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The Regulation of the activity of

Taxi, Taxi Broker, and Car E-hailing


Table of Contents

Introduction 2
Part (I): Introductory Provisions 3
Part (II): Licenses 7
Chapter (1): Practicing Taxi activity 7
Chapter (2): Practicing Taxi Broker Activity 11
Chapter (3): Practicing E-hailing Taxi Activity 14
Part (III): Driver 16
Chapter (1) Taxi Driver 16
Chapter (2) E-hailing Taxi Driver 18
Part (IV): Car 19
Part (V): Operation 22
Chapter (1): Taxi activity 22
Chapter (2): Taxi Broker Activity 28
Chapter (3): Taxi E-hailing Activity 30
Part (VI): Violations and Penalties 33
Part (VII): Final Provisions 34
Table No. (1): Violations and Penalties for Taxi activity 36
Table No. (2): Violations and Penalties for Taxi Broker Activity 39
Table No. (3): Violations and Penalties for E-hailing Activity 41
Table No.(4): Violations and Penalties for Public Taxi , Airport Taxi– 45

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The Regulation aims to regulate the activity of Taxi, Taxi Broker, and E-hailing Services, to
raise the quality of passenger transport services, create an appropriate environment for
investment, and raise operating efficiency in a way that achieves the highest safety standards
and requirements, preserve the rights of the contracting parties, create an appropriate ‫ للحذف‬:Commented [RA
environment for investment, and raise operating efficiency in a way that achieves the highest
safety standards and requirements.

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Part (I): Introductory Provisions

Article (1):
The following terms, whenever stated in this Regulation, must have the meanings assigned
herein, unless the context requires otherwise:
1. Authority: The Transport General Authority
2. Board: The Authority's Board of Directors
3. President: The President of the Transport General Authority
4. Public Taxi: transporting passengers by public taxi car for a fee
5. Private Taxi: transporting passengers by private taxi car for a fee
6. Family Taxi: transporting passengers by family taxi that is driven by a national
female cadre for a fee
7. Airport Taxi: transporting passengers by airport taxi from the airport for a fee
8. Taxi Activity: Public Taxi, Private Taxi, Family Taxi, or Airport Taxi.
9. Taxi Broker Activity: organizing taxis owned by others to transport passenger
between the kingdom’s cities or other countries, or organizing foreign taxis on their
way back to their country of registration or to a third country, provided that they
obtain approval from the Authority
10. E-Hailing Activity : directing taxis or private cars to transport passenger for a fee
through smart device applications
11. Activity: Taxi Activity, Taxi Broker Activity, or E-hailing Activity.
12. Enterprise: every legal person with a legal enterprise such as institutions and
13. The individual: every natural personality from national cadre
14. License: a document issued by the Authority authorizing the enterprise to practice the
activity in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
15. Permit: A document issued by the Authority approving an individual to practice public
taxi activity, or airport taxi activity, in accordance with the provisions of this regulation
16. The licensed enterprise: The enterprise licensed to practice the activity by the
17. The licensed individual: The enterprise individual to practice the public taxi activity
and the airport taxi activity
18. The city issued license: the cities, governorates, and centers in which the enterprise
is licensed for practice its activity.
19. The permitted city : the cities, governorates, and centers in which the individual is
licensed for practicing the public taxi activity and the airport taxi activity
20. Main office: The headquarter of the licensee
21. Passenger: The beneficiary of bus transport services.
22. Public Taxi Car : The vehicle intended for the transport of passengers in the public taxi

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23. Private Taxi Car : The vehicle intended for the transport of passengers in the private
taxi activity
24. Family Taxi Car : The vehicle intended for the transport of passengers in the family
taxi activity
25. Airport Taxi Car : The vehicle intended for the transport of passengers in the airport
taxi activity
26. Private Car: The vehicle intended for private use and licensed by the Authority and its
driver to transport passengers in the E-hailing activity with a private driving license.
27. Taxi: public taxi, private taxi, family taxi, or airport taxi
28. E-hailing Car: Taxi Car or Private Car
29. Car: The car used in Taxi Activity or Taxi E-hailing
30. Operation Card: A document issued by the Authority licensing a taxi to practice the
taxi activity.
31. Taxi Driver: The driver of the taxi belonging to the licensed / authorized person to
whom the provisions of this regulation apply.
32. E-hailing Driver: The driver of a private vehicle to whom the provisions of this
regulation apply
33. Driver: The natural person driving the vehicle to whom the provisions of this
regulation apply
34. Driver's Card: A document issued by the Authority giving approval of the taxi driver
to practice taxi activity
35. Technical inspection: Examining the vehicle completely in one of the approved
periodic technical inspection centers
36. Loading stations: public or private parking lots designated for public taxis and family
taxi, or stations arising from contracting with the licensee in private taxi activity, or
parking lots designated for cars, airport taxi.
37. E-hailing system: A system for the licensee to book and distribute orders to drivers
38. Technical means: The licensee’s channels that he uses to receive and implement
requests for transport services, and to receive suggestions and complaints whether
they are (application. or phone, website, e-mail, etc.)
39. Technical equipment: approved devices and tools that must be available in the car
40. Providers of technical equipment: those who are qualified by the Authority to install
technical equipment for far cars
41. Financial fines: Amounts imposed as a result of violating any of the provisions of this
regulation or the regulations of the Law of Public Transport on Roads
42. Service Controller: The person assigned with the control and inspection power to
ensure compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, and taking the necessary
action in the event of a breach of any provision
43. Control record: a paper or electronic form containing violations of the provisions of
this Regulation

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44. Violator: Anyone who performs an act or actions in violation of the provisions of this
Regulation or the regulations of other transport laws
45. Airport: A specific area of land or water surface including buildings, installations and
equipment totally or partially designated for the arrival, movement and departure of
46. The authority competent to manage the airport: the General Authority of Civil
Aviation or the authority authorized to manage or operate the airport
47. Law of Public Transport on Roads: The Law of Public Transport on Roads of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia promulgated by the Royal Decree No. (M/25) dated
21/06/1397 H. as amended or updated.
48. Traffic Law and its Executive Regulations: the Traffic Law issued by the Royal Decree
No. (M/85) dated 26/10/1428 H. amended by the Royal Decree No. (M/115) dated
05/12/1439H, and its executive regulation issued by the minister of interior decree
No. (7019) dated 03/07/1429 and any amendments thereto.
49. The State Revenue Law and its Implementing Regulations: The State Revenue Law
promulgated by the Royal Decree No. (M/86) dated 18/11/1431 H. and its
implementing regulations amended by the Minister of Finance Decision No. (901)
dated 24/2/1439 H. and any amendments thereto.
50. The Regulation: The Regulation governing the taxi activity, the taxi broker activity and
taxi e-hailing activity.

Article (2)
The provisions of this regulation must apply to the practitioners of the Taxi activity, the Taxi
Broker activity and the Taxi e-hailing activity, which is deemed an integral part of the
regulations of the Law of Public Transport on Roads.

Article (3) Practicing the Activity

1. The practice of activity is restricted to the enterprises after obtaining the license
2. Individuals may practice airport taxi activities after the approval of the competent
authority in the airport management and obtaining the license
3. The President may allow the individual to operate one car in the public taxi activity
after obtaining the license in the border areas for transport outside the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia through a taxi broker, or practice the activity in some cities, governorates
and centers as needed and as per the provisions of this regulation
4. For each taxi activity, taxi broker activity, and taxi E-hailing activity a separate license
is issued

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Part (II): Licenses

Chapter (1): Practicing Taxi Activity
Article (4) Conditions for issuing the license
First : In order for the enterprise to obtain a license to practice the taxi activity, it must meet
the requirements below and pay the financial fines (if any):
1. Fulfillment of the following documents:
a. An application submitted by the enterprise through the Authority’s approved
b. A valid commercial register of the enterprise limited to activity. It is permissible to
combine more than one transport or supporting activity thereto in the same
c. A valid social insurance certificate
d. A valid Zakat and Income Certificate (if more than one year has elapsed after
issuance of the commercial registration)
e. Connect to the electronic systems set out by the Authority.
f. Connect to the systems stipulated in any other Regulation.
g. Provide a national address for the enterprise;
h. Payment of the financial fees (if any);

2. Provide a suitable main office in the licensed city in accordance with the approved
municipal and technical requirements, and the directives issued by the relevant
competent authorities.
3. Provide the minimum number of cars necessary to practice the activity in accordance
with the provisions of this Regulation; the president determines by a decision,
provided however that the minimum is owned directly by the enterprise, or through
financing lease contracts, on condition that the enterprise is the actual user of the car
according to the following:
A- The minimum public taxi in (Riyadh, Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and Jeddah ) no
less than (250) two hundred and fifty cars, and not less than (100) one hundred
cars in (Madinah and Dammam metropolitan areas). The minimum limit must
be determined in the rest of the regions, cities and governorates by a decision
of the President
B- The minimum for private taxi (20) twenty cars.
C- The minimum for family taxi is (5) five cars.
D- Minimum airport taxi (as determined by the airport management authority)

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4. Providing (2%) of the total number of facility cars that are suitable for persons with
mobility disabilities (wheelchair users) and the elderly, with no less than one car, and
in accordance with the technical specifications and equipment approved by the
President for this category.
5. The cars are new and have not previously been registered inside or outside the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the technical specifications and equipment approved by
the President determine the operational life of the taxi cars.
Second: Subject to clause (first) of this article, approval is required from the competent
authority at the airport administration to practice airport taxi activity, and this approval is
considered to be inherent in the validity of the license and linked to it, and airport taxi activity
is excluded from the provision of paragraph (2)
Third: The concerned authorities in cities, governorates, and centers may add other
requirements after obtaining the approval of the Authority
Fourth: Provided that the enterprise fulfills all the conditions and requirements for issuing
the license within a maximum period of (90) ninety days from the date of submitting the
application, otherwise the application will be considered null.

