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Green Water
Crimson Stag

David M. Donachie
This fan publication includes material based on the Dragon Warriors setting, as created
by and copyright (c) Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson and used according to the terms of
the Serpent King Games Fan Policy. We are not permitted to charge you to use or access
this content. This publication is not published, endorsed, or officially approved by Serpent
King Games. For more information about Dragon Warriors products and Serpent King
Games, please visit

This publication is only available by download from Red Ruin Publishing via
DrivethruRPG. If you find this file on any other site, please contact us using the
contact form at
You may play any Profession. In this solo adventure, you assume the roles of GM
and Player.

You’ll need dice and a character sheet. You could photocopy the sheet in the
Dragon Warriors Rules. Alternatively, follow the link below to download. Stop awhile
whilst you’re there. This adventure assumes a character of Rank 1 or 2.

Downloads for the Dragon Warriors RPG (

In the adventure, text in bold indicates an item that you can take and add to your
inventory. Text in italics indicates a code word that you should note down.

If a fight is presented you will see options for win , lose , and flee — choose the
one most relevant for the result of your fight.

Where it is possible to use a skill or spell to affect the outcome of a section, the text
will give you an option to use it. Combat spells should just be used in combat as

You may be instructed to eat a ration , which means to take a meal. When creating
your character, each ration costs 1 florin, and takes up one inventory slot.


It is late in the afternoon on a cold autumn day. The sky behind you is brilliant blue, but in
front of you it is lowering grey, threatening rain or even snow as it gathers above a wall of
dark and tangled trees. You are standing at the edge of Elfhame Woods, a fey-haunted
place that you would never normally dare to enter if the direst of needs did not demand it.

Only one good thing comes from the Woods, the bright Greenwater river, which slakes the
thirst of Casterbridge down in the valley, turns its mills, and feeds its fish. But now the
Greenwater has turned foul. Four days past, in the middle of the day, the water turned as
red as blood. Now, the fish are dying, the mill wheels are choked, and the wells are
poisoned. If someone cannot find and fix the cause, and soon, Casterbridge is doomed.

Many set out from the town to search the hills and fells for answers, but when it became
clear that the source of the foulness lay inside the bounds of Elfhame, only you were willing
to venture in. Now the edge of the forest lies before you, dark and gloomy.

Nothing else for it. You steel your courage and head into the woods (turn to 55)


As you approach the ancient altar, a peal of mocking laughter rings out, and the stones shift
under your feet! If you pass a DF 10 REFLEXES check , you jump back to safety (turn to 99).
Otherwise, you tumble through the hole in the floor; take 1d6 damage (Breakfall negates
this damage, armour reduces it by 2). If that kills you turn to 109, otherwise you end up at
the bottom (turn to 88) again.


You are following a tiny path that skirts the island in the heart of the woods, snaking along
the bank above the circle of water issuing from the tower's flank. The trail leads south (turn
to 80), and north (turn to 19).


It is a dire battle, but somehow you strike what should be the fatal blow ... but instead there
is a puff of smoke, and the stag is suddenly replaced with a far stranger beast, resembling a
bony brown nag with the head of a cat and the tail of a fox.

turn to 103


Before you strike the final blow, the goblin tosses away its weapons and falls to its knees.

"Please! Spare poor Prittle!"

You may spare the goblin (turn to 13), or finish it off (turn to 63).


There is no trail here, so you spend an hour pushing your way through thick undergrowth
and close-packed trees. Eventually you emerge into a clearing (turn to 95).


The coracle spins out of control, dragged downstream by the fierce current. It's all you can
do to keep yourself out of the foul water. At least you will escape from the cursed woods!

Or so you think. At the last moment, as the edge of the wood comes into view, a sudden
swirl catches the boat and flings it ashore on the eastern bank! You are flung onto the
shore, gasping and spluttering. Lose 1d4 Health Points . If you survive, you crawl away
through the bushes until you reach solid land (turn to 25), otherwise turn to 12.


You are standing on the island at the heart of Elfhame Wood. In the centre of the island an
ancient tower juts up into the sky. It is circular, massy, and half in ruin — the upper storeys
reduced to fingers of masonry.

Four streams of water gush out of openings placed equidistantly around the tower's base,
throwing up a curtain of spray. The streams divide the island into quarters before flowing
into the surrounding channel, which empties to the south as the Greenwater. You imagine
that, from above, the streams must form the shape of a cross inside a circle.

Directly before you, a doorless archway leads into the tower (turn to 88). You can also pick
your way around the tower (turn to 41), try and climb the tower (turn to 28), or leap across
the moat back into the woods (turn to 80).

If you wish, you may eat a ration here, and regain 3 Health Points, once only.


You strive mightily against the undead monarch, but you cannot overcome the dark rage
that drives it. In the end, its silver axe takes your life, condemning your weary soul to haunt
the darkness beneath the wood.



The two men leap to their feet, and a horrifying transformation overtakes them. Their
bodies swell like ripe fruit, growing into hunched giants. These creatures are Brags,
shapeshifting faeries, and you must fight them (remember to split your Defence between

Brags (2nd) — Att 14 Def 6 MD 6 Eva 3 Ref 6 Ste 12 Per 4 AF 2 HP 9/11 Axes (d8,4)

If you can cast a spell to help you escape, such as Invisibility, Raise Fog, Illusion,
Tangleroots, or Roots, you can cast it and escape (turn to 53). Otherwise you can try to flee
(turn to 108).

If you win (turn to 18), if you lose (turn to 67).


You ask the crows to tell you about the Greenwater.

One of the crows hops down to a lower branch to answer: "Water comes from tower, on
island, from under ground. But water gone bad, not good to drink, tastes of blood."

You can ask another question (turn to 40).


The cruel current dashes you against the bank, and you drown in the poisoned waters. Your
body lodges against the overhanging trees, no doubt to serve as a warning to the next
adventurer to venture this way.



You agree to spare Prittle's life, on the condition that the goblin tell you everything it knows
about the Greenwater, the corruption, and anything else; the creature happily spills its guts.

"Oh thank you, kind human! The river rises yonder, to the north, where the tower is. The
water comes from the tower, it truly does, but I've never seen inside, 'cause that's where
the beast lives, the red beast, the great stag. All that part of the forest is where it lives. You
better be careful if you go there!"

