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Lesson 1

### Introduction to Data Communication - Reviewer

This reviewer is designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of data communication,

focusing on essential concepts, the roles of different types of telecommunication hardware, and
networking equipment.

#### **Fundamentals of Data Communication**

1. **Data Communication**
- **Definition**: The electronic transfer of data from one location to another.
- **Purpose**: Enables information systems to deliver information efficiently and supports e -
- **Importance**: Provides the basis for virtual organizations and enhances the flexibility of data
collection and transmission.

2. **Telecommunication**
- **Overview**: The transmission of information using various types of technology over wire,
radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems.
- **Evolution**: Originated from the need for communication over distances greater than that
feasible with the human voice.
- **Modern Use**: Includes modern IT equipment such as mobile devices, IP telephony, traditional
and enterprise networking equipment for LAN and WAN.

#### **Telecommunication Hardware**

1. **Types of Transmission Media**

- **Wired and Wireless**: The two main types of transmission media, each playing a crucial role in
modern communication infrastructure.

2. **Telecommunication Equipment**
- **Public Switching Equipment**: Includes devices like PBX and telephone switches that manage
the routing and connection of communication signals.
- **Transmission Equipment**: Devices that transmit data across communication channels, such as
fiber optic cables and satellite transmitters.
- **Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)**: End-user devices like telephones and routers that
connect to the communication network.

3. **Networking Equipment**
- **Overview**: Electronic devices required for communication between devices on a computer
- **Components**: Includes core network components, hybrid components, and hardware or
software components found at the connection point of different networks.
- **Examples**: Routers, switches, bridges, repeaters, wireless access points, and structured

#### **Data Communication and Transmission**

1. **Data Communication**
- **Concept**: Involves using computing and communication technologies to transfer data from a
sender to a receiver.
- **Functionality**: Similar to regular communication but focuses on the transfer of digital data
using defined protocols.

2. **Data Transmission**
- **Methods**: Includes serial and parallel communication, each using different devices like
wireless systems, optical fibers, and infrared.
- **Types of Communication**:
- **Simplex**: One-way or unidirectional communication.
- **Half Duplex**: Two-way or bidirectional communication but not simultaneously.
- **Full Duplex**: Two-way communication where both devices can send and receive data

#### **Transmission Techniques**

1. **Analog Transmission**: Uses continuous variations of physical signals to represent data.

2. **Digital Transmission**: Encodes data as binary digits and transmits them as discrete signals,
offering higher reliability.

#### **Elements of Data Communication**

1. **Components**:
- **Message**: Information to be transmitted.
- **Sender and Receiver**: Devices involved in transmitting and receiving the message.
- **Transmission Medium/Communication Channels**: Mediums that connect devices, either wired
or wireless.
- **Protocol**: Set of rules defining how data is exchanged.

#### **Data Communication Model**

- **DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)**: Source and receiver equipment generating the data stream.
- **DCE (Data Communication Equipment)**: Provides the interface from the DTE device to the

#### **OSI Reference Model**

- **Layers**:
- **Physical Layer**: Handles the transmission of raw unstructured data bits across the network.
- **Data Link Layer**: Ensures error-free transfer of data between nodes.
- **Network Layer**: Manages the routing of data across different networks.
- **Transport Layer**: Responsible for the end-to-end delivery of the message.
- **Session Layer**: Manages the sessions between communication parties.
- **Presentation Layer**: Manipulates data into the required format for transmission.
- **Application Layer**: Produces and consumes data that needs to be transferred over the network.
Lesson 2
### Reviewer on Fundamentals of Communication

**Prepared by: Mariano T. Romano, Jr.**

#### What is Data?

- **Definition**: Data consists of raw facts and figures with little inherent meaning until processed or
- **Data Processing**: The transformation of data into information through sorting or calculation.

#### Communication Basics

- **Nature of Communication**: Symbolic and transactional, involving the creation and sharing of
- **Process**: Involves sending both verbal and nonverbal messages, receiving and interpreting
them, and then providing feedback.

#### Defining Data Communication

- **Description**: Electronic transfer of data from one location to another.
- **Significance**: Enhances the flexibility of data collection and transmission, supports virtual
organizations, and facilitates e-collaboration.

#### Why Managers Need to Know About Data Communication

- **Integration**: Core functions of an organization are closely integrated with data communication
- **Benefits**: Increases decision-making efficiency, improves organizational efficiency, and
enhances productivity through tools like email and electronic file transfer.
- **Key Areas**: Includes understanding basics of networking, Internet, intranets, extranets, network
security, organizational impacts, and globalization.

#### Basic Concepts in a Data Communication System

- **Bandwidth**: The capacity for data transfer in a specific timeframe.
- **Attenuation**: Reduction in signal strength during transmission.
- **Broadband vs. Narrowband**:
- **Broadband**: Allows multiple data pieces to be sent simultaneously to increase transmission
- **Narrowband**: Limited data transmission capacity, typically up to 56,000 bps.

