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№ Student Name Turdykulov Danabek

1. Faculty Math teacher

2. Group Math teacher A-23

3. PС№/Name/Workgroup

4. Windows edition 22H2

5. Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU

@ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz

6. Installed memory total 8,00 GB

7. Installed memory usable (32x systems


8. System type 64-bit operating system, x64


9. Windows activation status Activation available

10. BIOS version LENOVO 7ZCN37WW,


11. Available RAM space (available: 7,88 GB)

12. Total/available virtual memory 9,80 GB

13. Hardware Information C:\Users\BaT9\Desktop\Math A-23



1. Open Windows Task manager and select “Applications yes

Tab”. Does the list contain any operating system processes?
(yes or no)
2. Which process is displaying the highest current CPU usage? Yandex 0,7 %. Such a
Does this usage indicate a problem? low load percentage
does not affect the
processor so much

3. Which process has used the most CPU time since your computer Microsoft Edge
was started?

4. Open (double click) internet browser within task manager. Has Yes, for some time
anything changed in network and performance tabs? the CPU was loaded,
but the network
remained unchanged

5. Which application is using the majority of system resources, and Yandex. Memory:
which system resources (memory, disk, processor) it is using. 760MB, disk: 0,1
MB/s, processor: 0%

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