"But it wasn't the beast that set me on you. That was Pukka. Pukka's an evil sprite who
hates you humans. He thinks the wood is his, and traps anyone who comes here. He'll never
let you leave, you just try it. He can take any shape, but there's always something out of
place, a hoof, a tail, a pair of wings that shouldn't be there. Pukka and the beast are
enemies though, I know that truly. If there's anything Pukka hates more than humans, it's
the beast."

The goblin hands you a half eaten fish (one ration), and 3 florins, which is all the wealth it
has, before showing you the way back to the path (turn to 82).


You draw your weapon, and grimly prepare to fight the Crimson Stag.

Crimson Stag (14th) — Att 25 Def 7 MD 14 Eva 6 Ref 3 Ste 8 Per 13 AF 4 HP 30 Hooves
(d8,6) and Butt (d10,7)
Twice per fight, the Stag can unleash a magical breath (MA 25) which robs you of 2 Attack
and 2 Defence

Instead of attacking, you may use your turn to take another action:

If you have a creepy twig doll, you can brandish it (turn to 45)
If you have the stag shield, you can raise it (turn to 60)
If have a medallion marked with a cross, you can present it (turn to 94)
You can shout the name Pukka (turn to 70)

If you win (turn to 4), if you lose (turn to 47).


You press some of the crosses marked into the stone and find that they shift under your
finger. Following the pattern you copied from the upper levels, you enter a code, and are
rewarded when a concealed panel opens in the back wall, revealing a descending flight of
steps (turn to 98). If you don't wish to take the stairs you can back off (turn to 88).


You snatch Pukka out of the air and hold it in your fist, but do not squeeze.

"You better tell me everything!"

"I will, I will!" Pukka squeaks. "Here's the truth, I've hated your folk a long time, ever since
one of your Kings drove the Crimson Stag into my wood and left me to deal with it, but I've
hated the Stag even more."

"Even beasts grow old, though. The Stag weakened and died, and I saw an opportunity. I
put the Stag's body in the well, knowing that its rage would poison the water — it worked
better than I thought! But if you pull it out again, the waters will go back to normal."

Moving around the walkway, you can make out the shape of the Stag's corpse under the
water. Pulling it out is a lot harder than pushing it in, but you force Pukka to help you. The
sprite complains, but does what you ask, and together you haul the body out of the well and
drag it onto the walkway. Even in death it is a magnificent beast, red as blood, with golden
antlers. As soon as it is out of the pool, the water starts to clear, and you know that
Casterbridge is surely saved.

You round on Pukka once more. "Now for you, malevolent goblin." Pukka backs away, but
instead of drawing your weapon, you pronounce an ancient blessing, making the sign of the

"By this prayer, I command you, leave this Wood and never return."

Pukka wails, but you have already defeated it, and it is bound to your word. It transforms
into a ragged crow and flees Elfhame Woods forever.

Award yourself 5 XP for completing your mission in addition to any XP gained for
defeating opponents. Give yourself one additional XP for each of the following keywords
you have: Beech, Elm, Hawthorn, Laurel.



"You say the creature Pukka cannot touch those dolls you make." You point at the doll in
the old man's hand. "Please, let me take one with me."

The old man scratches at his balding head. "It's not so easy as all that. There's magic in
these dolls, and I can't make so many. I know you must have stolen this one."

You sigh, but he relents. "Still, t'would be a sin to leave you defenceless against that
creature. I'll sell you one."

You reach for your purse, but the man forestalls you. "Not money, mind. A lock of your hair,
but beware, for you'll knot a little of your soul in it too."

If you accept the old man's trade, gain a creepy twig doll and permanently reduce your
Health Points by one. Once you are done, you go on your way (turn to 25).


It is a vicious fight, but at last the bloody work is done. In death, the two Brags resume their
human form, just a pair of dead men. You search their camp and find little of interest
beyond a woodcutter's axe, a bag with 20 florins within, a smoked chunk of ham (one
ration), and a creepy twig doll that it appears one was weaving.

When you are done here you take the path to the west (turn to 25).


In the northern part of the woods, the lowland oaks give way to dark pines, that cover the
steep mountain-flanks like bristles on the back of a hog. The ground underfoot is thick with
needles, and the swaying trees block out the sky. Here and there a single flower, or the dull
white of a rabbit bone, shines out in the gloom. A narrow trail leads south through the trees
(turn to 3), and north uphill (turn to 20).


A clearing in the thick pines allows a pale shaft of light to filter down through the dark
branches, which lean together overhead like the roof-beams of a house. The trees are full of
pure-white crows, dozens of them, hopping from branch to branch and cocking their heads
to look down at you.

If you have the keyword Laurel turn to 40 now

To your amazement, the crows speak to you in cawing voices: "Look! It's a human. What
are you doing here human?"

Overcoming your surprise, you give your name, and try asking your own questions, but it
appears the birds aren't interested in talking. If you have a ration and offer it to the birds
(turn to 89). Otherwise you can head south into the woods (turn to 19).


As you are about to land the fatal blow, Pukka changes shape again, taking the form of a
tiny wounded wren.

"Wait! Spare me! Killing me won't save the river, you need me to show you how to remove
the curse."

If you spare the sprite (turn to 16), if you finish it off (turn to 81).


A narrow trail runs over the crest of a hill in the middle of the woods, where the thick
nettles and bushes of the deepwoods give way to scattered trees and waist-high bracken.
You can hear the hiss of the river somewhere to the north-west, but you can't see it. The
trail heads south (turn to 82), and north (turn to 35).

At the top of the hill the bracken has been torn away in a wide patch. The ground beneath
has been torn up too, forming deep furrows. You can only wonder at the violence of it.
Someone has thrust crude stakes into the ground at the edge of the trail. A side-path leads
east (turn to 101) from the stakes, across the hilltop, towards a starkly white dead tree that
juts up from the hilltop like the antlers of a stag.


Your supplies have run out, starvation sets in. Desperate for food and water you wander the
Woods in a daze, but there seems to be no way out. Paths lead nowhere, the sounds of
water are hallucinations, open roads are mirages. At last, pixie-led, you collapse against a
tree and sink into a stupor from which you do not rise.



You ask Black Bess about the charcoal burners.

The ghosts nods its head: "Aye, I saw them. They seemed to be the only men who dared to
enter this forest, other than I."

Bess raises a warning finger. "Take my advice, you treat them with caution, because I think
they be fair-folk in disguise, not men at all, and you don't want to make them angry. But I
think they are no friends of the creature that killed me."

