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Nila : Hai Pita, how are you?, long time no see right?

Pita : Wah hallo, i’m good but sorry who are you? (sorry about earlier you look like my
elementary school friend nila, we haven’t seen each other for along time, is tha,t you?)
Nila : I’m nila, we are friend’s at elementary school, do you remember me now? (you’re
right, i’m nila it’s turns out you still remember me)
Pita : Wait! ohhh hai nila long time no see (ofcourse) but what are you doing in here?
Nila : I’m study here, so are you studying here to?
Pita : Yeap , what study program (departmen) are you taking?
Nila : I’m taking pgsd (primary school teacher education departmen) study program and my
class in 2D, what u taking study program
Pita : I’m taking pgsd (primary school teacher education departmen) too my class in 2H, but
why do you have unipma university as your choise for studying?
Nila : I don’t know, my mother chosing this university to me. My mother said unipma
university is good university and my mother said i coudn’t go far and you, why you choise
this university?
Pita : I chose this university because i was not selected at the university of my choice
Nila : Oh, i see. Do you have any activities after this?
Pita : No!, i don’t have activities after this
Nila : Have you had breakfast how about w ego to canteen
Pita : Ok!, i happend to want to order a drink
Nila : Wow, what a coincidence
Pita : What do you want to order nila, let me order it from the canteen lady
Nila : I want a burger and hot coffee (ice tea)
Pita : Ok, wait a moment are willing to look for chairs for us to sit?
Nila : I’ll look for a chair
( after a few minutes of food came they enjoyed the food and told stories )
Pita : Are you interested in taking part in student activities?
Nila : I’m ( i ) interested in joining the BEM organization
Pita : Wow, it looks like you are a very active student
Nila : Haha not really, what about you?
Pita : I’m ( i ) interested in taking part in sports
Nila : Wow, good choice, why are you interested in sports?
Pita : Sport is one of my hobbies that i enjoy and also keeps my body healthy
Nila : It’s no wonder your body looks fit, when will you carry out the test
Pita : Maybe five more days, what about you?
Nila : It hasn’t been determined yet, i’m waiting for information from the organization
Pita : Oh well, just wait by the way it’s already this time i want to go home
Nila : I’m going home too what if there’s time for us to meet at the library
Pita : Okay, see u
( A few days later they meet at the library )
Pita : Here nila, sit here nila
Nila : Have you been here a long time sorry if you wait
Pita : No.,i just arrived too
Nila : I want to read a book, do you have a good book reference
Pita : I probably know your tastes, i have a regenaration book entitled heart notes on every
my prayer
Nila : Interesting, okey i’ll try to read it
Pita : What about the books i read? Do you have a reference for me
Nila : My recommendation is habis gelap terbitlah terang
Pita : Is the book exciting
Nila : The book was very exciting tells about the struggle of RA. Kartini
Pita : Is it true that i really like stories about history
Nila : “The phone rings”. I’m sorry looks like there’s a problem at home so i have to go home
Pita : Ok, be careful on the road
Nila : Yes thank you for today
Pita : Yes, see u
Nila : See u too
Pita : Baiii
Nila : Babaiii

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