Article (5) The main license and sub-license

1. Subject to the provisions of Article (4), the main license must be issued in the name of
the enterprise for a period of (3) three years, and it is not permissible to practice the
activity after its expiration or cancelation, or during the period of its suspension.
2. A sub- license must be obtained for each branch that carries out its activity in the city
where the license is issued. The minimum number of cars required to practice the
activity registered on the main license is sufficient, and the validity of the sub-license
is linked to the validity of the main license
Article (6) Conditions for validity of the license

1- The licensing conditions set forth in Paragraph (1/b ,1/e) and Paragraphs (2, 3, 4,5)
and clause (second) of Article (4) are inherent in its validity. In the event of violating
any of these conditions, the license must be suspended, and the licensed individual
must not practice the activity until fulfillment of that condition, without prejudice to
the authority's right to impose the financial fine prescribed for that condition.
2- If there is a deficiency in the minimum number of cars required to practice the taxi
activity as a result of accidents or disasters beyond the control of the licensed
individual, and the deficiency has not been completed within (180) one hundred and
eighty days from the date of the deficiency, the license must be suspended, without
prejudice to the authority's right to impose the prescribed financial fine for that.

Article (7)License Renewal

Subject to the provisions of Article (4), the license must be renewed at the request of the
carrier for a similar period in accordance with the following controls:

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1. submitting the renewal application and fulfillment of all its conditions during the
period preceding the license expiration date by (180) one hundred and eighty days;
otherwise, the application will be considered void;
2. The validity of the operational life of the cars specified in the technical specifications
and equipment approved by the President;
3. submitting a valid Saudization certificate;
4. payment of the fees (if any).

Article (8)License Assignment

First : Subject to the provisions of Article (4), the carrier may assign the license with the same
number and validity date, according to the following controls:
1. The Authority’s prior approval of the application of assignment;
2. the assignee must fulfill all the necessary conditions for issuing the license;
3. the license must be valid upon submitting the application and until completion of the
transfer of the license in the name of the assignee;
4. the responsibility of the assignor licensee before the Authority must continue until the
transfer of the license is completed in the name of the assignee;
5. the existing equipment must comply with the provisions of the Regulation, as well as
the relevant instructions;
6. not practicing the activity by the assignee until the license is issued in its name.;
7. fulfill all the conditions of assignment within a period of (90) ninety days from the date
of the approval of the Authority and before the expiration of the date of validity of the
license, otherwise the application will be considered null;
8. payment of the fees (if any).
Second: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (First) of this Article, for the license assignment
associated with the approval of the competent authority managing the airport, it is required
to obtain its prior approval of the assignment
Article (9) License Cancellation
The carrier may apply for license cancellation, in accordance with the following controls:
1. Validity of the Zakat and Income Certificate;
2. amendment of the type of car registration according to the Traffic Law and its
executive Regulations
3. payment of the fees (if any).

Second: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (First) of this Article, for the license assignment
associated with the approval of the competent authority managing the airport, it is required
to obtain its prior approval of the assignment
Third: The license must be cancelled after payment of the financial fines, if any, in the
following cases:
1. expiration of the license without its renewal.
2. liquidation of the company, whether by agreement of the partners, the expiration of
its term, or by a final court order

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3. death of the owner of the sole proprietorship.

4. Cancel the approval issued by the competent authority at the airport management
Fourth: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (Third/3) of this Article, the heirs of the
deceased sole proprietor may, within (90) ninety days from the date of death, request a
correction of the enterprise's statutory status to continue practicing the activity, provided
that the legal representative of the heirs undertakes to abide by the provisions of this
Regulation during the correction period.
Fifth: The licensee to practice the taxi activity must cancel the commercial registration related
to the activity after cancelling the license.

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Chapter (2):
Practicing Taxi Rental Activity
Article (10)Conditions for issuing the license
In order for the enterprise to obtain a license to exercise the taxi rental activity, it must meet
the requirements below after the payment of financial fines (if any):
1. Fulfillment of the following documents:
a) An application submitted by the enterprise through the Authority’s approved
b) A valid commercial registration of the enterprise limited to the taxi rental activity.
It is permissible to combine more than one transport activity or supporting activity
thereto in the same register.
c) A financial guarantee in the name of the authority, in the amount of (100,000) one
hundred thousand riyals
d) A valid social insurance certificate.
e) A valid Zakat and Income Certificate (if more than one year has elapsed after
issuance of the commercial register)
f) connection to the electronic systems set out by the Authority;
g) connection to the systems stipulated in any other Regulation;
h) to secure a national address for the enterprise;
i) payment of the fees (if any)
2. Provide a suitable main office in the licensed city in accordance with the approved
municipal and technical requirements, and the directives issued by the relevant
competent authorities.
Second: provided that the enterprise fulfills all the conditions and requirements for issuing
the license within a maximum period of (90) ninety days from the date of submitting the
application, otherwise the application will be considered null.

Article (11)License Duration

Subject to the provisions of Article (Ten), the main license is issued in the name of the
enterprise for a period of (3) three years. It is not permissible to practice the activity after its
expiration or cancellation, or during its suspension.

Article (12) Conditions for validity of the license

1- The licensing conditions set forth in Paragraph (1/b ,1/c,/1f) and Paragraph (2) of
clause (first) of Article (10) are inherent in its validity. In the event of violating any of
these conditions, the license must be suspended, and the licensed individual must not
practice the activity until fulfillment of that condition, without prejudice to the
authority's right to impose the financial fine prescribed for that condition.

Article (13)License Renewal

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Subject to the provisions of Article (10), the license must be renewed at the request of the
licensed individual for a similar period in accordance with the following controls:
1. submitting the renewal application and fulfillment of all its conditions during the
period preceding the license expiration date by (180) one hundred and eighty days;
otherwise, the application will be considered void;
2. Submitting a valid Saudization certificate;
3. Payment of the fees (if any).

Article (14)License Assignment

First : Subject to the provisions of Article (10), the licensed individual may assign the license
with the same number and validity date, according to the following controls:
1. The Authority’s prior approval of the application of assignment;
2. the assignee must fulfill all the necessary conditions for issuing the license;
3. the license must be valid upon submitting the application and until completion of the
transfer of the license in the name of the assignee;
4. the responsibility of the assignor licensee before the Authority must continue until the
transfer of the license is completed in the name of the assignee;
5. the existing equipment must comply with the provisions of the Regulation, as well as
the relevant instructions;
6. not practicing the activity by the assignee until the license is issued in its name.;
7. fulfill all the conditions of assignment within a period of (90) ninety days from the date
of the approval of the Authority and before the expiration of the date of validity of the
license, otherwise the application will be considered null;
8. payment of the fees (if any).

Article (15) License Cancellation

The licensed individual may apply for license cancellation, after payment of financial fines (if
any) in accordance with the following controls:
1. Validity of the Zakat and Income Certificate;
2. Payment of the fees (if any).

Second: The license must be cancelled after payment of the financial fines, if any, in the
following cases:
1. liquidation of the company, whether by agreement of the partners, the expiration of
its term, or by a final court order
2. death of the owner of the sole proprietorship.
3. License expiration without renewal
Third: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (Second/2) of this Article, the heirs of the
deceased sole proprietor may, within (90) ninety days from the date of death, request a
correction of the enterprise's statutory status to continue practicing the activity, provided
that the legal representative of the heirs undertakes to abide by the provisions of this
Regulation during the correction period.

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Fourth: The licensed individual to practice the taxi broker activity must cancel the
commercial registration related to the activity after cancelling the license.