You may have more questions (turn to 79).


The woods here are a thick and treacherous morass of pines, with low tangled branches,
and trunks that crowd together to block any lines of sight. Though the lay of the ground
suggests that you must be close to the southern edge of the woods, there is no sign of an
edge to the trees.

A faint light creeping through the canopy leads you to a place where a tumble-down wall
cuts through the trees. There is a path here, an oddly distinct trail, that runs north deeper
into the woods (turn to 54).

A little way up the trail, a side-path leads east (turn to 46). Where this trail meets the main
path someone has tied a bunch of creepy twig dolls to the trunk of a tree. One of the dolls is
loose; you can take a creepy twig doll (if you have not already done so).

You can also push into the trees and try to find a way out of the woods (turn to 43).


You turn to flee, but the implacable creature casts aside its shield and strikes you with a
foul two-handed blow. Lose 2d6 Health Points. If you survive (turn to 29), otherwise turn to


You decline the offer of the drink, and get up from your seat. The two men look at you with
what you think is nervous hostility, but they make no move as you return to the path and
head back into the woods (turn to 25).


You set out to climb the tower. The old walls are rough, but slick with spray and moss.
Make a DF 13 REFLEXES check . If you fall, take 1d6 damage (Breakfall negates this
damage, armour reduces it by 2). If that kills you turn to 84, otherwise you end up at the
bottom (turn to 8) again. If you make the climb, you clamber cautiously through a gap in
the stonework into an upper level (turn to 86).


You escape from the risen Draugr, back into the maze of passages, heading ever upwards
(turn to 61).


A narrow trail winds through the nettles of the clearing, and then under the boughs of a
gnarled and twisted beech tree. A little way beyond the tree the path fades to nothing,
vanishing into tangled undergrowth.

At the foot of the tree are the skeletal remains of some unfortunate traveller. They sit
propped up against the tree trunk, as if they had simply laid down to rest and never risen
again. A worn leather satchel lies nearby amongst the beech-mast.

You can examine the satchel or body (turn to 91), or head back up the trail (turn to 33).


The Draugr is defeated, and you claim its arms and treasure by right of conquest. You can
take any of the following: the stag shield, a silver axe (d8, 5 points) with the name
Wulfhere marked on the blade, a weighty bag of 150 florins, a medallion marked with
a cross (does not take up an inventory slot). When you are done, you return to the surface
(turn to 61).


You can see the hole you carved in the tree to obtain the silver blade, there's nothing more
here of value. You return to the hilltop quickly (turn to 22).


The oppressive tree cover of Elfhame Woods is broken here by a long clearing covered in
hip-deep nettles. In the centre, a grassy knoll juts up out of the undergrowth. Massive
stones, grey and lichen-stained, mark an entrance into the hill — it is a burial mound, one of
the many cursed tombs that dot the high places around Casterbridge.

You know that such places often have ancient remains buried around them. If you can cast
Raise Dead, or Give up the Dead, you have a 60% chance of raising 1d6 Skeletons here.

You can climb the mound (turn to 38), venture into its depths (turn to 50), or take the
narrow path that winds away west (turn to 54). A few upright posts appear to mark a trail
leading east past the mound (turn to 30). No trail leads south, but you could try and find the
edge of the woods anyway (turn to 43).

If you have the keyword Ivy, you may turn to 51.


You ask Black Bess about the creature that killed her. The ghost's face turns sour.

"That thing! I don't know what they call it, but it was a shape-changer, a foul trickster, a
mean coward. It came to me in the shape of a horse, a man, a woman — though always
with something off I should have noticed, like a tail on the man, or odd eyes on the horse. It
led me a pretty dance, here and there, till I was all turned around and lost. I tried to escape
the wood, but I never could because of its tricks."

"I do know this, whatever it was it hated us all. At the end, it taunted me. If it had a way to
doom the whole of Casterbridge it would do so, and that I'm sure of."

You may have more questions (turn to 79).


A stand of soaring elm trees cluster close together here, with a narrow path running
through them. The trunks of the elms are deeply scarred, as if some gigantic beast has torn
at them with its claws. You touch the scars tentatively — whatever the creature was, it
seems to have had nails as wide as your fingers.

The trail pushes south, uphill (turn to 22), and downhill to the north (turn to 80). The sound
of rushing water filters through the trees from the north.


You ask the crows to tell you about the tower and island at the centre of the woods.

One of the crows very high up calls down, "River makes island. Tower makes river. Old man
of the river lives in tower. But stones all fall down now."

You can ask another question (turn to 40).


Gain the keyword Elm.

There's a hiss, and something flies out of the undergrowth at you.

Match your EVASION against a SPEED of 16. If you fail, you are struck by an elfshot. This
poisoned dart applies a -2 penalty to ATTACK, DEFENCE, and EVASION for your next

A hooded goblin bursts out of the bushes in the wake of the dart, howling a war-cry, and
attacking with a short blade made of ice. You must fight .

Goblin (1st) — Att 13 Def 7 MD 5 Eva 5 Ref 15 Ste 21 Per 13 AF 1 HP 7 Shortsword (d8,3)

If you can cast a spell to help you escape, such as Invisibility, Raise Fog, Illusion,
Tangleroots, or Roots you can cast it and escape (turn to 77). Otherwise you can try to flee
(turn to 77).

If you win (turn to 5), if you lose (turn to 58).


You clamber to the top of the ancient burial mound, picking your way carefully over the
stones concealed under the grass. For the first time since you entered the woods you can
see the sky, a lowering canopy of grey that blocks out any glimpse of the sun.

Standing atop the mound you have a view over the sea of trees that forms the Wood. To the
south and east there is little to see, though you know the valley of Casterbridge lies in that
direction. To the north-west, however, the white branches of a dead tree jut out through the
canopy. A little way beyond that, is something that looks a little like a tower.

Gain the keyword Ivy.

Once you are done with the view you can climb down to the clearing (turn to 33).


You head up the narrow stairs and through the concealed panel which clicks shut behind
you (turn to 88)


The crows will answer some of your questions, but you need to feed them a ration for each
one (if you just fed them now, your first question is free).

Ask about the Crimson Stag (turn to 59)

Ask about the Greenwater River (turn to 11)
Ask about the tower on the island (turn to 36)
Ask how to leave the woods (turn to 100)
Ask why the crows can talk (turn to 73)

When you are done asking questions you head back into the forest (turn to 19).