#### Communication Hardware

- **Purpose**: Facilitates data transfer between devices or locations.
- **Examples**:
- **Modem**: Device enabling communication over telephone lines.
- **Cable**: Direct communication between computers using Coaxial, UTP, or Fiber Optic cables.
- **Fax Modem**: Combines modem and fax capabilities for direct document transmission.
- **Router**: Device that routes data packets between multiple networks.
- **Wireless Technologies**:
- **Infrared**: Short-range wireless communication.
- **Bluetooth**: Exchanges data over short distances using radio waves.
- **Wi-Fi**: Allows devices to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly.

#### Types of Cables

- **Coaxial Cable**: Used by cable operators, internet providers, and within homes for data, video,
and voice communications.
- **UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cable**: Improves electromagnetic compatibility by twisting two
conductors of a single circuit.
- **Fiber Optics**: Uses glass or plastic fibers to transmit light signals, offering high -speed data

#### Significance for Managers

- Understanding data communication technologies is crucial for managers to effectively lead and
adapt in digitally enabled environments. Awareness of how these technologies impact organizational
functions and strategic execution can lead to more informed, effective decision-making and
competitive advantages.
Lesson 3
### Reviewer on Networking Concepts

**Types of Computer Network**

1. **Network Architecture**
- **LAN (Local Area Network)**: Network in a small geographical area.
- **MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)**: Spans a city or town.
- **WAN (Wide Area Network)**: Covers broad geographic locations, crossing municipal,
regional, or national boundaries.

2. **Network Models**
- **Client/Server Network**: Centralized server resources and management, with clients accessing
- **Peer-To-Peer Network**: Decentralized, each device on the network acts as both client and

**Advantages and Disadvantages of Network Models**

- **Peer-To-Peer**:
- **Advantages**: Cost-effective, easy to set up, each device manages itself.
- **Disadvantages**: No centralized management, weaker security, reliance on individual device

- **Client/Server**:
- **Advantages**: Efficient resource management, enhanced security, centralized data backup.
- **Disadvantages**: Higher setup and maintenance costs, requires dedicated administration.

**Network Topologies**

1. **Star**: Every node connected to a central hub. Efficient, but dependent on hub's functioning.
2. **Ring**: Nodes connected in a closed loop. Data passes in one or both directions, which can
enhance speed but complicates adding or removing nodes.
3. **Bus**: All nodes connected through a single backbone cable. Simple, but a break in the cable
can disrupt the entire network.
4. **Mesh**: Every node has a connection to every other node. Highly robust but expensive and
5. **Tree**: Hierarchical setup, combining characteristics of star and bus topologies. Suitable for
large networks.
6. **Hybrid**: Combination of two or more topologies to meet specific needs.

**Network Communication Technology**

1. **Intranet**: A private network within an organization for secure information sharing among
2. **Extranet**: A private network that allows controlled access to outsiders like business partners
and customers.
3. **Internet**: Global network providing information and communication capabilities across
interconnected networks.

**Benefits and Challenges of Network Topologies**

- **Point to Point**: Direct, dedicated line between two nodes. High-speed, simple, but limited to two
- **Bus**: Less cabling, easy to add nodes. Performance issues if network is busy.
- **Ring**: High-speed, organized data flow minimizes collisions. Adding/removing nodes disrupts
the network.
- **Star**: Easy to manage and troubleshoot. Failure of central hub cripples the network.
- **Tree**: Scalable, fault isolation is simpler. Dependency on central backbone.
- **Mesh**: Enhanced privacy and robustness. High installation and maintenance costs.
- **Hybrid**: Tailor-made, combining advantages of multiple setups. Potentially complex
Lesson 3 #2
### Reviewer on Network Communication Protocols

**Overview of Network Protocols**

- **Definition**: Network protocols are the rules governing data transmission between electronic
devices, such as computers or routers.
- **Purpose**: Ensure orderly and efficient exchange of information between the sender and the
receiver in a communication network.

**Roles of Communication**
- **Key Components**:
- Identified sender and receiver.
- Agreed method of communication (e.g., email, telephone).
- Common language and grammar.
- Speed and timing of delivery.
- Confirmation and acknowledgment requirements.

**Message Handling in Communication**

- **Encoding and Decoding**: Conversion of messages into a format suitable for transmission and
back into a usable format upon reception.
- **Formatting and Encapsulation**: Structuring of messages for transmission, including addressing
and control information.
- **Size and Timing**: Regulation of message size for efficient processing and timing for
synchronous communication.
- **Delivery Options**: Methods such as TCP/IP that dictate how messages are packaged, addressed,
transmitted, and routed.

**Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)**

- **TCP**: Responsible for breaking down data into packets, managing the transfer of those packets,
and reassembling packets at the destination.
- **IP**: Addresses and routes each packet to ensure it reaches the correct destination.

