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Good afternoon, teacher, my name is Thuy. I’m thirty-five years old. I am a

staff of Hanoi University. My job is legal advisor of The University. Workaday,
I am researching legal documents of higher education, such as: university
training, science and technology management, human resource management,
financial and property management. After that, I gave legal advice to the
leaders to help them manage and administer the Uni according to the law.
One of my regular jobs is to participate in the development of management and
operating documents of Hanoi University. Our governing documents must be
both legal and factual.
In addition, I assist the Rector and the University Council in inspecting and
checking the staff in their work to ensure they comply with the HANU’s
My work requires accuracy, high reliability but also very interesting. I often get
to work with the university's senior leadership team and learn a lot from them. I
love my job.

Card 1: Do you prefer studying online or face to face and why?

Thank you for your question (quếc chừn). In my opinion (ơ pi niền), if the
Covid pandemic (pan đe míc) is over, I want to study by face to face (phây
tu phây) because I feel excited (ích xai tựt) because I get to play and meet all
my family again and meeting my teachers and friends in school. It really
depends (đi pen) on the type of student. Some students learn better with face
to-face interaction (in tờ rách sừn), in a traditional (trờ đi sừn nồ)
classroom setting, while many others are better suited (siu tựt) working on
their own and keeping themselves on track. Motivation (mâu ti vây sừn) is
key for being a successful (sắc xét phun) online student, because it involves
(in vâu) keeping motivated to complete (cơm pờ lít) assignments (ơ sai
mừn), do the readings, and keep up with the class. Remember, all students are
different (đít phơ rừn) , meaning that while one online student might be
successful, another one might not. Let’s choose the a type of study that fits to
your interests (in trớt) and the school's policies (po li xi).

Câu hỏi thêm: Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the

Answer: I wouldn’t really like to think that computers will and should replace
teachers one day in the classroom because students require “human touch” to
behave and act like a “human” in the real world unless, of course, we want our
children to become like “human-robot”. A computer can certainly teach
students how to become “smart” in the classroom, but it won’t probably be able
to tell when to behave like one. A computer won’t certainly be able to teach
many other “real-world” human behaviors, emotions and moral disciplines to
students in the classroom like a human teacher.

Card 2: Describe a gift you recently gave someone

Thank you for your question. I love to look after my friends and family. On
special occasions (ooc cây dừn), I frequently give presents (pờ re zừn) to my
loved ones. Recently, I took the time to choose a gift for my daughter (đo tờ)
for her birthday. It's a smart watch, a technological (tếch no lo díc cồ) device
(đi vai) that can help her enhance (in han) her health. It may be linked to
health-monitoring (heo mo ni tờ ring) and training apps (trên ning áp),
and it can measure (me dờ) sleep, activity, and heart rate each day. In
addition (ét đi sừn), it's fairly simple to use; all we have to do is set up an
iCloud account (ơ cao) to link up with the phone we use to get our health data.
This device can help users know their health status (sờ tây tớt) and make
suitable (siu tờ bồ) changes to their activities or find appropriate (áp pờ râu
pờ ri ết) medical solutions when necessary. I believe this is a great
technological product that can be used to support and improve people’s health.

Card 3: Do you prefer studying in Viet Nam or abroad and why?

Thank you for your question. Nowadays (nao ơ đây), when the economy (i co
nờ mi) and transport conditions (cờn đi sừn) increase, studying abroad
becomes one of the students' choices to spend their time during high school or
university (diu ni vơ sờ ty). In my opinion, I prefer studying overseas
because there are some advantages (ợt ven tịt chịt) when studying in another
First, it is an excellent (ích xờ lừn) opportunity (óp po tiu nờ ty) to learn not
only knowledge (no lít) but also improve the second language. For example
studying in a real class, discuss with the classmates and teamwork in most
courses help me obtain (óp tên) a lot of knowledge and improve my foreign
language, especially (ích sờ pe xồ ly) speaking skills, which had ever taken
me a lot of time to learn in Vietnam
Second, when I study abroad, I have social activities such as cultural (cao
chờ) exchange, outdoor activities, or simply going to the night market that
allow me to learn about culture, food, and comprehend (com pờ ri hen) and
experience (ích pia riền) the lifestyles of natives. If you study in your country,
you won't get this life experience.
Finally, whether people study abroad or not, people also must try to improve
their knowledge and work so hard to get good certificates (xơ ti phi kết).