You pick your way around the island to the back of the tower, eyes peeled for Pukka, but
you see no sign of the creature. Instead, you find that someone has placed a stone chest
against the back of the tower. It is damp, and covered in moss, but you manage to heave
up the lid. There is nothing inside. With nothing else to see, you head around the tower
again (turn to 8).


You struggle against the narcotic effect of the drug, but cannot stop yourself collapsing. The
world blurs, and it almost seems to you that the men swell to some monstrous size as they
bend over you.

The younger one says to the older, "Ee's breathing still, Da. Can't be the Pukka after all,
that foul hob could never keep a human shape after that drink."

The old man's face swims into view, though it too seems horribly distorted. "Seems like we
owe you an apology, but we live in fear of the Pukka of the deep woods. When you recover,
we'll be gone, but take one of our dolls, and it might help you."

He presses a creepy twig doll into your limp hand, as your eyes close.

When you awake the two men are gone (turn to 66).


You set out into the deep woodland, trying to find the southern edge, so that you can finally
escape Elfhame, but nothing seems to work. Every path peters out, every trail turns around
on itself, and impenetrable thorns constantly block your way.

Eventually, night falls, and you need to camp.

You must eat one ration, or use a spell like Abundance, Banquet, Nourish, or Stargaze to
provide food. If you cannot, lose one Health Point. If this reduces you to zero turn to 23. If
you do eat, regain 1 Health Point.

When you resume your search, you emerge onto a trail (turn to 25).


You bend down to look at the open fireplace set into the dividing wall. Something appears
to be moving in the detritus of the grate. You lean closer, and a crow bursts from the
fireplace, battering you with its wings and leaving you covered in soot. Spectral laughter
echoes from somewhere else in the tower. You dust yourself off and move away from the
fire (turn to 86).


You pull out the creepy twig doll and brandish it at the charging stag. It seems like trying
to fight a flood with a stick, but the stag screeches to a halt, pawing at the ground in

There is a puff of smoke, and the stag is suddenly replaced with a far stranger beast,
resembling a bony brown nag with the head of a cat and the tail of a fox.

turn to 103


If you have the keyword Ash turn to 66 now, otherwise gain the keyword Ash.

A large mound of earth, from which clouds of pungent woodsmoke rise, tells you that this is
a charcoal burner's camp. Near to the fire is a small lean-to hut with a single door and a
sloping roof. Between the hut and the fire a trio of sawn stumps provide seating for two
men, an old grey-hair and a younger man, most likely a son or grandson of the first.

The two men seem surprised to see you, and wary, but they offer you the empty stump as a
seat. If you wish to decline their offer and depart (turn to 25). If you wish to accept their
offer and sit (turn to 90). If you wish to draw your weapon and attack (turn to 10).


You put up a brave defence, but there is no victory to be had over the Crimson Stag. It
knocks you down with one toss of its mighty horns, and then crushes you into the muddy
soil under its hooves.



If you have the keyword Chestnut turn to 83 now, otherwise gain the keyword Chestnut.

As you walk west along this trail, you are surprised to hear the distinct sound of hoofbeats
approaching from the north. You emerge from the trees at the edge of a wide road that
appears to cut through the woods, the remains of old cobbles still visible under a covering
of grass.

Along the road comes a brown mare, bridled and saddled, but riderless. Rich embroidered
trim hangs from its reins. It looks like the mount of a lord or lady. When it comes close the
beast stops and bows its head, as if inviting you to mount (turn to 71). You notice that it has
one brown eye, and one gold. Alternatively you can go back the way you came (turn to 54).


If you have the keyword Juniper turn to 8 now.

You leap over the circular moat that divides the island from the rest of the forest, and gaze
through the hanging curtains of spray at the tower in middle of the mound.

At once, the air is shattered by a monstrous bellow, and a gigantic stag appears from
behind the tower. The beast is ten feet tall and as red as blood, with a forest of golden
antlers jutting from its brow. It has the swishing tail of a lion. One of its glowering eyes is
black, and one gold.

This must be the Crimson Stag, a legendary beast from ancient days, which King Wulfhere
chased all across the mountains, but never caught. It paws at the ground, gouging the earth
with its hooves. (See picture on next page.)

The sight of it fills you with terror. You have time to flee across the moat (turn to 80),
otherwise, you must face the beast (turn to 14).


Two massive stones flank the entrance to the burial mound. The left stone bears a carving
of a massive stag, the right has a similar carving of an odd creature with a horse's body and
a cat's head.

A narrow passage (turn to 93) plunges down into the earth between the stones. You can
also return to the clearing (turn to 33).


There's no clear trail north-west, to where you saw the white tree, but you think you could
strike a trail through the trees towards it (turn to 65). Otherwise you must return to the
clearing (turn to 33).


If you have the keyword Elm there is nothing more here to find, you must return to the
surface (turn to 61) now. Otherwise, gain the keyword Elm.

The heart of the burial mound is lit by an eldritch blue glow that issues from the final
chamber. Here, a king or queen lies in state, now no more than an armoured corpse. On the
corpse's chest is a silver-chased shield embossed with the image of a 16-point stag picked
out in red copper; by its hand, a silver axe.

As you enter, the corpse rises from its bier and moves to attack you. There is no reasoning
with this Draugr, you must fight it.

Draugr (4th) — Att 16 Def 8 MD 10 Eva 3 Ref 3 Ste 13 Per 6 (darksight) AF 4 + shield HP 12
Silver Axe (d8,5)

If you can cast a spell to help you escape, such as Invisibility, Raise Fog, or Hold off the
Dead (rank 4+) you can cast it and escape (turn to 29). Otherwise you can try to flee (turn
to 26).

If you win (turn to 31), if you lose (turn to 9).


You flee the Charcoal Burners' glade, and crash back into the woods (turn to 25).


Someone has impaled the head of a hind on a onto a broken branch here. The head is
rotted, half skull, half scabby leather; one empty socket, one milky white eye. Its sightless
gaze seems to mock you and your efforts.

The skull appears to mark the crossing point of four trails, which radiate out into the sighing
depths of the Elfhame Woods. A distinct trail leads south (turn to 25). A smaller path cuts
off to the west (turn to 48), and a similar one to the east (turn to 33). A fourth trail, barely
more than a suggestion, leads into the bushes to the north (turn to 82).

