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Project Coordinator Internship: Written Assessment

1. Completion Requirements:
- Please read each scenario carefully and provide detailed answers.
- Your responses should demonstrate your problem-solving skills, technical
proficiency, and ability to work as part of a team.
- Each scenario is designed to simulate real-life situations you might encounter in
this role.

2. Submission Guidelines:
- You must write your responses in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx
- Clearly label each scenario and corresponding response.
- Ensure your document is well-organized and free of grammatical errors.

3. No Use of AI Tools:
- You are required to complete this assessment independently without the
assistance of AI tools or automated software.
- Using AI tools will be considered a violation of the assessment guidelines and
may result in disqualification.

4. Formatting:
- Use a Times New Roman font with a font size of 12.
- Use 1.5 line spacing for readability.
- Include your full name, date, and the title "Project Coordinator Internship: Written
Assessment" at the top of the document.

5. Length and Detail:

- Provide comprehensive and detailed answers to each scenario.
- There is no strict word limit, but ensure your responses are thorough and to the

6.Submission Deadline:
- Submit your completed document via email to by 7
pm 20th May 2024.
- Late submissions will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been

7. Evaluation Criteria:
- Your responses will be evaluated based on:
- Clarity and completeness of your answers.
- Demonstration of technical skills, particularly in Excel.
- Problem-solving abilities and creativity.
- Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate as part of a team.

By adhering to these instructions, you will ensure your assessment is conducted

fairly and professionally. We look forward to receiving your completed work.

Good luck!
Your Scenarios are: Do any two of the Following.

Certainly! Here's a detailed written assessment for a Project Coordinator internship,

focusing on real-life scenarios that involve Excel use, skills application, and
teamwork. Each scenario is designed to evaluate the candidate's problem-solving
abilities, technical skills, and teamwork competencies at a moderate to difficult level.


Instructions: Please read each scenario carefully and provide detailed answers.
Your responses should demonstrate your problem-solving skills, technical
proficiency, and ability to work as part of a team. Each scenario is designed to
simulate real-life situations you might encounter in this role.

Scenario 1: Data Analysis in Excel.

Your team is preparing a report on the quarterly sales performance. You have been
given a large dataset in Excel containing sales data from different regions. You need
to analyse this data to find trends and insights.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to analyse this dataset in Excel. Include
any specific functions, formulas, or tools you would use.

Scenario 2: Project Timeline Management

You are coordinating a project with a tight deadline. One of the tasks is delayed,
which may impact the overall timeline. You need to update the project timeline in an
Excel Gantt chart and communicate the changes to the team.

Task: Explain how you would update the Gantt chart in Excel and how you would
inform the team about the revised timeline. Include any communication strategies
you would use.

Scenario 3: Budget Tracking

Your team is responsible for managing the budget of a marketing campaign. You
have an Excel spreadsheet that tracks expenses, but you notice some discrepancies
in the numbers.

Task: Describe how you would identify and correct these discrepancies in Excel.
What steps would you take to ensure the accuracy of the budget tracking?

Scenario 4: Collaborative Problem-Solving

A team member is struggling to complete their part of a project due to a lack of
familiarity with a particular software tool. This is causing delays in the project.
Task: Outline your approach to assist this team member and ensure the project
stays on track. How would you leverage teamwork to overcome this challenge?

Scenario 5: Creating Dynamic Dashboards

Your manager has requested a dynamic dashboard in Excel to monitor key project
metrics in real-time. The dashboard should include interactive elements like drop-
down lists and charts.

Task: Explain the process of creating a dynamic dashboard in Excel. What features
and functions would you use to make the dashboard interactive and user-friendly?

Scenario 6: Conflict Resolution

During a project meeting, two team members have a disagreement about the best
approach to a task. The conflict is affecting team morale and productivity.

Task: Describe how you would mediate this conflict and restore a collaborative
working environment. What strategies would you use to ensure all team members
are aligned and motivated?

Scenario 7: Advanced Excel Functions

You need to consolidate data from multiple sheets into a summary sheet in Excel.
The data includes sales figures, expenses, and profits across different departments.

Task: Detail the advanced Excel functions you would use to consolidate this data
efficiently. Provide an example of a formula or function you might use.

Scenario 8: Risk Management

You have identified a potential risk that could delay the project. This risk involves a
key supplier failing to deliver materials on time.

Task: Explain how you would document and communicate this risk to the team. What
mitigation strategies would you propose to manage this risk?

Scenario 9: Automating Repetitive Tasks

You frequently perform repetitive tasks in Excel, such as formatting data and
generating reports. You want to automate these tasks to save time.

Task: Describe how you would use Excel macros to automate repetitive tasks.
Provide an example of a task you would automate and the steps involved.

Scenario 10: Performance Metrics Analysis

Your project involves monitoring various performance metrics to ensure goals are
met. You have raw data in Excel and need to present it in a meaningful way to

Task: Explain how you would use Excel to analyze and visualize performance
metrics. What charts or graphs would you use, and how would you ensure the data
is easily understandable for stakeholders?

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