 20 acres located at Virugampattu Village.

The sullage from the southern portion of the town is collected through drains/streams
channeling through Salavanpet, Velapadi, Suriyakulam which then runs parallel to the
railway line along the western corporation limit and bye-pass road and crosses the
Katpadi road and let into Palar river. Wastewater accumulates at many places, resulting
in breeding of mosquitoes and flies resulting in insanitary conditions. Indiscriminate
disposal of wastewater from the city directly into the River Palar lead to pollution of river.

In the present subproject, package-2 covers sewerage zones of 6 and 7 with sewerage
collection system up to 93.143 kilometre (km) length of sewers and 2979 brick
manholes and 1131 RCC manholes. This project was awarded to M/s. Subaya
Construction Company Limited, Chennai and work commenced on 1st of July 2019.


The Environmental Management Plan is required to manage environmental impacts
from the project. It is a site-specific plan developed to ensure that all necessary
measures are identified and implemented in order to protect the environment. Site-
specific Environmental Management Plan is formulated to mitigate significant adverse
environmental impacts that are identified and quantified in the process of baseline and
impact assessment. An Environmental Management Plan also ensures that the
resources are utilized to maximum extent, waste generation is minimized, residuals
treated adequately and by-products are recycled to the extent possible.

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7


The aim of the proposed subproject is construction of sewage collection system up to

93.143-kilometre length of sewers and 2979 brick manholes and 1131 RCC manholes
to the extended areas of Vellore City Corporation – Phase-II – Package-2.
The Compliance Status of Environmental Management (EMP) observed as on 30th of
September 2020 during construction phase of sewage collection system up to 93.143-
kilometre length of sewers and 2979 brick manholes and 1131 RCC manholes to the
extended areas of Vellore City Corporation – Phase-II- Package-I, is summarized below in
Tabular form.

