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Claw 1 – Introduction to Criminal Justice justice.

Indeed, JUSTICE is the primary output

of the system and the bottom line of the

Lesson 1

Criminal Justice System

- Criminal Justice System is defined as the

machinery of the State or government, which
enforces the rules of conduct necessary to
protect life and property and maintain peace
and order.

- The sum total of instrumentation of which a

society uses in the prevent.

Functions of the Criminal Justice System

The operation of the criminal justice system

includes the following:
What is Crime?
 Preventing the commission of crimes;
 It is an act or omission that constitutes an
 Enforcing the law; offense that may be prosecuted by the state
and is punishable by law.
 Protecting life, individual rights and property;
 Removing dangerous persons from the
 Deterring people from indulging in criminal OF LAW

 Investigating, apprehending, prosecuting and Revised Special Law Ordinance

imposing penalty upon those who cannot be Penal
deterred from violating the rules of society; and Code
(Act 3815)
 Rehabilitating offenders and returning them to
the community as law-abiding and useful CLASS OF CRIMES
citizens of the society.


 The instrument in achieving justice. 1. Crime Mala in Se (Wrongful in

 A major input in the criminal justice system.  Acts that are outlawed because they
violate basic moral values such as
 Law is society’s primary instrument for making rape, murder, assault and robbery.
known what acts are considered crime and
what sanctions may be applied to those who 2. Crime Mala Prohibita
commit acts defined as crimes.  Acts that are outlawed because they
clash with current norms and public
JUSTICE : opinion, such as tax, traffic and drug
 The criminal justice system is intended to deal
with crime. It is expected to do so by applying
the law and producing results that approximate
upon to assist in situations like location
LESSON 2 of lost persons or properties, to provide
Law Enforcement (First Pillar) VIP, bank and funeral escorts and other
similar duties.

POLICE/ LAW ENFORCEMENT PILLAR 6. Traffic regulation and motor accident

As the first pillar of the Criminal Justice System the
Police is considered the “initiators of actions or prime  The police are expected to ensure road
mover of the CJS” that other pillars must act upon to safety for both pedestrians and
attain its goal or objectives in the process. motorists and assist in cases of road
accidents and emergencies.
The Police refer to the police agency and other law
enforcement organizations authorize by the State to Evolution of the Law Enforcement/Policing in the
enforce the law. Philippine Setting

Trinity of the police pillar of CJS Pre-Spanish Regime

1. Philippine National Police (PNP)- occupies the  The police under the Philippine setting, evolved
forefront of the police pillar. The premier law from the practice of different tribes to select
enforcement agency tasked by the government able-bodied young men to protect their villages,
to implement the law and keep the peace. not from assaults of criminals but from
depredation of animals that prey on their crops
And supported by: and livestock during the night.
2. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Spanish Regime
3. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency- to help  Police service during Spanish regime to the 19 th
curb the drug problem which has become a century was looked upon by the Spanish
major law enforcement concern and a serious government as a part of the military system
threat to peace and order. defense colony. So the locally organized police
forces; although performing civil duties was
Objectives of Law Enforcement/Police
seemingly created for sole purpose of
1. Crime Prevention maintaining peace, were in fact direct adjuncts
of the colonial military establishment.
 The prevention and suppression of
crimes have traditionally been accepted Police forces during the Spanish Regime
as the primary goal of the local police
2. Criminal Apprehension
 Organized in 1712 to carry out the
 It is a police responsibility to identify, regulation of the state, discharges the
locate, and apprehend offenders. duties of a port harbor and river police.

3. Law Enforcement
 It is the basic responsibility of the police
to enforce the law.
4. Order maintenance
 A body of rural police organized in each
 One of the most troublesome town, established by the Royal Decree of
responsibilities of the police. January 8, 1836. This decree provided that
5. Public service 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of
each province were to be enlisted in this
 Because the police is the most visible police force for 3 years.
symbol of authority, they are called
Duties & Functions • Brigadier General Rafael Crame
became the first Filipino COP.
 Maintain public security and order in town;
 To patrol;
 Guard dark and unsafe places;
3. Manila Police Department (MPD)
 Guard the tribunal/municipal and prison house;
 Conduct prisoners; • Organized on July 31, 1901 by virtue of
 Carry mails at times; and Act No 183 of the Philippine
 To do many other duties in the town. Commission.

