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Political Engagement Activity – Proposal Form

A. Political Issue and Rationale for the Engagement

What are you trying to learn about? Why is this issue suitable or
relevant to you personally? How is the issue relevant to course
content and concepts?

i. Your Political Issue - written in the form of a debatable question

i.e. begin with "How…?" or "To what extent…?"

ii. Key Course Concepts you will focus on - from the 16 Key

iii. Key Theoretical Perspectives of IR you will consider

iv. Explain why you have chosen this political issue, detailing your
personal interest in the issue and what makes it important to you
v. Explain how the political issue focused upon affects a
community or a society in which you have some stake and
experience in
B. List and Timeline of Engagements

How are you going to learn about your political issue in a

participatory way that allows you to experience the dynamics of
global politics? What are you actually going to do?

i. What are you going to do? Who will you talk to? Where will this
happen? Be as specific as possible.

ii. When do you plan to do each of these engagements? Pick

dates but remember that they can always change.
iii. What do you need to do to prepare for these engagements?
Who do you need to talk to? Do you need transportation?

iv. How will you record information during the engagements? Will
you take notes? Will you record audio on your phone? Will you
make a diary or journal? Will this be on paper or on your

***You may need to include some of your notes from the

engagement in the appendix of the written report. If you have no
evidence of your engagement it will A) be difficult to integrate
and synthesize the engagement in the report, and B) show
evidence of the engagement in the appendix.***

***If you interview someone you need to inform them that their
comments will be recorded and may be quoted in your report.
Allow them to review what you wrote and give them the
opportunity to remove comments they made if they want. It is
essential to obtain consent from individuals and groups when
publishing comments they make to you in an interview.***

“Participants and interviewees must be debriefed and given the

right to withdraw their own personal data and responses.
Anonymity for each participant must be guaranteed, except for
interviewees in an elected or appointed government role or in a
formal non-state actor role.” (Global Politics Guide)

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