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Age of migration : 5

Who they travelled with: nonja

peters came to australia with her
whole family like her younger
brother, mother and father.

what they
contributed to
Australia: once
nonja grew up she Why they came to Australia :
decided to write Nonja came to Australia
books about the because it was after WW2
dutch culture. and they had no place `to live
these books so they migrated to Australia
became famous

Challenges they faced : one of the

big challenges that she had to
solve it that when they came to
Australia they knew no english so
her and her family had to learn it
with small books and boards
Age of migration : 17
country of origin : irland
who did he travel with: he travelled
with his wife Susan Laetitia Ness.
they had seven children together and
were married for twenty three years.

what he
contributed to
Australia: Why did he come to australia:
c.y.oconnor was Recruited by Sir John Forrest, the
part of building a Premier of Western Australia at
very large railway the time, he was tasked with
and pipline this improving the colony's railways,
improved the roads, water supply, and harbours.
water moving from
one place to

Challenges he faced : the one

things that was the biggest
problem of them all is the criticism
that he was given these comments
slowly drove him mad and took his
life 1902 march 10th
Age of migration : 8 months
country of origin : New Zealand
who did he travel with: he traveled
with his whole family so his mother
and father and two brothers and a
sister .

what he
contributed to
Australia: Since
1984 Stephen has
provided service to why they came to Australia: Stephen
Museums Australia anstey father was looking for a better
job and opportunitys. they decided
(MA) as an office that miggreating her was the best
bearer and long option for them.
term State

Challenges he faced: While Stephen

and his family didn’t suffer the
difficulties of learning a new language,
little things- such as Stephen’s English
school uniform- had to be adjusted to
their new life in Australia.
Age of migration : 17
country of origin : germany
who did she travel with: she
travled with two other migrants .
they were both famale .
what she
contributed to
Australia: Illona
was a young woman why did she come to Australia: Illona
with some kids. but came to Australia because of WW2
she knew hoe to sew this was when it had just ended but
so she would sit the Russians still occupied the land so
around and let Illona had to dress as a old russian
people brong there
broken clothes and woman once the Russians left they
she would fix them in came here
the payment of

challenges she faced: After months of working

as a labourer, Ilona had an accident,
resulting in several broken ribs. She then
spent the next three months in hospital, where
she met her future husband, Frank Hrubos.
this changed her life and could not earn
money for a long time this was very hard for
Age of migration : 16
country of origin : japan
who did he travel with: Yasukichi
Murakami traveled with a great friend
of his. Kumazo Asari he stayed loyal to
him and was there for him the whole
What he
contributed to
Murakami was a why did he come to Australia: Around
pearl diver this 1900, many young Japanese men
lead other people travelled to Australia to work in
to become a pearl pearling. Pearls were valuable and the
diver and started shell was used to make many objects
a big thing and such as buttons and cutlery.
selled many pearls
as buttons and

challenges he faced: the first time that

he tried and the second and third time
he tried to let them exsept him he
failed this made him very sad and
depresed but he kept trying and made
it then he became a very succseful
pearl diver

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