3. GUARDIA CIVIL 4. Bureau of Investigation

 This was created by a Royal Decree issued by  Act No 181 required the creation of Bureau
Crown on February 12, 1852 to partially relieve of Investigation. This agency should be the
the Spanish Peninsular troops of their works in modification of the Division of Investigation
policing towns. It consisted of a body Filipino from the DOJ.
policeman organized originally in each of  On June 19, 1947 R.A. 157 was enacted
provincial capitals of the Central Provinces of which created the National Bureau of
Luzon under the Alcade (Governor). Investigation (NBI)
Duties & Functions

 The suppression of brigandage by patrolling the Police Force during the Japanese Regime
unsettled areas;
 Detection of local petty uprising; and 1. KEMPETAI
 The enforcement of the collection of revenues
 The Japanese military force, they were
held responsible in maintaining peace
The American Occupation
and order in Manila and adjacent urban
 The first American occupation in the Philippines areas. They ruled the urban areas until
came before the Filipino-American war (1898- Gen. Douglas McArthur returned on
1901) was followed by a period of political February 7, 1945
turmoil and social imbalance.  After the Japanese occupation, and after the
Police forces during the American Occupation Philippines obtained its independence from the
Americans, the Philippine Constabulary was
1. Insular Police Force created by operation of law as one of its
service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
• On November 30, 1900 the commission
recommends to the Secretary of War Post American Period
the organization of an Insular Police
Force. 1. In September 18, 1966, R.A. 4864 otherwise
known as Police Act of 1966 was enacted. The
2. Insular Constabulary law created the office of Police Commission
(later known as NAPOLCOM) under the office of
• The Philippine Commission passed Act
the president.
No 175 on July 18, 1901, entitled “An
act providing for the Organization and  Created as a supervisory agency to the
Government of Constabulary” better PC. Its function is to oversee the
known as the Insular Constabulary. training and professionalization of the
local police forces.
• Act No. 255 (Oct.03, 1901)- the act that
renamed the Insular Constabulary into Martial Law Period
Philippine Constabulary.
1. Presidential Decree No. 765
• Capt. Henry T. Allen was named as the
first PC Chief such he was called as the  on August 8, 1975 decreed into law
“Father of Philippine Constabulary” with the following salient features:
 The INP was established and that is national in scope and civilian in
constituted, composed of the Philippine character, and on the basis of this constitutional
Constabulary (PC) as the nucleus, and precept, Republic Act 6975 created the PNP as
Integrated National Police as the premier law enforcement agency that has
components, under the Department of the following powers and functions:
National Defense;
 The PC remained and constituted as
major service of the Armed Forces of 1. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the
the Philippine (AFP); protection of lives and properties;
2. Maintain peace and order and take all
Post Martial Law necessary steps to ensure public safety;
3. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest
1. Republic Act 6975 “An Act Establishing the
of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice
Philippine National Police under a recognized
and assist in their prosecution;
Department of the Interior and Local
4. Exercise the general powers to make arrest,
Government and other Purposes”
search and seizure in accordance with the
 Created on December 13, 1990, Constitution and pertinent laws;
creating the PNP, BFP and BJMP. 5. Detain an arrested person for a period not
Incidental thereto, dissolving the beyond what is prescribed by law, informing the
Philippine Constabulary. person so detained of all his rights under the
 ended the existence of the Philippine 6. Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and
Constabulary and Integrated National explosive in accordance with law;
Police and giveaway to creation of the 7. Supervise and control the training and
Philippine National Police, now known operations of security agencies and issue
as the country’s police force that is licenses to operate security agencies, and to
national in scope and civilian in security guards and private detectives, for
character. It is administered and practice of their professions; and
controlled by the National Police 8. Perform such other duties and exercise all other
Commission. functions as may be provided by law.
2. Republic Act 8551
 Otherwise known as the Philippine Miscellaneous Services:
National Police Reform and
Reorganization Act of 1998, enacted on  Regulation of non-criminal conduct, such as
February 25, 1998; this law amended traffic control and management; and
certain provisions of RA 6975. Performing Civil Missions, and such as
conduction of any person to hospital for
3. Republic Act 9708 immediate medication, or any other form of
services which is civic in nature.
 Enacted on August 12, 2009
 Amending the provisions of RA 6975 and RA
8551 on the minimum educational qualifications
for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the Police Discretion
promotion system.
 In police matters, discretion simply refers to the
wise use of one’s personal judgment based on
personal experience and common sense to
Trinity of the Police pillar of CJS decide a particular situation. Discretion may
also mean the freedom to decide, the freedom
The Philippine National Police or authority to judge something or make a
decision about it.
 The 1987 Philippine Constitution itself
mandates that there should be one police force
 Police officers exercise discretion in the  It was the brainchild of the late President
performance of their duties. Considering Manuel L. Quezon and Jose A. Yulo, then
that there is no clear-cut guidelines on this Secretary of Justice.
aspect of their responsibilities, the law
enforcers usually act based on his  Focuses on syndicated activities and special
judgment, conscience and experience. investigations.