Article (16) Sub-License

1. In the event that the Taxi Broker is practicing the activity of a taxi broker outside the
city subject to the license, the licensed individual must apply for the issuance of a sub-
license. According to the following conditions and controls:
a) The main license is valid
b) A valid commercial registration including the activity
c) Providing a suitable center in the city subject to the sub-license in accordance with
the approved municipal and technical requirements, and the requirements issued
by the relevant competent authorities
d) A valid social insurance certificate
e) Valid Zakat and Income Certificate (if more than one year has been lost in the
commercial registration)
2. The sub-license is issued according to the form approved by the Authority after paying
the fee and fines (if any). The license is in the name of the facility, and is linked in its
validity period to the expiration date of the main license.
3. The conditions for the sub- license mentioned in Paragraph (1 / b, 1 / c) of this Article
are inherent in its validity. In the event of a breach of any of these conditions: the
license must be suspended, and the licensed individual must not practice the activity
until the condition is completed, without prejudice to the authority's right to impose
the financial fine prescribed for that condition.
4. Subject to Paragraph (1) of this Article, the license must be renewed at the request of
the licensed individual to practice the activity of a taxi broker for a period not
exceeding the expiration date of the main license, after submitting a valid Saudization
certificate, and for payment of the fee and fines (if any.)
5. A request to cancel the sub-license may be submitted in accordance with the controls
stipulated in Clause (First) of Article (Fifteen) of this regulation
6. The sub-license is considered canceled after paying the fines (if any) upon the
expiration of the validity period of the main license
7. The sub-commercial registration of the activity must be canceled after the sub-license
is canceled.

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Chapter (3)
Practice of Taxi E-hailing Activity
Article (17) Conditions for issuing the license
First :In order for the enterprise to obtain a license to practice the taxi e-hailing activity, after
paying the financial fines ,if any , it must meet the requirements below:
1- Fulfillment of the following documents:
a) An application submitted by the enterprise through the Authority’s approved
b) A valid commercial registration of the enterprise limited to bus e-hailing activity.
It is permissible to combine more than one transport activity or supporting activity
thereto in the same register;
c) A Trade Mark Registration Certificate for the Application used in bus e-hailing
d) A financial guarantee in the name of the Authority in an amount of (SAR 250.000)
two hundred fifty thousand Saudi Riyal, the president may exclude entrepreneur
business or entities operating in business hubs for one time only;
e) A valid social insurance certificate; and
f) A valid Zakat and Income Certificate (if more than one year has elapsed after
issuance of the commercial registration)

2- Provide an e-hailing system that is connected and integrated with the Authority’s
technical system
3- Define the Transport services provided and the pricing mechanism for each service ;
4- Nominate a service provider and determining means of communication and working
5- Connection to the electronic systems set out by the Authority.
6- Connection to the systems stipulated in any other Regulation
7- Payment of the fees (if any).
Second : provided that the enterprise fulfills all the conditions and requirements for issuing
the license within a maximum period of (90) ninety days from the date of submitting the
application, otherwise the application will be considered null.

Article (18) License Duration

Subject to the provisions of Article (17), the license is issued in the name of the enterprise for
a period of (3) three years. It is not permissible to practice the activity after its expiration or
cancellation, or during its suspension.

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Article (19) Conditions for validity of the license

The licensing conditions set out in Paragraphs (1b,1c,1d) and Paragraphs (2 , 5) of Article (17)
are inherent in its validity. In the event of a breach of any of these conditions: the license will
be suspended, and the electronic e-hailing broker must not practice the activity until the
condition is duly completed without prejudice to the Authority's right to impose the financial
fine prescribed for that condition.

Article (20) License Renewal

Subject to the provisions of Article (17), the Taxi E-hailing license must be renewed at the
request of the electronic e-hailing broker for a similar period in accordance with the following
1. submitting the renewal application and fulfillment of all its conditions during the
period preceding the license expiration date by (180) one hundred and eighty days;
otherwise, the application must be considered void
2. submitting a valid Saudization certificate
3. Payment of financial fees (if any)

Article (21) License Assignment

Subject to the provisions of Article (17), the electronic e-hailing broker may assign the license
of e-hailing activity with the same number and validity date, according to the following
1. The Authority’s prior approval of the application for assignment
2. the assignee must fulfill all the necessary conditions for issuing the license
3. the license must be valid upon submitting the application and until completion of the
transfer of the license in the name of the assignee
4. The responsibility of the E-hailing broker before the Authority must continue until the
transfer of the license is completed in the name of the assignee
5. The existing equipment must comply with the provisions of the Regulation, as well as
the relevant instructions
6. Not practicing the activity by the assignee until the license is issued in its name
7. Fulfillment of all the conditions of assignment within a period of (90) ninety days from
the date of the approval of the Authority and before the expiration of the date of
validity of the license, otherwise the application will be considered null
8. Payment of the fees (if any)

Article (22) License Cancellation

The e-hailing broker may apply for the license cancellation after the payment of financial fines
(if any), in accordance with the following controls:
1. Validity of the Zakat and Income Certificate
2. Cancelling the E-hailing activity commercial registration
3. Payment of the fees (if any)

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Second : The license must be cancelled after payment of the financial fines, if any, in the
following cases:
1. Liquidation of the company, whether by agreement of the partners, the expiration of
its term, or by a final court order
2. Death of the owner of the sole proprietorship.
3. Expiration of the license without its renewal.

Third : Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (Second/2) of this Article, the heirs of the
deceased sole proprietor may, within (90) ninety days from the date of death, request a
correction of the enterprise's statutory status to continue practicing the activity, provided
that the legal representative of the heirs undertakes to abide by the provisions of this
Regulation during the correction period.

Fourth : The e-hailing broker must cancel or omit the activity from the commercial register
after cancelling the license.

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Part (III)
Chapter (1) Taxi Driver
Article (23) Taxi Driver Conditions:

The Taxi driver must meet the following conditions:

1. holding a valid public driving license in accordance with the Traffic Law and its
executive regulations
2. passing the medical examination specified by the Authority
3. holding police clearance certificate.
4. Holding a training course certificate authorized by the Authority.

Article (24) Taxi Driver Card

First : Subject to the provisions of Article (23), the licensed enterprise to practice the taxi
activity must hold a driver card for each driver engaged by it, according to the following
1) The license of the enterprise is valid
2) The driver’s ID document is valid
3) Existence of a contractual relationship between the driver and the licensed enterprise
and the driver
4) Personal photo of the driver (size 4x6)
5) Payment of the fees (if any)

Second : Subject to Article (23) and Paragraph (2) of Article (27), the individual can obtain a
driver's card, after paying the financial fines, if any, and comply with the following conditions:
1. The driver’s ID document is valid
2. Personal photo of the driver (size 4x6)
3. Payment of the fees (if any)
Third : The driver’s card is issued according to the form authorized by the Authority for a
period of one year, provided that the validity of the card does not exceed the expiry date of
the license or driver’s license, whichever is earlier. It must be kept and the activity may not
be practiced after its expiry
Fourth : The driver’s card is renewable at the request of the licensed individual/ the permitted
individual, subject to availability of the same conditions and controls for its original issuance,
after the payment of the financial fees , if any, and it is allowed to submit the application
thirty (30) days before the expiration date of the card.
Fifth: The card may be canceled at the request of the licensed individual/ the permitted
individual after payment of the financial fines and payment of the fees (if any).
Sixth : The authority has the right to cancel the driver card in case of breaching any of the
conditions and requirements for its original issuance.

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Chapter (2) E-hailing Driver

Article (25) E-hailing Driver Conditions:

In order to obtain a permit to work as E-hailing driver with the licensed enterprise in the E-
hailing activity, the following are required:
1. Must be Saudi
2. holding a valid public driving license
3. Age shouldn’t be less than (18) years old and not more than (65) years old
4. passing the medical examination specified by the Authority
5. holding police clearance certificate.
6. Holding the training course certificate on the cars E-hailing system of the licensed
enterprise to practice the e. hailing activity

Second : It is not permissible for E-hailing driver to work with any facility that is not licensed
by the Authority in the E-hailing activity

Third: The Authority has the right to stop the E-hailing driver from working with a licensed
enterprise in the activity in case of breaching any of the conditions stipulated in this article or
any of the provisions of this regulation

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Part (IV)
Article (26) Car Conditions and Specifications
Subject to the provisions of the Traffic Law and its implementing regulations, and the
conformity procedures based on the standard specifications related to the vehicles approved
by the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality. Cars with the following
specifications and conditions are assigned to the taxi and E-hailing activity
1. The car must be in accordance with the technical specifications and equipment
approved by the President
2. Car insurance that covers civil liability towards third parties and includes passengers
throughout the period of operation by one of the insurance companies licensed to
operate in the Kingdom
3. Subjecting the car to technical inspection for the entire period of operation by one of
the approved periodic technical inspection centers, in accordance with the provisions
of the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
4. The private car must be owned directly by the E-hailing driver, or financed by one of
the approved financing agencies, provided that he is the actual user of it.
5. The car used for public taxi activity or airport taxi by the individual is directly owned
by him, or financed by one of the approved financing agencies that he is the actual
user of it, and that the car is new and has not previously been registered inside or
outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Technical specifications and equipment
approved by the President determine the operational life of the vehicle.
Article (27): Issuance of Operation Cards:

1. Subject to the provisions of Article (26), the licensed enterprise to engage in the taxi
activity must obtain an operating card for each car operating in the taxi activity after
paying the fines (if any), according to the following conditions:
a) The taxi license must be valid
b) The vehicle’s driving license must be valid
c) The vehicle's technical inspection certificate must be valid
d) The car insurance policy must be valid
e) The car must be equipped in accordance with the technical specifications and
equipment approved by the President
f) Payment of the financial fees (if any)

2. Subject to the provisions of Article (26), the individual must obtain an operating card
after paying the financial fines (if any). According to the following conditions:
a) The vehicle’s driving license must be valid
b) The vehicle's technical inspection certificate must be valid
c) The car insurance policy must be valid

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d) The car must be equipped in accordance with the technical specifications and
equipment approved by the President
e) Must have the approval of the competent authority in the airport management to
practice airport taxi activity
f) Payment of the financial fees (if any)
3. The operation card issued for the vehicle belonging to the individual is considered as
a permit for him to practice the activity of public taxi or airport taxi, and he may not
practice any of the two activities without obtaining it or assigning it to others
4. The taxi operating card is issued according to the form approved by the Authority for
a period of (one year), provided that its validity does not exceed the expiry date of the
licensee’s taxi activity license, the operational life of the vehicle, or the vehicle’s
license expiration, whichever is earlier
5. An international operating card for the taxi that carries passengers outside the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must be issued in accordance with the conditions and
controls mentioned in this article, and the conditions and controls for renewal and
cancellation mentioned in Article Twenty-Eight and Article twenty-ninth must apply

Article (28) Operation card Renewal

1. The vehicle operation card is renewed at the request of the licensed enterprise / the
authorized enterprise to practice the taxi activity and with the same conditions that
were initially issued, after paying the fines and the financial compensation (if any), so
that the application is submitted thirty (30) days before the expiration date of the
operating card, provided that the car should not be used after the operation card has
2. It is permitted for a request from the licensed enterprise / the authorized enterprise
to practice the taxi activity to renew the operating card within a period of (60) sixty
days from its expiration date after paying the delay fine
Article 29: Cancellation of the operating card:
1- The operating card must be canceled after a period of (60) sixty days has passed from its
expiration date without renewing it, with the exception of cases estimated by the
2- Without prejudice to Paragraph (3) of Article (4), the operation card must be canceled at
the request of the licensed individual after the payment of the financial fines and the
financial fees (if any), and modifying the type of vehicle registration in accordance with
the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
3- The operating card issued to the vehicle of the licensed individual is canceled in the
following cases:
a) The licensed individual death
b) At the request of the licensed individual after the payment of the financial fines
and the financial fees (if any)

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c) elapse of a period of (60) sixty days after the expiration date of the card without
renewing it, with the exception of cases determined at the discretion of the
d) Cancelling the approval issued by the competent authority at the airport
In all cases, it is not permissible to operate the car with a canceled operation card, and the
type of registration thereof must be modified in accordance with the Traffic Law and its
executive regulations

Article 30: Technical inspection of the car:

The Authority may request that any vehicle be subject to a technical inspection before its
validity period expires when an accident occurs that affects the main safety-related
components and parts of the vehicle.

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Part (V)
Chapter (1): Taxi Activity

Article (31) Roaming in search for passengers

The licensed / authorized individual to engage in taxi activity is prohibited from roaming in
the streets and public roads in search of passengers, with the exception of public taxis,
provided that they are on the streets and public roads that do not have loading spaces
designated for public taxis or those in which the loading spaces are separated by distances of
not less than (500) five hundred meters.

Article 32: Scope of practicing taxi activity:

First: The licensee to practice the taxi activity must work within the scope specified for him,
according to the following:
1. Public Taxi:
a) In the city where the license is issued
b) From the city in which the license is issued to another city, and it is not permissible to
transport passengers on the way back except to the city where the license is issued
through the person who is licensed to practice the taxi broker activity
c) From the city where the license is issued to outside the Kingdom, and it is not
permissible to transport passengers on the way back except to the city where the
license is issued, taking into account what is stated in the international and regional
d) From loading lots
e) Through the licensed individual technical means
f) Through those authorized to practice the E-hailing activity, and in accordance with
the terms and controls issued by the Authority and the approved localization
2. Private Taxi:
a) In or outside the city where the license is issued
b) From loading lots
c) From the airport after obtaining the approval of the competent authority managing
the airport and in coordination with the authority in this regard
d) Through the licensed individual technical means
e) Through those authorized to practice the E-hailing activity, and in accordance with
the terms and controls issued by the Authority and the approved localization

3. Family Taxi
a) In the licensed city

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b) From loading lots

c) Through the licensed individual technical means
d) Through those authorized to practice the E-hailing activity
4- Airport Taxi
a. From the airport to cities, governorates and centers through the loading stations
assigned for the licensed individual . It is not permissible to transport passengers on
the way back to the airport or within those cities, governorates and centers
b. Through the licensed individual technical means
Second: The authorized person must work within the scope specified for him, according to
the following:
1. Public Taxi:
a) Border areas for transport to and from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
through a taxi broker
b) In the city where the license is issued
c) From the city where the license is issued to another city, and it is not
permissible to transport passengers on the way back except to the city subject
to the permit through the licensed taxi broker
d) From the city where the license is issued to outside the Kingdom, it is not
permissible to transport passengers on the way back except to the city where
the license is issued, subject to what has been stated in international and
regional agreements
e) From loading stations
f) Through those authorized to practice the E-hailing activity, and in accordance
with the approved conditions and controls
2. Airport Taxi: From the airport to cities, governorates and centers through the
loading stations assigned for the licensed individual. It is not permissible to
transport passengers on the way back to the airport or within those cities,
governorates and centers
Third: The Authority may determine another scope of work for the licensed / authorized
individual to practice taxi activity as needed

Article (33) Licensed /authorized individual Obligations

First: The licensed individual to practice the taxi activity must adhere to the following:
1. Linking to any electronic systems specified by the Authority
2. Linking to the stipulated regulations in the event of transport between cities or
outside the Kingdom
3. Providing a system for lost and found assets according to what is determined by the
4. Provide its own technical means, and specify a number to communicate with
passengers to receive requests, complaints and report lost items, while providing
registration and preservation services for the means used from the date of the

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request, complaint or notification in accordance with the requirements of the

concerned authority
5. equipping the car with the technical equipment approved by a technical equipment
service provider qualified by the Authority
6. Complying with the regulations and instructions issued by the concerned authorities
in the event that electronic payment is used
7. Notifying the Authority when any modification is made to the location of the main
8. Notifying the Authority when any modification is made to the legal status of the
9. Provide the Authority with the information and data it requests according to the
following periods:
a) Urgent requests: within a maximum of (6) six hours from the time of the request.
b) Other requests: within a maximum of twenty-four hours (24) from the time of the
10. Review within a period of (10) working days from the date of summon by the authority
11. All correspondence, notifications and forms used by him be on publications clearly
bearing: the facility's name, the type of activity, the license number, and the city
where the license is issued, postal and telephone address
12. Training the driver to use his own technical means to receive requests and provide
service to ensure that public safety is not endangered
13. Collection of transport fare according to the policy of regulating fees for the use of
approved taxi services
14. Update the information on the means of communication and the national address
the authority has in case of changing it
15. Enabling the service controller to view the licensed individual’s records or provide him
with information or documents related to the activity
16. Commitment to provide safety requirements according to the type of vehicle
17. Taking care of the technical condition of the car and maintain it
18. Taking care of the cleanliness and appearance of the car, both interior and exterior
19. Not to make any changes to the cars after they are technically prepared by one of the
taxi technical equipment service providers qualified by the Authority
20. Providing drivers' approved uniforms
21. Putting a phrase inside the car stating (in the event that the transport fare meter is
not activated, the trip is considered free ) in public taxis, family taxi, and airport taxi
22. Installing a plate or placing a smoke-free sign inside the car
23. Determine a mechanism for handing over lost items to their owners
24. The driver's compliance with all the obligations imposed on him in accordance with
the provisions of this regulation.
25. Any other obligations specified by the Authority

