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This course deals with that type of Reiki energy specialized in the concept of
karma and deals with various situations related to negative karma. This system
uses 5 symbols: 2 are used as Reiki symbols and can alleviate the effect of
"anonymous" karma. The other 3 sister symbols have an incredibly strong
frequency and take a while to get used to, but once learned they can have
surprising results, sometimes revealing in a surprisingly detailed way events
from previous lives.

Aura: concept estic vs concept vestic

When we talk about the subtle body (chakras, meridians, etc.) we often make
analogies with Western medicine (endocrine system, nervous system, etc.). they
may be similar, but they do not refer directly to the Eastern point of view. There
is one thing that is common, namely the aura (or the biomagnetic field, if we
refer to Western science). The philosophy of the aura may be divided differently
from the biomagnetic field, but both refer to the energy that surrounds
everything that is alive. The two ideas fall apart when it comes to the concept of
disease. In the West, there is a theory that when someone becomes physically
ill, the energy around them becomes weak and inefficient. Eastern philosophy is
that energy is pierced or perforated, and then the body becomes ill.

In Reiki or other practices that rely on the transmission of vital energy, Eastern
philosophy is the basis of the work. When any negative energy surrounding a
person is corrected, a certain environment is created for healing to take place.
There are all sorts of things that can harm the energy field: an unhealthy
lifestyle, emotional trauma, negative thoughts, contact with negative energy
sources (energy vampires, the existence of an environment of stress and
anxiety, etc.).

The concept of karma

Surely you are familiar with the terms positive karma and negative karma, or
you may have heard the saying "he probably did something good / bad in the
past", or you may have heard the saying "what you give, you receive". It all
comes down to the idea of karma. It is said that everything you do is reflected
back to you, so if you go through life giving love, you will receive love. If you
hate, you will only find hatred. This is because any vibration we send into our
aura will attract people or situations of the same vibration. Sometimes we carry
this vibration from one life to the next. If we don't learn how to draw things
positive to us, the negative vibrations attracted will lead to the increase of
negative situations or even to death. These vibrations stay with us until we learn
from our mistakes and from our repeated actions, and even the people around
us will get sick, and all because of the negative vibrations.

The treatment of karma and aura

Karmic treatments come in a variety of forms. The basic form can be easily
applied, while the others require practice and experience. Also, assessing the
patient's situation (making the diagnosis) takes some time for the Reiki master.
Reiji Ho and Byosen can be used to "feel" the aura. Over time, the ability to
make a diagnosis will improve.

The "Emotional Butterfly" and "Grace" symbols are easy to use: activate them in
your palms and send them to the aura with Reiji Ho, or draw the symbols along
the body. You can use the Grace symbol with a specific hand position, which is
called a "bridge of souls". To do this, the patient should lie on his back and sit on
his head. Place your elbows at the patient's shoulders so that each elbow
touches one shoulder. With the forearms facing up, join your palms and fingers
touching each other and palms facing down toward the patient's third eye. Then
broadcast Grace for 15 minutes.

1.TAOIST GRACE-Karmic sewer symbol

Grace is used to clean repetitive elements caused by karmic components. When

negative energy vibrations occur in the aura fields, Grace can be used to
neutralize them, along with the patient's effort to eliminate the cause.

For example, for karmic overeating - if the patient removes the causes related to
the native side, the Grace symbol can be used to eliminate the negative energy.
That is, the patient has eliminated the native cause and only karmic healing is
To use the Grace symbol, draw it over your entire body or activate your palms
with this symbol and use it in the mental body of the aura.

2.EMOTIONAL BUTTERFLY-Sewer symbol, clean aura

This symbol works with the emotional side of negative karma, but it brings
emotional situations and habits from the unconscious to the conscious.
to be healed. It can be used with Grace and will always be followed by Grace in a
karmic treatment. This symbol can be viewed throughout the body, it can be
drawn on the palms and placed in the emotional body, or it can be drawn on the
heart chakra.

Contraindications: can cause emotional release. Patient TREBIUE warned that

various healing crises may occur.

Karmic symbols / sister aura

The last three karmic symbols are particularly powerful and should be practiced
several times in a non-professional situation until you are confident and
comfortable with this technique.
To use these symbols, scan the aura using Byosen, cold spots or negative
energies - if you find anything ask for the help of spiritual guides and examine
any anomalies to discover information - size, shape, temperature, location, what
is, etc. Once you are informed, activate the first symbol (MKD) and vaporize the
anomaly until nothing is felt.

Then use the second symbol (MTN) to reduce / eliminate any traces left after
vaporization. At the end use the last symbol (MS) to bring the patient back to
reality, warm any karmic cold and smooth the aura.