Some Discretionary practices of the police:  Since then, the Bureau assumed an increasingly
significant role, thus, on June19, 1947 Republic
1. To strictly enforce the laws and ordinances Act 157 was created, renaming it to what it is
2. To be lenient in the enforcement of the presently known, the National Bureau of
laws and ordinances Investigation (NBI).
3. To apply for search warrants
4. Either to arrest or just warn suspects
5. To gather additional evidences or
immediately file a case against the suspect 1. To undertake investigations of crime and other
6. To follow-up cases offenses against laws of Philippines upon its
own initiative and as a public interest may
The PNP is supported by administrative and require;
operational units
2. To undertake assistance, whenever properly
 ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS requested, in the investigation/ detection of
crimes and other offense;
1. Crime Laboratory
2. Logistics Unit, 3. To give technical aid to all prosecution and law
3. Communication Unit, enforcement agencies as well as to the courts
4. Computer Center, that may request its service;
5. Finance Center and
4. To act as a national clearing house of criminal
6. Civil Security Unit
data and other information for the benefit and
7. Chaplain Service
use of all prosecution and law enforcement
8. Legal Service
entities in the Philippines, the identification of
9. Medical and Denta
records of all persons marks, characteristics,
 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT UNITS and ownership or possession of firearms as well
1. Maritime Police Unit as to conduct ballistics tests of bullet fired there
2. Special Action Force from in the course of criminal investigation.
3. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group 5. To establish and maintain an up-to-date
4. PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations scientific crime laboratory and to conduct
Task Force research in furtherance of scientific knowledge;
5. Police Intelligence Unit
6. Aviation Security Unit 6. To perform such other related functions as the
secretary of justice may assign.
7. Traffic Management Unit
8. Civil Relation Unit. NBI Services
1. The General Investigation Service
• This is performed by the Regional
Offices together with its sub-offices
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) organized under the Deputy Director in
line with the concept of decentralized
 The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) saw organization for the purpose of
its inception on November 13,1936 upon economy and expediency and to ease
approval of Commonwealth Act No. 181 by the the burden of workload and control of
legislature. the NBI Director.
2. The Special Investigation Service July 4, 2002 amending R.A. 6425 (Dangerous
Drug Act of 1972)
• This office has immediate control and
supervision over Domestic Intelligence  It is an agency in-charge of enforcing RA 9165
Division, Anti-graft Division and Missing which is under the administrative supervision of
Person Division. Each division handles a the Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) the policy
specialized type of investigation, making body.
thereby relieving the General
investigation Service of case which is
highly technical and specialized in
Power and Duties:
3. The General Administrative Service 1. To cause the efficient and effective
implementation of the national drug control
• This is concerned primarily with strategy formulated by the Dangerous Drug
administrative matters in NBI logistics Board;
and Maintenance Division, training
Division and Accounting Division. 2. Undertake the enforcement of the
provisions of Article II of RA 9165 relative to
4. The Technical Services the unlawful acts and penalties involving
any dangerous drugs and/or controlled
• This is charged with the operation of
precursor and essential chemicals;
the crime laboratory, the support
services for investigative activities and 3. Administer oath and issue subpoena and
other related investigative aids. subpoena ducestecum relative to the
conduct of investigation involving the
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) violations of RA 9165;
 For thirty years, Republic Act 6425, otherwise 4. Arrest and apprehend as well as search all
known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, had violators and seize or confiscate the effects
been the backbone of the Philippine drug law or proceeds of the crimes as provided by
enforcement system. Despite the efforts of law;
various law enforcement agencies mandated to
implement the law, the drug problem 5. Take charge and have custody of all
alarmingly escalated. The high profitability of dangerous drugs and/or controlled
the illegal drug trade, compounded by the then precursors and essential chemicals seized,
existing laws that imposed relatively light confiscated or surrendered to any national,
penalties to offenders, greatly contributed to provincial or local law enforcement agency;
the gravity of the problem.
6. Establish a forensic laboratory in each PNP
 Recognizing the need to further strengthen office in every province and city in order to
existing laws governing Philippine drug law facilitate action on seized or confiscated
enforcement system, President Gloria drugs, thereby hastening their destruction
Macapagal-Arroyo signed Republic Act 9165, or without delay;
the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
7. Recommend to the DOJ the forfeiture of
2002, on June 7, 2002 and it took effect on July
properties and other assets of persons
4, 2002. R.A. 9165 defines more concrete
and/or corporations found to be
courses of action for the national until-drug
campaign and imposes heavier penalties to 8. Violating the provisions of RA 9165 and in
offenders. accordance with the pertinent provisions of
the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001.
 It was created by virtue of Republic Act 9165,
otherwise known as the Comprehensive 9. Prepare for prosecution or cause the filing
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which was of appropriate criminal and civil cases for
approved on June 7, 2002 and took effect on violation of all laws in dangerous drugs,
controlled precursors and essential
chemicals, and other similar controlled required under existing laws and as directed
substances; by the President.
10. Monitor, and if warranted by WHAT IS ARREST?
circumstances, in coordination with the
Philippine Postal Office and the Bureau of  Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order
Customs, inspect all air cargo packages, that he may be bound to answer for the commission
parcels and mails in the central post office; of an offense.