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Second: The licensed individual to practice Taxi Activity must adhere to the following:
1) No one is permitted to drive the care except the licensed individual
2) Not to use the car after the end of its operation life in the activity
3) Amending the type of vehicle registration after the end of its operational life according
to the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
4) Linking to any electronic systems specified by the Authority
5) Linking to the stipulated regulations in the event of transport between cities or
outside the Kingdom
6) Equipping the vehicle with technical equipment approved by a qualified technical
equipment service provider
7) Not to make any changes to the cars after they are technically prepared by one of the
taxi technical equipment service providers qualified by the authority
8) Complying with the regulations and instructions issued by the concerned authorities
in the event of using electronic payment
9) Operating the taxi fare meter upon starting the trip
10) Collecting transport fare in accordance with the policy of regulating fees for the use
of approved taxi services
11) Providing the authority with the data of the means of communication and its national
address, and updating it with the authority in the event that it is changed
12) Taking care of the technical condition of the car and maintaining it, taking care of the
cleanliness and appearance of the car, both interior and exterior
13) Wearing the uniform approved by the authority while performing work
14) Putting a phrase inside the car stating (in the event that the transport fare meter is
not activated), the trip is considered free in public taxis and airport taxi
15) Installing a plate or placing a smoke-free sign inside the car
16) Not to combine more than one different request in the same trip, and it is permissible
to combine more than one request when transporting between cities or outside the
Kingdom, or transporting passengers through those authorized to practice the activity
of E-hailing, and the authority has the right to specify other cases
17) Show all his documents when requested by the service controller or whoever is
authorized to control and inspect
18) The driver as well as the passengers is not allowed to smoke inside the car
19) keep the lost things of the passengers and deliver them to their owners, or deliver
them to the nearest security center within three days
20) Road traffic rules based on the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
21) Not to load bags and non-hand luggage in the car cabin or in excess of the capacity of
the space designated for this, or to load bags without passengers
22) Ensure that the car is equipped with all safety means before making the trip
23) Passengers are not loaded except from the pedestrian sidewalk on the roads

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24) Assist persons with disabilities when getting into and out of the car as much as
25) Paying attention to appearance and personal hygiene, and taking into account the
preservation of public taste
26) General morals and good treatment of passengers
27) Not violating the privacy of passengers in any way
28) Visit the Authority within a period of (10) working day from the date he was
summoned by the Authority
29) Any other obligations specified by the authority
Third: The private taxi activity is excluded from the provisions of Paragraph (13) of Clause
(First) of this Article
Article (34) Provision of service and cases of not providing it
The driver or the authorized person may not refrain from providing passenger transport
service or continue to provide it during his work hours or after the start of the trip, and he
must refrain from providing it in the following cases:
1. The number of passengers exceeds the number of seats available in the car
2. Passengers smoking or eating inside the car
3. Passengers not wearing a seat belt at all times during the trip
4. Passengers have tampered with the vehicle's exterior and interior fittings and stickers
5. Failure of passengers to maintain the cleanliness of the car
6. Passengers not adhering to public morals and good handling of the driver
7. Violating the privacy of the driver or the authorized person in any way
8. The appearance of abnormal signs on any of the passengers, such as the effects of
abuse of contraband or aggressive behavior
9. Passengers identify an unknown or unsafe destination
10. The absence of an adult female component - at least one - among the passengers, or
any male escort or children sitting in the front seat, or staying in the car alone in family
Article (35) Taxi Driver Obligations:
The licensed individual for practicing the taxi activity must have to confirm to tha driver the

1) Not to combine more than one different request in the same trip, and it is permissible
to combine more than one request when transporting between cities or outside the
Kingdom, or transporting passengers through those authorized to practice the activity
of E-hailing, and the authority has the right to specify other cases
2) Show all his documents when requested by the service controller or whoever is
authorized to control and inspect
3) Wearing the uniform approved by the authority while performing work
4) The driver as well as the passengers is not allowed to smoke inside the car

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5) keep the lost things of the passengers and deliver them to their owners, or deliver
them to the nearest security center within three days
6) Abide by Road traffic rules based on the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
7) Not to load bags and non-hand luggage in the car cabin or in excess of the capacity
of the space designated for this, or to load bags without passengers
8) Ensure that the car is equipped with all safety means before making the trip
9) Passengers are not loaded except from the pedestrian sidewalk on the roads
10) Assist persons with disabilities when getting into and out of the car as much as
11) Paying attention to appearance and personal hygiene, and taking into account the
preservation of public taste
12) General morals and good treatment of passengers
13) Not violating the privacy of passengers in any way
14) Operating the taxi fare meter upon starting the trip
15) Only women and their companions of both genders and age groups are loaded in the
family taxi activity
16) Any other obligations specified by the authority

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Chapter (2)
Taxi Broker Activity

Article (36) Practicing taxi broker activity scope

The practice of taxi broker activity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia intercity is limited to public
taxis, and outside the Kingdom to public taxis, and foreign taxis on their way back to the
country of their registration
Article 37: Forms used in the taxi broker activity:
A person who is licensed to practice a taxi broker activity must register drivers, passengers
and cars data in the form approved by the Authority, and they include the following data:
1) Name of the licensed / authorized broker to practice public taxi activity
2) Passenger full name
3) The full name of the taxi broker driver
4) Passenger identification number (national ID, Iqama, or passport)
5) Driver's identification number (national ID, Iqama, or passport)
6) The starting location of the trip (province, city, country)
7) Trip departure time and date
8) Arrival location (province, city, country)
9) Expected time and date of arrival
10) Vehicle license plate number, type, color, owner and user name (if any) and his ID
11) Any other data specified by the Authority.

Article 38: The Licensed Taxi Broker Obligations:

A person licensed to practice a taxi broker activity must adhere to the following:
1. Not to transport any passenger outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia unless he has an
exit visa from the Kingdom and an entry visa to the countries he is heading to,
according to the applicable regulations
2. Classifying taxi stations so that each city or country has its own parking lot and
arranging parking according to the priority of entering the parking lot
3. The existence of a policy to determine the agency commission rate and the
mechanism for collecting it, and place it in a visible place in the center of the licensed
taxi broker
4. Installing a billboard or placing a smoke-free sign in the taxi stands
5. Enabling the service controller to view the licensed taxi broker ’s records or provide
him with information or documents related to the activity
6. Not to smoke or allow passengers to smoke in the taxi stations
7. Update the information on the means of communication and the national address of
the authority in case of changing it
8. Comply with the regulations and instructions issued by the concerned authorities in
the event that payment is used electronically

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9. Notify the Authority when the location of the head office or any of the branches
10. Notify the Authority when any amendments are entered into the legal enterprise
11. Provide the Authority with the information and data it requests according to the
following periods:
a) Urgent requests: within a maximum period of (6) six hours from the time of the
b) Other requests: within a maximum period of (24) twenty-four hours from the time
of the request
12. Review within a period of (10) working days from the date of being summoned by the
13. All correspondence, notifications, and forms used by him must be on publications
clearly bearing: the enterprise name, the type of activity, the license number, the city
in which the license is issued, the postal address and phone
14. Not to misuse passenger or driver data, or do any acts that could harm them
15. Determine a mechanism for handing over lost items to their owners
16. Linking to any electronic systems specified by the Authority
17. Linking to the stipulated regulations in the event of transport between cities or
outside the Kingdom
18. Provide a system for lost and found assets according to what is determined by the
19. Any other obligations specified by the authority

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Chapter (3)
Taxi E-hailing Activity

Article (39) Taxi E-hailing Activity Scope

1) The contract to be concluded by the electronic e-hailing broker is limited to the

following parties:
a) Licensed individuals for family taxi activity
b) E-hailing driver
c) Any other parties or purposes specified by the Authority

2) The existence of a contract between the licensed broker who is licensed to practice
the E-hailing activity and the contracted parties previously mentioned in paragraph
(1) of this Article
3) The contract must be for a period not exceeding the license validity

Article (40)The licensed broker obligations

The electronic e-hailing broker must adhere to the following requirements:
1. Adhering to all the applicable systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2. Linking to any electronic systems specified by the Authority
3. The continuity of connecting with the technical system approved by the Authority,
during the validity period of the license, and in accordance with the approved
mechanism and requirements
4. Provide the electronic system approved by the authority with the driver’s data , the
car and the trip
5. promptly suspend the provision of activity services for contracting parties of the
enterprises and their cars in the event that their licenses of practicing the activity
expired and also with cars that their operation cards expired
6. promptly suspend the provision of activity services for the taxi E-hailing driver in the
event of breaching any of the conditions stipulated in Article (25)
7. The limitation of driving the private car to its owners or actual user in case it is owned
by one of the approved financing agencies and periodic verification that he is the one
who himself initiates and ends the trip
8. Ensuring that the driver wears the uniform assigned by the Authority
9. Establishing a mechanism for monitoring contracting parties and sharing it with the
10. Approval of the service applicant (the passenger) in the event that the service provider
wants to carry more than one passenger on the trip
11. Show the trip, driver and car data for the passenger for the duration of the trip
12. Provide a data privacy policy in accordance with Saudi Arabia's regulations
13. Providing programs to maintain data security and protect it from viruses and spyware