Câu hỏi thêm: Disadvantages of studying abroad.

First, You might encounter culture shock and other culture-related problems.
Second, Living costs in some countries are very high. Many overseas students
have to do a part-time job to pay for their bills. This can affect their studies.
Finally, You might experience feelings of frustration, loneliness and

Card 4: What is your plan for future job and professional career?

Thanks for asking. As time goes by, my plan and priority (pờ rai o rờ ty)
change as well. I currently (cơ rừn ly ) have 16 years of experience (ích pia
riền) working and it affects to my plans.
First, I plan to learn in hopes of improving my foreign language skills. This
enables me to communicate (cờm miu ni kết) with international (in tơ na
sừn nồ) colleagues (co lít) and learn to read English-language books. This will
assist me in improving myself and getting a good professional (pờ rô phét
sừn nồ) qualification (qua li phai cây sừn).
Second, I have some periodic (pia ri o đíc) health plans such as health
screening (sờ cờ rin ning) and diet (đai ợt). Spend time for sports such as:
yoga, walking and following a healthy diet helps me work more efficiently (i
phì xừn ly).
Finally, my more long-term (long tơm) plans are a cycle of the same things:
take care of the kids, keep the house clean, work and pay bills, try to live a
healthier lifestyle (lai sờ tail). That might seem boring to some people, but
I’m looking forward to it. It’s a comfortable (căm phờ tơ bồ) routine (ru
So I'm just waiting for this pandemic (pan đe míc) to end, so that I can shape
my future and enjoying my job and living a happy life.

Câu hỏi thêm: Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary
when choosing a job?

Answer: When it comes to seeking satisfaction from work, the basic

philosophy is pretty simple – get a job that you love and work your way up to
earning a lot. But, unfortunately, life isn’t really that simple, especially, when
options are rather limited and the choices vary greatly from person to person.

I would say that salary is more important to many than their job “satisfaction”
from where they see life as the more money they have, the better they will be
able to take care of their “needs”. But to me, job satisfaction is far more
important than the money I will earn from my job.
Card 5: What kind of support should the government give people in need
during the social distancing period?
In fact, when implementing (im pờ li men ting) social distancing (đít từn
xing), the government (ga vờ mừn) has advised adoption (a đóp sừn) of
various preventive (pờ ri ven típ) measures like: travel restrictions (ri sờ
trích sừn); and the closing of schools, workplaces, stadiums, theatres, or
shopping centres. Individuals (in đi vi dùa) may apply social distancing
methods by staying at home, limiting travel, avoiding crowded areas, using
no-contact greetings, and physically (phi síc cồ ly) distancing themselves
from others.
During the social distancing period the government should (1) Ensure (in sua)
social security (se ciu rity), prevent people from lack of food or clothing (2)
Ensure medical services (me đi cồ sơ vít xịt), medical examination (ích zam
mi nây sừn) and treatment for people (3) Reducing the cost of essential (ét
sen xồ) items such as electricity (e lếc tríc xity), gasoline…
In brief, social distance helps to slow the spread of disease until a vaccine is
available. I'm hoping the pandemic will be over soon.

Câu hỏi thêm: Is it important to get vaccinated?

Yes, of course. COVID-19 vaccination helps protect you by creating an
antibody response without you having to experience sickness, potentially
including severe illness. COVID 19-vaccines are effective at protecting people
from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and even dying. Especially, it can
help the government contain the outbreak of the pandemic, thus lessening the
effects of COVID-19 on society.

Card 6: Describe what you do during the social distancing period in your
Social distancing (sâu cồ đít từn xing) has given me the chance to do a lot of
things that I have always been too busy to do. It's given me the time to reflect
on myself, focus on daily tasks and build a regular routine (re giu lờ ru tin).
Between studying online/ working from home, I cook for every meal. It has
become a very healing habit. I also listen to more podcasts (pốt cát) and read
more. The time I would usually take to travel to places, I have acclimatized (ơ
cờ lai mờ tai) to more down time and meditation (me đi tây sừn). Getting rid
of the hustle-culture (hát tồ cao chờ) routine that we’ve always been
accustomed (ơ cát từm) with is not easy. I sometimes feel pressured (pờ rét
xờ) to be more productive (pờ rô đắc tip). Without stepping out, it’s been
difficult (đi phờ cồ) to separate (se pờ rết) personal and work spaces.
However, as social distancing lasts, it actually gives me a better chance to
reorganize (ri o gờ nai) and balance out these routines.