11. Conduct eradication programs to destroy How should arrest be made?

wild or illegally grown plants from which
dangerous drugs may be extracted  An arrest is made by an actual restraint` of the
person to be arrested, or by his submission to the
12. Initiate and undertaken the formation of a custody of the person making the arrest. No violence
nationwide organization which shall or unnecessary force shall be used in the making of
coordinate and supervise all activities arrest, and the person arrested shall not be
against drug abuse in every province, city, subjected to any greater restraint than is necessary
municipality and barangay; for his detention (Sec. 2, Rule 113)
13. Establish and maintain a national drug WHAT IS WARRANT OF ARREST?
intelligence system in cooperation with law
enforcement agencies, other government  It is an order in writing issued in the name of the
agencies/offices and local government units People of the Philippines, signed by a judge and
that will assist in the apprehension of big- directed to a peace officer, commanding him/she to
time drug lords; take a person into custodyin order that he/she may
be bound to answer for the commission of an
14. Establish and maintain close coordination, offense
operation and linkages with international
drug control and administration agencies  NOTA BENE!! Shall remain valid until the person to be
and organizations. arrested has been arrested or has surrendered

15. Create and maintain an efficient special Within what period should the warrant of arrest be
enforcement unit to conduct an enforced?
investigation, file charges and transmit
evidence to the proper court;  The head of the office whom the warrant of arrest
has been delivered for execution shall cause the
16. Require all government and private warrant to be execute within 10 days from the
hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists and other receipt thereof (Sec. 4, Rule 113)
practitioners to submit a report to it;
What is the duty of the officer after the expiration of
17. Coordinate with DDB for the facilitation of 10 days from the receipt of the warrant of arrest?
the issuance of necessary guidelines, rules
and regulations for the proper  Within 10 days after the expiration of such period,
implementation of RA 9165; the officer to whom it was assigned for execution ,
shall make a report to the judge who issued the
18. Initiate and undertake a national campaign warrant and in case of his failure to execute the
for drug prevention and control programs, same, shall state the reasons therefor (Sec. 4;
where it may enlist the assistance of any Mamangon vs. CFI, August 30, 1990)
department, bureau, office, agency or
instrumentality of the government, Requisites of Valid Warrant of Arrest
including government-owned and/or
a. It shall be issued upon probable cause;
controlled corporations; and
b. The probable cause is determined personally by the
19. Submit annual and periodic reports to the judge upon examination under oath or affirmation of
DDB from time to time and perform such the complainant and witnesses he may produce; and
other factions as may be authorized of c. Particularly describing the person to be arrested.
Who may make/ execute/ affect Arrest?
1. Police officer (in both warrantless and arrest with 5. No search warrant shall issue more than one specific
warrant) offense.
OR CITIZEN’S ARREST) How long can an arrested person be detained before
3. Members of investigation staff of the NBI (under RA he/she be delivered to proper Judicial Authorities by
157, as amended) the police officer?
4. Bailor (may arrest the accused for the purpose of  “Article 125. Delay in the delivery of detained
surrendering him/her in court) persons to the proper judicial authorities.—The
5. Sheriff or deputy (may arrest a witness who failed penalties provided in the next preceding article shall
to attend and obey subpoena despite proof of be imposed upon the public officer or employee who
service thereof) (sec. 11, Rule 23) shall detain any person for some legal ground and
6. Provincial or City Probation officer (may arrest shall fail to deliver such person to the proper judicial
probationer under his/her care; sec. 24, PD968)
7. Commissioner of Land of Transportation and his  authorities within the period of;
Deputies (are authorized to make arrest for
(As amended by Executive Orders 59 and 272,
violation of land insofar as motor vehicles are
