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u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.

u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh
Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone

Matugama Education Zone

kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak;
u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh
Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone

Second Term Evaluation -2020
English Grade 7 Time : Two Hours

Name :- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

Answer all the questions.

u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak;
(1) Match the words in the column “A” with their synonyms in column “B” .One has been done for you

1 ) beautiful a) real

2 ) correct b) last

3 ) gift c) right

4) thankful d) attractive

5) final e) grateful

6 ) true f) present

2) Select the antonym in the cage and write them in front of the word. The first one has been done
for you.

1) difficult ……easy…………………………………… (6) tiny …………………………………

2) happy …………………………………………. 5) new …………………………………………….

3) quick ………………………………………….
Big / old / slow/ unhappy /cool/easy
4) warm ………………………………………….

1 English – Grade 7
(3) Underline the correct answer to fill the blanks.

(1) Seetha studies in a ………………… (girl’s / girls’) school.

(2) My ………………… (brothers’ / brother’s) name is Aruna.

(3) …………………. (Aren’t / Arent’) you writing the note.

(4) …………………. (Kamals’ / Kamal’s) pet dog is very pretty .

(5) My pet is a parrot. It ……………….. (cant’ / can’t) talk.

4) Write five sentences about the picture using “ There is” and “There are”. The following words may
help you. Follow the example.

a blackboard/ a teacher /boys / girls/ desks / chairs/charts/

1) There are desks in the classroom .

2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

2 English – Grade 7
(5) Fill in the blanks with ‘was’ or ‘were’ to complete the story. One has been done for you.

Once upon a time there was a park. Around this park there ……………… a wall. There ……………..
colourful flowers in the park. There ………………a beautiful rose bush in that park. There ……………….
bunches of flowers on the rose bush. Thousands of butterflies came to the park. There was a beautiful
and honest butterfly. It used to speak with rose flowers. Whenever it ……………….. free and happy, the
beautiful butterfly sang song to cheer up the flowers.

(6) Read this notice and complete the table below.

The English drama club of Kurulu Maha Vidyalaya


The Little Red Riding Hood

(The little girl and the wolf)

On 4th October 2020

At 3.00 p.m.

In the Pradeshiya Saba Auditorium

Name of the drama



Staged by



3 English – Grade 7
7) Underline the best answer in the brackets.

(1) This desk is …………………. So you can’t keep your books on it. ( my / mine )

(2) Please pass this pen to Nihal. It is ………………… pen. ( his / him )

(3) This class room is ……………………, so we must clean it. ( our / ours )

(4) All the classrooms are neat and tidy but …………………. is the best. ( their / theirs )

(5) This book belongs to Ramani. It’s …………………. (her / hers ).


8) Write the suitable preposition in the blanks.

in/ in front of /between/behind/on

(1) The cat is …………………………………………. the box.

(2) The cat is ………………………….. the boxes.

(3) The apple is ………………………… the book.

(4) The cat is ………………………. the box.

(5) The apple is …………………….. the book.

4 English – Grade 7
9 ) Read the details given about a famous Indian . Write the description about him.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

( 1st August 1869 - 30th January 1948)

Father of none violence

Studied Law at London University

Founder of passive resistance campaign

Used none violence to win independence


10) Listen to the announcement and fill the following grid.

The announcement is about

The announcement is for


Attention please , attention please

There will be a special meeting for the monitors of all the classes on 7th July 2020 at 11.30 a.m.
All the monitors should come to the main hall on time to discuss the new plan to make the
school premises free of polythene and garbage.

5 English – Grade 7

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