Câu hỏi thêm: What do you do to protect yourself from Covid 19?
First, I must Get vaccinated as soon as it’s my turn.
Keep a distance of at least 1 metre from others
Open windows when possible
Wear a mask
Clean hands
Cover coughs and sneezes
Stay home when sick

Card 7 Describe some good or bad news you recently received

These days, and in a world full of many unfortunate (ăn pho tu nết) and
frustrating (phờ rút trết ting) news, good news is really hard to come by. So,
whenever there is any good news, I always try to cherish (che rít) it. So,
today, I would like to share some such good news
Actually (ác tùa lỳ), my family and I had some empty pieces (pít xịt) of land,
and we all had decided (đi xai đựt) that we would grow a small fruit garden on
that unused land about 3 years ago.
It was a long and tiring work process (pờ rô xét), but finally, we were lucky to
get it done within a month. After preparing (pờ ri pe ring) our garden, all we
could do was to wait for its trees to grow and eventually (i ven chùa lỳ)
produce some fruits. By the way, when the fruits actually (ác chùa lỳ) started
to show up on the trees in our garden, I was living in another (ăn na dờ) city
while I was working there. So, my father called me over my phone and gave
me the good news.
Anyway, after learning the news from my father, I felt really happy and excited
that the fruits (speaking literally here) of our hard work were finally (phai nồ
ly) showing up. In fact, I couldn’t wait to visit the garden as soon as I heard it,
but I just couldn’t do that because of my job.

Câu hỏi thêm: How do you feel after hearing the good news?
Actually, after receiving good news, everyone feels happy, and so do I. I
usually share my good news with my parents first, because, you know, they are
my biggest inspiration in life. Second, are my friends. They are my soulmates
and they always know how meaningful this good news means to me.

Card 8: Describe a piece of advice you recently gave someone

In our life, we often give advice to others in times when we feel that’s
necessary (ne xét sờ rỳ). This is basic (bây díc) human nature (nây chờ) to
give advice and share thoughts with others. I gave several (se vờ rồ) pieces of
advice to others, mostly to my friends and relatives (re lờ típ), and one such
advice I still remember and feel good about was the one that I gave to one of
my classmates when I was in college (co lít).
I advised him to continue (cờn ti niu) his study no matter what. The friend
whom I gave advice to was called (…say a name…), and I talked to him for
more than 3 hours that day. One day he told me that he was planning to quit
college and get involved (in vâu) in some kind of job to support his family.
That was, in my opinion, a dreadful (đờ rét phun) decision (đi xi dừn) as it
would ruin every possibility (po sơ bi lờ ty) he had in his career (cờ ria) and
he would have to do some petty jobs for the rest of his life.
I advised him not to drop out of college and study hard to have a bright future
career (cờ ria). I showed him some of the examples (ích dam pồ) where
others were supporting their families even after continuing their studies. I told
him that it would be quite challenging (cha lừn ding) and sometimes he
would feel like dropping out, which he should avoid (ờ voi) by all means. I
also advised him to manage (me nit) a part-time job in the local library or to
talk to our teachers about his financial (phai nan xồ) and family condition
(cờn đi sừn).
After a few days, he told me that he had given some serious (sia ri ớt) thought
about it and won’t quit college. I felt overwhelmed (âu vờ wem) and happy to
hear that. He talked to our course teachers and one of the teachers arranged (ơ
rêng) for him a part-time job. He was happy and he finally finished his
graduation (gờ ra điu a sừn) from one of the prestigious (pờ rét ti dớt)
universities of our country. Now he is working in a respectable (ri sờ pếc tờ
bồ) government office and he is still grateful (gờ rết phun) to me for the
advice I gave him. I felt very well when I found him continuing his study and
in fact, he was a bright student. I still feel very glad to be able to give him a
piece of advice that proved to be very helpful.