November 7, 1986 and July 25, 1987, respectively).”
concerned; RA 4136, as amended)
(Emphasis supplied)
When is Warrantless Arrest lawful?
Prescribed filing of cases, within:
Valid Warrantless Arrest
 12 Hours for LIGHT FELONY
1. In Flagrante Delicto Rule
 18 Hours for LESS GRAVE FELONY
 When in his presence, the person to be
arrested has committed an offense, actually  36 Hours for GRAVE FELONY
committing an offense, or is attempting to
commit an offense.
2. The “Hot Pursuit” arrest Rule
 When an offense has in fact just been
committed, and he has personal knowledge
of facts indicating that the person to be
arrested has committed it.
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who
has escaped from a penal establishment or place
where he/she is serving final judgment or
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has
escaped while being transferred from one
confinement to another.

Requirements for a Valid Search Warrant

1. It must be based upon a probable cause.

2. The probable cause must be determined personally
by the judge
3. The determination must be made after examination
under oath/affirmation of the complainant and the
witnesses he may produce.
4. It must be particularly describe the place to be
searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Table of Felonies and its Penalties, Period of


3. Prosecute all alleged offenders in court, in the name
of the people of the Philippines.
• May refer to the agency responsible in presenting
the government’s position in criminal cases and • He/she is a public officer having an authority to
evaluating pieces of evidence presented by the law conduct legal actions concerning the complaint filed
enforcement. at his/her office and perform other prosecution
functions as provided by law;
• The course of action or process whereby
accusations are brought before a court of justice to In the administration of Criminal Justice System, what
determine the innocence or guilt of the accused. is the role of the prosecutor?

Functions • The prosecutor perhaps plays the most crucial role

in the administration of criminal justice system
1. Evaluate the police findings referred to them, or because the office occupies a central and very
other complaints filed directly with them by important position between the police and the
individual person. Courts.
2. File corresponding criminal complaints or • The prosecutor is the person responsible in
information in the proper courts on the basis of determining whether or not to bring formal charges
their evaluation on the proofs at hand; and against persons accused of committing crimes to be
processed in the system. He/she decides whether 2. Judge Advocate General Service, AFP, the General
to prosecute the case or not. Courts Martial

Hence, even some authors referred to him as the • are given jurisdiction to try military
“traffic cop” of the criminal members and all persons subjects to
military law under Article 2 of the Articles of
National Prosecution Service War for crimes or offenses committed by
• The National Prosecution Service is one of the most
important offices in the criminal justice system in 3. Commission on Election (COMELEC)
the Philippines, for the public prosecutor, whether
here or elsewhere, often literally holds the power of  The Commission, through its duty
life and death in his hands. authorized legal officers, have the
exclusive power to conduct preliminary
• As succinctly stated by the then Associated investigation of all election offenses and
Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Robert to prosecute the same.
Jackson, “The Prosecutor has more control
over life, liberty and reputation than any Who is being represented by the prosecutor in the
other person in America”. prosecution of the case?

• The NPS is mandated to maintain and upholds the • In Criminal prosecution, the prosecutor
rule of law through effective expeditious delivery of represents the State or the People of the
prosecutorial services in order to enhance peace Philippines.
and order. The members of the NPS are primarily
tasked to investigate and prosecute all criminal • This is so because the real offended
offenses defined and penalized under the Revised party is the people of the Philippines,
Penal Code and other Special Penal Laws. for a crime is an outrage against, and
its vindication is in favor of, the people
Organization of the Philippines.