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
(AS ON 30-09-2020)
EMP Irreversible Project manager and all key workers Contractor All the key personnel Complied
Implementation impact to the will be required to undergo training on underwent training on
Training environment, EMP implementation including waste management,
Workers and spoils/waste management, Standard Standard operating
community. operating procedures (SOP) for procedures for civil
construction works; occupational works; occupational
health and safety (OH and S), core health and safety, core
labor laws, applicable environmental labor laws, applicable
laws, etc. environmental laws.
Air Quality Dust, emissions For all construction works; Contractor Complied
construction Provide a dust screen (6 m high) Not Applicable
vehicles, around the construction sites of
equipment, and pumping and lifting stations, and STP;
machinery used provide 2 m high barricades for the
for installation sewer works.
of pipelines
resulting to Damp down the soil and any
dusts and stockpiled material on site by water Wetting is carried out
increase in sprinkling; (3-4 times a day – before before trench
concentration of the start of work, 1-2 times in excavation, wetting of
vehicle-related between, and at the end of the day); brick, metal and sand.
pollutants such when working in the roads there
as should permanently be one person Sprinkling of water on
carbon responsible for directing when water metal and sand is
monoxide, sulfur sprinkling needs to take place to stop carried out.
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
oxides, the dust moving; Trucks are properly
particulate covered with tarpaulin
matter, Reduce the need to sprinkle water by to prevent dust
nitrous oxides, stabilizing surface soils where loaders, emission.
and support equipment and vehicles will
hydrocarbons. operate by using water and maintain Adequate care is taken
surface soils in a stabilized condition. to prevent spillage of
earth or construction
Apply water prior to levelling or any materials.
other earth moving activity to keep the
soil moist throughout the process.
Cover the soil stocked at the sites with
tarpaulins, and surround by dust
Control access to work area, prevent
unnecessary movement of vehicle, Construction area is
public trespassing into work areas; barricaded to prevent
limiting soil disturbance will minimize trespassers into the
dust generation. work area.
Use tarpaulins to cover the loose
material (soil, sand, aggregate etc.,)
when transported by open trucks;
Control dust generation while
unloading the loose material Sprinkling of water is
(particularly aggregate, sand, soil) at carried out during
the site by sprinkling water and unloading the
unloading inside the barricaded area; soil/sand. Unloading is
minimize the drop height when moving carried out inside the
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
the excavated soil. barricaded area only.
Clean wheels and undercarriage of Wheels of the trucks
haul trucks prior to leaving are cleaned prior to
construction site. leaving the
construction site.
Ensure that all the construction
equipment, machineries are fitted with Equipment used for the
pollution control devises, which are construction
operating correctly, and have a valid
pollution under control (PUC)
No vehicles or plant to be left idling at Vehicles and
site, generators to be at placed machineries are
maximum distance from properties. properly shut down
during the lunch
For sewer works, time/break time.
Barricade the construction area using Hard barricades are
hard barricades (of 2 m height) on placed on both sides of
both sides the construction area
before starting the
Initiate site clearance and excavation excavation work.
work only after barricading of the site Appropriate signages
is done. are also placed at the
Confine all the material, excavated
soil, debris, equipment, machinery All the excavated
(excavators, cranes etc.,) to the materials stored in the
barricaded area. barricaded area.
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
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Limit the stocking of excavated
material at the site; remove the excess Excess soil is removed
soil from the site immediately to the from the site and
designated disposal area. disposed at designated
Undertake the work section wise: a
500 m section should be demarcated
and barricaded; open up several such Work is carried out
sections at a time, but care shall be section wise
taken to locate such sections in demarcated and
different zones. barricaded.
Conduct work sequentially –
excavation, sewer laying, backfilling;
testing section-wise (for a minimum Construction work is
length as possible) so that backfilling, carried out sequentially
stabilization of soil can be done. in order to execute
proper backfilling and
Remove the excavated soil of first stabilization.
section to the disposal site; as the
work progresses sequentially, by the Since the work is
time second section is excavated, the carried out sequentially
first section will be ready for back to avoid excess
filling, use the freshly excavated soil stocking of soil and
for back filling, this will avoid stocking smooth back filling.
of material, and minimize the dust.
Backfilled trench at any completed
section after removal of barricading
will be the main source of dust Water sprinkling and
pollution. The traffic, pedestrian cleaning of spillage
movement and wind will generate dust undertaken during the
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
from backfilled section. Road transportation.
restoration shall be undertaken
Immediately consolidate the backfilled
soil and restore the road surface; if
immediate road restoration is not Appropriate measures
possible, provide a layer of plain are taken to restore
cement concrete (PCC) of suitable mix the roads.
on the backfilled trench so that dust
generation, erosion is arrested and it
will also provide a smooth riding
surface for the traffic until the road is
properly restored. Backfilled trench
without any road restoration is a major
source of dust.
Surface water Mobilization of All earthworks be conducted during Contractor All the earthwork is Complied
quality settled silt the dry season to prevent the problem carried out only at dry
materials, and of soil/silt run-off during rains. seasons.
contamination Avoid stockpiling of earth fill especially Excess soil and debris
from fuels and during the monsoon season unless are removed from the
Lubricants covered by tarpaulins or plastic site at timely manner
during sheets; do not stock earth/material to avoid slit run off.
construction can close to water bodies (at least 100 m)
nearby surface Prioritize re-use of excess soils and Excess soil and
water quality. materials in the construction works. If materials are reused to
soils will be disposed, only designated restore the site.
disposal areas shall be used;
Ponding of
water in the pits Install temporary silt traps, oil traps or
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
/ foundation sedimentation basins along the Temporary traps are
excavations. drainage leading to the water bodies; installed at drainage
leading to water
Place storage areas (with bodies.
impermeable surface) for fuels and
lubricants away from any drainage Storage area of soil
leading to water bodies; these should and other materials are
be at least 100 m away from water not stored near water
bodies and groundwater wells) bodies.
Store fuel, construction chemicals
etc., on an impervious floor, also avoid Not applicable
spillage by careful handling; provide
spill collection sets for effective spill
Dispose any wastes generated by Waste materials are
construction activities in designated disposed at designated
sites; area.
Conduct surface quality inspection Surface quality
according to the Environmental inspection is carried
Management Plan (EMP). out periodically.
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Pollution of Schedule and complete the bridge Contractor Not Applicable Complied
Palar River due works prior to onset of monsoon, and
to construction ensure that works are conducted
of pipe bridge during now flow time, when the river
bed is dry
Works shall be conducted with
minimum disturbance to river bed;
implement best construction methods
to minimize disturbance /
consolidation of river bed; as far as
possible avoid using heavy equipment
No labor camps or material storage
camps shall be located in or near the
river (100 m distance from river shall
be maintained)
Ensure no accidental spillage of
construction chemicals, fuels, oils
etc., by using spill traps / metal
Ensure that construction site is
cleared off of all the material and
debris immediately after completion
of works
Submit a site clean-up and restoration
report to PIU for approval
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Conduct environmental monitoring as
per the EMP.
Water As far as possible control the entry of Contractor Bunds are raised at the Complied
accumulation in runoff from upper areas into the work area around the
trenches/pits. excavated pits, and work area by excavated pits,
creation of temporary drains or bunds temporary drains are
around the periphery of work area. made to prevent entry
of runoff water in to pit.
Pump out the water collected in the
pits / excavations to a temporary Necessary
sedimentation pond; dispose of only arrangements are
clarified water into drainage made and kept stand
channels/streams after by to pump the water
sedimentation in the temporary in any case of heavy
ponds. rain. Safety measures
are taken care to avoid
Consider safety aspects related to pit any pit collapse due to
collapse due to accumulation of accumulation of water.
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Noise and Increase in Plan activities in consultation with PIU Contractor Frequent noise Complied
vibration noise level due so that activities with the greatest monitoring is carried
Levels. to earth-moving potential to generate noise are out at designated
and excavation conducted during periods of the day locations and report is
equipment, and which will result in least disturbance; submitted periodically.
the especially near schools and other
transportation of sensitive receptors. Machinery and plant,
equipment, including vehicles, that
materials, and Minimize noise from construction may be in intermittent
people. equipment by using vehicle silencers, use are throttled down
fitting jackhammers with noise- to a minimum or
reducing mufflers, and use portable turned off between
street barriers to minimize sound work periods.
impact to surrounding sensitive
receptor; and
Emergency lights are at
Maintain maximum sound levels not the site.
exceeding 70 decibels (dBA) when
Vehicles, machineries
measured at a distance of 10 m or
and plants are
more from the vehicle/s.
regularly inspected and
maintained in
Identify any buildings at risk from
accordance with
vibration damage and avoiding any
use of pneumatic drills or heavy
instructions to ensure
vehicles in the vicinity; if any building
noise emissions are
at risk, structural survey be completed
kept to a minimum,
prior to work, to provide baseline in
which will include
case any issues from vibration, and if
lubricating moving
building is structurally unsound that
parts, tightening loose
measures taken to avoid any further
parts and replacing
worn out components.
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Horns should not be used unless it is
necessary to warn other road users or Movement of vehicles
animals of the vehicle’s approach; and equipment’s are
limited to compacted
Consult local communities in advance smoothened roads,
of the work to identify and address maintaining the speed
key issues, and avoid working at to minimize vibration.
sensitive times, such as night times,
religious and cultural festivals. Machinery and plant,
including vehicles, that
may be in intermittent
use are throttled down
to a minimum or
turned off between
Works near the ASI monument work periods.