Whenever you use MKD, you should use MS in the end - by using MKD alone,
you can complete the treatment with the patient feeling sick and very cold.

You can also use MS alone if the patient feels an ice cold - which is known as
karmic cold.

3.Karmic Blockage Vaporizer - Mei Ku Do(MKD)

This powerful frequency cleanses the energetic manifestations of various

physical objects present in the aura, such as rope, knife, brick, etc. Its intense
vibration vaporizes any blockage, leaving only a shadow of the karmic
To use this symbol, connect by viewing the symbol and when you feel its
vibration in your palms, connect with Reiji Ho and let yourself be guided where
energy is needed. After applying MKD use MTN to complete the treatment.

Contraindications: it can cause panic attacks and often give intense feelings of
pressure, fear or even death.
4.Karmic Shadow Cleaner - Mei Tu Nyo(MTN)

After a karmic manifestation has been cleared from the aura, it can leave a
shadow, or an area where energy flow stagnates or does not exist. To bring the
energy flow back to normal, use MTN in the same way as MKD.

This symbol can give the patient bursts of laughter, or enveloping him with love
and euphoric feelings.

5.Connection Guide - Shite Myo(SM)

This symbol is visualized and felt in the palms. It creates a close connection
between the practitioner's Reiki guides and the patient, which intensifies the
He works very well in correspondence (individual and relational) with karmic
problems, spiritual growth and wherever a formidable energy and a lot of love is
It is a symbol with a very high frequency - even higher than other master
symbols, so use it carefully.

KARMIC REIKI MASTER - The Initiation Process

Karmic Reiki is a very powerful system and it takes time to adjust, it requires
sensitivity to energy and a good connection with spiritual guides or the higher
The initiation process can be done once, or it can be repeated, if you feel the
Before receiving the initiation, we must insist on the 21-day healing crisis, the
detoxification process, which can bring various problems to the surface. You
have to know that this is a natural process that you don't have to worry about, it
will pass.

Initiation process

1. Ask the person receiving the initiation to place their hands in the Gassho
2.Move your hands above your head and feel the energy flowing from above
into your hands.
3. The path of energy. Lower your hands a little and join them so that the two
index fingers of your hands remain raised.
4. In a continuous motion, lower your hands in front of the initiate and draw
a line of light (energy path) that enters through the crown and goes to
the center of the body, with the intention of opening the energy centers.
Trace the energy path along the spinal cord until the hands reach close
to the student's knees.

5.Spread your hands, and with your palms down, move them to either side of
the initiate's knees and move them down to the floor, grounding the
energy without touching the floor. Move your hands sideways as you
6.You will need to remember a number of hand positions when you fill an
area with energy and light. Each position must be held for at least 10
7.THE CROWN. Stand up and move your hands down so that they float, one
on top of the other, above the student's crown. If he has long legs, you
can sit on the student's side. Touch the student's aura above the head
using the dominant hand and shake the other hand over the dominant
hand, palms facing down. Direct the energy through the energy path you
drew earlier. When you feel the energy flowing, place all the Karmic Reiki
symbols in the crown chakra and visualize how it enters the chakra to the
base of the head (skull).

8.TAMPLE. Following the aura outside, place your hands on either side of the
student's head. The palms are facing the head and the intention is to
increase the energy path and the whole body of the student will be
flooded with energy.
9.THE THIRD EYE. Following the aura on the outside, move your hands in
front of the student and make an angle with your index and thumb, the
other fingers being open. This is the symbol of the sun. Hold the center
of the triangle in front of the student in front of the third eye. Your palms
are facing each other. Place the Karmic Reiki symbols in the third eye and
visualize how it enters the chakra.

10.NECK. Place your hands in front of and behind your neck and fill with
11.HEART. Put your hands in front of and behind the heart area and flood
your heart with light.
12.HANDS. Touch the tips of the first three fingers together, place your
hands next to the student's hands, without touching his hands, and fill
the student's hands with light. Place the Karmic Reiki symbols in his
hands and see how they penetrate the chakras.
13.Bring your hands down to your knees (the tips of the three fingers are still
together). Separate your hands, and with your palms down, move them
down on either side of the student, from the knees down, as you did
when you grounded the energy earlier.

14.With the intention of gathering the excess energy, and sending it back to
the Reiki source, bring your hands together. The palms are facing up,
touch the little fingers of both hands and join the sides of both palms, as
if you wanted to take the water out of a container. Quickly move your
palms up with your fingers toward the center of the student's body and
gather the surplus energy along the energy path you drew earlier and
send that surplus energy to the sky. As your hands move toward the sky,
toward the end of the movement, open your arms to the sky.

15.If you initiate a group of people, they must stand with their hands in the
Gassho position. After everyone has received the initiation, bring all your
hands together.

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