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14. Not to misuse the data of passengers and drivers, or to do any actions that harm them,
obtaining their consent when using it for any other purposes.
15. notify the concerned authorities of any breach of passengers’ data
16. Enable the passenger to evaluate transport services
17. Enable the driver to evaluate the passenger
18. Providing the driver with the service provider's application logo, which contains a
barcode placed in a prominent place in the car during the delivery of the transport
19. provide training for drivers on handling the e-hailing system
20. Adhere to the instructions of the concerned authorities in the event of using electronic
payment systems
21. Collecting the transport fare according to the pricing policy approved by the authority
22. provide the Authority with the data and information it requests according to the
following timescale:
a) Urgent requests: within a maximum of (6) six hours from the time of the
request; and
b) Other requests: within a maximum of (24) twenty-four hours from the time of
the request.
23. Obtaining the approval of the authority before making any addition or modification to
the transport services provided
24. The service is limited within cities, and obtaining approval from the authority before
providing service between cities
25. Approving the training course on dealing with the E-hailing system and clients from
the Authority
26. Providing the necessary means of communication for complaints and inquiries, and
defining a mechanism for handing over lost items to their owners
27. Ensure that cars are not shaded before approval to be included in the service, and
during the period of service provision
28. Ensure that the cars inside and outside are clean while providing the service.
29. failure to collect the transport fare in the event that the car breaks down during the
trip; or the driver refuses to complete the trip for unjustified reasons
30. Providing an emergency icon in the E-hailing system, linked to the unified reporting
center at the Ministry of Interior, and explaining how to use it in the system, provided
that the effectiveness of using the icon continues even after the trip is terminated by
the driver
31. Enabling the passenger to share the trip with one of his relatives or friends until the
completion of the trip
32. The driver is to update his criminal record annually
33. Show the no-smoking sign in the application or place it within the service use policy

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34. Enabling the service controller to view the licensee’s records or provide him with
information or documents related to the activity
35. Update the authority’s communication information in case it is changed
36. Notify the Authority when any amendments are entered into the legal enterprise
37. Visit the Authority within a period of (10) working day from the date he was
summoned by the Authority
38. All communications and correspondences should be on publications clearly bearing:
the enterprise name, the type of activity, the license number, the licensed city, the
postal and telephone address
39. updating the Authority’s contact information in case of its change
40. Any other obligations or requirements specified by the Authority.

Article (41) Taxi E-hailing obligations

First: The licensed individual to practice the E-hailing activity must adhere to the following:
1. Show all his documents when requested by the service controller or whoever is
authorized to control and inspect
2. Not allowing anyone else to drive his car and practicing the activity using it
3. Adhere to the uniform approved by the Authority
4. The driver as well as the passengers is not allowed to smoke inside the car
5. keep the lost things of the passengers and deliver them to their owners, or deliver
them to the nearest security center within three days
6. Road traffic rules based on the Traffic Law and its executive regulations
7. Not to load bags and non-hand luggage in the car cabin or in excess of the capacity
of the space designated for this, or to load bags without passengers
8. Ensure that the car is equipped with all safety means before making the trip
9. Passengers are not loaded except from the pedestrian sidewalk on the roads
10. Assist persons with disabilities when getting into and out of the car as much as
11. Paying attention to appearance and personal hygiene, and taking into account the
preservation of public taste
12. General morals and good treatment of passengers
13. Not violating the privacy of passengers in any way
14. Updating the criminal record annually and submit it to the enterprise contracted
15. Any other obligations specified by the authority

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Part (VI): Violations and Penalties

Article (42) Penalties Application
The Authority and those who are legally in charge must undertake the responsibility for
following up on the Licensed individual’s performance, verifying its commitment to the
provisions of the road public transport law and this Regulation, and applying and controlling
penalties for any violation of the provisions of the Law and the Regulation in accordance with
the violations and penalties schedules No. (1, 2 , 3,4) attached to this Regulation.

Article (43) Duration of objection to violations

Every stakeholder has the right, within (14) fourteen days from the date the violation was
recorded, to object to the "Committee for Review of Objections to Land Transport Violations",
and in all cases it is permissible to appeal against the committee's decision before the
Administrative Court within (30) thirty days from the decision date.

Article (44) Notice and demand for payment of violations

The Authority informs the violator after (60) sixty days from the date of notification of the
violation that payment is required. The Authority and those competent entities must have
the right to take the necessary measures before the competent court to seize the violator’s
funds within the limits of the violation value in accordance with the State Revenue Law and
its implementing regulations.

Article (45)
The service controller must adhere to the following:
1. show his identification card issued by the Authority before carrying out the tasks
assigned to him
2. prepare the control record in the event of a violation of any of the provisions of this
Regulation, so that the control record includes the name and data of the violator, the
place and date of the violation, a description of the controlled violations, and the
amount of the fine determined for each violation
3. notifying the violator of the violation committed to the provisions of this Regulation
4. If the notice is on paper, the service controller must deliver a notice of the violation
committed to the violator and take his signature, and if he refuses to sign the notice,
it should be proved.

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Part (VII): Final Provision

Article (46) Follow-up power

The Authority is responsible for following up the licensed / authorized individual and ensuring
that his adherence to the provisions of this regulation.

Article (47) Commitment to regulations

The application of the provisions of these regulations must not prejudice the obligations
imposed on the Licensed individual in accordance with other laws and regulations in force in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article(48) Foreign taxi

It is not permissible for the owner or driver of a foreign taxi to transport passengers for a fee
within or between cities of Saudi Arabia or to any other country other than the country of
registration of the car

Article (49) Performance measurement points

1) The President must approve a criteria for calculating the Licensed individual’s
performance measurement points: to measure the level of services provided in the
activity, the extent of compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, the Traffic
Law and its implementing regulations
2) The President may, by a decision issued by him, not renew the license when the
Licensed individual exceeds the maximum limit of the points calculated in the
performance measurement.

Article (50) Obligations Fulfillment

The Licensed individual must fulfill all its obligations towards others. The Authority is not
considered a public or private successor thereof in this regard, whether during the period of
license validity or after its cancellation, suspension or expiration

Article (51) Publicity and Announcement

Taking into account the rules regulating advertising boards in force in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, the Licensed individual is allowed to advertise inside the bus, provided that the
advertising material or electronic screen is in a place that does not distract the driver’s
attention and does not affect the safety and comfort of the passengers.

Article (52) Adhere to the instructions

The Licensed individual must abide by the instructions issued by the Authority or other
relevant bodies, such as the Saudization requirements, women working environment and
other municipal, traffic, security requirements.

Article(53) Compensation for damages

The Licensed individual is obligated to pay material and moral compensation for the damages
resulting from any violations by it or its affiliates that affect others if such violation is caused
by an error that occurred during or because of the activity.

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Article (54) Licenses and cars number

The council may issue a decision approving the necessary number of licenses / permits or cars
to operate in every city, governorate, or center for practicing the activity.

Article (55): Regulation Entry into Force

1. This regulation replaces the provisions of the activity of transporting passengers in
small taxis intercity or to other countries mentioned in the executive regulations of
the public transport law on roads issued by the Minister of Transport Resolution No.
(3) dated 5/1 /1412AH, and the regulations governing the practice of public taxi
activity issued By decree of the Minister of Transport No. (1/144) dates 12/12/1435AH
as amended by Decision No. (01/93) dated 14 / 05/1436 AH, and the regulations
governing the practice of the private taxi activity issued by the Minister of Transport
Resolution No. (01 / 4772) dated 5 / 7 / 1433 AH and the regulation governing the
family taxi activity issued by the authority’s board of directors decision No. (43/ 9 /39)
dated 15/9/1439AH and the conditions and procedures for providing the taxi E-hailing
service issued by the the President of the Authority decision, moreover it cancels all
of the previous instructions that contradict it.
2. This Regulation must be published in the Official Gazette, it must come into force after
ninety days from the date of its publication.