Obtain prior permission from ASI/NMA
for the works to be conducted within
the regulated zone of monument;
submit detailed construction drawings
clearly indicating the details of
proposed excavations and works, use
of equipment and machinery, etc., to ASI recommendations
ASI for their review; incorporate any are implemented.
suggestions/recommendations of ASI
in project design and implementation
Excavation and construction
Instruments that
methodology to be used near the
causing heavy
monuments (within the regulated area
vibrations are not
of 300 m of any monument) shall be
deployed for
in line with the ASI recommendations
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
construction. Pit
No equipment causing vibration (eg, excavation and
pneumatic drills, excavators etc.,) and construction work
heavy noise should be used; works carried out manually.
shall be conducted manually.
Excavated pit and
Dust control measures shall be put in construction site is
place; all work areas to be barricaded fully barricaded to
and enclosed with dust screens. control the dust.
Conduct air quality and noise Periodic ambient air
monitoring weekly throughout quality monitoring and
construction phase in the 300 m Noise monitoring is
regulated area. carried out and
Landscape and Impacts due to Prepare and implement a Contractor Construction waste Complied
aesthetics – excess Construction Waste Management Plan management plan is
waste excavated earth, implemented.
generation excess As far as possible utilize the debris
construction and excess soil in construction The construction debris
materials, and purpose, for example for raising the are utilised to raise low
solid waste such ground level or construction of access lying area near in order
as removed roads etc., to better access to the
concrete, wood, road.
packaging Avoid stockpiling any excess soils at
materials, the site for long time. Excess Excess soil and other
Empty excavated soils should be disposed debris are removed in
containers, off to approved designated areas timely manner.
spoils, oils, immediately.
lubricants, and Disposal of the excess
other similar If disposal is required, the site shall soil is disposed at low
items. be selected preferably from barren, lying area near the
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infertile lands; sites should located construction site to
away from residential areas, forests, improve the road
water bodies and any other sensitive access.
land uses.
Not applicable at the
Domestic solid wastes should be site, since workers
properly segregated in biodegradable camp is far from the
and non-biodegradable for collection construction site, there
and disposal to designated solid is no generation of
waste disposal site; create a compost domestic solid wastes
pit (with impermeable bottom and at the site.
sides) at workers camp sites for
disposal of biodegradable waste; non-
biodegradable / recyclable material
shall be collected separately and sold
in the local recycling material market.
Hazardous wastes are
Residual and hazardous wastes such disposed in a proper
as oils, fuels, and lubricants shall be way.
disposed off via licensed (by TNPCB)
third parties.
Prohibit burning of construction
and/or domestic waste;
Construction wastes
Ensure that wastes are not are not incinerated at
haphazardly thrown in and around the site or thrown
the project site; provide proper unattended at the site.
collection bins, and create awareness
to use the dust bins, recycle waste
material where possible.
Periodic inspection is
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Conduct site clearance and made by PIU to ensure
restoration to original condition after the proper restoration
the completion of construction work; of construction site.
PIU to ensure that site is properly
restored prior to issuing of
construction completion certificate.
Accessibility Traffic problems Sewer works Contractor Complied
and traffic and conflicts Work implementation
disruptions. near project Prepare a sewer work implementation plan is prepared and
locations and plan in each zone separately and executed.
haul road. undertake the work accordingly;
ensure that for each road where the
work is being undertaken there is an
alternative road for the traffic
diversion; take up the work in
sequential way so that public
inconvenience is minimal; prepare
traffic management plans for each
Temporary traffic
Plan the sewer work in coordination arrangements are
with the traffic police; provide made in coordination
temporary diversions, where with traffic police with
necessary with clear signage and clear signage.
effectively communicate with general
The construction work
Avoiding conducting work in all roads is split section wise in
in a colony at one go; it will render all order to minimise the
roads unusable due to excavations at inconvenience of
the same time, creating large scale general public.
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Construction work is
Undertake the work section wise: a carried out in section
500 section should be demarcated wise in different zones.
and barricaded; open up several such
sections at a time, but care shall be
taken to locate such sections in
different zones.
Surplus soil and waste
Confine work areas in the road materials are
carriageway to the minimum possible immediately disposed
extent; all the activities, including in the construction
material and waste/surplus soil area near roads and
stocking should be confined to this congested areas.
area. Proper barricading should be
provided; avoid material/surplus soil
stocking in congested areas –
immediately removed from site/ or
brought to the as and when required.
Best construction
Limit the width of trench excavation practice is adopted to
as much as possible by adopting best minimise the
construction practices; adopt vertical inconvenience of
cutting approach with proper shoring general public
and bracing; this is especially to be particularly near main
practiced in narrow roads and deeper roads and congested
sewers; if they deep trenches are areas.
excavated with slopes; the roads may
render completely unusable during
the construction period.
Proper way and access
Leave spaces for access between are given to the houses
mounds of soil to maintain access to near by the
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the houses / properties; access to any construction site. All
house or property shall not be blocked time pedestrian access
completely; alternative arrangements, and alternative
at least to maintain pedestrian access arrangements are
at all times to be provided. provided.
Provide pedestrian access in all the
locations; provide wooden/metal
planks with safety rails over the open
trenches at each house to maintain
the access.
Affected local people
Inform the affected local population in are informed well in
advance about the work schedule, a advance before the
week before, and a day before to start commencement of the
of work. work and alternate
plan, access points are
Plan and execute the work in such a discussed and
way that the period of disturbance/ executed without
loss of access is minimum. disturbing their routine
Keep the site free from all
unnecessary obstructions;
Public are informed
Notify affected public by public through various
information notices, providing medium of
sign boards informing nature and communication about
duration of construction works and the work going to be
contact numbers for carried out.
Appropriate sign board
Provide information to the public is placed at the site
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through media – newspapers and carrying the
local cable television (TV) services. information about
work, duration,
At work site, public responsible agencies,
information/caution boards shall be contact numbers.
provided including contact for public
Hauling (material, waste/debris and
equipment) activities
Route map of heavy
Plan transportation routes so that vehicles are planned
heavy vehicles do not use narrow local and executed to
roads, except in the immediate vicinity transport construction
of delivery sites. materials.
Schedule transport and hauling Transport of
activities during non-peak hours; construction materials
(peak hours 7 to 10 AM and 4 to 7 and hauling activities
PM). are carried out only
during non-peak hours.
Locate entry and exit points in areas
where there is low potential for traffic
congestion; Vehicle movements are
Drive vehicles in a considerate
manner. Appropriate sign board
is placed at the site
Notify affected public by public carrying the
information notices, providing sign information about
boards informing nature and duration work, duration,
of construction works and contact responsible agencies,
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numbers for concerns/complaints. contact numbers.
Socio-Economic Loss of income Inform all businesses and residents Contractor Commercial and Complied
Loss of access about the nature and duration of any residents are informed
to houses and work well in advance so that they can well in advance before
business make necessary preparations; the commencement of
the work and alternate
Do not block any access; leave spaces plan, access points are
for access between discussed and
barricades/mounds of excavated soil executed without
and other stored materials and disturbing their routine
machinery, and providing footbridges works.
so that people can crossover open
Hard barricades are
Barricade the construction area and placed on both sides of
regulate movement of people and the construction area
vehicles in the vicinity, and maintain before starting the
the surroundings safely with proper excavation work.
direction boards, lighting and security Appropriate signages
personnel – people should feel safe to are also placed at the
move around. site.
Control dust generation
Excess soil and debris
Immediately consolidate the are removed
backfilled soil and restore the road immediately from the
surface; this will also avoid any commercial premises.
business loss due to dust and access
inconvenience of construction work.
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Employee best construction practices, Best construction
speed up construction work with practice is adopted in
better equipment, increase workforce, order to complete the
etc., in the areas with predominantly work in timely manner
commercial, and with sensitive at sensitive locations.
features like hospitals, and schools;
Consult businesses and institutions Sensitive locations
regarding operating hours and such as hospitals and
factoring this in work schedules; and institutions are
consulted before the
Provide sign boards for pedestrians to commencement of the
inform nature and duration of work.
construction works and contact
numbers for concerns/complaints. Proper signage is
placed at the
construction site.
Socio-Economic Generation of Employ local labour force as far as Contractor Local labour work force Complied
– Employment temporary possible is utilised as much as
employment Comply with labour laws possible.
and increase in
local revenue Labour law is
implemented and
executed in
appropriate manner.
Occupational Occupational Follow all national, state and local Contractor Labour laws are Complied
Health and hazards which labour laws. followed as per
Safety can arise during requirement.
work Develop and implement site-specific
occupational health and safety (OH Site specific
and S) Plan, informed by OHS risk occupational health
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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
assessment seeking to avoid, and safety plan is
minimise and mitigate risk, which prepared and
shall include measures such as: implemented.
(a) safe and documented construction
procedures to be followed for all site
(b) ensuring all workers are provided
with and use personal protective
€ OH and S Training7 for all site
(d) excluding public from the work
sites; and
€ documentation of work-related
