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In the movie “The Little Prince”, the main character, The Prince, has an innocent and
inquisitive nature, as he wants to know all about everything. His journey from one planet to
another could be seen as a symbol of human beings’ desire to interact with one another and
make sense of their existence. From his encounters, he realizes what love means, what friends
are for and how hard life can get; this portrays children as very persistent yet forthcoming.

A person who is referred to as ‘the Aviator’ narrates the story while assisting the
characters”. This individual displays creativity, imagination, and an ability to see from a child’s
perspective. I feel both surprised and happy because he is linked with The Little Prince once
again. Even though there are things I’m supposed to do as an adult, being reminded how crucial
it is to have a child’s eye is relevant.

The “Mother”, unlike the Little Prince, who is more carefree, the Mother represents the
expectations that society has of people and how important it is to be successful and useful in
the adult world. The fact that she cares so much about how well her daughter does in school
shows how much cultural standards have changed and how difficult it can be to balance
conformity and creativity.

The “Fox” teaches important lessons about love and friendship. At the same time, he
shares his knowledge and understanding with the Prince. He is a great example of loyalty, trust,
and the power of human connection. This shows how important real connections are for getting
through life's difficulties.

The “Snake” is one of the strangest and most mysterious figures. It stands for
temptation, death, and the fact that everyone will die at some point. The meeting he has with
The Little Prince is a turning point in his life because it makes him think about how short life is
and how quickly time goes by.

The “Rose” is a delicate and beautiful flower that stands for love, being open, and how
complicated relationships can be. Roses are known for how pretty and delicate they are.
Because The Little Prince cares about her and is committed to her, it shows how important it is
to make relationships and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer.

"The Little Prince" talks about timeless issues like love, friendship, imagination, and the
search for meaning through its large group of characters. This gives people a chance to think
about the beauty and difficulty of being human.

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