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Republic of the Philippines

(Barangay ,City, Municipality, Province)

Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts

For the Year Ended December 31, 20____

Original Budget Final Budget

Real Property Tax
Business Tax
Share on the tax from sand, gravel and other quarry products
Fees and charges on commercial breeding of fighting cocks, cockfights and cockpits
Fees charges on places of recreation which charge admission fees
Fees and Charges on billboards, signboards, neon signs and outdoor advertisements
Share from Internal Revenue Collections
Other Taxes
Tax Revenue- Fines & Penalties
Share from National Wealth
Clearance and Certifications Fees
Other Services Revenue
Grants and Donations in Cash
Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment
Current Year Appropriations
Personal Services
Maintenance & other Oeprating Expenses
Capital Outlay
20% Development Fund
10% Sangguniang Kabataan Fund
5% LDRRMF Fund
Continuing Appropriations
Capital Outlay

The presentation adopted reflects the presentation adopted for budgeting purposes.
al Amounts

Difference Original and Difference Final Budget

Actual Amount
Final Budget and Actual Amounts

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