Special Activity - Science 10 (Christian Santos)

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SCIENCE 10 – Special Activity

Name: Christian Angelo B. Santos Date: May 19, 2024

Grade and Section:

1. How do Boyle's Law and Charles's Law influence the behavior of gases at different
pressures and temperatures, and how are these laws interconnected in the context of
the Combined Gas Law?

 Boyle's law is a gas law that states that a gas's pressure and volume are inversely
proportional. When the temperature is kept constant, as volume increases, pressure falls
and vice versa. While Jacques Charles studied the effect of temperature on the volume
of a gas at constant pressure. Charles's Law states that the volume of a given mass of gas
varies directly with the absolute temperature of the gas when pressure is kept constant.
Those laws are interconnected. The combined gas law combines the three gas laws:
Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, and Gay-Lussac's Law where the ratio of the product of
pressure and volume and the absolute temperature of a gas is equal to a constant.

2. What are the implications of Gay-Lussac's Law on the relationship between temperature
and pressure in a confined gas system, and how does it relate to the kinetic theory of

 It states that the pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume is directly
proportional to the Kelvin temperature. If you heat a gas you give the molecules more
energy so they move faster. This means more impacts on the walls of the container and
an increase in the pressure. Example, let's consider a situation in which a gas is trapped
inside a sealed container. If the temperature of this gas rises while the volume remains
constant, the pressure exerted by the gas on the container walls increases
correspondingly. It is related to Kinetic Theory of Gases when the temperature of a
sample of gas in a rigid container is increased, the pressure of the gas increases as well.
The increase in kinetic energy results in the molecules of gas striking the walls of the
container with more force, resulting in a greater pressure.

3. How does Avogadro's Law provide insights into the relationship between the volume of
a gas and the number of moles present, and how is it fundamental to understanding gas
behavior in chemical reactions?

 Based on Avogadro’s Law, equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and
pressure, contain an equal number of molecules. This number is known as Avogadro's
number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10 23 molecules per mole. Also, fundamentals
to understanding gas behavior in chemical reaction are important in chemical reactions
as they help predict how gases will behave under varying conditions of pressure,
volume, and temperature. Gas laws, including Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and the Ideal
Gas Law, are fundamental principles in the study of physical chemistry.

4. In what ways do Dalton's Partial Pressure Law and the concept of Dalton's Law of Partial
Pressures contribute to our understanding of gas mixtures and the calculation of total
pressure in a system?

 According to Dalton's law of partial pressures, the total pressure by a mixture of gases is
equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each of the constituent gases. The partial
pressure is defined as the pressure each gas would exert if it alone occupied the volume
of the mixture at the same temperature.

5. How do biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, play
crucial roles in the structure and function of living organisms at the molecular level?

 Biomolecules are vital for life as it aids organisms to grow, sustain, and reproduce. They
are involved in building organisms from single cells to complex living beings like humans,
by interacting with each other. The diversity in their shape and structure provides
diversity in their functions.

6. What are the key differences in the chemical composition and functions of proteins,
lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, and how do they contribute to the diversity of
biological processes?

 Proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids make up the principal class of biomolecules,
which are organic molecules created in the cells of living things. Biomolecules come in a
broad variety of shapes and sizes, and they carry out a wide range of tasks in modern
life. Bio molecules are necessary to carry out the fundamental bodily activities, without
which no organism would live. Protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acid are the
four most significant macromolecules.

7. How do biomolecules interact with each other within cells to form complex
macromolecular structures essential for life processes, and how do these interactions
regulate cellular functions?

 Every molecule has a major relationship between its function and structure, which is
modified by the surrounding biomolecules. The characteristics of biological molecules
are determined by components and their sequence. The covalent bond formed between
the atoms binds the molecules together and helps them interact with each other. These
interactions where the molecules form bonds are called covalent interactions. There are
non-covalent interactions where the molecules do not form any bond but are held
together by specific mechanisms like cohesion, adhesion, or repulsive forces. The non-
covalent interactions are either between two molecules or between the atoms which
are not bound to each other. There are certain other bonds like hydrogen bond or
Vander Waals forces that also cause interaction between biomolecules. These bonds
thus justify the interaction between biomolecules.

8. What are the structural characteristics of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and
carbohydrates that determine their biological activities and roles in maintaining cellular

 Carbohydrates and lipids are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Nucleic acids
contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, plus nitrogen and phosphorus. Proteins contain
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, plus nitrogen and sulfur. state of steady internal
conditions maintained by living things. The following state of steady internal conditions
maintained by living things. This concept include, control concentrations of cellular
molecules and macromolecules. With information-carrying macromolecules, the
particular concentration variation ranges depend on molecules.

9. How do changes in the levels or functions of biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic
acids, contribute to the development of diseases and disorders in living organisms?

 To function correctly, each cell depends on thousands of proteins to do their jobs in the
right places at the right times. Sometimes, gene variants prevent one or more proteins
from working properly. By changing a gene’s instructions for making a protein, a variant
can cause a protein to malfunction or to not be produced at all. When a variant alters a
protein that plays a critical role in the body, it can disrupt normal development or cause
a health condition. A condition caused by variants in one or more genes is called a
genetic disorder.

10. How can the study of biomolecules and their interactions provide insights into the
mechanisms of genetic inheritance, cellular signaling, metabolic pathways, and other
essential biological processes in living systems?

 The completion of human genomes and subsequent high-throughput mapping of

molecular networks has enabled us to explore biology through a network lens.
Experimental, statistical, and mathematical modeling approaches have been used to
investigate the structure, function, and dynamics of molecular networks, revealing
critical linkages between various network features and biological system functions.
According to these functional links, a network's evolutionary selection appears to be
dependent on its function rather than its structure. One of the most distinguishing
properties of molecular networks is dynamic modularity. Taking advantage of such a
feature may simplify network-based biological studies by allowing the construction of
process-specific modular networks, as well as provide functional and mechanistic
insights linking genotypic variations to complex traits or diseases, which is likely to be a
key approach in the next wave of human disease understanding. With the development
of ready-to-use network analysis and modeling tools, network techniques will soon be
included into everyday biological research.

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