You think you can hear the murmur of running water filtering through the trees from the


The moment you step under the dark boughs of the wood, the world closes in around you.
The blue sky vanishes behind a mantle of knotted branches, the wind stills, and even the
rush of the Greenwater, which accompanied you the whole way up the valley, is blotted out.

You picked an entry spot near to the river, where you thought a deer trail cleaved close to
the water, but you lose your way almost instantly. Dark fir trees crowd so close together
that they almost seem like a wall around the woods. You are forced to crouch and shuffle to
avoid their low sharp branches, while the ground beneath your feet is so thick with fallen
needles that you sink into it like mud. Somewhere, invisible, a magpie chatters.

By the time the forest opens up enough for you to stand upright there is no sign of either

the river, or the hillside you came from.

If you succeed in a DF 14 PERCEPTION check , you notice a narrow trail running east (turn
to 57). Otherwise you must push on into the forest (turn to 25)


You clamber aboard the coracle and push out into the ruddy waters. The current is fierce,
and wants to carry you south out of the woods.

If you succeed in a DF 14 STRENGTH check , you manage to push upstream. Otherwise, the
river carries you downstream (turn to 7). If you prevail against the current you row north
(turn to 78).


You are on a narrow game trail, barely visible in the undergrowth, probably a fox run or
something similar. As you pick your way east, you smell woodsmoke in the air. Peering
through the tangled bindweed stems you spy a small clearing with a large banked fire in the

For a moment you think you see something large and monstrous through the smoke, a
giant-sized figure, but then you see it is just an old man in thick woollen clothing. Near to
where you are hiding, a path runs off to the west.

You can come out of hiding and enter the clearing (turn to 46), or slip away along the path
(turn to 25).


The goblin is too quick for you. Its icicle blade digs in under your ribs and you collapse,
already growing cold. The goblin backs away, looking almost apologetic.

"Sorry, human. Pukka made me do it."

The creature hangs back until you lose consciousness, and then moves in to rob your body.



You ask the crows to tell you about the Crimson Stag.

They caw and chatter: "Nasty big old smelly beast. Lived here for years. Runs around the
island makes a mess of the trees. Not seen it in ages though."

You can ask another question (turn to 40).


You don the stag shield and raise it so that it catches the sun. The spray lights up with
rainbow reflections, and the stag lets out a surprisingly human scream.

There is a puff of smoke, and the stag is suddenly replaced with a far stranger beast,
resembling a bony brown nag with the head of a cat and the tail of a fox.

turn to 103


By the time you emerge from the depths, night has fallen. The Elfhame Woods are
shrouded in darkness, even the stars above are invisible behind the cover of the clouds.

You pick a spot on the top of the mound to make your camp.

You must eat one ration, or use a spell like Abundance, Banquet, Nourish, or Stargaze to
provide food. If you cannot, lose one Health Point. If this reduces you to zero turn to 23. If
you do eat, regain 1 Health Point.

In the morning, you see that the mound gives a rare view over the wood. To the south and
east there is little to see, though you know the valley of Casterbridge lies in that direction.
To the north-west, however, the white branches of a dead tree jut out through the canopy.
A little way beyond that, is something that looks a little like a tower.

Gain the keyword Ivy.

You return to the clearing (turn to 33).


You are face to face with Pukka, who blocks your way out of the cistern. The evil sprite has
assumed a hobgoblin form, with a cat's head, a fox's tail, horse's hooves, and mismatched
eyes. Wicked iron nails tip each of its overlong fingers. You must fight .

Pukka (5th) — Att 17 Def 9 MD 14 Eva 7 Ref 12 Ste 14 Per 9 AF 6 HP 20 Claws (d8,4) twice
(Pukka makes two attacks each round, roll separately for each)

If you have:

A creepy twig doll, Pukka has -3 Defence

The stag shield, Pukka has -3 Attack
A Silver Axe or Silver Sword, Pukka has -3 AF, and you do +2 damage
A medallion marked with a cross, Pukka does 2 less damage on a hit

These effects stack.

If you win (turn to 21), if you lose (turn to 76).


You ignore the wretched creature's pleas and finish it off. Rooting through its meagre
possessions you find a half-eaten fish (one ration), 3 florins, and a small woodcutter's
axe. When you have taken what you wish, you head back to the trail (turn to 82).


Gain the keyword Hawthorn.

You hack at the tree's trunk with the woodcutter's axe, breaking away the old, dead,
wood. After a while you expose the sword. It is a short blade, but it gleams as silver as the
wood around it, as if the colour of the tree has leached into the metal. You can take this
silver sword (d8, 4 points), if you wish.

Attached to the sword is a small leather bag, inside of which is a dirty glass bottle. Holding
it up to the light you realise it is a healing potion (heals 7HP, or 3HP if you drink half).

When you are done, you hurry back across the hill (turn to 22) before the Milgwyn return.


You head into the deep woods, in search of the white tree and the tower beyond it. There is
no trail to follow, only tangles of dog-rose and thickets of oak trees. The canopy is so dense
that it blocks out the sky above, making it easy to get turned around, while the
impenetrable undergrowth constantly forces you to take detours and digressions.

The day wears on.

If you have a woodcutter's axe or the Tracking skill, you may make a tracking check —
roll under double your PERCEPTION on 1d20. Otherwise, make the same check using your
PERCEPTION. If you succeed (turn to 97).

Otherwise, night falls. You must stop to make camp in the deep woods.

You must eat one ration, or use a spell like Abundance, Banquet, Nourish, or Stargaze to
provide food. If you cannot, lose one Health Point. If this reduces you to zero turn to 23. If
you do eat, regain 1 Health Point.

In the morning you resume your journey, return to the top of this section and try again.


A gently smoking mound of earth and wood is the only sign of what was previously the
charcoal burners' camp. No one is to be found in the little hut. The only things left behind (if
you've not taken them already), are a woodcutter's axe, and a hunk of smoked ham (one

Once you are done here, your only option is to take the track that leads west (turn to 25).


The cruel axes of the Brags end your life.



You ask Black Bess about the Crimson Stag.

"The stag," says Bess, "is a mighty beast, oft-told of in tales. A Monarch, 16 points on its
antlers and a coat as red as spilt blood. They say King Wulfhere sought it all across the
land, till he chased it here, but he could never catch it. It makes its home in the the heart of
the wood, up north."

The ghost's face turns wistful. "It would have been my finest hunt, to bring back the pelt of
the Crimson Stag, but it was not to be. I saw trace of the creature's spoor, the torn up
ground, the broken trees, but I never saw the stag itself."