• Composition: • The offended party in Criminal Prosecution is

merely a witness; collateral for the crime that
The National Prosecution Service, which is
was committed by the accused is not against
under the supervision and control of the Secretary of
Justice, is composed of the following: the offended party but against the people of the
1. The Officer of the Chief State Prosecutor in the
Officer of the Secretary of Justice; The Prosecution Process

2. The Regional State Prosecutor’s Office; and

3. The Provincial and City Prosecutor’s offices

Other investigatory bodies and individuals tasked to

investigate and prosecute specific offences are the

1. Office of the Ombudsman.

• His office has primary jurisdiction to

conduct preliminary investigation and
prosecution of all cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan and to file information
therefore and to direct and control
prosecution of violations.
- If respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if
subpoenaed but does not submit his/her counter-
affidavit within 10days, investigating officer shall
resolve complaint based on the evidence presented
by the complainant.

Two types of SUBPOENA



Process directed to a Process directed to a person,

person, requiring him to requiring him to
bring with him any attend and to testify
books/documents/things at the hearing/trial
under his control. of an action or at any
investigation conducted
by competent authority,
or for the taking of
his deposition.



It is an accusation It is a sworn written

in writing charging a statement charging a
person with an person with an offense,
offense, subscribed subscribed by the offended party, any
by the prosecutor peace officer or other
and filed to the public officer charged
court with the enforcement
of the law violated.
sign a waiver under the provision of Art. 125 of the
Revised Penal Code.

• Where the detained person does not opt a

preliminary investigation or otherwise refuses to
execute the required waiver, the investigator shall
proceed with the inquest by submitting the suspect
before the inquest prosecutor to include sworn
statements/affidavits to the complainant and the
witness/es and other supporting evidences.
• Article 125, Revised Penal Code.
• It is an inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of
determining whether there is sufficient ground • [4]
Rule 112, Sec. 7, Rules of Court.
to engender a well founded belief that a crime
has been committed and that the respondent is INQUEST PROCEEDING
probably guilty thereof, and be held for trial
• Shall refer to an informal and summary
(Section 1, Rule 112, Rules of Court).
investigation conducted by a public prosecutor
When can there be Preliminary Investigation? in criminal cases involving persons arrested and
detained without the benefit of a warrant
• A Preliminary Investigation is required to be issued by the court for the purpose of
conducted before the filing of the Complaint or determining whether or not said person should
Information for an offense where the penalty remain under the custody and correspondingly
prescribed by law is at least four (4) years, two charged in court.
(2) months and one (1) day without regard to
the fine Probable Cause

Objectives of Preliminary Investigation • Presupposes a reasonable ground for belief in the

existence of fact warranting the proceedings
1. To protect the innocent against hasty, malicious complained of;
and oppressive prosecution;
• An apparent state of facts found to exist upon
2. To protect the innocent from public accusation reasonable inquiry which would induce a reasonably
of a crime, from the trouble, expense and intelligent and prudent man to believe that the
anxiety of a public trial; and accused person had committed the crime charged.

3. To protect the state from useless and expensive What are some of the discretion of Prosecutors?
The following are some of the discretion of prosecutors:
Is there an instance when Preliminary investigation in
not required to be conducted even if the crime is one • Whether or not to file the case in court
that requires Preliminary Investigation? YES!!
• What charges to file.
• when the offender was arrested without a warrant,
• Whether or not to decline to prosecute the
an INQUEST investigation will be conducted by the
arrested party.
inquest investigator. There is no need to conduct a
Preliminary Investigation, unless the person • Whether or not to enter into plea-bargaining.
arrested asks for Preliminary Investigation.
However, before the same can be done, he must Some of the reasons for prosecutorial rejection or
dismissal of some criminal cases
• Insufficient evidence that results from a failure
to find sufficient physical evidence that links the
defendant to the offense.

