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Experiment – 11

Aim: Evaluate size of the project using Function point metric for student management

1. External inputs : 5

 Registration of new students

 Updating student information
 Enrollment in courses
 Submission of assignments
 Payment of fees

2. Internal inputs : 5

 Student transcripts
 Course schedules
 Grade reports
 Attendance records
 Financial statements

3. External inquiries : 4

 Searching for course availability

 Checking grades
 Checking account balance
 Checking class schedule

4. External logical files : 3

 Importing student data from external sources (e.g., admission databases)

 Exporting student records for reporting purposes
 Integration with financial systems for fee payments

5. Internal interface files : 3

 Data structures for storing student information (e.g., databases)

 Log files for system activities
 Configuration files for system settings
Information Count Simple Average Complex Total
domain value
External outputs 5 4 3* 5 20

Internal outputs 5 5 2* 7 21

External inquiries 4 6 2* 2 17

External logical 3 5 5* 1 16
Internal logical 3 8 7* 3 25
Count total 99

 Function Point (FP) Calculation:

External inputs (EI) = 20

External outputs (EO) = 21

External inquiries (EQ) = 17

Internal logical files (ILF) = 25

External logical files (ELF) = 16

Function point (FP) = (0.65 * (EI + EQ + EO)) + (0.35 * (ILF + EIF))

= (0.65 * (20 + 17 + 21)) + (0.35 * (25 + 16))

= (0.65 * (20 + 17 + 21)) + (0.35 * (25 + 16))

= (0.65 * (58)) + (0.35 * (41))

= 37.7 + 14.35

= 52.05 FP
Experiment - 12

Aim: Estimate cost of the project using COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) /
COCOMO II approach for the assigned project.


Software a b c d
Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38

Semi-detached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35

Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32

 Program to calculate development time and efforts

# Function to calculate parameters of Basic COCOMO

def calculate(table, n ,mode ,size):
effort = 0
time = 0
staff = 0
model = 0

# Check the mode according to size

if(size >= 2 and size <= 50):
model = 0
elif(size > 50 and size <= 300):
model = 1
elif(size > 300):
model = 2

print("The mode is ", mode[model])

# Calculate Effort
effort = table[model][0]*pow(size, table[model][1])

# Calculate Time
time = table[model][2]*pow(effort, table[model][3])
#Calculate Persons Required
staff = effort/time;

# Output the values calculated

print("Effort = {} Person-Month".format(round(effort)))
print("Development Time = {} Months".format(round(time)))
print("Average Staff Required = {} Persons".format(round(staff)))

table = [[2.4, 1.05, 2.5, 0.38],

[3.0, 1.12, 2.5, 0.35],
[3.6, 1.20, 2.5, 0.32]]
mode = ["Organic","Semi-Detached","Embedded"]
size = 4;
calculate(table, 3, mode, size)

 Output

The mode is Organic

Effort = 10.289 Person-Month
Development Time = 6.06237 Months
Average Staff Required = 2 Persons
Experiment – 13

Aim: Use flow chart and Gantt charts to track progress of student management
system. (Use Sprint burn down chart if agile model is selected).

 Flow Chart





Yes No

Design Yes


 Gantt Chart

SDLC Activities January February March

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Experiment – 14

Aim: Prepare various test case for student management system.

 Test Case Table :

Test Test Case Test Case Test Steps Test Test Defect
Case Name Description (Step,Expected,Actual) Case Priority Severity
ID Status
TC001 Student Verify that a 1. Navigate to the registration Pass High Medium
Registration student can page.
successfully. 2. Enter valid student details
and submit.

3. Verify successful
registration message.

TC002 Student Verify that a 1. Navigate to the login page. Pass High Low
Login student can
log in with 2. Enter valid username and
valid password.
3. Verify successful login.

TC003 Course Verify that a 1. Navigate to the course Pass High Medium
Enrollment student can enrollment page.
enroll in
courses 2. Select desired courses and
successfully. submit.

3. Verify enrollment

TC004 Assignment Verify that a 1. Navigate to the assignment Pass Medium Low
Submission student can submission page.
assignments. 2. Upload assignment file.

3. Verify submission success

TC005 Fee Verify that a 1. Navigate to the fee payment Pass Medium Medium
Payment student can page.
pay fees 2. Enter payment details and
online. submit.

3. Verify payment

TC006 View Verify that a 1. Navigate to the grades Pass Low Low
Grades student can page.
view their 2. Select the desired semester.
grades. 3. Verify grades are displayed

TC007 Attendance Verify that a 1. Navigate to the attendance Pass Low Low
Check student can page.
check their
attendance 2. Select the desired date
records. range.

3. Verify attendance records

are displayed correctly.

TC008 Profile Verify that a 1. Navigate to the profile Pass Medium Medium
Update student can update page.
update their
profile 2. Update the desired
information. information.

3. Verify changes are saved


TC009 Generate Verify that a 1. Navigate to the transcript Pass Low Medium
Transcript student can generation page.
generate a
transcript. 2. Select the desired semester.

3. Verify transcript is
generated correctly.

TC010 Search Verify that a 1. Navigate to the course Pass Low Low
Course student can availability page.
Availability search for
course 2. Enter search criteria.
3. Verify search results are

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