You may have more questions (turn to 79).


You leap off the balcony. If you pass a DF 15 check then you jump down on Pukka (turn to
62); you automatically have surprise.

If you fail the check, take 1d6 damage (Breakfall negates this damage, armour reduces it
by 2). If you survive, Pukka surprises you, you must endure one combat round before you
can take an action other than defending. If the damage reduces you to zero health turn to


You shout, "Pukka!" at the top of your voice, and the Stag pulls up with a surprisingly
human cry.

There is a puff of smoke, and the stag is suddenly replaced with a far stranger beast,
resembling a bony brown nag with the head of a cat and the tail of a fox.

turn to 103


No sooner have you reached a hand towards the mare, than some magic overtakes you,
and you find yourself on its back!

At once, the creature changes shape. Instead of a noble horse, you find yourself on the
back of a bony nag, all points and bones, with the head of a monstrous cat, and the tail of a
fox. The creature leaves the road with a bound and goes crashing through the forest,
battering you with branches, and carrying you, you know-not where.

As it goes, the creature turns its lamp-like eyes on you and says, "Stupid human! My name's
Pukka, and this valley is mine! Better ones than you have tried to stop me and failed! I've
turned your river red, and soon you'll all be gone!"

The Pukka kicks its heels, and tosses you off into a patch of nettles, then gallops away into
the woods! Lose 1 Health Point, unless this would reduce you to 0HP.

The Pukka has carried you so far and long that it is now night. You have no choice but to
camp wherever the creature left you.

You must eat one ration, or use a spell like Abundance, Banquet, Nourish, or Stargaze to
provide food. If you cannot, lose one Health Point. If this reduces you to zero turn to 23. If
you do eat, regain 1 Health Point.

In the morning you head out into the woods (turn to 6).


The Milgwyn are without mercy. They quickly pull your body apart and drag the pieces away
into the sea of bracken to serve as their dinner.



You ask the crows why it is that they can talk.

The crows all look at one another as if this is a stupid question: "'Cause we've got stuff to
say. Why do you talk?"

You can ask another question (turn to 40).


After a frantic combat, the last of the Milgwyn are slain or put to flight, but you realise that
there may well be more of them out there in the bracken, so you hurry the last few yards to
the white tree.

It looks to have once been an enormous Hawthorn, but the tree is stone dead, its bark gone,
and its heartwood as silver as snow. A crown of branches spreads out against the sky above
you like an enormous rack of antlers.

If you have the keyword Hawthorn turn to 32 now.

Something catches your eye where the trunk splits into two. A sword hilt juts up from the
solid wood, as if it was stabbed into the tree when it was still young. The wood has grown
over it since, and there is no way to shift it.

If you have a woodcutter's axe, you can try to free the sword (turn to 64). Otherwise you
can hurry back west (turn to 22) before more Milgwyn come.


You cautiously examine the hoary face of Nodens carved into the wall. It is stained with
moss and lichen, worn from countless years of flowing water. Whatever the source of the
corruption afflicting the Greenwater, you don't think it's this carving.

To one side of the face you find a strange pattern carved into the stone, a grid of small
crosses, five by five. If you have a pattern sketch you can press the crosses in what you
hope is the right arrangement (turn to 15). Otherwise, you can't really tell what to do with
these marks, and must look elsewhere in the tower (turn to 88).


You strive mightily against the creature that has harassed your every step, but you cannot
overcome it. You die knowing that, with your death, nothing will save Casterbridge from
Pukka's malice.



You flee from the goblin, crashing your way through the bushes; turn to 82.


You fight the current of the Greenwater, rowing yourself north through the woods. The trees
open up ahead of you, and you see that the river leads straight towards a singular tower
jutting up in the heart of the forest.

Before you manage to reach the tower, the boat suddenly runs into a submerged bank and
starts to sink! You only have a moment to leap out of your boat to the west bank (turn to
95) or east bank (turn to 80).


The ghost of Black Bess is waiting for your questions.

You can:

Ask about the source of the Greenwater (turn to 105)

Ask about the Crimson Stag (turn to 68)
Ask about the creature that killed her (turn to 34)
Ask about the charcoal burners (turn to 24)
Ask about the burial mound (turn to 105)

When you are done, Bess offers you the pick of what remains in her satchel: a purse of 10
florins, a hunting knife (d4, 3 points), a medallion marked with a cross, and a rock-
hard lump of cheese (a ration).

Gain the keyword Beech and return to the clearing (turn to 33).


The forest opens up here, where a steep slope meets the Greenwater river. This is the heart
of the woods.

To the north you see a ruined tower, reaching up towards the stormy sky like a finger. The
waters of the Greenwater form a circle around the tower, almost like a moat, creating a
mound-like island. Cascades of water pour out of the tower into the river, throwing up a veil
of spray which obscures the base of the tower from view.

The river flows past where you are standing, and you see a gravel bank just under the
surface that would allow you to cross the river (turn to 95).

You can also try to leap the channel (turn to 49) that separates you from the tower, head
uphill to the south (turn to 35), away from the river, or skirt the island and pick your way
north (turn to 3).


You grab the wren and crush it in your hand, Pukka didn't deserve your mercy.

You take another look at the rolling waters in the base of the cistern. It's clear that the
corruption has its source here. As you move around the crumbling walkway, you realise that
there's a dark shape under the surface that shouldn't be there.

Pulling it out is a massive strain, it takes all your strength, and leaves you so drenched with
the tainted waters that your skin permanently adopts a crimson stain that will never wash
out. Nevertheless, you eventually manage to heave the corpse from the water, because a
corpse is what it is, an enormous Stag with red hide and golden antlers.

How did the Crimson Stag come to lie dead inside the source of the river? You will never
know; but when the body finally rests on the walkway, the waters immediately begin to
clear, and you know that the Greenwater will return to normal. Casterbridge is saved, your
work here is done.

Award yourself 5 XP for completing your mission in addition to any XP gained for
defeating opponents. Give yourself one additional XP for each of the following keywords
you have: Beech, Elm, Hawthorn, Laurel.



A narrow trail winds through dense undergrowth. The bushes are so thick that they block
any view of the forest ahead. You have little option but to push on, not knowing where they

If you do not have keyword Elm turn to 37 now. Otherwise, you can push south (turn to
54), or north (turn to 22).