• Witness problem that arise for example, when

a witness fails to appear, gives unclear or DISTINGUISHED:
inconsistent statements, is reluctant to testify,
is unsure of identity of the offender. COURT JUDGE
• Due Process Problems that involves the
violations of the Constitutional requirements for incorporeal entity single entity
seizing evidence and for the questioning of the
composed of 1 or more indispensable part of
judges the court

3rd Pillar COURT

Lady Justice is an allegorical personification of the cannot exist w/o a judge can exist w/o a court
moral force in judicial systems

 The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is

or should be meted out objectively, without fear or
favor, regardless of money, wealth, power, or
Definition of Terms
 balance scales, represents the weighing of
evidence. Judiciary
 The SWORD symbolizes enforcement and respect,
• It is the branch of the government which is
and means that justice stands by its decision and
vested with judicial power.
ruling, and is able to take action. The fact that the
sword is unsheathed and very visible is a sign that • It is a branch of the government which is
justice is transparent and is not an implement of empowered to interpret, construe and apply
fear. the laws.

As the third pillar, COURT is said to be the Judicial Power

Centerpiece of the criminal justice system.
• The power to apply laws to contests or disputes
concerning legally recognized rights or duties of
and between the state and private persons or
• The court plays a dual role in the Philippine
between individual litigants in cases properly
Criminal Justice System – as participants and
brought before the judicial tribunals.
supervisor of the latter’s process and
dispensation. • Vested in one Supreme Court and such lower
• In its role as participants, the courts courts.
determines for guilt or innocence of the
accused. The court is responsible for the The scope of Judicial Power
trial process.
• To pass upon the validity or constitutionality of
• As supervisor, the court acts as
the law of the state and the acts of other
important guardian of human rights .
branches and department of governments;
• To interpret and construe them; • Concurrent- when any of two or more courts may
take cognizance of a case.
• To render authoritative judgments; and
• Criminal- Jurisdiction to try a case where there is
• It also includes the incidental powers necessary punishment or penalty provided by the law.
to the effective discharge of the judicial
functions such as the power to punish adjudge • Civil- Jurisdiction that exist when the subject matter
in contempt and issue warrant of arrest after is not of criminal nature.
due process has been observed.
Judicial Hierarchy in the Philippines


• A public officer so named in his/her commission

and appointed to preside over and to
administer the law in a court of justice.


• Refers to the geographical limits or the place

where the crime is committed or where any of
its element existed. It is the place where the
The court organization includes the following:
action must be instituted and tried.
• Supreme Court often referred to as the “Court
of Last Resort”. It renders final judgment on
• Derived from the Latin word “juris” and “dico” constitutional and other important issues and
meaning I speak by the law questions of law.

• The power and authority of a court to hear, try • Court of Appeals – This court generally exercise
and decide cases. appellate jurisdiction over decisions of inferior
courts not otherwise falling within the Appellate
Kinds of Jurisdiction jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
• General- when the court is empowered to decide all The court organization includes the following:
disputes which may come before it except those
assigned to other courts. • Regional Trial Court – It exercise exclusive
original jurisdiction in civil cases as prescribes in
• Limited- when the court has the authority to hear Sec. 19 Chapter II of the Batas Pambansa
and determine only a few specified cases. 129(Judiciary Act of 1980) and in criminal cases
• Original- when the court can try and hear a case not within the exclusive and concurrent
presented for the first time. jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.