Card 9: Describe some of the things you will do after the lockdown period
in your hometown.
Being confined (cờn phai) in a space for too long has never been part of our
norms. We’re always encouraged (en ca rít) to go out, see more things and do
more things. Especially when we’re constantly (cơn sờ từn ly) so exposed
(ích pâu) to the world with technology. As soon as social distancing ends, I
would definitely (đe phi nít ly) travel to the nearest park/ camping site to fully
soak in the nature that I’ve been so deprived (đi pừ rai) of. The next thing
would definitely be going out to cafes & restaurants (rét tờ ròn) with
families and friends. Catching up with loved ones and getting basked in the
lively atmosphere (át mớt phi) of the crowd around would feel nice again
after some isolation (ai sâu lây sừn). Good food and good company is
definitely a remedy (re mờ đi) to the soul.
CÂU HỎI THÊM: What are difficulties people may face during
I think some people had a lot to cope with during the lockdown. Some people
struggled with isolation, some people worried with their income and others
struggled with being trapped in a building unable to go out. Most of the
problems were psychological, but some also had the practical problems when
they couldn't go to the market which led to lack of food and other necessities.

Card 10: Describe an unexpected event that happened to you

I would like to tell you about an unexpected (ăn ích pếc tựt) but highly
pleasant (pờ le sừn) event that I encountered (en cao tờ) about 2 years ago.
That was a cancelled (can xồ) flight in Noi Bai Airport in the summer of
2019. In July 2019, I traveled from HaNoi to Ho Chi Minh City with Bamboo
Airlines. I booked the flight about two months before the departure (đi pát
chờ) date, and believed that nothing would go wrong on the day of my flight
because my experience (ích pia riền) with Bamboo Airlines up to that point
had been strongly desirable (đi zai ờ bồ).
However, after I completed my check-in, the airline announced (ân nao) that
the flight to Ho Chi Minh would be delayed due to a technical (tếch ni cồ)
error of the airplane. The flight was supposed to depart at 2PM local time, but
passengers (pát sen dờ) had to wait anxiously (an xớt lỳ) until 7PM. At 7PM,
Bamboo Airlines confirmed (cờn phơm) that the flight had to be cancelled.
Initially (in ni sồ lỳ), I felt deeply disappointed (đít ơ poi tựt) with this news.
Nevertheless (ne vờ thơ lét), what happened afterwards showed to me that
Bamboo Airlines was truly a professional (pờ rô phét sừn nồ) and a
hand-written letter of apology (ờ po lờ gỳ) from a representative (re pờ ri zen
tây típ) of Bamboo Airlines. After all, I would still recommend Bamboo
Airlines to anyone wishing to travel to and from Vietnam. In addition, in my
opinion, the experience is a stark reminder for airlines to constantly improve
their customer (cát từm mờ) services (sơ vít xịt) and swiftly handle (hen đồ)
cases of flight delay and cancellation (can xeo lây sừn).
Topic: Work/ Job
1. What is your job? / What kind of work do you do?
- My occupation is a doctor. I have worked as a doctor in Bạch Mai hospital for
5 years. My main task is to find the treatment and help patients ease their pain.
2. Do you like your work? / Why?
- Yes, of course. By becoming a doctor, you take away the pain and suffering
of others by giving them medical treatment and healthcare. As a doctor, you are
a continuous source of happiness for many people and their families. When you
give happiness to others, you are the happiest person of the moment.
3. What do you do after work?
- So after work, I usually go home and have dinner with my family. And
after that, I might just go and grab a drink with my friends, or just stay at
home and catch up on my favorite shows on Netflix.

Topic 2: Accommodation
Question 1: Are you living in a house or a flat?
- Currently I’m renting a flat on Phao Dai Lang Street. It’s not so far from my
workplace, only about 2 kilometers.
Question 2: How long have you been living there?
- Less than a year. Before I moved to this flat, I was living with my parents but
it’s too far from my workplace and the traffic there was always terrible. It took
me a long time to find this place but I’m pretty happy with it now.
Question 3: If you could change something about your neighborhood, what
would it be?
- Hmm… That’s an interesting question. Actually I’ve never thought of this
before. My neighborhood is pretty good I think. It’s quite civilized, and the
location is convenient for me to travel to work. I don’t think I would change
Topic 3: Morning routine
Question 1: What do you do in the morning?
- So normally I like to wake up around 7am, have a light breakfast, and do
some household chores, like wash the dishes or sweep the floor, or something
like that. Then I usually do some exercise for an hour or two and have a second
breakfast at about 9.30. After that, I have some spare time to do other things,
like my hobbies, or some other things that I need to get done.
Question 2: Have you ever changed your routine?
- Of course. I mean, my routine depends on my work. These days I work as a
doctor which requires me to work all day, so I do not have much free time in
the morning. But in the past I used to have a less busier job, so my routine was
completely different then.
Question 3: Do you often have breakfast?
- Yeah, every day. My brain can’t function properly without a good breakfast.
In fact, as I mentioned before, I usually have two breakfasts, a light breakfast
when I wake up, and then a bigger breakfast around 9 or 10 am. I don’t know
how people live without breakfast.