**Protocols and Their Functions**

- **Connectionless Protocols**: Data is sent without setting up a dedicated end -to-end connection
(e.g., IP).
- **Connection-Oriented Protocols**: A reliable connection is established between the sender and
receiver before data is transmitted (e.g., TCP).

**TCP/IP Features**
- **Logical Addressing**: Uses IP addresses to uniquely identify devices on a network.
- **Routability**: Ensures that data packets find the best path through a complex network.
- **Name Resolution**: Translates human-friendly domain names to IP addresses.
- **Interoperability**: Allows diverse network devices and protocols to communicate effectively.
- **Multiplexing**: Combines multiple data streams into a single physical connection.

**TCP/IP vs. OSI Model**

- **Layers Comparison**: OSI has seven layers, while TCP/IP has four layers.
- **Focus**: OSI is more theoretical, aiming at universal networking standards; TCP/IP is practical,
designed for robust, efficient networking.
- **Header Size**: OSI's header is typically smaller than TCP/IP's, which includes more control
- **Approach**: OSI uses a vertical approach (layer by layer); TCP/IP uses a horizontal approach,
focusing on the end-to-end delivery of packets.

**Network Interface Layer**

- Manages the physical transmission of data across a network interface.

**Internet Layer**
- Handles logical addressing, routing, and packet forwarding.

**Transport Layer**
- Ensures reliable data transfer between network clients and servers by managing error detection and

**Application Layer**
- Provides protocols that applications use to exchange data, such as HTTP for web browsing, SMTP
for email, and FTP for file transfer.

**Domain Names and IP Addresses**

- **Domain Names**: Easier for humans to remember (e.g.,
- **IP Addresses**: Used by network equipment to route messages (e.g.,

**TCP Communication**
- **3-Way Handshake**: Establishes a reliable connection between two devices.
- **Data Transmission**: Reliable and ordered delivery of data streams.
- **Connection Closure**: Properly terminates an established network connection.
- **Error Handling**: Detects and corrects errors that occur during data transmission.
Lesson 4
### Reviewer on Network Devices

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of various network devices, their
functionalities, types, and how they contribute to the functioning of networks.

**1. Network Interface Card (NIC)**

- **Function**: Serves as a bridge between a computer and a network. Converts computer data into
electrical signals suitable for network transmission and vice versa.
- **Types**:
- **Wi-Fi Cards**: Use an antenna to send and receive data signals via radio waves.
- **Ethernet Cards**: Utilize a cable with a rectangular plug for wired network connections.
- **Installation**: Installation tutorials can be found online, for instance, through resources like

**2. Repeater**
- **Function**: Regenerates and amplifies network signals to extend the transmission distance
without degrading data quality.
- **Operation**: Operates at the physical layer and is crucial for maintaining signal strength over
long distances.

**3. Bridge**
- **Function**: Connects two or more separate networks to work as a single network. Operates at
the data link layer and uses MAC addresses to manage traffic between networks.
- **How It Works**: Maintains a MAC address table to forward data to the correct network

**4. Hub**
- **Function**: A basic networking device that connects multiple Ethernet devices, making them
act as a single network segment.
- **Types**:
- **Active Hub**: Amplifies the electrical signal.
- **Passive Hub**: Simple relay of data without amplification.
- **Intelligent Hub**: Includes additional features like remote management.
- **Limitations**: Does not filter data, so all data packets are sent to all connected devices, which
can lead to collisions.

**5. Switch**
- **Function**: More advanced than hubs, switches manage the flow of data across a network by
transmitting a received message only to the device for which the message was intended.
- **Types**:
- **Managed Switch**: Allows configuration and offers better control over network traffic.
- **Unmanaged Switch**: Basic plug-and-play device without advanced configuration options.
- **Benefits**: Reduces the chances of packet collisions by segmenting network traffic.

**6. Router**
- **Function**: Routers direct data packets between networks by determining the optimal path for
data transmission. Operates at the network layer.
- **Routing Table**: Utilizes a routing table to decide the best path for packet forwarding.
- **Dynamic vs. Static Routing**: Supports both manual setup (static) and dynamic learning of
network paths via routing protocols.

**7. Gateway**
- **Function**: Acts as a "gate" between two networks operating with different protocols.
Translates communication between these networks.
- **Application**: Often used in scenarios where devices on a network use different protocols and
need to communicate with external networks.

**8. Modem**
- **Function**: Modulates and demodulates digital data from a computer to analog for transmission
over telephone lines and vice versa.
- **Evolution**:
- **Dial-Up Modems**: Use telephone lines to connect to the internet with a maximum speed of
56 Kbps.
- **DSL and Cable Modems**: Broadband technologies that allow higher data transmission rates
without blocking telephone usage.

**Key Features Across Devices**

- **Addressing and Routing**: Essential for directing data packets to their destinations.
- **Signal Management**: Ensuring data integrity over distances.
- **Network Expansion**: Devices like repeaters and bridges facilitate the expansion of networks
without losing signal quality or data integrity.

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