• Appellate- when the court can try and hear a case • Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Circuit Trial
already heard and decided by a lower court, Courts and Municipal Trial Court – A
removed from the latter by appeal. Metropolitan Trial Court is created in each
metropolitan area established by law. A
• Exclusive- when the court can try and decide a case Municipal Circuit Trial Court is established in
which cannot be presented before any other court. each area defined as a municipal circuit,
comprising of one or more cities and/or more
municipalities. A Municipal Trial Court is created subscribed by him. It shall contain clearly and
in each of the Municipalities that are comprised distinctively a statement of the facts and the laws upon
within a municipal area and a municipal circuit. which it is based. It can either be a Judgment of
Conviction or Judgment of Acquittal.
• The Metropolitan Trial Court, the Municipal
Circuit Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Courts 5. Appeal- is the elevation by an aggrieved party or any
have exclusive original jurisdiction among decision order or award of a lower court to a higher
others, over all violations of city or municipal body, by means of document which includes the
ordinances committed within their respective assignment of errors, memorandum of arguments in
territorial jurisdiction and all offenses support thereof, and the reliefs prayed for.
punishable with imprisonment of not to exceed
four (4) years and two (2) months, or a fine of Arraignment
not more than four thousand pesos (P4,000) Arraignment is the stage where the issues are joined in
both such fine and imprisonment regardless of criminal action and without which the proceedings
other impassable accessory or other penalties. cannot advance further or, if held, will otherwise be
• Shari’a Courts – The Shari’a Courts are void.
equivalent to Regional Trial Courts but are It is the stage of the proceedings whereby the accused
found in some provinces in Mindanao where shall be informed of his/her constitutional right to be
the Muslim Code on Personal Laws is enforced. (officially) informed of the nature and the cause of the
• Sandiganbayan – created under Presidential accusation against him/her and to ask him/her of
Degree No. 1606 pursuant to Section 5, Article his/her plea.
XIII of the 1973 Constitution, is a special court NOTA BENE!!
which has jurisdiction over criminal and civil
cases involving graft and corrupt practices and
other offenses committed by public officers and • IF THE ACCUSED REFUSE TO PLEA DURING
employees in relation to their offices. ARRAIGNMENT, THE JUDGE OR CLERK OF COURT
Five Main Stages of the Proceeding: GUILTY FOR THE ACCUSED
1. Arraignment- formal reading of the charges before Pre-Trial
the accused in an open court and asking him whether
he pleads guilty or not guilty as charged. Plea is the • plea bargaining;
answer given by the accused during arraignment.
• stipulation of facts;
2. Pre-Trial- a mandatory conference/meeting in a
• marking for identification of evidence of the
criminal proceeding called by the judge requiring the
presence of both party. Its purpose is to expedite the
trial of the case. • waiver of objections to admissibility of
3. Trial- is the examination before a competent tribunal
of the facts put in issue in a case. • modification for the order of trial if the accused
admits the charge but interposes a lawful
4. Judgment- the adjudication by the court that the
defense; and
accused is guilty or not guilty of the offense charged and
the imposition of the proper penalty and civil liability, if • Such matters as will promote a fair and
any. It must be written in the official language, expeditious trial of the criminal and civil aspects
personally and directly prepared by the judge and of the case.
Then the trial proper comes. The parties shall be announcement of the decision of the court (Agpalo,
notified before the date of trial. Trial once 2004)
commenced shall continue from day to day as far as
practicable until terminated; but for cause, it may • By reading in the presence of the accused and any
be postponed for a reasonable period of time judge of the court in which it was rendered.
(Section 2 Rule 119). • If the judge is absent, the judgment may be
The Trial order promulgated by the clerk of court.

The trial shall proceed in the following order: CONTENTS OF JUDGMENT

(a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove the • Judgment of Conviction
charge and, in the proper case, the civil liability. • When the judge finds the accused guilty of the
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his charges against him.
defense and damages, if any, arising from the issuance • The legal qualification of the offense constituted
of a provisional remedy in the case. by the acts committed by the accused and the
(c) The prosecution and the defense may, in that order, aggravating or mitigating circumstances which
present rebuttal and sur-rebuttal evidence unless the attended its commission.
court, in furtherance of justice, permits them to present Judgment of Acquittal
additional evidence bearing upon the main issue.
• When the judge finds the accused not guilty of
(d) Upon admission of the evidence of the parties, the the charges against him.
case shall be deemed submitted for decision unless the
court directs them to argue orally or to submit written • Shall state whether the evidence of the
memoranda. prosecution absolutely failed to prove the guilt
of the accused or merely failed to prove his guilt
(e) When the accused admits the act or omission beyond reasonable doubt.
charged in the complaint or information but interposes
a lawful defense, the order of trial may be modified New Trial or Reconsideration
(Sec.11, Rule 119).
 At any time before a judgment of conviction
Judgment becomes final, the court may, no motion of
the accused or at its own instance but with
• It is the adjudication by the court that the accused is the consent of the accused, grant a new
guilty or not of the offense charged and the trial or reconsideration Rule (Sec. 1, 121).
imposition on him of the proper penalty and civil
liability, if any. It must be written in the official Appeal
language, personally and directly prepared by the • The accused may appeal within 15 days from
judge and signed by him and shall contain clearly the promulgation or notice of the decision
and distinctly a statement of the facts and the law appealed from (Sec. 6, Rule122).
upon which is based.

• Rendition of Judgment- the writing of the judgment REGLAMENTARY PERIOD:

• Promulgation of Judgment- the reading of the APPEL SHOULD BE WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE
judgment/ the official proclamation or PROMULGATION OF JUDGMENT





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