Follow International Standards such Environmental and
as the World Bank Group’s safety standards are
Environment, Health and Safety followed during the
Guidelines. construction.
Ensure that qualified first-aid is Qualified first aid is
provided at all times. Equipped first- available all the time at
aid stations shall be easily accessible the site and easily
throughout the sites; accessible to workers.
Proper signage is
Secure all installations from placed for location of
unauthorized intrusion and accident first-aid for easy
risks access during
Provide H and S orientation training to
all new workers to ensure that they All new workers are
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
are apprised of the basic site rules of trained with H and S
work at the site, personal protective orientation training.
protection, and preventing injuring to
fellow workers.
Visitors are not
Provide visitor orientation if visitors to encouraged to enter in
the site can gain access to areas the construction area.
where hazardous conditions or
substances may be present. Ensure
also that visitor/s do not enter hazard
areas unescorted. Workers are provided
with visibility vests and
Ensure the visibility of workers PPE.
through their use of high visibility
vests and other PPE when working in
or walking through heavy equipment
operating areas;
Moving equipment are
Ensure moving equipment is outfitted outfitted with backup
with audible back-up alarms; alarms.
Mark and provide sign boards for Hazardous areas are
hazardous areas such as energized marked clearly with
electrical devices and lines, service signage.
rooms housing high voltage
equipment, and areas for storage and
disposal. Signage shall be in
accordance with international
standards and be well known to, and
easily understood by workers, visitors,
and the general public as appropriate;
and Work zone noise level
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
is monitored and
Disallow worker exposure to noise hearing protection is
level greater than 85 dBA for duration given to workers
of more than 8 hours per day without expose to noise level
hearing protection. The use of hearing greater than 85 dBA.
protection shall be enforced actively.
Workers are provided
Provide supplies of potable drinking with clean potable
water; water and clean eating
Provide clean eating areas where
workers are not exposed to hazardous
or noxious substances.
Community Traffic accidents Consult PIU before locating project Contractor PIU is consulted before Complied
Health and and vehicle offices, sheds, and construction locating the office,
Safety. collision with plants; sheds and construction
pedestrians plants.
during material Select a camp site away from
and waste residential areas (at least 100m Camp site is selected
transportation buffer shall be maintained) or locate as per the
the camp site within the existing requirement.
facilities of City Corporation
No tree cutting activity
Avoid tree cutting for setting up camp is involved in setting up
facilities camp.
Provide a proper fencing/compound Proper barricade is
wall for camp sites (v)Camp site shall provided around the
not be located near (100 m) water construction site.
bodies, flood plains flood prone/low
lying areas, or any ecologically,
socially, archeologically sensitive
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Construction materials
Separate the workers living areas and are stored separately.
material storage areas clearly with a
fencing and separate entry and exit.
Ensure conditions of liveability at work Proper liveable
camps are maintained at the highest conditions are given at
standards possible at all times; living camps with highest
quarters and construction camps shall standard.
be provided with standard materials
(as far as possible to use portable
ready to fit-in reusable cabins with
proper ventilation); thatched huts, and
facilities constructed with materials
like GI sheets, tarpaulins, etc., shall
not be used as accommodation for
Camp shall be provided with proper Labour camp is
drainage, there shall not be any water provided with proper
accumulation drainage.
Provide drinking water, water for other
uses, and sanitation facilities for Drinking water, water
employees for other uses and
sanitation facilities are
Prohibit employees from cutting of provided for all the
trees for firewood; contractor should employees.
provide cooking fuel (cooking gas); fire
wood not allowed Employees are
provided with cooking
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Train employees in the storage and gas. Fire wood is not
handling of materials which can allowed for cooking.
potentially cause soil contamination
Awareness training is
Wastewater from the camps shall be given to all the
disposed properly either into sewer employees to protect
system; if sewer system is not the ecosystem and
available, provide on-site sanitation environment.
with septic tank and soak pit
arrangements Onsite sanitation
system is given to the
Recover used oil and lubricants and employees at the
reuse or remove from the site; camp.
Manage solid waste according to the
following preference hierarchy: reuse, Used oils and
recycling and disposal to designated lubricants are removed
areas; provide a compost pit for bio and disposed in
degradable waste, and non- appropriate manner.
biodegradable / recyclable waste shall
be collected and sold in local market Solid wastes are
segregated and
Remove all wreckage, rubbish, or disposed. Recyclable
temporary structures which are no waste are collected
longer required; and and sold in market.
The temporary
At the completion of work, camp area structures, wreckage,
shall be cleaned and restored to pre- rubbish are removed in
project conditions, and submit report a timely manner.
to PIU; PIU to review and approve
camp clearance and closure of work At the completion of
site. the work, camp shall
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
be restored in to pre-
project condition and
report shall be
submitted to PIU.
Work Camps Temporary air As far as possible located the camp Contractor Labour camp location Complied
and worksites and noise site within the work sites (at STP or is selected based on
pollution from large pumping station sites); if any the said criteria.
machine camp to be established outside these,
operation, water then select a camp site away from
pollution from residential areas (at least 100 m
storage and use buffer shall be maintained)
of fuels, oils,
solvents, and Avoid tree cutting for setting up camp No tree cutting
lubricants. facilities activities involved
setting up the camp.
Unsanitary and Ensure that a proper compound wall
poor living Proper ventilation is
is provided, and erect a wind/dust
conditions for given in each room
screen around.
workers. covered with
compound walls.
Camp site shall not be located near
(100 m) water bodies, flood plains
Labour camp location
flood prone/low lying areas, or any
is selected based on
ecologically, socially, archeologically
the said criteria.
sensitive areas
Separate the workers living areas and
material storage areas clearly with a
fencing and separate entry and exit.
Material storage area
is separated from the
Provide proper temporary
living area with
accommodation with proper
independent entry exit
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
materials, gate.
adequate lighting and ventilation,
appropriate facilities for winters and Accommodation are
summers; ensure conditions of provided with proper
liveability at work camps are sanitation, adequate
maintained at the highest standards light, ventilations and
possible at all times; pest control.
Consult PIU before locating project
offices, sheds, and construction Camp location is
plants; developed after
approval from PIU.
Minimize removal of vegetation and
disallow cutting of trees Vegetation and trees
are not affected during
Ensure conditions of liveability at work the setting up the
camps are maintained at the highest camp.
standards possible at all times; living
quarters and construction camps shall Labour law is followed
be provided with standard materials and camp is
(as far as possible to use portable maintained with
ready to fit-in reusable cabins with international code of
proper ventilation); thatched huts, and standards.
facilities constructed with materials
like GI sheets, tarpaulins, etc., shall
not be allowed as accommodation for
The camp is provided
Camp shall be provided with proper with proper drainage
drainage, there shall not be any water facility.
Labours are provided
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
Provide drinking water, water for other with clean potable
uses, and sanitation facilities for water, water for other
employees; drinking water should be uses, sanitation
regularly tested to confirm that facilities at the camp.
drinking water standards are met. Drinking water is
tested at regular
Prohibit employees from cutting of interval.
trees for firewood; contractor should
be provided proper facilities including Awareness training is
cooking fuel (oil or gas; fire wood not given to all the
allowed) employees to protect
the ecosystem and
Train employees in the storage and environment.
handling of materials which can
potentially cause soil contamination
Used oils and
Recover used oil and lubricants and lubricants are removed
reuse or remove from the site. and disposed in
appropriate manner.
Manage solid waste according to the
following preference hierarchy: reuse, Solid wastes are
recycling and disposal to designated segregated and
areas; provide a compost pit for disposed. Recyclable
biodegradable waste, and non- waste are collected
biodegradable / recyclable waste shall and sold in market.
be collected and sold in local market
The temporary
Remove all wreckage, rubbish, or structures, wreckage,
temporary structures which are no rubbish are removed in
longer required. a timely manner.
At the completion of work, camp area At the completion of
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
shall be cleaned and restored to pre- the work, camp shall
project conditions, and submit report be restored in to pre-
to PIU; PIU to review and approve project condition and
camp clearance and closure of work report shall be
site. submitted to PIU.
Post- Damage due to Remove all spoils wreckage, rubbish, Contractor The temporary Complied
construction debris, spoils, or temporary structures (such as structures, wreckage,
clean-up excess buildings, shelters, and latrines) which rubbish are removed in
construction are no longer required; and a timely manner.
All excavated roads shall be At the completion of
reinstated to original condition. the construction work,
all the excavated
All disrupted utilities restored roads, disrupted
utilities, affected
All affected structures rehabilitated structures are restored
/compensated to pre-project
The area that previously housed the
construction camp is to be checked Spillage of oil, paint
for spills of substances such as oil, and other substances
paint, etc. and these shall be cleaned checked periodically
up. and necessary action is
taken to clean up.
All hardened surfaces within the
construction camp area shall be
ripped, all imported materials Top soil is protected at
removed, and the area shall be top the site and after
soiled and regressed using the completion of the
guidelines set out in the revegetation construction work, top
specification that forms part of this soil is spread over for
document. revegetation.
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7
The contractor must arrange the After completion of the
cancellation of all temporary services. work, cancellation of
temporary services
Request PIU to report in writing that shall be enforced.
worksites and camps have been
vacated and restored to pre-project Report in writing is
conditions before acceptance of work. given to PIU stating the
restoration of camps
and work site to pre-
project condition.
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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7