Topic 4: Festivals
Question 1: What is your favorite festival?
- I have to say, the Mid-Autumn Festival would be my favorite festival. Like the
name suggests, this festival takes place in the middle of Autumn, which is
August 15th according to the Lunar Calendar. I love all the special treats during
this holiday, especially moon cakes.
Question 2: What is the most popular Vietnamese festival?
- Well, the most popular Festival in Vietnam is the Lunar New Year Festival.
It’s the time for family reunions as people who work far away from home can
get to spend some valuable time with their loved ones after a long year of being
Question 3: Do you like western festivals?
- Honestly, I only know a little about western festivals, but I guess the one I
find most interesting would be Halloween. You know, it’s just a lot of fun to see
people dressing up in many different creative costumes. If I had a chance, I
would definitely want to celebrate it in other countries to see what it’s like.


- FIRST, self-care in a multitude of ways during the pandemic. You can protect
yourself by wearing masks, maintaining a 6-foot distance, eating healthily and
washing hands frequently.
- Second, get vaccinated is really important. COVID-19 vaccination helps
protect you by creating an antibody response without you having to experience
sickness, potentially including severe illness. COVID 19-vaccines are effective
at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and even
dying. It can help the government contain the outbreak of the pandemic, thus
lessening the effects of COVID-19 on society.
- Last but not least, take mental health seriously. The number of mental health
disorders that were on the rise before the pandemic is surging as people grapple
with such matters as juggling work and childcare, job loss, isolation, and losing
a loved one to COVID-19. So, you must prepare yourself seriously to get ready
for these traumatic events.


An older person I admire would be one of my teachers who taught me at high
school. She had a great influence on me and was a role model to whom I look
up to.

Her name is Yen and she taught me math for 3 years of high school. She was in
her 50s, so she had a lot of teaching experience. Actually, we met each other
almost every day as she was also my form teacher. She cared about us as if we
were her sons and daughters. For example, she always brought some kinds of
medicines so that whenever her students got a cold, coughed, or something like
that, she would give them the medicines immediately.

Above all, I was most influenced by the way she taught us in class. Her
thoroughness in teaching inspired me to study Math, even though I had not
been interested in the subject before. Thanks to her effective teaching method, I
was able to pass the university entrance exam with a high Math grade. Besides,
I was also influenced by her lifestyle, which was so simple and worthy of
respect that I really wanted to copy her. As she was a warm-hearted person, she
always gave us advice about any problems we faced. At times, I felt that she
was like my friend who I could share everything with. Although we have now
all graduated from high school, my friends and I often visit her at the weekends
to tell her about our daily life at university.


Well, people quickly lose their contact with friends, especially school and
college friends, in today’s fast-paced life. I also passed through this situation.
I lose many friends’ contacts, and it is happening because I am busy with my
job, and some of my friends are too busy in their work, life and some shift to
another place or country. Here I would like to talk about my school friend,
whom I found on Facebook. It is not fair to say, but Sometimes my thanks to
the Corona pandemic because it slowed down life, and people get time to spend
with their families. Her name is Mai. We studied for ten years together. She
was a brilliant student. She is not only good in academics but performs very
well in sports also. Last month I was checking my Facebook account, and I
entered her name in the search box, luckily her account showed in the list. I
clicked on it and sent a friend request to her. She accepted the next day and also
sent a mobile number through the message. After that, we started calling each
other. I felt thrilled because I was trying to find contact with her for many
years. Now, whenever we call each other, we recall our old days and memories.

