Imperial I Class Star Destroyer

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Max. Speed: 2 Silhouette: 8 Handling:  Jamming – Average  Computers check. If successful, one
Current Speed: Sensor Range: Long enemy ship must make an Average  Computers check to use
their communications systems. Increase the Difficulty for every
Plot Course – Average  Astrogation or Hard  Pilot or additional ss and increase the number of ships affected by
Hard  Perception check. Reduce the penalty for flying every a.
through navigational hazards by  per s.
Fire Discipline – Hard  Leadership or Discipline check. If
Copilot – Average  Piloting check. Downgrade the difficulty successful, the next Crew Member to fire one of the ship’s
of the Pilot’s next Piloting check by 1 per s. weapons gains . Each additional ss affects one more Crew
Member. Additional aaa allows ship’s weapons to deal an
additional 1 Strain on a hit, until the beginning of the next
Fly/Drive your ship.
Scan the Enemy – Hard  Perception check. If successful,
Accelerate / Decelerate ‐ speed up or slow down the ship learn the base stats of the enemy vehicle. Can spend aa to
Speed by 1. A faster ship Speed gets you: learn current Hull Damage and System Strain suffered.
• Move faster during a Chase Scene.
• Fly out of star system faster. Slice Enemy Systems – Hard  Computers check. If
• Harder check when flying through hazards. successful, reduce the defense of one shield zone on an enemy
vehicle by 1 for 1 round per s. Spend x to disable weapons
GUNNERY TURRETS systems for 1 Round. Spend aa to inflict 1 System Strain.
Silhouette 7‐9:  Spoof Missiles – Average  Computers check or Hard 
(12) Ventral Hvy Twin Ion Cannons:
Silhouette 6:  Vigilance check. If successful, the difficulty of attacks against
Fire Arc Forward / Port / Starboard ship by Guided weapons increases by 1, plus an additional
Silhouette 5:  Damage 7+, Crit aaaa
Silhouette 4:  upgrade per additional ss, until beginning of next turn.
Breach 3, Ion, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2
Silhouette 3: 
Silhouette 2:  (12) Port Heavy Twin Ion Cannons:
Fire Arc Forward / Port
Concentrated Barrage: Make an attack Shields: 3/3/3/2
Damage 7+, Crit aaaa ENGINEERING
with a weapon group. On a hit, spend Breach 3, Ion, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2 Armor: 10 Massive: 2
aa to deal additional damage to the Angle Deflector Shields – transfer Shields
Hull Trauma Threshold: 145
target equal to the number of weapons (12) Starboard Heavy Twin Ion between shield zones. This should not be
Hull Trauma:
in the weapon group. Cannons: done if the enemy starship has “Gained
Fire Arc Forward / Starboard the Advantage”.
Overwhelming Barrage: Make an Damage 7+, Crit aaaa
attack with a weapon group. On a hit, SHORT RANGE WEAPONRY Breach 3, Ion, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2 LONG RANGE WEAPONRY System Strain Threshold: 60 Boost Shields – Hard  Mechanics
spend a to deal weapon base damage System Strain: check. If successful, ship takes 1 System
to an additional target of the same (10) Tractor Beam Emplacements: (10) Forward Light Turbolasers: (10) Dorsal Hvy Twin Turbolasers: Strain and increases 1 shield zone by 1 for
attack roll difficulty. Range Short; Fire Arc Forward Fire Arc Forward / Port / Starboard 1 round, plus an additional shield zone per
Fire Arc Forward / Port / Starboard Damage 9+, Crit aaa Damage 11+, Crit aaa additional s.
Blanket Barrage: Make an Average Damage ‐‐‐; Tractor 6 Breach 2, Slow‐firing 1 Breach 4, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2 FLIGHT DECK
() Gunnery check and treat a Damage Control – Once per Encounter,
weapon group as if it had fired. On a (15) Port Medium Ion Cannons: (10) Port Light Turbolasers: (10) Port Heavy Twin Turbolasers: Twelve (12) Flight Groups of four (4) Mechanics check or a Hard  Athletics
success, smaller ships upgrade their Range Short; Fire Arc Port Fire Arc Port Fire Arc Forward / Port TIE/LN Fighters to repair 1 Hull Trauma, plus 1 additional
attacks against your ship from the Damage 6+, Crit aaaa Damage 9+, Crit aaa Damage 11+, Crit aaa Hull Trauma per additional ss.
Ion Breach 2, Slow‐firing 1 Breach 4, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2 Three (3) Flight Groups of four (4)
weapon group’s firing arc and take half • Hull Trauma 71 or less – Easy 
TIE/IN Interceptors
the weapon group’s base damage on (15) Starboard Medium Ion Cannons: (10) Starboard Light Turbolasers: (10) Stbd. Heavy Twin Turbolasers: • Hull Trauma 72 to 144 – Average 
tt. Three (3) Flight Group of four (4) • Hull Trauma 145 or greater – Hard 
Range Short; Fire Arc Starboard Fire Arc Starboard Fire Arc Forward / Starboard
aa: Upgrade the attacks an additional TIE/SA Bombers
Damage 6+, Crit aaaa Damage 9+, Crit aaa Damage 11+, Crit aaa
time. Ion Breach 4, Linked 1, Slow‐firing 2
Breach 2, Slow‐firing 1

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