Baseline Environmental status in and around the construction site of sewerage
collection system in Vellore City Corporation has been performed at the pre-construction
phase indicates the existing quality of Air, Noise, Water, Soil. The baseline
environmental quality for the study period of construction phase have been assessed in
and around the project site. The schedule of environmental monitoring programme for
construction phase is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Schedule of environmental monitoring programme
1 Air Quality PM10, PM 2.5, 2 locations Quarterly (yearly
SO2, Nox, CO (2 monitoring 4-times) during
locations 50 m construction (3 -
downwind direction year
near sewer and construction
pumping station work period)
sites in the city,) 1
location must be
near the Fort
2 Noise level Noise level on 2 locations Quarterly (yearly
monitoring dB(A) scale (2 monitoring 4-times) during
(OHSAS locations 50 m construction (3-
(Day time and year construction
Occupational downwind direction
Health night time noise near sewer and
`standard) levels) pumping station work
sites in the city,) 1
location must be
near the Fort
3 Water Quality pH, Oil and 3 sampling locations Half yearly during
(Surface grease, Cl, F, (1 – Palar River, construction (3
Water) NO3, TC, FC, downstream work year construction
Hardness, sites, 2 – Velavadi
Turbidity, BOD, Tank, 3- sample from
COD, DO, Total fort moat)

