Weather App Documentation

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The Weather App is a simple web application built with Flask that retrieves weather
information for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API. It provides users with
the ability to input a city name, fetch weather data from the backend, and display the
current weather conditions along with additional details.

Weather API Documentation

This API provides weather information for a given city.






● city (string): Name of the city for which weather information is requested.


● 200 OK: Weather information retrieved successfully.

● Content: JSON object containing weather data.
● 400 Bad Request: City not provided in the request.
● Content: JSON object with an error message.
● 500 Internal Server Error: Error in retrieving weather data.
● Content: JSON object with an error message.

Sample Request

{“city” : “Tunis”}

Sample Response

{ "city": "Tunis","temperature": 15, "humidity": 70, "description": "Cloudy"}


Technology Stack

● Flask: Chosen for its simplicity and flexibility in building web applications,
Flask allows us to quickly set up routes, handle requests, and serve HTML
● HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Used for the frontend to create an interface.
● OpenWeatherMap API: Requested to retrieve real-time weather data for a
given city.
● Docker: Dockerize the application for easy deployment and reproducibility
across different environments.

Development Process

​ Project Setup: Started by setting up the project structure, including creating

directories for frontend and backend code, setting up a virtual environment,
and installing dependencies.
​ Backend Development:
● Implement Flask route to handle API requests from the frontend.
● Integrate error handling to manage cases where the API is unreachable
or returns an error.
● Implement caching to reduce the number of API requests and improve
● Add logging for troubleshooting and monitoring application behavior.
​ Frontend Development:
● Create HTML templates for the frontend interface.
● Utilize CSS for styling to make the interface.
● Implemented client-side validation to ensure valid user input before
making requests to the backend.
​ Dockerization:
● Dockerize the Flask application to encapsulate the environment and
dependencies, making it easier to deploy and run the application
across different systems.
● Create a Dockerfile to specify the environment setup and application
configuration within a Docker container.
​ Testing:
● Test the application locally by creating unit tests to ensure all features
work as expected.
● Handled errors and exceptions, both on the backend and frontend.

Future Improvements
● Enhance User Experience: Explore options to improve the user interface
further, such as adding more interactive elements or providing historical
weather data and auto-location.
● Security Measures: Pentesting and Implement additional security measures,
such as input validation and secure communication protocols, to protect
against potential vulnerabilities.
● Optimization: Continuously optimize the application for performance and
scalability, including refining caching strategies and minimizing response

Installation and Usage

For detailed installation instructions and usage guidelines, please refer to the
README file in the project repository.

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