Mai Moyo Report On Securing Assets

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1.0Terms of reference

Our Skills Proficiency lecturer Mrs Fundira tasked us to secure the assets at Kwekwe Polytechnic
College and to write a report on securing these assets according to the order given;

Determine assets to be secured according to the level of risk,

Select appropriate security system,

Implement appropriate security system,

Evaluate effectiveness of security system

2.0 Methods used

I used the following methods to carry out the task:

2.1 Observations

I asked for permission from LIC of Business Studies and of Records Management and also our
Head of Department to observe the assets in their offices upon their supervision and also to
look at their inventory register to see the assets that are in their office and permission was
2.2 Interviews

I interviewed the LIC of Business Studies and LIC of Records Management and also our Head of
Department regarding the assets they were in position of in their offices.

3.0 Findings

Upon observations and interviews it came out that the assets that were in their offices desktop
desktops in both LIC Business Studies and HOD of commerce's office, padded Chair LIC Business
Studies office, projector LIC Business Studies Commerce, HP ProBook LIC Records Management
office,, Student's desk LIC Records Management office, white board and printer HOD
Commerce's office, 4 Drawer Wooden Desk both in LIC Business Studies and HOD Commerce's
offices, 4 Drawer Steel Cabinet both LIC Business Studies and HOD Commerce's offices, 2
Drawer Desk and 2 Drawer Wooden Cabinet both in LIC Business Studies and HOD Commerce's

After the findings the following are the steps in the determination of assets secured according
to the level of risk to the evaluation of effective security systems.

Securing Assets at Kwekwe Polytechnic College

The security of assets within the LIC's office Business Studies, LIC's office Records Management
office, and HOD's office at Kwekwe Polytechnic College is crucial to ensure the protection of
valuable resources and sensitive information. This report outlines a comprehensive plan to
secure these assets, following a structured approach that includes determining the assets to be
secured based on risk level, selecting appropriate security systems, implementing the chosen
security measures, and evaluating their effectiveness.
Determination of Assets to be Secured According to the Level of Risk

The first step in this security enhancement plan is to conduct a thorough assessment of the
assets present in the specified offices. The assets identified for protection can be categorized
into three risk levels:

High-Risk Assets:

Desktop computers, HP ProBooks, Sensitive documents, Projectors and Printer

Medium-Risk Assets:

Whiteboards, 4-drawer wooden desks, 2-drawer wooden cabinets and 4-drawer steel cabinets

Low-Risk Assets:

Padded chairs, Student desks and 2-drawer desks

Each of these assets presents varying levels of risk based on their value and susceptibility to
theft or damage.

Selecting Appropriate Security Systems

Based on the assessment of the assets and associated risks, appropriate security systems will be
selected. For high-risk assets, advanced security measures such as access control systems,
surveillance cameras, and secure storage solutions will be considered. Medium-risk assets may
benefit from moderate security measures such as physical locks and limited access to
designated personnel. Lower-risk assets may require simpler security measures such as
inventory management systems to monitor their use and location.

Implementing Appropriate Security Systems

Following the selection of the security systems, the implementation phase will involve installing
and configuring the chosen security measures. This may include the installation of surveillance
cameras in strategic locations, the deployment of access control mechanisms to restrict
unauthorized access to high-risk assets, and the establishment of secure storage areas for
valuable items. Additionally, inventory management systems can be implemented to track the
movement and location of assets within the offices.

Evaluating Effectiveness of Security Systems

The final step in securing the assets will be to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented
security systems. This will involve ongoing monitoring and assessment of the security measures
to ensure they are functioning as intended. Regular audits and feedback from staff members
will be crucial in identifying any weaknesses or areas for improvement in the security systems.
Adjustments and enhancements will be made based on the evaluation to maintain the highest
level of asset security.


In conclusion, the implementation of this comprehensive plan will provide the LIC's office
Business Studies, LIC's office Records Management office, and HOD's office at Kwekwe
Polytechnic College with a robust and tailored security framework to safeguard their assets
effectively, ensuring the protection of valuable resources and sensitive information within the
specified offices.

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