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

3.1. Meteorology
The methodology adopted for monitoring surface observations was as per the
standard norms laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards (IS-8829) and Indian
Meteorological Department (IMD). The temperature of the project site was recorded in
the range of 340 to 380C on the sampling day in 30th of July 2020. The Relative humidity
ranged from 74% to 79%. The observations for Wind speed (9 km/h) and Wind direction
(SW) were collected during the monitoring period.

3.2. Ambient Air Quality

To assess the ambient air quality, Two air quality monitoring locations were
selected on the basis of wind direction and other meteorological conditions in project site
and one air quality monitoring location was selected at buffer zone area. Ambient air
quality (AAQ) samples were collected on basis of 24-hour sampling at each site 31st
August 2020. The samples were preserved and 33nalysed as per the standard methods
recommended by Central Pollution Control Board.

3.2.1 Methodology
As per revised norms for Ambient air quality standards prescribed by Ministry of
Environment & Forest vide Notification No. “Schedule VII” of Rule 3(3B) of Environment
(Protection) Seventh Amendment Rules, 2009 from MoEF notification dated 16
November 2009. Sampling of PM 10 and PM 2.5 particulate matter have been
performed using High volume respirable dust sampler (RSD) attached with additional
gaseous sampler. The instrument manufactured by M/s Ecotech Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
Gurgaon., which is designed and standardized as per USEPA norms. PM 10 and PM 2.5
particulate matter were collected by two different instruments. PM 10 particulate matter
was collected on filter paper by high volume respirable dust sampler equipped with
cyclone with size selective inlet for PM 10 and automatic volumetric flow control,
whereas, PM 2.5 particulate matter was collected on filter paper by filtration of
aerodynamic sizes with a size cut by impaction followed by cyclone separation in
monitoring instrument. PM 10 and PM 2.5 have been estimated by Gravimetric Method
(CPCB guidelines 2011).

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Table 2. Techniques & Instruments used for monitoring of ambient air quality

Particulars Parameters
PM 10 PM 2.5 SO2 Nox CO
Equipment Respirable PM2.5 Impingers Impingers Analyser
dust sampler Analyser attached to attached to
Measuring Gravimetry Gravimetry Colorimetry Colorimetry Spectro
Principle photometry
Flow rate 0.8-1.2 1 m3/hr 0.5 lpm 0.5 lpm -
Sampling period 8/24 hrly 8/24 hrly 8/24 hrly 8/24 hrly 8/24 hrly

3.2.2. Observations
The Ambient Air Monitoring Stations are given in Table 3. The results of Ambient
Air Quality monitoring are given in tables from Table 4.