CARD 13: Short journey that you disliked

A short trip that I often and regularly take is a trip to my maternal grandfather’s
home. I love to visit my grandparents, and I look forward to it, but I dislike the
journey and its activities. So it is a trip with mixed feelings. I go to a place
called _Hòa Bình ______, which is almost 45 kilometers away from where I
live. I go there every fortnight. I stay there for two days, and I go by public
transport. I go there by compulsion and by force. I help my grandparents with
banking work, buy groceries and vegetables, and regularly visit the doctors. I
also help them pay their bills and clean their home. I take them to the park, and
we also visit our place of worship together. I intend to spend quality time with
them and help them in their domestic chores. I enjoy their company a lot. I do
not like to take these frequent short trips for many reasons. Although the
destination is worth it, the journey is very bumpy. The road is congested, and
the bus stops frequently. It is a sheer waste of my time. Overall, these trips are
very tiring and stressful for me. I can neither read nor listen to music on the
way due to the overcrowded bus. However, I love my grandparents a lot, and I
can face any hardships for them.


Ambition means a strong desire to do or achieve something.

I think everyone should have some purpose in life because the goal always
motivates a person to do the hard work. I also have many ambitions in my life,
and I succeeded in completing some of them, but I faced failure many times.
Here I am going to talk about an ambition that I have had for a long time, and
that is I want to open a boutique. Many things are required to open it, such as
knowledge of clothes, designing, stitching and many more things.
The first problem that I face initially is a course certificate. If a person wants to
open a boutique, then he/she has to complete a fashion designing course/
stitching course.
I also started a fashion designing course one and a half years ago, but I had to
leave this course because my mother suffered from some health problems. I am
making many efforts to manage all the essential items, and I hope to open my
boutique in the next month. I have such ambition because I want to design
designer clothes and sell them at a very affordable price so that everyone can
buy them.

Card 15: Scared by animals

I would like to describe the time I was threatened by a dog. It happened a long
time ago in my friend's house, probably when I was a child. Well, on that day,
my friend invited me to her house to see new-born puppies and I was so excited
because I was a dog person. Suddenly, a huge Rottweiler came out of nowhere
and was about to bite me. I jumped out of my skin and screamed my head off.
(jump out of my skin). Luckily, my friend held her back and chained her
further to my standing spot. Turned out It was the puppies' feeding time. Even
being chained, she continued barking to shuh me away from her puppies. In the
end, the mother dog calmed down and didn't threat me anymore. I could play
with adorable and playful puppies.

Card 16: Weather

Well, the weather is an important part of nature as well as, everyone likes and
dislikes the weather according to their choice and needs but, I always prefer hot
weather. It normally occurs from June to September but, now due to pollution,
it may occur differently in different sorts of parts of the nation.

Interestingly, I always like hot summer days and I also love green grass, hot
air, and many other things. In summer, I usually do a different type of activities
such as, I go outside with friends and eat ice cream as well as, also enjoy cold
coffee, soft drink, and shakes with it, I spend a lot of time with family.
Moreover, my family and I visit the poolside and waterpark. One waterpark
near my house is the fun island and there are a lot of water activities. When I
go there I usually enjoy waterslides, rain dance, swimming, and delicious
Chinese food also.

With it, I love hot weather because I like to wear dresses, swimsuits, shorts
and more other summer clothes. as well as, in the afternoon I sit in the room
and listen to pop music and eat some light snacks.
Furthermore, in summer those days are too long and, easily visit other places
and I normally visit Nha Trang beach and enjoy it a lot with friends. These are
the main reasons I most prefer hot weather.


When I used to be a child, I had this image of me being a professional at the

workplace and having discussions with my colleagues. The job that I have
today is quite far from that, but it is also the type of career that most people
would want for their life, which is doctor. My concept of an ideal occupation
has 3 components: First, it has to provide (for you and your family). Second of
all, it should be located in a nice looking location, and finally, I need a good
environment that nurtures growth and equality. The first and foremost aspect of
any occupation has got to be its pay. As eager to learn as I am, I cannot deny
that the first thing I look at when I see a job offer is the amount of salary that
the company is willing to pay me. Speaking of locations, wouldn’t it be nice if
you could make a living and enjoy your time at work at the same time? A nice
workplace is a must when it comes to creativity and solutions. Last but not
least, an excellent learning environment is what everyone automatically thinks
of when it comes to a dream job I think. Once upon a time, I came across this
psychology paper that suggests that one of the most important facets of a
human’s core value is the need to grow intellectually. I think in life very few
people would be satisfied with a job that is repetitive and requires them to do
the same thing over and over again. And even then, they wouldn’t be too happy
about it. Moreover, personal development is essential to future promotion, so I
assume learning and progressing in the corporate leader go hand in hand.

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