There is no sign of the broad road that you found when you first followed this trail. Instead,
the track leads down to the edge of the Greenwater, at a place where a small muddy pool
lies between two enormous trees.

The river is, if anything, even fouler than down in the valley. The water is crimson, as if
filled with blood, and scummed over with a pestilential foam of bubbles. You do not dare to
touch the water, and certainly cannot ford it, though you can see that the river runs north
from here deeper into the woods.

If you have the keyword Dogwood then there is nothing else here to see; turn to 54 now.
Otherwise, gain the keyword Dogwood.

A little boat made of skins and hazel withies bobs in the water at the edge of the pool. You
can clamber aboard (turn to 56) and try to paddle it upstream, or return the way you came
(turn to 54).


Your hands slip on the wet stonework and you plummet from the side of the tower down to
the unkind earth.



Deep beneath the heart of Elfhame Wood lies a huge underground cistern, lit red by the
glimmering red water at its centre. A circular stone walkway surrounds a churning pool,
where water wells up from somewhere even deeper in the earth. Waves constantly overtop
the edge and pour into channels, which empty in turn into gaping holes — presumably
pipes that carry the water up to the surface. This is the root of the Greenwater.

You emerge from the narrow stairs onto the walkway, holding up a hand to protect your
ears from the roar of the waters.

"Very clever!" Pukka's voice echoes through the noise of the water. "But this is your last

You raise your weapon just in time as Pukka leaps to attack (turn to 62).


Once this was probably the middle level of the tower, but now it is the highest point,
exposed to the elements with only the skeletal remains of walls surrounding it. Tendrils of
ivy dangle down like curtains over the gaps in the walls, trailing over the few jutting slabs
which are all that remain of the next part of the stairs. A narrow flight of steps leads down
through the thickness of the wall (turn to 88).

A tumbledown wall divides the upper level into two, with a broken archway leading to a
chamber beyond (turn to 99). A fireplace (turn to 44) is set into the wall into the wall next to
the archway.


You are on a tiny balcony overlooking a huge underground cistern, lit only by the
glimmering red water below. A circular stone walkway surrounds a churning pool, where
water wells up from somewhere deeper into the earth. Waves constantly overtop the edge
and pour into channels, which empty in turn into gaping holes — presumably pipes that
carry the water up to the surface. This is the root of the Greenwater.

From above, you can see that the pool is a mixture of pure water, and tainted crimson liquid
which appears to issue from a dark shape lying under the surface of the water.

A furtive shape slinks around the circumference of the room, giggling to itself — Pukka. It
doesn't seem aware that you are watching from above, but stays in cover where you can't
attack it. You could take a risk and jump down (turn to 69), or crawl back to the stairs (turn
to 98).


You are standing inside the tower at the heart of Elfhame Wood. The entrance chamber is a
broad circle, spanning most of the interior of the structure, and rising well above your head.

Directly opposite the entrance, a huge stone face fills the wall. Its wild curling hair, broad
moustache, and knotted beard are tangled with carved seaweed. You think it is a depiction
of Nodens, the ancient God of the waters. Its mouth is open, and a stream of red-tinged
water pours from its open lips, runs along a channel cut into the floor, and then cascades
out down the steps leading outside (turn to 8).

A narrow opening in the western wall leads to an ascending flight of stairs (turn to 86). You
can also take a look inside the mouth (turn to 92), or examine the carving (turn to 75).


You throw the food into the clearing and then stand back as half a dozen crows descend
from the trees to fight over it.

Gain the keyword Laurel and turn to 40.


You accept the two men's invitation and take your place by the smoking charcoal clamp.
The old man appears to be making something out of loose twigs, but you can't get a good
look at it.

"Don't get many travellers in these parts," the younger man says in a laconic drawl. "It be
mighty unsafe in these woods. There are all sorts of dangers. If you mean to go on, you'd
best be well fortified."

The man leans down and produces a wooden flagon and a stoppered bottle.

"Here. This is my Grandam's best tonic. It will do you good."

He pours a measure from the bottle and offers it to you. If you accept the drink (turn to
107). If you prefer to refuse and take your leave (turn to 27). If you have a creepy twig
doll and wish to show it to him (turn to 102).


If you have the keyword Beech, turn to 104 now.

The skeleton is dressed in the tattered remains of a sturdy woollen travelling dress, of the
kind you have often seen worn by adventurous women around Casterbridge. There's a
sword-belt at its waist too, though no sword. It's clear that this was once the remains of an
adventurer much like yourself, who braved Elfhame Wood and paid the price for it.

You reach your hand toward the satchel, and then snatch it back in fear as a glow rises from
the skeleton. The glow gathers into the shape of a fierce looking woman, hovering over her
own corpse.

"Who seeks to disturb the bones of Black Bess?" the ghost roars.

Resist a strength 5 fright attack (roll 2d10+your rank. if you roll 5 or less, you fail). If you
fail, you flee heedlessly in terror (turn to 25).

If you resist the fright attack, you steel yourself, swallowing the fear, and give the ghost
your name.

"Well," says Black Bess, "you have some metal in you, so you can hear my tale. I was a
hunter, one of the best. I came to this wood seeking the beast they call the Crimson Stag,
but I met a fouler creature who led me astray. Turned me in circles until I lay down here and

"Now, ask me your questions."

turn to 79


You crouch down to look inside Noden's mouth, hoping to discover some sort of secret
passage, or hidden chamber. Instead, you just get a face full of foul red water that leaves
you spluttering and gasping.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Pukka's mocking laughter rings out from somewhere else in the tower, but
you can't tell from where.

You can examine the rest of the carving (turn to 75), climb the narrow stairs (turn to 86), or
leave the tower (turn to 8).


You descend into the depths of the burial mound, feeling your way partly by touch, and
partly by the flickering light of your lantern. A maze of tiny passages and chambers, bone
damp and bitterly cold, riddles the earth. Even though there were no trees above the
mound, the walls of these chambers are lousy with pale roots.

After what seems to be an endless amount of time, you reach a lower level, where a series
a series of chambers lead to the heart of the mound. Your lantern flickers, and you have the
overwhelming sense that something foul lies ahead. You can press on (turn to 52), or
retreat to the surface (turn to 61).


You pull out the medallion marked with a cross and raise it at the charging stag. It
seems like trying to fight a flood with a stick, and does about as much good!

The stag lowers its head and attacks, you must continue the fight (turn to 14), and it is now
the Stag's turn to attack.


There is a clearing here, at the edge of the heart of the woods.