Table 3. The Ambient Air Monitoring Stations

S. No Description Sample Distance from Direction Upwind/

Code the Project site downwind
1 Konavattam AAQ-1 0.1 km NNE Downwind
2 1st Bhairline kasba AAQ-2 0.1 km NNE Downwind

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Table 4. Summary of Ambient Air Quality (µg/m3)


1st MoEF/ NAAQ
Konavattam Bhairline
PM 10 24
53.1 46.9 100
(µg/m³) hrs
PM 2.5 24
13.8 11.5 60
(µg/m³) hrs
SO2 24
3.05 2.17 80
(µg/m³) hrs
Nox 24
6.1 5.02 80
(µg/m³) hrs
CO (mg/m³) (DL: 1.15) (DL 1.15)


PM10 is a measure of particles in the atmosphere with a diameter of less than 10
micron. PM10 is particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 10 µm, i.e.
the fine and coarse particle fractions combined. The PM10 concentration at all two-
ambient air quality monitoring stations AAQ -1 and AAQ -2 at Vellore City Corporation
range between 46.9 to 53.1 µg/m3.


PM 2.5. particles are known to produce respiratory and cardiovascular illness.
PM 2.5 concentration at all two ambient air quality monitoring stations AAQ -1 and AAQ -
2 at Vellore City Corporation range between 11.5 to 13.8 µg/m3.

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The average SO2 concentrations at all eight sampling stations AAQ -1 and AAQ -2

at Vellore City Corporation range between 2.17 to 3.05 µg/m3.


The average Nox concentrations at all eight sampling stations AAQ -1 and AAQ -2
at Vellore City Corporation range between 5.02 to 6.1 µg/m3.


Incomplete combustion of fuels produces carbon monoxide (CO). The short-term
health effects of CO exposure are dizziness, headache, nausea, and feeling of weakness,
mild incoherence, blurred vision, and brain fog etc. Samples of air were collected and
analysed for CO content and CO concentration were found to be below detectable limit at
all sampling stations.

3.3. Noise Environment

Noise levels were monitored hourly basis at two locations. N-1 and N-2 at Vellore
City Corporation were ambient noise monitoring locations. The details of sampling
location are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Details of sampling locations of Ambient noise level measurement

S. No Description of location Sample Code

1 Konavattam N1
2 1st Bhairline kasba N2

3.4.1. Methodology
For noise levels measured over a given period of time interval, it is possible to
describe features of noise using statistical quantities. This is calculated using the
percent of the time certain levels exceeds the time interval. The notation for the
statistical quantities of noise levels is described below:

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1. Hourly Leq values have been computed by integrating sound level meter.

2. Lday: As per the CPCB guidelines the day time limit is between 0800 to 2200
hours as outlined in the Ministry of Environment and Forest Notification S.O.
123€ dated 14/02/2000.
3. Lnight: As per the CPCB guidelines the night time limit is between 2300 to 0700
hours as outlined in the Ministry of Environment and Forest Notification S.O. 123
€ dated 14/02/2000.
Noise level monitoring was performed in 30th of July 2020. Noise level monitoring
was carried out continuously for 24-hours with one-hour interval starting at 0600 hrs to
0500 hrs next day. The noise levels were monitored on working days only. During each
hour Leq were directly computed by the instrument based on the sound pressure levels.
The observations for Ambient noise level measurement are given in Table 6.

Table 6. Ambient noise level measurement

Parameters N1 N2 Limit as
1st Bhairline
Leq Day 54.5 50.4
Leq Night 54.5 45.6 70

Leq db(A) --
54.5 48

3.4.2. Observation
Recorded Noise Levels are in the range of 45.6 to 54.5 dB(A) at all two monitoring
points for Ambient noise monitoring points. Maximum levels of noise have recorded in
day hours which are natural as most of construction activities have done in day hours at
the site. Noise levels measured at all two ambient noise monitoring points were very low
and well within limit of either 75.0 dB(A) for Residential Area as given in TNPCB Gazette
notification for State Ambient Noise Level Standard.

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Air and Noise Monitoring photos

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Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

Guidelines on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in

workplace settings

Basic preventive measures

The basic preventive measures include simple public health measures that
are to be followed to reduce the risk of infection with COVID-19. These
measures need to be observed by all (employees and visitors) at all times.
These include:
i. Physical distancing of at least one meter to be followed at all times.
ii. Use of face covers/masks to be mandatory.
iii. Practice frequent hand washing (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when
hands are not visibly dirty and use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at
least 20 seconds). (REFERENCE- I)
Preventive measures for offices:
• Any staff and Labor reportedly suffering from flu-like illness should not
attend work and seek medical advice from local health authorities.
Such persons, if diagnosed as a suspect/confirmed case of COVID-19
should immediately inform the office authorities.
• Any staff requesting home quarantine based on the containment zone
activities in their residential areas should be permitted to work from

DoPT guidelines with respect to organizing meetings, coordinating visitors

should strictly follow.
Measures to be taken on occurrence of case(s):
Despite taking the above measures, the occurrence of cases among the
employees working in the office cannot be ruled out. The following
measures will be taken in such circumstances:

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

When one or few person(s) who share a room/close office space is/are
found to be suffering from symptoms suggestive of COVID-19:
Place the ill person in a room or area where they are isolated from others at
the workplace. Provide a mask/face cover till such time he/she is examined
by a doctor.
Report to concerned central/state health authorities. Helpline 1075 will be
immediately informed.
A risk assessment will be undertaken by the designated public health
authority (district RRT/treating physician) and accordingly further advice
shall be made regarding management of case, his/her contacts and need
for disinfection.
The suspect case if reporting very mild / mild symptoms on assessment by
the health authorities would be placed under home isolation,
Suspect case, if assessed by health authorities as moderate to severe,
The rapid response team of the concerned district shall be requisitioned and
will undertake the listing of contacts.
The necessary actions for contact tracing and disinfection of work place will
start once the report of the patient is received as positive. The report will be
expedited for this purpose.
If there are large numbers of contacts from a pre-
symptomatic/asymptomatic case, there could be a possibility of a cluster
emerging in workplace setting. Due to the close environment in workplace
settings this could even be a large cluster (>15 cases). The essential
principles of risk assessment, isolation, and quarantine of contacts, case
referral and management will remain the same. However, the scale of
arrangements will be higher.

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

Management of contacts:
The contacts will be categorized into high and low risk contacts by the
District RRT as detailed in the REFERENCE II. The high-risk exposure
contacts shall be quarantined for 14 days.
The low risk exposure contacts shall continue to work and closely monitor
their health for next 14 days.
Closure of workplace
If there are one or two cases reported, the disinfection procedure will be
limited to places/areas visited by the patient in past 48 hrs. There is no
need to close the entire office building/halt work in other areas of the office
and work can be resumed after disinfection.
However, if there is a larger outbreak, the entire office will have to be closed
for 48 hours after thorough disinfection. All the staff will work from home, till
the building is adequately disinfected and is declared fit for re-occupation.
Disinfection Procedures in workplace Areas:
Detailed guidelines on the disinfection procedures in offices have already
been issued by the MOHFW are strictly followed.
Indoor areas including office spaces
Office spaces, including conference rooms should be cleaned every evening
after office hours or early in the morning before the rooms are occupied. If
contact surface is visibly dirty, it should be cleaned with soap and water
prior to disinfection. Prior to cleaning, the worker should wear disposable
rubber boots, gloves (heavy duty), and a triple layer mask.
Start cleaning from cleaner areas and proceed towards dirtier areas.

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Providing Sewerage Collection System for Phase II of Municipal Corporation of
Vellore - Package -II Covering Zone 6 and 7

All indoor areas such as entrance lobbies, corridors and staircases,

escalators, elevators, security guard booths, office rooms, meeting rooms,
cafeteria should be mopped with a disinfectant with 1% sodium
hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants. The guidelines for preparing fresh
1% sodium hypochlorite solution is at REFERENCE I
High contact surfaces such elevator buttons, handrails / handles and
call buttons, escalator handrails, public counters, intercom systems,
equipment like telephone, printers/scanners, and other office machines
should be cleaned twice daily by mopping with a linen/absorbable cloth
soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite. Frequently touched areas like table
tops, chair handles, pens, diary files, keyboards, mouse, mouse pad,
tea/coffee dispensing machines etc. should specially be cleaned.
For metallic surfaces like door handles, security locks, keys etc. 70%
alcohol can be used to wipe down surfaces where the use of bleach is not
Hand sanitizing stations should be installed in office premises (especially
at the entry) and near high contact surfaces.
In a meeting/conference/office room, if someone is coughing,
without following respiratory etiquettes or mask, the areas around his/her
seat should be vacated and cleaned with 1% sodium hypochlorite.
Carefully clean the equipment used in cleaning at the end of the cleaning
Remove PPE, discard in a disposable PPE in yellow disposable bag and
wash hands with soap and water.
In addition, all employees should consider cleaning the work area in front
of them with a disinfecting wipe prior to use and sit one seat further away
from others, if possible

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Outdoor areas
Outdoor areas have less risk then indoor areas due to air currents and
exposure to sunlight.

Disinfections of toilets
Sanitary workers must use separate set of cleaning equipment for
toilets (mops, nylon scrubber) and separate set for sink and commode).
They should always wear disposable protective gloves while cleaning a

Guidelines for Preparation of 1% sodium hypochlorite solution

Product Available 1percent

Sodium hypochlorite – liquid 3.5% 1 part bleach to 2.5 parts
bleach water
Sodium hypochlorite – liquid 5% 1 part bleach to 4 parts
NaDCC (sodium dichloro- 60% 17 grams to 1 litre water
isocyanurate) powder

NaDCC (1.5 g/ tablet) – tablets 60% 11 tablets to 1 litre water

Chloramine – powder 25% 80 g to 1 litre water
Bleaching powder 70% 7g g to 1 litre water
Any other As per manufacturer’s Instructions

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Risk profiling of contacts
Contacts are persons who have been exposed to a confirmed case anytime
between 2 days prior to onset of symptoms (in the positive case) and the
date of isolation (or maximum 14 days after the symptom onset in the case).
High-risk contact
• Touched body fluids of the patient (respiratory tract secretions, blood,
vomit, saliva, urine, faeces; e.g. being coughed on, touching used paper
tissues with a bare hand)
• Had direct physical contact with the body of the patient including physical
examination without PPE
• Touched or cleaned the linens, clothes, or dishes of the patient.
• Lives in the same household as the patient.
• Anyone in close proximity (within 1 meter) of the confirmed case without
• Passengers in close proximity (within 1 meter) in a conveyance with a
symptomatic person who later tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 6
Low-risk contact
• Shared the same space (worked in same room/similar) but not having a
high-risk exposure to confirmed case of COVID-19.
• Travelled in same environment (bus/train/flight/any mode of transit) but
not having a high-risk exposure.

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