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Table No. (1)

Violations and penalties for Taxi Activity
Ser. Violation description Violation value
1) Practicing the activity without a license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
2) Practicing the activity with a canceled license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
3) Practicing the activity during the period of license suspension (SR 4000)
Four thousand riyals
4) Practicing the activity with an expired license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
5) Failure to have a main office for practicing the activity in the licensed city (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
6) Reducing the approved minimum number of cars for the activity (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
7) Reducing the number of taxis equipped for people with disabilities below (SR 5000)
the specified percentage Five thousand riyals
8) Failure to connect to the electronic system/s specified by the Authority (SR 5000)
five thousand riyals
9) Failure to cancel the activity from the commercial register after (SR 5000)
cancellation of the license Five thousand riyals
10)Engaging a driver without obtaining a driver card (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
11)Engaging a driver with an expired driver's card (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
12)The driver is not holding the driver card (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
13)Operating a car without obtaining an operation card (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
14)Operating a car with an expired operation card (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
15)Delay in renewing the operation card (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
16)Not subjecting the car to a technical examination when requested by (SR 2000)
the Authority Two thousand riyals

17)Driving in the streets and public roads in contravention of the (SR 1000)
provisions of this regulation One thousand riyals

18)Carrying out taxi activities outside the scope specified for it in the (SR 3000)
regulations Three thousand riyals

19)Failure to provide special technical means, and to specify a number to (SR 2000)
report lost items and receive passengers’ complaints Two thousand riyals

20)Failure to equip the car with any of the technical equipment approved (SR 5000)
by qualified technical equipment providers Five thousand riyals

[Date] 36

21)Failure to equip the car with any of the technical equipment approved (SR 1000)
by qualified technical equipment providers One thousand riyals

22)Make any changes in the car after equipping it technically by qualified (SR 5000)
technical equipment providers Five thousand riyals

23)Failure to notify the Authority when the location of the main office is (SR 1000)
changed. One thousand riyals
24)Failure to notify the Authority when any amendment is made to the legal (SR 5000)
status of the enterprise. Five thousand riyals
25)Failure to provide the Authority with any urgent data and information as(SR 5000)
per the specified period Five thousand riyals
26)Failure to provide the Authority with any other data and information as (SR 3000)
per the specified period Three thousand riyals
27)Failure to appear before the Authority within a period of(10) ten working
(SR 3000)
days from the date of the summon Three thousand riyals
28)Use of publications that do not clearly show the required data (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
29)Failure to train the driver on how to use the technical means necessary (SR 2000)
to receive the request and provide the service Two thousand riyals
30)Not to comply with the approved transport fare policy (SR 3000)
Two thousand riyals
31)Not updating the authority with the means of communication and the (SR 1000)
national address One thousand riyals
32)Failure to enable the Authority’s service controller to review the (SR 2000)
records or provide him with information or documents related to the Two thousand riyals

33) Failure to comply with the approved transport fee policy (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
34) Not updating the information on the means of communication and the (SR 2000)
national address of the authority Two thousand riyals

35)Failure to provide safety requirements according to the type of vehicle (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
36)Failure to take care of the technical condition of the car and its (SR 2000)
maintenance Two thousand riyals

37)Failure to maintain the cleanliness of the interior and exterior of the car (SR 500)
for the duration moving Five hundred riyals

38) Failure to provide the approved driver's uniform (SR 500)

Five hundred riyals
39)Failure to comply with the necessary phrases, plates, or signs placed (SR 1000)
inside the car in accordance with the regulations One thousand riyals

[Date] 37

40)The driver refused to provide the transport service or to continue (SR 1000)
providing it during working hours or after the trip started One thousand riyals

41) The driver does not refrain from providing transport service in the (SR 1000)
cases specified in the regulation One thousand riyals

42)The taxi driver refuses to show his documents when requested by the ((SR 1000)
service controller One thousand riyals

43)Failure of the driver to adhere to the approved uniform while (SR 500)
performing the work Five hundred riyals

44) Combining more than one different request in a single trip in the (SR 500)
licensed city Five hundred riyals

45) The driver is smoking or allowing passengers to smoke inside the car (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
46)Allowing passengers to load hand luggage and personal belongings (SR 500)
inside the car which exceed the designated space, or transporting Five hundred riyals
luggage without the passengers

47) Failure to ensure that the car is equipped with all safety means before (SR 500)
starting the trip Five hundred riyals

48)Loading of passengers from other than the pedestrian sidewalk on the (SR 1000)
roads One thousand riyals

49)The driver fails to assist persons with disabilities when getting into or (SR 500)
out of the car Five hundred riyals

50)The driver’s lack of concern for appearance and personal hygiene (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
51) Violating the privacy of passengers in any way (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
52)Failure of the driver to adhere to public morals and good treatment of (SR 3000)
passengers Three thousand riyals

53)Failure to operate the fare calculator when the trip started (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
54)The use of a car in the activity for a period exceeding the operational (SR 1000)
life One thousand riyals

55)Transporting a male passenger without a female escort in the family (SR 2000)
taxi activity Two thousand riyals

56)Not specifying a mechanism for handing lost items to their owners (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals

[Date] 38

57)Violation of any provision of this Regulation not stipulated in the table (SR 1000)
of violations and penalties One thousand riyals

[Date] 39

Table No. (2)

Violations and penalties for Taxi Broker Activity
Ser. Violation description Violation value
1) Practicing the activity without a license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
2) Practicing the activity without a sub-license (SR 4000)
Four thousand riyals
3) Practicing the activity with an expired license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
4) Practicing the activity with a canceled license (SR 4000)
Four thousand riyals
5) Practicing the activity during the period of license suspension (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
6) Failure to have a main office for practicing the activity in the licensed (SR 5000)
city Five thousand riyals
7) Failure to connect to the electronic system/s specified by the (SR 5000)
Authority Five thousand riyals
8) Failure to cancel the activity from the commercial register after (SR 3000)
cancellation of the licence Three thousand riyals
9) Not registering the data of the drivers, passengers or cars in the form (SR 4000)
as per the required data Four thousand riyals
10) Absence of any of the required data in the form (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
11) Transporting passengers outside the Kingdom without ensuring that (SR 1000)
there is an exit visa from the Kingdom and an entry visa to the One thousand riyals
countries heading to

12) The lack of a policy to determine the agency commission rate and (SR 2000)
the mechanism for collecting it Two thousand riyals

13) Not placing the policy of determining the agency of commission rate (SR 500)
and the mechanism for collecting it in a visible place in the licensed Five hundred riyals
broker center

14) Not to install a sign or place a smoke-free sign in car parks (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
15) Not enabling the service controller to view the records, information, (SR 2000)
or documents related to the activity Two thousand riyals

16) Smoking or allowing passengers to smoke in taxi stations (SR 1000)

One thousand riyals
17) Not updating the information on the means of communication and (SR 1000)
the national address of the authority One thousand riyals

18) Failure to notify the Authority when the location of the head office (SR 1000)
or any of the branches is changed One thousand riyals

[Date] 40

19) Failure to notify the Authority upon introducing any modifications to (SR 5000)
the legal enterprise Five thousand riyals

20) Failure to provide the Authority with urgent information and data (SR 5000)
within the specified period Five thousand riyals

21) Failure to provide the Authority with other information and data (SR 3000)
according to the specified period Three thousand riyals

22) Failure to follow up with the Authority within a period of(10) ten (SR 3000)
working days from the date of the summon Three thousand riyals
23) Use of publications that do not clearly show the required data (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
24) Misuse of passenger or driver data, or any actions that harm them (SR 2000)
Two thousand riyals
25) Not specifying a mechanism for handing lost items to their owners (SR 2000)
Two thousand riyals
26) Non-compliance with any of the other obligations specified by the (SR 500)
Authority Five hundred riyals

27) Violation of any provision of this Regulation not stipulated in the table (SR 1000)
of violations and penalties One thousand riyals

[Date] 41

Table No. (3)

Violations and penalties for Taxi e-hailing activity
Ser. Violation description Violation value
1) Engaging in activity without obtaining a license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
2) Practicing the activity with a canceled license (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
3) Practicing the activity during the period of suspension of the (SR 4000)
license Four thousand riyals

4) Practicing the activity with an expired license (SR 5000)

Five thousand riyals
5) Failure to provide a routing system to book and distribute (SR 5000)
requests for taxi E-hailing services Five thousand riyals

6) Failure to specify the transport services provided and the pricing (SR 5000)
mechanism for each service Five thousand riyals

7) Failure to connect the electronic systems specified by the (SR 5000)

Authority or any of them Five thousand riyals

8) Failure to cancel or write-off the activity from the commercial (SR 5000)
register after cancellation of the licence Five thousand riyals

9) Engaging a driver in the activity without being authorized by the (SR 4000)
authority Four thousand riyals

10)Contracting with non-parties specified in the regulations (SR 2000)

Two thousand riyals
11)The absence of a contract concluded between the licensee and (SR 1000)
one of the parties specified in the regulations One thousand riyals

12)The non-continuity of the E-hailing system with the technical (SR 5000)
system in the authority Five thousand riyals

13)Failure to provide the approved technical system with the (SR 5000)
required data Five thousand riyals