To the north you see a ruined tower, reaching up towards the stormy sky like a finger. The
waters of the Greenwater form a circle around the tower, almost like a moat, creating a
mound-like island. Cascades of water pour out of the tower into the river, throwing up a veil
of spray which obscures the base of the tower from view.

The river flows past where you are standing, and you see a gravel bank just under the
surface that would allow you to cross the river (turn to 80). There doesn't seem to be
anywhere else to go from here.


You leap from the balcony, hoping to surprise the beast Pukka, but your foot slips on the
damp stone and you hit the path below with a sickening crunch. The last thing you hear is
Pukka's laughter as the malevolent sprite tips your broken body into the water.



After a long journey through the depths of the wood, you emerge onto a hillside covered in
deep bracken and scattered trees. You are in the middle of the wood — the shadows of the
mountains are visible to the north, while trees stretch away to the south like a green sea.

It looks like there may be a trail off to your left (turn to 22), and you can see the White Tree
a little way across the hilltop (turn to 101).


A narrow flight of stairs leads down into the earth below the tower of Nodens. Here, the old
stonework is in better repair, though still slick with damp. The slabs beneath your feet
vibrate with the distant rumble of water. It should be pitch black, instead a faint red
luminescence clings to everything.

Halfway down, a low arch, barely waist-high, opens off the stairway (turn to 87). The stairs
lead down (turn to 85), and up (turn to 39).


The chamber was once an inner sanctum of the tower, now it lies exposed to the elements,
its roof missing, its floor precarious, and the walls little more than recklessly leaning shells
swallowed by ivy. A small broken archway leads into an adjoining chamber (turn to 86).

Carvings on the exposed stone make this place resemble some sort of temple. You can see
dogs chasing stags, stylised water, and the repeated symbol of an angled cross, like the
letter X. You are stuck by a particular panel that shows a peculiar arrangement of marked
and unmarked crosses in a grid. You make a sketch of the pattern with a piece of charcoal
(gain a pattern sketch, this does not consume an inventory slot).

In the centre of the chamber a large stone altar rests on the sagging floor. A small glittering
object sits on top of it, but you will have to go closer to take a look (turn to 2).


You ask the crows how to leave the wood.

The crows laugh and caw at each other. "Fly, you fool!"

You can ask another question (turn to 40).


A narrow trail winds across the hilltop through deep bracken riven with many tiny game
runs. To the east, a stark white dead tree juts out against the sky.

You hear rustling and all around you, like many creatures crossing and recrossing your
path, closing in on you. You barely have time to draw a weapon before you are set upon by
a pack of three ghostly white foxes. These are Milgwyn, fairy foxes, and you must fight
them (remember to split your Defence between them).

Milgwyn (1st) — Att 14 Def 5 MD 2 Eva 3 Ref 10 Ste 13 Per 5 AF 1 HP 5/5/5 Ghostly Bite

Spells that immobilise individual targets will not allow you to escape the Milgwyn.
However Dazzle will blind all the foxes and allow you to flee uphill (turn to 22).

If you win (turn to 74). If you lose (turn to 72).


You produce the creepy twig doll and the young man snatches it from your hand (remove
the item from your inventory) with a cry of surprise.

"Look Da! He's got one of your fetches! There's no way he's thon Pukka in disguise!"

The old man takes the doll, and you can see that he was at work making another. At once
his manner eases. The two men appear relieved, and more friendly.

The pair explain that the woods are home to a creature they call Pukka, a malevolent goblin
that can take many forms, though always with some telltale touch that gives it away, like a
cloven foot, or mismatched eyes. They feared that you might be the Pukka, but swear that
it could never touch one of their twig fetches.

You ask about the Greenwater, and they tell you that though they have never seen it, they
know that it rises from a source deeper into the forest, somewhere to the north.

"Be careful, though," the old man says, "there's a beast that haunts the heart of the wood,
the Crimson Stag. It has kept everyone away from the source of the river as long as I can

Even you have heard of the Crimson Stag, in old tales told around the tavern fire in
Casterbridge — you remember that one of the ancient Kings wasted the last years of his life
failing to bring it down.

When you have finished talking, you thank the pair for their information. If you wish to try
and get the doll back (turn to 17). Otherwise, you head back into the woods (turn to 25)


"Very clever!" Pukka shouts, "but it won't save you. I'll get you yet!" The creature turns tail,
kicks its heels, and vanishes through the entrance of the tower.

Gain the keyword Juniper and turn to 8 now.


Nothing stirs when you touch the old brown bones that were once Black Bess, her ghost is

You head back up the path to the west (turn to 33).


The ghost shakes her head. "I'm afraid I know nothing of that." turn to 79.


You struggle against the drug, but cannot stop yourself slipping into a deep

When you awaken the men are gone (turn to 66).


You accept the tankard from the younger man, and drink deep from it. Whatever they put in
the cup has a heavy, spicy flavour, a little like mead, or Yuletide wine. You've hardly
finished when your head starts to spin and your vision fogs. The drink was drugged!

You try to struggle to your feet, fumbling for your weapon, as the two men grab axes and
approach, looming over you like monsters in the smoke.

Roll 3d6 against STRENGTH . If you roll STRENGTH or less (turn to 42); if you roll over your
STRENGTH (turn to 106).


As you turn your back to flee, one of the Brags flings its axe at you. You take 1d6 damage.
If you survive (turn to 53). If you fall (turn to 67).


You plunge through the hole in the floor, to the accompaniment of Pukka's mocking
laughter, and dash yourself to death in the temple of Nodens below.


A word from the Author

I hope you've enjoyed my first foray into the world of adventure Gamebooks for many
years. Green Water, Crimson Stag is born out of my longterm love for both the gamebook
format, and the Dragon Warriors game — which was the first RPG I ever owned. Starting off
with book 5, I was drawn into a world of haunted forests, capricious fey, and ancient Gods,
all the elements I have tried to bring to this book. If you liked the game, or want to get in
touch for any other reason, look me up at

David M. Donachie
Wednesday, 12th May 2021

Additional design: Victoria Lawford

Playtesting: Kay Gillespie, Victoria Lawford, Louise Lee, Paul Partington, Nigel Ward

Front cover and interior art: David Donachie, except the tree on p2, which is copyright

Medieval illuminated cover border:

Red Ruin Publishing is committed to
Producing fan material for the
Dragon Warriors RPG
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1st Pub. June 2021

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