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In a right triangle ABC we have ZA = 90°, ZC = 30°. Denot by C the circle passing through A which is tangent to BC at the midpoint. Assume that C intersects AC and the circumcircle of ABC at N and M respectively. Prove that MNLBC. The inscribed circle of AABC touches BC, AC and AB at D, E and F respectively. Denote the perpendicular foots from F. E to BC by K, L respectively Let the second intersection of these perpendiculars with the incircle Ss, DK 7 au be M, N respectively. Show that Sino” DL Each of Mahdi and Morteza has drawn an inscribed 93-gon. Denote the first one by A,A,....A,, and the second AA. by B.B,...B,, It isknown that AA,, [| BB,, for 1s 1<93(A,,= A,; By = B)) Show that BB is B.. a constant number independent of i In a triangle ABC we have ZC = ZA + 90°. The point D on the continuation of BC is given such that AC = AD. A point E in the side of BC in which A doesnt lie is chosen such that 1 LA Prove that ZCED = ZABC. Two points X; Y lie on the are BC of the circumeirce of AABC (this are does not contain A) such that BAX = ZCAY . Let M denotes the midpoint of the chord AX . Show that BM + CM > AY In a quadrilateral ABCD we have 2B = 2D = 60°. Consider the line whice is drawn from M, the midpoint of AD, paralld to CD. Assume this line intersects BC at P. A point X lies on CD such that BX = CX. Prove that AB = BP <> 2MXB = 60° (Geometry Oiympiad(Senior level) An acute-angled triangle ABC is given. The circle with diameter BC intersects AB, AC at E, F respectively. Let M be the midpoint of BC and P the intersection point of AM and EF. X is a point on the arc EF and Y the second intersection point of XP with circle mentioned above. Show that ZXAY = ZXYM. The tangent line to circumcircle of the acute-angled triangle ABC (AC > AB) at A intersects the continuation of BC at P. We denote by O the circumcenter of ABC. X is a point OP such that ZAXP = 90°. Two points E, F respectively on AB, AC at the same side of OP are chosen such that ZEXP = ZACX, ZFXO = ZABX IF K, L denote the intersection points of EF with the circumcircle of AABC, show that OP is tangent to the circumcircle of AKLX. Two points P, Q lie on the side BC of triangle ABC and have the same distance to the midpoint. The pependiculars from P, Q to BC intesects AC, AB at E, F respectively. Let M be the intersection point of PFand EQ. If HI and H2 denote the orthocenter of ABFP and ACEQ recpectively, show that AM. H,H,. Suppose that I is incenter of AABC and Cl inresects AB at D.In circumcircle of AABC, T is midpoint of arc BAC and BI intersect this circle at M. If MD intersects AT at N, prove that: BMJ|CN. Let f :R— R be anadditive function such that (1) =1 and riar(2}-1 forall x 40, Provethat f(x) =x. Find all increasing functions f : R > R such that forall x,y eR. Find all functions f : R— R that satisfy SUF (x) + yz)=x+ fU)fe) forall x,y,zeR. Find all functions f : R > R such that af (x)— uf ly) = (x - yf lx +4) forall x,yeR. Find all functions f:2+Z satisfying (i) {{m) f(-n) = f(n7); (ii) (m+n) = f(m) + fn) + 2mn. Find functions {:N,N,, such that fix? +fly)) = xflx) + y for all x, y €N,. Find all functions f :R—R such that Ff (x(1+y)) = F(x)(1+ f(y), for all real numbers x,y. Find all functions f:R° +R’ satisfying f(x}flyf(x)) = f(x+y) for all x, y > 0. Find all functions f from the real numbers to the real numbers which satisfy fix) + fly?) = (xty) (foe) + fly’) - fixy)) for all real numbers x and y. Let S be the set of all non-zero real valued functions f defined on the set of all real numbers such that f(x? + yf(z)) = xf(x)+ 2f(y) for all real numbers x, y and z. Find the maximum value of (12345), where feS. Find all functions f (0,0) + (0,20) such that fixP +flyP x+y? f(2)+ fC) 2+ forall x,y,z,t € (0,%) with xy = zt. Let A, B, P be three points on a circle. Prove that if a and 6 are the distances from P to the tangents at A and B and c is the distance from P to the chord AB, then ¢ = ab. A line 1 bisects the perimeter and the area of a triangle ABC. Prow that [ passes through the incentre of triangle ABC. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with 4B = AC and 2BAC = 60°. Denote the circumcentre by O and the orthocentre by H and let OH meet AB at P and AC at Q. Prove that PO = HQ. In triangle ABC, 4BAC = 120°. Let the angle bisectors of angles A, B and C meet the opposite sides in D, E, F respectively. Prove that the circle on diameter EF passes through dD. The diagonals AC and BD of a cyclic quadri AB, BC, CDand DA are P.Q.R and S respec have the same radius. ateral meet at E. The midpoints of the sides vely. Prove that the circles EPS and EQR Let BC be a triangle and X be a point inside the triangle, The lines AX,BX and CX ircle ABC’ again at P, Q and R respectively, Choose a point U on XP whieh is and P, Suppose that the lines through U which are parallel to AB and CA moet XQ and XR at points V and W respectively. Prove that the points R, 1’, Vand Q lie on a circle, In triangle ABC the centroid is G and D is the midpoint of CA. The line through G parallel to BC meets AB at E. Prove that 4 AEC = 4 DGC if, and only LACB = 90° A triangle ABC has 4BAC > £BC A. A line AP is drawn so that 4 PAC = 4BC-A where P is inside the triangle. A point Q outisde the triangle is taken so that PQ is parallel to AB, and BQ is parallel to AC. & is the point on BC (separated by Q by the line AP) such that £PRQ = LBC A. Prove that the circumcircle of ABC touches the cieumcircle of POR Let Sand r be the area and the inradius of the triangle ABC. Let ry denote the radius of the circle touching the incircle, AB and AC. Define rp and re similarly. The common tangent of the circles with radii r and r4 cuts a little triangle from ABC with area S.. Quantities Sp and Se are defined ina similar fashion. Prove that Ss. s Say ra so that each of the segments AN and CM divides the quadrilateral into two parts of equal area, Prove that the segment MN bisects the diagonal BD. Let triangle ABC have incentre J and cireumcentre O. Suppose that 4A/O = 90° and 4CTO = 45°. Find the ratio AB: BC: CA Let P be a circle with radius r. Let A and B be distinct points on P such that AB < rv Let the circle with centre B and radius AB meet P again at C. Let P be the point inside P such that the triangle ABP is equilateral. Finally, ct the line CP meet P again at Q. Pro that PQ =r. 7 is the incentre of triangle ABC. Points X, ¥ are located on the line segments AB, respectively so that BX,AB = 1B? and CY.AC = 1C?, Given that X, 1, Y are collinear, find the possible values of the measure of angle A, Prove that the perpendicttars drawn from the midpoints of the sides to the opposite sides are concurrent cyclic quadrilateral AB = BC and £BCD = £EAB = 10°. Let 1X is perpendicular Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon stich tho! boa point inside the pentagon such that AX is perpendicular to BE to BD. Show that BX is perpendicular to DE. In acircle © with centre O and radius r, let Cy, Cy be two circles with centres 0, Oz and radii respectively, so that each circle C; is internally tangent to Cat. A, and so that C1, Cy are externally tangent to each other at A. Prove that the three lines OA, O, Ag and ‘Ay are concurrent, Let C(O, Ry be a circle and let P be a point in its plane. Consider a pair of diametrically op- posite points A and B lying on C. Prove that while points A and B vary on thec miference of C, the circumeireles of triangles ABP pass through another fixed point Find the point P inside the triangle ABC for which BO CA, AB PD* PES PF is minimal, where PD, PE, P F are the perpendiculars from P to BC, CA, AB respectively, In triangle ABC, let D and E be the intersections of the bisectors of 4 ABC' and £ ACB with the sides AC, AB, respectively, Determine the angles of triangle ABC if 4BDE = 24° and CED = 18°. Let ABC be an acute triangle. Points D, E, aud F lie on segments BC, CA, and AB. respectively, and cach of the three segments AD, BE, and CF contains the circumeenter of BD CE AF BF AE CD DO ED FR FA EC Dep te inteners. then ABC. Prove that if any two of the ratios triangle ABC is isosceles, Let M be any point in the interior of triangle ABC’ and let D, £ and F be points on the perimeter such that AD, BE and CF are concurrent at M, Show that if triangles BMD. CM E and AM F all have equal areas and equal perimeters then triangle ABC is equilateral In acute-angled triangle ABC with AB > AC, the point D is the foot of the perpendicular from A to BC, the points E and F are the midpoints of AD and BC, respectively, and G is the foot of the perpendicular from B to AF. Prove that EF is the tangent at F to the circle GFC. ABCD isa cyclic quadrilateral. The line through D parallel to BC meets CA at P, AB at Q and the circle again at . The line through D parallel to AB meets CA at $, BC at 7 and the cirele again at U. Prove that if PQ= QR then ST =TU. Let ABC be a triangle and L a line through C parallel to the side AB. Let the internal bisector of the angle at A meet the side BC at D and the line L at E and let the internal bisector of the angle at B meet the side AC at F and the line L at G. If GF = DE, prove that AC = BC. Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that AB = BC, CD = DE and EF = F A. Prove that BC DE FA BE’ DA’ FC 3 3 an internal point on the side BC of a triangle ABC. The line AD meets the cle of ABC again at X. Let P and Q be the feet of the perpendiculars from X to AB and AC, and let 7 be the cirele with diameter X D. Prove that the line PQ is tangent to if AB= AC. Let ABC be a triangle with centroid G. Determine, with proof, the position of the point P in the plane of ABC such that AP.AG + BP.BG + CPC 11, and express this uninimmum value in terms of the side lengths of ABC. In trimgle ABC, the point D is on the line BC such that 4BD = DC. The | the circumeircle of ABC again at E. The point F is the midpoint of C1 LEAF = 45° find the angles of triangle ABC. AD meets Given that In triangle ABC, the point £ is the midpoint of BC and BE is the altitude from B to CA. Given that 4BAL = 45° find the minimum value of a and the magnitude of 4BAC in a triangle for whieh the minimum is attained. Let ABC be a triangle and let P be a point de it such that 4PAC = BC. Let 0 be the cireumcircle of ABC’. The tangents to © at the points A and C meet at P, and BP and AC intersect at S. Let AD be the altitude of the triangle ABP and w the circumcircle of the triangle CSD. Suppose w and (2 intersect at K 4 C’. Prove that 4CK M = 90°. Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB || CD and Q is a circle passing through 4.B,C. D. Let w be the cirele passing through C, D and intersecting with CA,CB at A;, By respectively. Ayand By are the points symmetric to A; and B, respectively, with respect to the midpoints of CA and CB, Prove that the points A,B, A. By are concyclic. Given a triangle ABC with AB > BC, let © be the circumeircle. Let M, N lie on the sides AB, BC respectively. such that AM = CN. Let A be the intersection of MJ N and AC. Let P be the incentre of the triangle 414 A and Q be the K-excentre of the triangle CNA. If & is midpoint of the arc ABC of 2 then prove that RP = RQ. Let M be the midpoint of the side AC of AABC. Let P € AM and Q € CM be such that PQ = Let (ABQ) intersect with BC at X # B and (BCP) intersect with BA at Y # B, Prove that the quadrilateral BX MY is cyelic. Given is a parallelogram ABCD, with AB < AC < BC. Points E and F are selected on the circumeirele w of ABC so that the tangenst to w at these points pass through point D and the segments AD and CE intersect. It turned out that LABF = 2DCE. Find the angle —+—++=- Prove ele J b ale that =—_————— <5: [a+b+J2(a+0) | a Let a,b,c be the sides of a triangle. Prove that: —* , 2 4 Qa—b+e 2b-c+a 2-a+b~ a b c 3 2 Let a,b,c,d be positive real numbers and abcd = 1. Let T =a(b+c+d)+b(c+d)+ed. (1) Find the minimum value of a?+b?+T. (2) Find the minimum value of a? +b? +c? +7. Let x, y, z be positive real numbers. Prove that x fx, f=. 3 yey Vote Veex v2 A quadratic polynomial p has the property that P(x’ +x)2 P(x’ +1) for all real numbers x. Find the sum of the roots of p, where x, y, z are real numbers. Let x,y,z be positive numbers, and Va = x(y-z)’ Wb =y(z-x) We =2(x-y)’. Prove that a? +b? +c? > 2(ab+be +ea). Find all triples (x, y, z) with x, y, z < (0, 1) satisfying (ae Nee fea) 2-204) Let P(x) be a polynomial with integer coefficients. Suppose m and n are integers such that P(m)P{n) = -{m-n). Prove that P(m) + P{n) = 0. Solve in real numbers the system a+tb+c=3 a+b +c7=5 (a-b)(b-c)(c- a) = -2. Prove that for all real a, b, c >0, (atb+e) 28labe(a? +b +c*) Assume x, y, z are real numbers that are not all 0. Find the maximum value for +2 Find the maximum value of real number a such that for any real number %,,X,,X,,X,X,, the inequality xP txde xd texted 2a (xy togx, +2,x, +24) always holds. Let P(x)=x* +ax’ +bx? +ex+d and Q(x)=x* + px+q be two polynomials with real coefficients. Suppose that there exists an interval (r,s) of length greater than 