Task 1 - Assignmet 1

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The provided chart illustrates the annual sales of smartphones in the global market from
2015 to 2020.

The chart below delineates the rate of mobile phones' sales on yearly basis in the international
markets for a period of 5 years.

2. The diagram depicts the process of photosynthesis in plants, highlighting the key stages
and molecules involved.

The chart illustrates the stages of photosynthesis in floras and uderlines the main phases and
involvement of molecules.

3. The map shows the distribution of population density across the country, with darker shades
indicating higher population concentrations.

The illustration explains the density of population which distributed throughout the country and the
areas highlighted with darker shades visualize the locations which are considerably more populated.

4. The table compares the nutritional content of three different types of fruit: apples, oranges,
and bananas.

The figures give data on nutritional substances which are in three kinds of fruits such as apples,
oranges, and bananas

5. The bar graph presents data on the number of tourists visiting a particular country over a
five-year period.

The bar chart emphasizes the number of people who visited Italy over a period of 5 years.

6. The pie chart shows the breakdown of energy consumption in a household, categorizing it
into different sources such as electricity, gas, and water.

The chart below illustrates the amount of energy consumed by a family in three different categories.

7. The line graph tracks the changes in average global temperatures over the past century.

The graph outlines the variations in the level of average temperatures all around the globe for a
period of 100 years.

8. The scatter plot examines the relationship between the amount of rainfall and crop yield in a
specific region.

The graph reveals the effects of rains on the planted crops in a specific area.

9. The floor plan provides a detailed layout of a two-bedroom apartment, including the
dimensions of each room and the location of windows and doors.

The plan presents the information about the position of widows and doors as well as their size in a
flat having 2 bedrooms.

10. The flowchart outlines the steps involved in applying for a student visa, from gathering the
necessary documents to submitting the application.

The chart below represents phases required to apply a student visa, begins in collecting required to
documents and culminates in submitting the application.

11. The process diagram illustrates how a computer program executes a particular task,
breaking it down into smaller, sequential steps.
The diagram delineates how a software runs a specific task by dividing it into smaller and sequential
stages on a computer.

12. The Venn diagram compares and contrasts the features of two different operating systems,
highlighting their similarities and differences.

The diagram shows differences between operating systems and underlines their resemblances and

13. The table summarizes the results of a survey on consumer preferences for a new product,
indicating the percentage of respondents who preferred each option.

The table presents the result of a research done in order to find end-users' preferences and display
the proportion of those who opt each item.

14. The diagram shows the organizational structure of a company, outlining the roles and
responsibilities of each department.

The diagram delineates the tasks which should be done by each department which are appointed
through an organizational structure of a company.

15. The map displays the location of major cities and highways in a particular region, providing
an overview of the transportation network.

The map illustrates the position of mega cities and expressways in a specific area, and shows their
transportation systems.

16. The bar graph compares the sales figures of two competing companies over a six-month

The bar chart illustrates the amount of sales that two rival companies had for a period of six month.

17. The line graph tracks the progress of a project, showing the milestones achieved and the
remaining tasks.

The line plot displays the progression of an incomplete project by demonstrating its achievements
and the tasks which are left to be done.

18. The table lists the specifications of a new smartphone, including its screen size, camera
resolution, and battery life.

The table shows the technical features such as quality of the camera, battery durability and the size
of the screen in a newly designed mobile phone.

19. The diagram illustrates the life cycle of a butterfly, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to

The cyclical process chart visualizes the stages in which a butterfly transforms from an egg to an
adult one.

20. The map shows the distribution of natural resources in a particular country, indicating the
location of oil, gas, and mineral deposits.

The map demonstrates how natural resources such as such as gas, oil and other minerals are
distributed in a specific city as well as showing where these resources are located.

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