14)Failure to suspend providing service to enterprises whose (SR 3000)

licenses have expired Three thousand riyals

15)Failure to suspend providing service for cars with expired cards (SR 2000)
Two thousand riyals
16)Failure to suspend the service from the E-hailing driver in the (SR 2000)
event of a breach of any of its conditions Two thousand riyals

[Date] 42

17)Not confirming that the driver adheres to the uniform approved (SR 2000)
by the authority Two thousand riyals

18)Not setting up a mechanism for monitoring contracting parties (SR 2000)

and their participation with the authority Two thousand riyals

19)Not showing the trip data, the driver and the car to the (SR 3000)
passenger for the duration of the trip Three thousand riyals

20)Misuse of passengers and drivers' data, or any acts that harm (SR 2000)
them Two thousand riyals

21)Using passenger and driver data for other purposes without (SR 2000)
obtaining their consent Two thousand riyals

22)Not enabling the passenger to evaluate transport services (SR 3000)

Three thousand riyals
23)Not enabling the driver to evaluate the passenger (SR 2000)
Two thousand riyals
24)Not providing the driver with the service provider's application (SR 2000)
logo. It contains a barcode that is placed in a prominent place in Two thousand riyals
the car while providing transport service

25)Not training drivers to handle the E-hailing system (SR 2000)

Two thousand riyals
26)Failure to collect the transport fare according to the pricing (SR 3000)
policy approved by the authority Three thousand riyals

27)Failure to provide the authority with urgent information and data (SR 5000)
according to the specified period Five thousand riyals

28)Failure to provide the Authority with other information and data (SR 3000)
according to the specified period Three thousand riyals

29)Failure to obtain the authority’s approval before making any (SR 2000)
addition or modification to the transport services provided Two thousand riyals

30)Providing agency service to transport passengers between cities (SR 3000)

without obtaining the authority's approval Three thousand riyals

31)The authority does not approve the training course on dealing (SR 2000)
with the E-hailing system and clients Two thousand riyals

32)Not specifying a mechanism for delivering lost items to their (SR 2000)
owners Two thousand riyals

[Date] 43

33)Not specifying a contact number to report lost items or (SR 1000)

complaints One thousand riyals

34)Collecting the transport fee in the event that the car breaks down (SR 1000)
during the trip, or the driver refuses to complete the trip for One thousand riyals
unjustified reasons

35)Failure to provide an emergency icon in the E-hailing system that (SR 2000)
is related to the Unified Communications Center at the Ministry Two thousand riyals
of Interior

36)Failure to clarify how to use the emergency icon in the system (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
37)The driver's ineffective use of the icon even after the ride has (SR 2000)
ended Two thousand riyals

38)Not allowing the passenger to share the trip with one of his (SR 1000)
relatives or friends until the completion of the trip One thousand riyals

39)The driver is not obligated to update the criminal record annually (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
40)Failure to periodically verify that the authorized driver is the (SR 5000)
person initiating and terminating the trip Five thousand riyals

41)Not enabling the service controller to view the records, (SR 2000)
information, or documents related to the activity Two thousand riyals

42)Not updating the authority’s communication information (SR 1000)

One thousand riyals
43)Failure to notify the Authority upon introducing any modifications (SR 5000)
to the legal enterprise enterprise Five thousand riyals

44)Failure to review within (10) working days from the date of the (SR 1000)
call One thousand riyals

45)Use of publications that do not clearly carry the required data (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
46)Failure to show all the driver’s documents when requested by the (SR 2000)
service controller Two thousand riyals

47)Smoking the driver or allowing passengers to smoke inside the (SR 500)
vehicle Five hundred riyals

48)Loading bags and non-hand luggage in the vehicle cabin (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
49)The loading of passengers from other than the pedestrian (SR 2000)
sidewalk on the roads Two thousand riyals

[Date] 44

50)Failure of the driver to assist persons with disabilities when (SR 500)
getting into or out of the car Five hundred riyals

51)The driver’s lack of concern for appearance and personal hygiene

(SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
52)Violating the privacy of passengers in any way (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
53)Failure of the driver to adhere to public morals and good (SR 500)
treatment of passengers Five hundred riyals

54)Not showing the smoke-free sign in the application or to place it (SR 500)
within the service usage policy Five hundred riyals

55)The E-hailing driver worked with an unlicensed facility in the (SR 500)
steering activity Five hundred riyals

56)Non-compliance with any of the other obligations specified by the (SR 500)
Authority Five hundred riyals

57)Violation of any of the provisions of this regulation , which were (SR 500)
not stipulated in the table of violations and penalties Five hundred riyals

[Date] 45

Table No. (4)

Violations and penalties for public taxi and airport taxi activity - Individual

Ser. Violation description Violation value

1) Practicing the activity without obtaining a license / permit (SR 5000)
Operation card Five thousand riyals

2) Practicing the activity with an expired license / permit operation (SR 3000)
card Three thousand riyals

3) Practicing the activity with a canceled license / permit operation (SR 5000)
card Five thousand riyals

4) Delay in renewing the operation card (SR 1000)

One thousand riyals
5) Failure to obtain a driver card (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
6) Working with an expired driver card (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
7) Not carrying the driver's card (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
8) Not subjecting the car to a technical examination when the (SR 2000)
authority requests that Two thousand riyals

9) Roaming the streets and public roads in contravention of the (SR 1000)
provisions of this regulation One thousand riyals

10)Engaging in the activity outside the scope specified in the (SR 3000)
regulations Three thousand riyals

11)Driving the car is not restricted to the authorized person (SR 5000)
Five thousand riyals
12)Using the car for a period exceeding the approved operational (SR 5000)
life Five thousand riyals

[Date] 46

13)Failure to modify the type of vehicle registration after canceling (SR 1000)
the operating card or end of operation life One thousand riyals

14)Not connecting to the electronic systems specified by the (SR 5000)

Authority or any of them Five thousand riyals

15)Failure to equip the car with all technical equipment approved (SR 5000)
by qualified technical equipment suppliers Five thousand riyals

16)The vehicle is not equipped with any of the technical equipment (SR 1000)
approved by a qualified technical equipment supplier One thousand riyals

17)Any change to the vehicle after it has been technically fitted out (SR 5000)
by a qualified technical equipment service provider Five thousand riyals

18)Failure to operate the fare calculator meter at the start of the (SR 3000)
trip Three thousand riyals

19)Failure to comply with the approved transport fee policy (SR 3000)
Three thousand riyals
20)Not supplying or updating the data of the means of (SR 1000)
communication and the national address of the authority One thousand riyals

21)Failure to take care of the technical condition of the car and its (SR 2000)
maintenance Two thousand riyals

22)Non-compliance with the approved uniform while performing (SR 500)

work Five hundred riyals

23)Failure to comply with the necessary phrases, plates, or signs (SR 1000)
placed inside the car in accordance with the regulations One thousand riyals

24)Combining more than one different application in a single trip

within the city subject to the permit (SR 500)
Five hundred riyals
25)Failure to show the authorized documents when requested (SR 1000)
One thousand riyals
26)Smoking or allowing passengers to do so inside the car (SR 500)
One hundred riyals
27)Not to save the lost items and hand them over to their owners (SR 2000)
or the security center Two thousand riyals

28)Loading bags and non-hand luggage in the vehicle cabin or in (SR 500)
excess of the designated space capacity or loading bags without Five hundred riyals

[Date] 47

29)Failure to ensure that the car is equipped with all safety means (SR 500)
before making the trip Five hundred riyals

30)The loading of passengers from other than the pedestrian (SR 1000)
sidewalk on the roads One thousand riyals

31)Failure of the driver to assist persons with disabilities when (SR 500)
getting into or out of the car Five hundred riyals

32)Lack of concern for appearance and personal hygiene (SR 500)

Five hundred riyals
33)Failure to adhere to public morals and good treatment of (SR 500)
passengers Five hundred riyals

34)Violating the privacy of passengers in any way (SR 500)

Five hundred riyals
35)Failure to review within a period of (10) business days from the (SR 3000)
date of the call-up by the authority Three thousand riyals

36)Refrain from providing transport service or continuing to provide (SR 1000)

it during working hours or after the start of the trip One thousand riyals

37)Not refrain from providing transport service in the cases specified (SR 1000)
in the regulation One thousand riyals

38)The practice of a foreign taxi for the activity of transporting (SR 5000)
passengers for a fee within or between cities in the Kingdom or Five thousand riyals
to a country other than the country of its registration.

39)Non-compliance with any of the other obligations specified by (SR 500)

the Authority Five hundred riyals

40)Failure to maintain the cleanliness of the interior and exterior of (SR 500)
the car for the duration of its operation Five hundred riyals

41)Violation of any of the provisions of this regulation , which were (SR 1000)
not stipulated in the table of violations and penalties One thousand riyals

[Date] 48

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