2 such that both P(x) and Q(x) are negative for x <(r,s) and both are positive for xs. Prove that there is a real number x, such that P(x,)< Q(x,). Let ABC be a triangle and G its centroid. The lines AG, BG, CG meet the circumcircle of triangle ABC at A,,B,,C, respectively. Prove that Va +b +e 0. Prove that se btecta ab+be+casa' +b’ +c% +7. Let a,b,c > 0 and a+b +c=3. Prove that 2 2 pe 2 2 2 a’ +1+2b 42 +1+2c 4f +1+2a > 2(Jab + be + Vea) atl b+1 c+] Let a, b, c be positive real numbers, Prove that for any real numbers x, y, z, we have, abe lath b+ 2 aeeaera) (J © eae When does the equality hold ? Let x,y.zbe positive real numbers. Prove that (ede = for Let a,b,c be nonnegative real numbers satisfying a +b +c = 5. Prove that (a -b*)(b? ~c?)(c? -a?) < V5 eyes ot [eve b Let X, Y and Z lie on the sides BC, CA, AB, respectively, ofa triangle ABC. Show that the perpendicular from X, Y, Z to the respective triangle sides meet at one point if and only if BX? + CY? + AZ? = CX? + AY? + BZ’. Let P be a point inside acute-angled triangle ABC with “BPC = 180 - ZA. Denoteby A,,B,,C, its reflections over the sides BC,CA, AB, respectively. Prove that the points A, A, ,B, ,C, are concyclic. Inthe convex pentagon ABCDE all interior angles have the same measure. Prove that the perpendicular bisector of'segment EA, the perpendicular bisector of segment BC and the angle bisector of “CDE intersect at one point. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with segments BC and AD equal and AB not parallel to CD. Denote by M, N the midpoints of BC and AD, respectively. Prove that the perpendicular bisectors of AB, MN, and CD pass through a common point. Let fixed points A, Z, B lie ona line ¢ in this order such that ZA + ZB, A variable point X g ¢ anda variable point Y on the segment XZ are chosen. Let D = BY > AX and E = AY BX, Prove that all lines DE pass through a fixed point. Let ABC be a triangle. Point O in its interior satisfies ZOBA = ZOAC, ZBAO = ZOCB, and ZBOC = 90’, Find AC/OC. Let ABC and A’B'C’ betwo triangles in plane. Show that the perpendiculars from ’ to BC, from By to CAand from C’ to AB (denote thier feet by X, Y, and Z, respectively) are concurrent ifand only ifthe perpendicularls fromA to B'C’, fromB to C’A’, and fromC to A’p’ are concurrent. Let the incircle w of triangle ABC touch BC, CA, and AB at D, E, and F, respectively. Let Y,,Y,,Z,,Z,, and M be the midpoints of BF,BD,CE,CD, and Bc, respectively. Let ¥,¥,Z,Z,=X. Prove that Mx 1 BC, Let A,B,C,D be four distinct points on a line, in that order. The circles with diameters AC and BD intersect at X and Y. Let P be a point on the line XY such that pe Bc. The line CP intersects the circle with diameter AC at C and M, and the linc BP intersects the circle with diameter BD at B and N. Prove that the lines AM, DN, XY are concurrent. Let ABC be a non-right triangle with orthocenter H and let M, N be points on its sides AB and AC. Prove that the common chord of circles with diameters CM and BN passes through H. In an acute triangle ABC, D,E,F are the midpoints of the sides BC, CA, AB respectively. On the extensions of EF, FD, DE take points P,Q,R respectively, such that AP = BQ = CR. Prove that the circumcenter of APQR is orthocenter of the AABC. In AABC the points D, E are on AB, AC respectively such that DE || BC. The inscribed circle of ADE touches DE at M, the escribed circle on side BC of AABC touches BC at N. BE and CD intersect at P. Prove that M, N, P are collinear. Given an acute triangle ABC, O is the circumcenter and H is the orthocenter. Let A,,B,,C, be the midpoints of the sides BC, CA and AB respectively. Rays HA,,HB,,HC, cut the circumcircle of AABC at A,,B, and C, respectively. Prove that O, H and H, are collinear if H, is the orthocenter of AA,B,C, . Three congruent circles have a common point O and lie inside a triangle such that each circle touches a pair of sides of the triangle. Prove that the incentre and the circumcentre of the triangle and the point O are collinear. Four circles ©, @,,@,, and @, with the same radius are drawn in the interior of triangle ABC such that «, is tangent to sides AB and AC, w, to BC and BA, «, to CA and CB, and q is externally tangent to «,, @,, and ,. If the sides of triangle ABC are 13, 14, and 15, determine the radius of w.

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