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Suggested WillMaker Documents

Use this list to keep track of the documents you plan to make. WillMaker produced this
list based on information you provided in the program’s Document Quiz. To revisit or
change your list, you can retake the quiz at any time.

You can begin creating each of these documents on WillMaker’s Your Documents

Make a will to decide who gets your property, nominate guardians for minor children,
provide property management for young beneficiaries, name a new owner for your pets,
name an executor and forgive debts.

Living Trust
Make an individual or shared living trust to keep your property out of probate, provide
property management for young beneficiaries and decide who will get the property you
include in the trust.

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances

Make a durable power of attorney for finances to name a trusted person to take care of
your finances when you cannot manage them yourself. In the document, you determine
the scope of that person’s authority.

Health Care Directive

Make a health care directive to name a trusted person to make medical decisions on your
behalf when you cannot speak for yourself. Also, leave instructions about the type of
health care you want to receive.

Information for Caregivers and Survivors

Make this document to provide critical details of your life to the people who may need
them if you die or become unable to manage your affairs. You can leave information
about your house, accounts, passwords, contacts, medical issues, pets, businesses and
many other important details.

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Final Arrangements
Make the final arrangements document to leave details about plans for your funeral,
memorial, cremation, burial, organ donation, obituary or any of your other postdeath

Letter for Survivors

Make a letter for survivors if you want to write some final words to the people you leave
behind when you die. You can write about why you made certain gifts, your thoughts on
life, suggestions on how to divide gifts or any other topic.

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